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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
* @format
* @flow strict-local
'use strict';
import type {ExtendedError} from './Devtools/parseErrorStack';
import * as LogBoxData from '../LogBox/Data/LogBoxData';
import type {ExceptionData} from './NativeExceptionsManager';
class SyntheticError extends Error {
name: string = '';
type ExceptionDecorator = ExceptionData => ExceptionData;
let userExceptionDecorator: ?ExceptionDecorator;
let inUserExceptionDecorator = false;
* Allows the app to add information to the exception report before it is sent
* to native. This API is not final.
function unstable_setExceptionDecorator(
exceptionDecorator: ?ExceptionDecorator,
) {
userExceptionDecorator = exceptionDecorator;
function preprocessException(data: ExceptionData): ExceptionData {
if (userExceptionDecorator && !inUserExceptionDecorator) {
inUserExceptionDecorator = true;
try {
return userExceptionDecorator(data);
} catch {
// Fall through
} finally {
inUserExceptionDecorator = false;
return data;
* Handles the developer-visible aspect of errors and exceptions
let exceptionID = 0;
function reportException(
e: ExtendedError,
isFatal: boolean,
reportToConsole: boolean, // only true when coming from handleException; the error has not yet been logged
) {
const NativeExceptionsManager = require('./NativeExceptionsManager').default;
if (NativeExceptionsManager) {
const parseErrorStack = require('./Devtools/parseErrorStack');
const stack = parseErrorStack(e);
const currentExceptionID = ++exceptionID;
const originalMessage = e.message || '';
let message = originalMessage;
if (e.componentStack != null) {
message += `\n\nThis error is located at:${e.componentStack}`;
const namePrefix = == null || === '' ? '' : `${}: `;
if (!message.startsWith(namePrefix)) {
message = namePrefix + message;
message =
e.jsEngine == null ? message : `${message}, js engine: ${e.jsEngine}`;
const isHandledByLogBox = e.forceRedbox !== true;
const data = preprocessException({
originalMessage: message === originalMessage ? null : originalMessage,
name: == null || === '' ? null :,
typeof e.componentStack === 'string' ? e.componentStack : null,
id: currentExceptionID,
extraData: {
jsEngine: e.jsEngine,
rawStack: e.stack,
// Hack to hide native redboxes when in the LogBox experiment.
// This is intentionally untyped and stuffed here, because it is temporary.
suppressRedBox: isHandledByLogBox,
if (reportToConsole) {
// we feed back into console.error, to make sure any methods that are
// monkey patched on top of console.error are called when coming from
// handleException
if (isHandledByLogBox) {
isComponentError: !!e.isComponentError,
if (__DEV__) {
if (e.preventSymbolication === true) {
const symbolicateStackTrace = require('./Devtools/symbolicateStackTrace');
.then(({stack: prettyStack}) => {
if (prettyStack) {
} else {
throw new Error('The stack is null');
.catch(error => {
console.log('Unable to symbolicate stack trace: ' + error.message);
} else if (reportToConsole) {
// we feed back into console.error, to make sure any methods that are
// monkey patched on top of console.error are called when coming from
// handleException
declare var console: typeof console & {
_errorOriginal: typeof console.error,
reportErrorsAsExceptions: boolean,
// If we trigger console.error _from_ handleException,
// we do want to make sure that console.error doesn't trigger error reporting again
let inExceptionHandler = false;
* Logs exceptions to the (native) console and displays them
function handleException(e: mixed, isFatal: boolean) {
let error: Error;
if (e instanceof Error) {
error = e;
} else {
// Workaround for reporting errors caused by `throw 'some string'`
// Unfortunately there is no way to figure out the stacktrace in this
// case, so if you ended up here trying to trace an error, look for
// `throw '<error message>'` somewhere in your codebase.
error = new SyntheticError(e);
try {
inExceptionHandler = true;
reportException(error, isFatal, /*reportToConsole*/ true);
} finally {
inExceptionHandler = false;
function reactConsoleErrorHandler() {
// bubble up to any original handlers
console._errorOriginal.apply(console, arguments);
if (!console.reportErrorsAsExceptions) {
if (inExceptionHandler) {
// The fundamental trick here is that are multiple entry point to logging errors:
// (see D19743075 for more background)
// 1. An uncaught exception being caught by the global handler
// 2. An error being logged throw console.error
// However, console.error is monkey patched multiple times: by this module, and by the
// DevTools setup that sends messages to Metro.
// The patching order cannot be relied upon.
// So, some scenarios that are handled by this flag:
// Logging an error:
// 1. console.error called from user code
// 2. (possibly) arrives _first_ at DevTool handler, send to Metro
// 3. Bubbles to here
// 4. goes into report Exception.
// 5. should not trigger console.error again, to avoid looping / logging twice
// 6. should still bubble up to original console
// (which might either be console.log, or the DevTools handler in case it patched _earlier_ and (2) didn't happen)
// Throwing an uncaught exception:
// 1. exception thrown
// 2. picked up by handleException
// 3. should be send to console.error (not console._errorOriginal, as DevTools might have patched _later_ and it needs to send it to Metro)
// 4. that _might_ bubble again to the `reactConsoleErrorHandle` defined here
// -> should not handle exception _again_, to avoid looping / showing twice (this code branch)
// 5. should still bubble up to original console (which might either be console.log, or the DevTools handler in case that one patched _earlier_)
if (arguments[0] && arguments[0].stack) {
// reportException will console.error this with high enough fidelity.
/* isFatal */ false,
/*reportToConsole*/ false,
} else {
const stringifySafe = require('../Utilities/stringifySafe').default;
const str =
.call(arguments, value =>
typeof value === 'string' ? value : stringifySafe(value),
.join(' ');
if (str.slice(0, 9) === 'Warning: ') {
// React warnings use console.error so that a stack trace is shown, but
// we don't (currently) want these to show a redbox
// (Note: Logic duplicated in polyfills/console.js.)
const error: ExtendedError = new SyntheticError(str); = 'console.error';
reportException(error, /* isFatal */ false, /*reportToConsole*/ false);
* Shows a redbox with stacktrace for all console.error messages. Disable by
* setting `console.reportErrorsAsExceptions = false;` in your app.
function installConsoleErrorReporter() {
// Enable reportErrorsAsExceptions
if (console._errorOriginal) {
return; // already installed
// Flow doesn't like it when you set arbitrary values on a global object
console._errorOriginal = console.error.bind(console);
console.error = reactConsoleErrorHandler;
if (console.reportErrorsAsExceptions === undefined) {
// Individual apps can disable this
// Flow doesn't like it when you set arbitrary values on a global object
console.reportErrorsAsExceptions = true;
module.exports = {