#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. set -ex # set default environment variables ROOT=$(pwd) SCRIPTS=$(pwd)/scripts RUN_ANDROID=0 RUN_CLI_INSTALL=1 RUN_IOS=0 RUN_JS=0 RETRY_COUNT=${RETRY_COUNT:-2} AVD_UUID=$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 8 | head -n 1) ANDROID_NPM_DEPS="appium@1.5.1 mocha@2.4.5 wd@0.3.11 colors@1.0.3 pretty-data2@0.40.1" CLI_PACKAGE="$ROOT/react-native-cli/react-native-cli-*.tgz" PACKAGE="$ROOT/react-native-*.tgz" # solve issue with max user watches limit echo 65536 | tee -a /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches watchman shutdown-server # retries command on failure # $1 -- max attempts # $2 -- command to run function retry() { local -r -i max_attempts="$1"; shift local -r cmd="$*" local -i attempt_num=1 until $cmd; do if (( attempt_num == max_attempts )); then echo "Execution of '$cmd' failed; no more attempts left" return 1 else (( attempt_num++ )) echo "Execution of '$cmd' failed; retrying for attempt number $attempt_num..." fi done } # parse command line args & flags while :; do case "$1" in --android) RUN_ANDROID=1 shift ;; --ios) RUN_IOS=1 shift ;; --js) RUN_JS=1 shift ;; --skip-cli-install) RUN_CLI_INSTALL=0 shift ;; --tvos) RUN_IOS=1 shift ;; *) break esac done function e2e_suite() { cd "$ROOT" if [ $RUN_ANDROID -eq 0 ] && [ $RUN_IOS -eq 0 ] && [ $RUN_JS -eq 0 ]; then echo "No e2e tests specified!" return 0 fi # create temp dir TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d /tmp/react-native-XXXXXXXX) # To make sure we actually installed the local version # of react-native, we will create a temp file inside the template # and check that it exists after `react-native init IOS_MARKER="$(mktemp "$ROOT"/template/ios/HelloWorld/XXXXXXXX)" ANDROID_MARKER="$(mktemp "$ROOT"/template/android/XXXXXXXX)" # install CLI cd react-native-cli npm pack cd .. # can skip cli install for non sudo mode if [ $RUN_CLI_INSTALL -ne 0 ]; then if ! npm install -g "$CLI_PACKAGE" then echo "Could not install react-native-cli globally, please run in su mode" echo "Or with --skip-cli-install to skip this step" return 1 fi fi if [ $RUN_ANDROID -ne 0 ]; then set +ex # create virtual device if ! android list avd | grep "$AVD_UUID" > /dev/null; then echo no | android create avd -n "$AVD_UUID" -f -t android-19 --abi default/armeabi-v7a fi # newline at end of adb devices call and first line is headers DEVICE_COUNT=$(adb devices | wc -l) ((DEVICE_COUNT -= 2)) # will always kill an existing emulator if one exists for fresh setup if [[ $DEVICE_COUNT -ge 1 ]]; then adb emu kill fi # emulator setup emulator64-arm -avd "$AVD_UUID" -no-skin -no-audio -no-window -no-boot-anim & bootanim="" # shellcheck disable=SC2076 until [[ "$bootanim" =~ "stopped" ]]; do sleep 5 bootanim=$(adb -e shell getprop init.svc.bootanim 2>&1) echo "boot animation status=$bootanim" done set -ex if ! ./gradlew :ReactAndroid:installArchives -Pjobs=1 -Dorg.gradle.jvmargs="-Xmx512m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError" then echo "Failed to compile Android binaries" return 1 fi fi if ! npm pack then echo "Failed to pack react-native" return 1 fi cd "$TEMP_DIR" if ! retry "$RETRY_COUNT" react-native init EndToEndTest --version "$PACKAGE" --npm then echo "Failed to execute react-native init" echo "Most common reason is npm registry connectivity, try again" return 1 fi cd EndToEndTest # android tests if [ $RUN_ANDROID -ne 0 ]; then echo "Running an Android e2e test" echo "Installing e2e framework" if ! retry "$RETRY_COUNT" npm install --save-dev "$ANDROID_NPM_DEPS" --silent >> /dev/null then echo "Failed to install appium" echo "Most common reason is npm registry connectivity, try again" return 1 fi cp "$SCRIPTS/android-e2e-test.js" android-e2e-test.js ( cd android || exit echo "Downloading Maven deps" ./gradlew :app:copyDownloadableDepsToLibs ) keytool -genkey -v -keystore android/keystores/debug.keystore -storepass android -alias androiddebugkey -keypass android -dname "CN=Android Debug,O=Android,C=US" node ./node_modules/.bin/appium >> /dev/null & APPIUM_PID=$! echo "Starting appium server $APPIUM_PID" echo "Building app" buck build android/app # hack to get node unhung (kill buckd) if ! kill -9 "$(pgrep java)" then echo "could not execute Buck build, is it installed and in PATH?" return 1 fi echo "Starting packager server" npm start >> /dev/null & SERVER_PID=$! sleep 15 echo "Executing android e2e test" if ! retry "$RETRY_COUNT" node node_modules/.bin/_mocha android-e2e-test.js then echo "Failed to run Android e2e tests" echo "Most likely the code is broken" return 1 fi # kill packager process if kill -0 "$SERVER_PID"; then echo "Killing packager $SERVER_PID" kill -9 "$SERVER_PID" fi # kill appium process if kill -0 "$APPIUM_PID"; then echo "Killing appium $APPIUM_PID" kill -9 "$APPIUM_PID" fi fi # ios tests if [ $RUN_IOS -ne 0 ]; then echo "Running ios e2e tests not yet implemented for docker!" fi # js tests if [ $RUN_JS -ne 0 ]; then # Check the packager produces a bundle (doesn't throw an error) if ! react-native bundle --max-workers 1 --platform android --dev true --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android-bundle.js then echo "Could not build android bundle" return 1 fi if ! react-native bundle --max-workers 1 --platform ios --dev true --entry-file index.js --bundle-output ios-bundle.js then echo "Could not build iOS bundle" return 1 fi # directory cleanup rm "$IOS_MARKER" rm "$ANDROID_MARKER" return 0 } retry "$RETRY_COUNT" e2e_suite