
459 строки
15 KiB

* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
* @format
* @flow
'use strict';
const invariant = require('invariant');
const warnOnce = require('../Utilities/warnOnce');
// Export React, plus some native additions.
module.exports = {
// Components
get AccessibilityInfo() {
return require('../Components/AccessibilityInfo/AccessibilityInfo');
get ActivityIndicator() {
return require('../Components/ActivityIndicator/ActivityIndicator');
get ART() {
'React Native ART has been extracted from react-native core and will be removed in a future release. ' +
"It can now be installed and imported from '@react-native-community/art' instead of 'react-native'. " +
return require('../ART/ReactNativeART');
get Button() {
return require('../Components/Button');
get CheckBox() {
'CheckBox has been extracted from react-native core and will be removed in a future release. ' +
"It can now be installed and imported from '@react-native-community/checkbox' instead of 'react-native'. " +
return require('../Components/CheckBox/CheckBox');
get DatePickerIOS() {
'DatePickerIOS has been merged with DatePickerAndroid and will be removed in a future release. ' +
"It can now be installed and imported from '@react-native-community/datetimepicker' instead of 'react-native'. " +
return require('../Components/DatePicker/DatePickerIOS');
get DrawerLayoutAndroid() {
return require('../Components/DrawerAndroid/DrawerLayoutAndroid');
get FlatList() {
return require('../Lists/FlatList');
get Image() {
return require('../Image/Image');
get ImageBackground() {
return require('../Image/ImageBackground');
get InputAccessoryView() {
return require('../Components/TextInput/InputAccessoryView');
get KeyboardAvoidingView() {
return require('../Components/Keyboard/KeyboardAvoidingView');
get MaskedViewIOS() {
'MaskedViewIOS has been extracted from react-native core and will be removed in a future release. ' +
"It can now be installed and imported from '@react-native-community/masked-view' instead of 'react-native'. " +
return require('../Components/MaskedView/MaskedViewIOS');
get Modal() {
return require('../Modal/Modal');
get Picker() {
return require('../Components/Picker/Picker');
get PickerIOS() {
return require('../Components/Picker/PickerIOS');
get ProgressBarAndroid() {
return require('../Components/ProgressBarAndroid/ProgressBarAndroid');
get ProgressViewIOS() {
return require('../Components/ProgressViewIOS/ProgressViewIOS');
get SafeAreaView() {
return require('../Components/SafeAreaView/SafeAreaView');
get ScrollView() {
return require('../Components/ScrollView/ScrollView');
get SectionList() {
return require('../Lists/SectionList');
get SegmentedControlIOS() {
return require('../Components/SegmentedControlIOS/SegmentedControlIOS');
get Slider() {
'Slider has been extracted from react-native core and will be removed in a future release. ' +
"It can now be installed and imported from '@react-native-community/slider' instead of 'react-native'. " +
return require('../Components/Slider/Slider');
get Switch() {
return require('../Components/Switch/Switch');
get RefreshControl() {
return require('../Components/RefreshControl/RefreshControl');
get StatusBar() {
return require('../Components/StatusBar/StatusBar');
get Text() {
return require('../Text/Text');
get TextInput() {
return require('../Components/TextInput/TextInput');
get Touchable() {
return require('../Components/Touchable/Touchable');
get TouchableHighlight() {
return require('../Components/Touchable/TouchableHighlight');
get TouchableNativeFeedback() {
return require('../Components/Touchable/TouchableNativeFeedback');
get TouchableOpacity() {
return require('../Components/Touchable/TouchableOpacity');
get TouchableWithoutFeedback() {
return require('../Components/Touchable/TouchableWithoutFeedback');
get View() {
return require('../Components/View/View');
get VirtualizedList() {
return require('../Lists/VirtualizedList');
get VirtualizedSectionList() {
return require('../Lists/VirtualizedSectionList');
// APIs
get ActionSheetIOS() {
return require('../ActionSheetIOS/ActionSheetIOS');
get Alert() {
return require('../Alert/Alert');
get Animated() {
return require('../Animated/src/Animated');
get AppRegistry() {
return require('../ReactNative/AppRegistry');
get AppState() {
return require('../AppState/AppState');
get AsyncStorage() {
'AsyncStorage has been extracted from react-native core and will be removed in a future release. ' +
"It can now be installed and imported from '@react-native-community/async-storage' instead of 'react-native'. " +
return require('../Storage/AsyncStorage');
get BackHandler() {
return require('../Utilities/BackHandler');
get Clipboard() {
return require('../Components/Clipboard/Clipboard');
get DatePickerAndroid() {
'DatePickerAndroid has been merged with DatePickerIOS and will be removed in a future release. ' +
"It can now be installed and imported from '@react-native-community/datetimepicker' instead of 'react-native'. " +
return require('../Components/DatePickerAndroid/DatePickerAndroid');
get DeviceInfo() {
return require('../Utilities/DeviceInfo');
get Dimensions() {
return require('../Utilities/Dimensions');
get Easing() {
return require('../Animated/src/Easing');
get findNodeHandle() {
return require('../Renderer/shims/ReactNative').findNodeHandle;
get I18nManager() {
return require('../ReactNative/I18nManager');
get ImagePickerIOS() {
'ImagePickerIOS has been extracted from react-native core and will be removed in a future release. ' +
"Please upgrade to use either '@react-native-community/react-native-image-picker' or 'expo-image-picker'. " +
"If you cannot upgrade to a different library, please install the deprecated '@react-native-community/image-picker-ios' package. " +
return require('../Image/ImagePickerIOS');
get InteractionManager() {
return require('../Interaction/InteractionManager');
get Keyboard() {
return require('../Components/Keyboard/Keyboard');
get LayoutAnimation() {
return require('../LayoutAnimation/LayoutAnimation');
get Linking() {
return require('../Linking/Linking');
get NativeDialogManagerAndroid() {
return require('../NativeModules/specs/NativeDialogManagerAndroid').default;
get NativeEventEmitter() {
return require('../EventEmitter/NativeEventEmitter');
get PanResponder() {
return require('../Interaction/PanResponder');
get PermissionsAndroid() {
return require('../PermissionsAndroid/PermissionsAndroid');
get PixelRatio() {
return require('../Utilities/PixelRatio');
get PushNotificationIOS() {
'PushNotificationIOS has been extracted from react-native core and will be removed in a future release. ' +
"It can now be installed and imported from '@react-native-community/push-notification-ios' instead of 'react-native'. " +
return require('../PushNotificationIOS/PushNotificationIOS');
get Settings() {
return require('../Settings/Settings');
get Share() {
return require('../Share/Share');
get StatusBarIOS() {
'StatusBarIOS has been merged with StatusBar and will be removed in a future release. Use StatusBar for mutating the status bar',
return require('../Components/StatusBar/StatusBarIOS');
get StyleSheet() {
return require('../StyleSheet/StyleSheet');
get Systrace() {
return require('../Performance/Systrace');
get TimePickerAndroid() {
'TimePickerAndroid has been merged with DatePickerIOS and DatePickerAndroid and will be removed in a future release. ' +
"It can now be installed and imported from '@react-native-community/datetimepicker' instead of 'react-native'. " +
return require('../Components/TimePickerAndroid/TimePickerAndroid');
get ToastAndroid() {
return require('../Components/ToastAndroid/ToastAndroid');
get TurboModuleRegistry() {
return require('../TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry');
get TVEventHandler() {
return require('../Components/AppleTV/TVEventHandler');
get UIManager() {
return require('../ReactNative/UIManager');
get unstable_batchedUpdates() {
return require('../Renderer/shims/ReactNative').unstable_batchedUpdates;
get useWindowDimensions() {
return require('../Utilities/useWindowDimensions').default;
get UTFSequence() {
return require('../UTFSequence');
get Vibration() {
return require('../Vibration/Vibration');
get YellowBox() {
return require('../YellowBox/YellowBox');
// Plugins
get DeviceEventEmitter() {
return require('../EventEmitter/RCTDeviceEventEmitter');
get NativeAppEventEmitter() {
return require('../EventEmitter/RCTNativeAppEventEmitter');
get NativeModules() {
return require('../BatchedBridge/NativeModules');
get Platform() {
return require('../Utilities/Platform');
get processColor() {
return require('../StyleSheet/processColor');
get requireNativeComponent() {
return require('../ReactNative/requireNativeComponent');
get unstable_RootTagContext() {
return require('../ReactNative/RootTagContext');
// Prop Types
get ColorPropType() {
return require('../DeprecatedPropTypes/DeprecatedColorPropType');
get EdgeInsetsPropType() {
return require('../DeprecatedPropTypes/DeprecatedEdgeInsetsPropType');
get PointPropType() {
return require('../DeprecatedPropTypes/DeprecatedPointPropType');
get ViewPropTypes() {
return require('../DeprecatedPropTypes/DeprecatedViewPropTypes');
if (__DEV__) {
// $FlowFixMe This is intentional: Flow will error when attempting to access ListView.
Object.defineProperty(module.exports, 'ListView', {
configurable: true,
get() {
'ListView has been removed from React Native. ' +
'See for more information or use ' +
// $FlowFixMe This is intentional: Flow will error when attempting to access SwipeableListView.
Object.defineProperty(module.exports, 'SwipeableListView', {
configurable: true,
get() {
'SwipeableListView has been removed from React Native. ' +
'See for more information or use ' +
// $FlowFixMe This is intentional: Flow will error when attempting to access WebView.
Object.defineProperty(module.exports, 'WebView', {
configurable: true,
get() {
'WebView has been removed from React Native. ' +
"It can now be installed and imported from 'react-native-webview' instead of 'react-native'. " +
// $FlowFixMe This is intentional: Flow will error when attempting to access NetInfo.
Object.defineProperty(module.exports, 'NetInfo', {
configurable: true,
get() {
'NetInfo has been removed from React Native. ' +
"It can now be installed and imported from 'react-native-netinfo' instead of 'react-native'. " +
// $FlowFixMe This is intentional: Flow will error when attempting to access CameraRoll.
Object.defineProperty(module.exports, 'CameraRoll', {
configurable: true,
get() {
'CameraRoll has been removed from React Native. ' +
"It can now be installed and imported from 'react-native-cameraroll' instead of 'react-native'. " +
// $FlowFixMe This is intentional: Flow will error when attempting to access ImageStore.
Object.defineProperty(module.exports, 'ImageStore', {
configurable: true,
get() {
'ImageStore has been removed from React Native. ' +
'To get a base64-encoded string from a local image use either of the following third-party libraries:' +
"* expo-file-system: `readAsStringAsync(filepath, 'base64')`" +
"* react-native-fs: `readFile(filepath, 'base64')`",
// $FlowFixMe This is intentional: Flow will error when attempting to access ImageEditor.
Object.defineProperty(module.exports, 'ImageEditor', {
configurable: true,
get() {
'ImageEditor has been removed from React Native. ' +
"It can now be installed and imported from 'react-native-image-editor' instead of 'react-native'. " +
// $FlowFixMe This is intentional: Flow will error when attempting to access ViewPagerAndroid.
Object.defineProperty(module.exports, 'ViewPagerAndroid', {
configurable: true,
get() {
'ViewPagerAndroid has been removed from React Native. ' +
"It can now be installed and imported from 'react-native-viewpager' instead of 'react-native'. " +