/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, RCTPLTag) { RCTPLScriptDownload = 0, RCTPLScriptExecution, RCTPLRAMBundleLoad, RCTPLRAMStartupCodeSize, RCTPLRAMStartupNativeRequires, RCTPLRAMStartupNativeRequiresCount, RCTPLRAMNativeRequires, RCTPLRAMNativeRequiresCount, RCTPLNativeModuleInit, RCTPLNativeModuleMainThread, RCTPLNativeModulePrepareConfig, RCTPLNativeModuleMainThreadUsesCount, RCTPLNativeModuleSetup, RCTPLTurboModuleSetup, RCTPLJSCWrapperOpenLibrary, RCTPLBridgeStartup, RCTPLTTI, RCTPLBundleSize, RCTPLReactInstanceInit, RCTPLSize // This is used to count the size };