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* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#import "RCTSurfaceHostingComponent.h"
#import "RCTSurfaceHostingComponent+Internal.h"
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <ComponentKit/CKComponentSubclass.h>
#import <React/RCTFabricSurface.h>
#import <React/RCTSurface.h>
#import <React/RCTSurfaceView.h>
#import "RCTSurfaceHostingComponentController.h"
#import "RCTSurfaceHostingComponentState.h"
@implementation RCTSurfaceHostingComponent
+ (Class<CKComponentControllerProtocol>)controllerClass
return [RCTSurfaceHostingComponentController class];
+ (id)initialState
return [RCTSurfaceHostingComponentState new];
+ (instancetype)newWithSurface:(id<RCTSurfaceProtocol>)surface options:(RCTSurfaceHostingComponentOptions)options
CKComponentScope scope(self, surface);
RCTSurfaceHostingComponentState *const state = scope.state();
RCTSurfaceHostingComponentState *const newState =
[RCTSurfaceHostingComponentState newWithStage:surface.stage intrinsicSize:surface.intrinsicSize];
if (![state isEqual:newState]) {
CKComponentScope::replaceState(scope, newState);
RCTSurfaceHostingComponent *const component = [super newWithView:{[UIView class]} size:{}];
if (component) {
component->_state = scope.state();
component->_surface = surface;
component->_options = options;
return component;
- (RCLayout)computeLayoutThatFits:(CKSizeRange)constrainedSize
// Optimistically communicating layout constraints to the `_surface`,
// just to provide layout constraints to React Native as early as possible.
// React Native *may* use this info later during applying the own state and
// related laying out in parallel with ComponentKit execution.
// This call will not interfere (or introduce any negative side effects) with
// following invocation of `sizeThatFitsMinimumSize:maximumSize:`.
// A weak point: We assume here that this particular layout will be
// mounted eventually, which is technically not guaranteed by ComponentKit.
// Therefore we also assume that the last layout calculated in a sequence
// will be mounted anyways, which is probably true for all *real* use cases.
// We plan to tackle this problem during the next big step in improving
// interop compatibilities of React Native which will enable us granularly
// control React Native mounting blocks and, as a result, implement
// truly synchronous mounting stage between React Native and ComponentKit.
[_surface setMinimumSize:constrainedSize.min maximumSize:constrainedSize.max];
// Just in case of the very first building pass, we give React Native a chance
// to prepare its internals for coming synchronous measuring.
if ([_surface isKindOfClass:[RCTSurface class]]) {
// Legacy Pre-Fabric Surface
[(RCTSurface *)_surface synchronouslyWaitForStage:RCTSurfaceStageSurfaceDidInitialLayout
} else if ([_surface isKindOfClass:[RCTFabricSurface class]]) {
// Fabric Surface
// Hack: Increase timeout because RCTFabricSurface stage will be RCTSurfaceStageSurfaceDidInitialLayout
// before mounting has finished, which can cause sizeThatFitsMinimumSize to return the wrong value.
// Safe hack because timeout length can be increased without making the component seem slower.
// However if timeout length is less than the time to mount a surface, the size may be incorrect.
// TODO (T115399546) Allow RCTFabricSurface synchronouslyWaitFor to wait for mounting completion stage
NSTimeInterval timeout = 20;
[(RCTFabricSurface *)_surface synchronouslyWaitFor:timeout];
CGSize fittingSize = CGSizeZero;
if (_surface.stage & RCTSurfaceStageSurfaceDidInitialLayout) {
fittingSize = [_surface sizeThatFitsMinimumSize:constrainedSize.min maximumSize:constrainedSize.max];
} else {
fittingSize = _options.activityIndicatorSize;
fittingSize = constrainedSize.clamp(fittingSize);
return {self, fittingSize};
- (CKComponentBoundsAnimation)boundsAnimationFromPreviousComponent:(RCTSurfaceHostingComponent *)previousComponent
if (_options.boundsAnimations && (previousComponent->_state.stage != _state.stage)) {
return {
.mode = CKComponentBoundsAnimationModeDefault,
.duration = 0.25,
.options = UIViewAnimationOptionCurveEaseInOut,
return {};