/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @format * @flow strict */ 'use strict'; const BatchedBridge = require('./BatchedBridge'); const invariant = require('invariant'); import type {ExtendedError} from '../Core/ExtendedError'; export type ModuleConfig = [ string /* name */, ?{...} /* constants */, ?$ReadOnlyArray /* functions */, ?$ReadOnlyArray /* promise method IDs */, ?$ReadOnlyArray /* sync method IDs */, ]; export type MethodType = 'async' | 'promise' | 'sync'; function genModule( config: ?ModuleConfig, moduleID: number, ): ?{ name: string, module?: {...}, ... } { if (!config) { return null; } const [moduleName, constants, methods, promiseMethods, syncMethods] = config; invariant( !moduleName.startsWith('RCT') && !moduleName.startsWith('RK'), "Module name prefixes should've been stripped by the native side " + "but wasn't for " + moduleName, ); if (!constants && !methods) { // Module contents will be filled in lazily later return {name: moduleName}; } const module = {}; methods && methods.forEach((methodName, methodID) => { const isPromise = (promiseMethods && arrayContains(promiseMethods, methodID)) || false; const isSync = (syncMethods && arrayContains(syncMethods, methodID)) || false; invariant( !isPromise || !isSync, 'Cannot have a method that is both async and a sync hook', ); const methodType = isPromise ? 'promise' : isSync ? 'sync' : 'async'; module[methodName] = genMethod(moduleID, methodID, methodType); }); Object.assign(module, constants); if (module.getConstants == null) { module.getConstants = () => constants || Object.freeze({}); } else { console.warn( `Unable to define method 'getConstants()' on NativeModule '${moduleName}'. NativeModule '${moduleName}' already has a constant or method called 'getConstants'. Please remove it.`, ); } if (__DEV__) { BatchedBridge.createDebugLookup(moduleID, moduleName, methods); } return {name: moduleName, module}; } // export this method as a global so we can call it from native global.__fbGenNativeModule = genModule; function loadModule(name: string, moduleID: number): ?{...} { invariant( global.nativeRequireModuleConfig, "Can't lazily create module without nativeRequireModuleConfig", ); const config = global.nativeRequireModuleConfig(name); const info = genModule(config, moduleID); return info && info.module; } function genMethod(moduleID: number, methodID: number, type: MethodType) { let fn = null; if (type === 'promise') { fn = function promiseMethodWrapper(...args: Array) { // In case we reject, capture a useful stack trace here. const enqueueingFrameError: ExtendedError = new Error(); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { BatchedBridge.enqueueNativeCall( moduleID, methodID, args, data => resolve(data), errorData => reject( updateErrorWithErrorData( (errorData: $FlowFixMe), enqueueingFrameError, ), ), ); }); }; } else { fn = function nonPromiseMethodWrapper(...args: Array) { const lastArg = args.length > 0 ? args[args.length - 1] : null; const secondLastArg = args.length > 1 ? args[args.length - 2] : null; const hasSuccessCallback = typeof lastArg === 'function'; const hasErrorCallback = typeof secondLastArg === 'function'; hasErrorCallback && invariant( hasSuccessCallback, 'Cannot have a non-function arg after a function arg.', ); // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-type] const onSuccess: ?(mixed) => void = hasSuccessCallback ? lastArg : null; // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-type] const onFail: ?(mixed) => void = hasErrorCallback ? secondLastArg : null; const callbackCount = hasSuccessCallback + hasErrorCallback; const newArgs = args.slice(0, args.length - callbackCount); if (type === 'sync') { return BatchedBridge.callNativeSyncHook( moduleID, methodID, newArgs, onFail, onSuccess, ); } else { BatchedBridge.enqueueNativeCall( moduleID, methodID, newArgs, onFail, onSuccess, ); } }; } fn.type = type; return fn; } function arrayContains(array: $ReadOnlyArray, value: T): boolean { return array.indexOf(value) !== -1; } function updateErrorWithErrorData( errorData: {message: string, ...}, error: ExtendedError, ): ExtendedError { return Object.assign(error, errorData || {}); } let NativeModules: {[moduleName: string]: $FlowFixMe, ...} = {}; if (global.nativeModuleProxy) { NativeModules = global.nativeModuleProxy; } else if (!global.nativeExtensions) { const bridgeConfig = global.__fbBatchedBridgeConfig; invariant( bridgeConfig, '__fbBatchedBridgeConfig is not set, cannot invoke native modules', ); const defineLazyObjectProperty = require('../Utilities/defineLazyObjectProperty'); (bridgeConfig.remoteModuleConfig || []).forEach( (config: ModuleConfig, moduleID: number) => { // Initially this config will only contain the module name when running in JSC. The actual // configuration of the module will be lazily loaded. const info = genModule(config, moduleID); if (!info) { return; } if (info.module) { NativeModules[info.name] = info.module; } // If there's no module config, define a lazy getter else { defineLazyObjectProperty(NativeModules, info.name, { get: () => loadModule(info.name, moduleID), }); } }, ); } module.exports = NativeModules;