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* Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#import "RCTSpringAnimation.h"
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <React/RCTConvert.h>
#import <React/RCTDefines.h>
#import "RCTValueAnimatedNode.h"
@interface RCTSpringAnimation ()
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSNumber *animationId;
@property (nonatomic, strong) RCTValueAnimatedNode *valueNode;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL animationHasBegun;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL animationHasFinished;
const NSTimeInterval MAX_DELTA_TIME = 0.064;
@implementation RCTSpringAnimation
CGFloat _toValue;
CGFloat _fromValue;
BOOL _overshootClamping;
CGFloat _restDisplacementThreshold;
CGFloat _restSpeedThreshold;
CGFloat _stiffness;
CGFloat _damping;
CGFloat _mass;
CGFloat _initialVelocity;
NSTimeInterval _animationStartTime;
NSTimeInterval _animationCurrentTime;
RCTResponseSenderBlock _callback;
CGFloat _lastPosition;
CGFloat _lastVelocity;
NSInteger _iterations;
NSInteger _currentLoop;
NSTimeInterval _t; // Current time (startTime + dt)
- (instancetype)initWithId:(NSNumber *)animationId
config:(NSDictionary *)config
forNode:(RCTValueAnimatedNode *)valueNode
callBack:(nullable RCTResponseSenderBlock)callback
if ((self = [super init])) {
_animationId = animationId;
_lastPosition = valueNode.value;
_valueNode = valueNode;
_lastVelocity = [RCTConvert CGFloat:config[@"initialVelocity"]];
_callback = [callback copy];
[self resetAnimationConfig:config];
return self;
- (void)resetAnimationConfig:(NSDictionary *)config
NSNumber *iterations = [RCTConvert NSNumber:config[@"iterations"]] ?: @1;
_toValue = [RCTConvert CGFloat:config[@"toValue"]];
_overshootClamping = [RCTConvert BOOL:config[@"overshootClamping"]];
_restDisplacementThreshold = [RCTConvert CGFloat:config[@"restDisplacementThreshold"]];
_restSpeedThreshold = [RCTConvert CGFloat:config[@"restSpeedThreshold"]];
_stiffness = [RCTConvert CGFloat:config[@"stiffness"]];
_damping = [RCTConvert CGFloat:config[@"damping"]];
_mass = [RCTConvert CGFloat:config[@"mass"]];
_initialVelocity = _lastVelocity;
_fromValue = _lastPosition;
_fromValue = _lastPosition;
_lastVelocity = _initialVelocity;
_animationHasFinished = iterations.integerValue == 0;
_iterations = iterations.integerValue;
_currentLoop = 1;
_animationStartTime = _animationCurrentTime = -1;
_animationHasBegun = YES;
RCT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(- (instancetype)init)
- (void)startAnimation
_animationStartTime = _animationCurrentTime = -1;
_animationHasBegun = YES;
- (void)stopAnimation
_valueNode = nil;
if (_callback) {
@"finished": @(_animationHasFinished)
- (void)stepAnimationWithTime:(NSTimeInterval)currentTime
if (!_animationHasBegun || _animationHasFinished) {
// Animation has not begun or animation has already finished.
// calculate delta time
NSTimeInterval deltaTime;
if(_animationStartTime == -1) {
_t = 0.0;
_animationStartTime = currentTime;
deltaTime = 0.0;
} else {
// Handle frame drops, and only advance dt by a max of MAX_DELTA_TIME
deltaTime = MIN(MAX_DELTA_TIME, currentTime - _animationCurrentTime);
_t = _t + deltaTime;
// store the timestamp
_animationCurrentTime = currentTime;
CGFloat c = _damping;
CGFloat m = _mass;
CGFloat k = _stiffness;
CGFloat v0 = -_initialVelocity;
CGFloat zeta = c / (2 * sqrtf(k * m));
CGFloat omega0 = sqrtf(k / m);
CGFloat omega1 = omega0 * sqrtf(1.0 - (zeta * zeta));
CGFloat x0 = _toValue - _fromValue;
CGFloat position;
CGFloat velocity;
if (zeta < 1) {
// Under damped
CGFloat envelope = expf(-zeta * omega0 * _t);
position =
_toValue -
envelope *
((v0 + zeta * omega0 * x0) / omega1 * sinf(omega1 * _t) +
x0 * cosf(omega1 * _t));
// This looks crazy -- it's actually just the derivative of the
// oscillation function
velocity =
zeta *
omega0 *
envelope *
(sinf(omega1 * _t) * (v0 + zeta * omega0 * x0) / omega1 +
x0 * cosf(omega1 * _t)) -
envelope *
(cosf(omega1 * _t) * (v0 + zeta * omega0 * x0) -
omega1 * x0 * sinf(omega1 * _t));
} else {
CGFloat envelope = expf(-omega0 * _t);
position = _toValue - envelope * (x0 + (v0 + omega0 * x0) * _t);
velocity =
envelope * (v0 * (_t * omega0 - 1) + _t * x0 * (omega0 * omega0));
_lastPosition = position;
_lastVelocity = velocity;
[self onUpdate:position];
// Conditions for stopping the spring animation
BOOL isOvershooting = NO;
if (_overshootClamping && _stiffness != 0) {
if (_fromValue < _toValue) {
isOvershooting = position > _toValue;
} else {
isOvershooting = position < _toValue;
BOOL isVelocity = ABS(velocity) <= _restSpeedThreshold;
BOOL isDisplacement = YES;
if (_stiffness != 0) {
isDisplacement = ABS(_toValue - position) <= _restDisplacementThreshold;
if (isOvershooting || (isVelocity && isDisplacement)) {
if (_stiffness != 0) {
// Ensure that we end up with a round value
if (_animationHasFinished) {
[self onUpdate:_toValue];
if (_iterations == -1 || _currentLoop < _iterations) {
_lastPosition = _fromValue;
_lastVelocity = _initialVelocity;
// Set _animationStartTime to -1 to reset instance variables on the next animation step.
_animationStartTime = -1;
[self onUpdate:_fromValue];
} else {
_animationHasFinished = YES;
- (void)onUpdate:(CGFloat)outputValue
_valueNode.value = outputValue;
[_valueNode setNeedsUpdate];