# MSBuild Project Structure This is a description of each of the core projects, their purpose and output artifacts.
Sample applications are not covered. ## Alphabetical Index - [Common\Common.vcxproj](#Common) - [Chakra\Chakra.vcxitems](#Chakra) - [Desktop\React.Windows.Desktop.vcxproj](#React.Windows.Desktop) - **[Desktop.DLL\React.Windows.Desktop.DLL.vcxproj](#React.Windows.Desktop.DLL)** - [Desktop.IntegrationTests\React.Windows.Desktop.IntegrationTests.vcxproj](#React.Windows.Desktop.IntegrationTests) - [Desktop.UnitTests\React.Windows.Desktop.UnitTests.vcxproj](#React.Windows.Desktop.UnitTests) - [Folly\Folly.vcxproj](#Folly) - [FollyWin32\FollyWin32.vcxproj](#FollyWin32) - [IntegrationTests\React.Windows.IntegrationTests.vcxproj](#React.Windows.IntegrationTests) - **[Microsoft.ReactNative\Microsoft.ReactNative.vcxproj](#Microsoft.ReactNative)** - [Microsoft.ReactNative.Cxx\Microsoft.ReactNative.Cxx.vcxitems](#Microsoft.ReactNative.Cxx) - [Microsoft.ReactNative.Managed\Microsoft.ReactNative.Managed.csproj](#Microsoft.ReactNative.Managed) - [Microsoft.ReactNative.SharedManaged\Microsoft.ReactNative.SharedManaged.projitems](#Microsoft.ReactNative.SharedManaged) - [ReactCommon\ReactCommon.vcxproj](#ReactCommon) - [ReactCommon.UnitTests\ReactCommon.UnitTests.vcxproj](#ReactCommon.UnitTests) - [Shared\Shared.vcxitems](#Microsoft.ReactNative.Shared) ## Common Projects ### Common *Static Library*\ Functionality shared between React and JSI projects. ### Microsoft.ReactNative.Shared *Shared Items (no build artifact)*\ Holds sources common to both Windows variants, that require different build configuration (i.e. compiler flags, language standard). ### ReactCommon *Static Library*\ React Native core, cross-platform C++ types and interfaces.\ Sources provided as part of the `react-native` Node dependency. Not part of this repository.\ See https://github.com/facebook/react-native/tree/v0.62.0/ReactCommon. ### Folly *Static Library*\ Folly variant type system for JavaScript/C++ interoperability.\ Sources provided as part of the `react-native` Node dependency. Not part of this repository. ### Chakra *Shared Items (no build artifact)*\ ChakraCore bridging layer. May use different compiler flags between Windows variants. ### Microsoft.ReactNative.Cxx *Shared Items (no build artifact)*\ Contains helpers to simplify authoring C++/WinRT native modules on top of [Microsoft.ReactNative](#Microsoft.ReactNative). ### Microsoft.ReactNative.Managed *Managed Library*\ Contains helpers to simplify authoring C# native modules on top of [Microsoft.ReactNative](#Microsoft.ReactNative). ### Microsoft.ReactNative.SharedManaged Deprecated: This is still here so that customers get a specific error message on how to upgrade their project. ### React.Windows.IntegrationTests *Static Library*\ Common framework for running out of process and/or full React instance testing. ### IntegrationTests (Node Project) *MSBuild Node project. For reading/editing purposes only (no build artifact)*\ Set of JavaScript component tests for [RNTester](https://github.com/facebook/react-native/tree/v0.62.0/RNTester). Sources provided as part of the `react-native` Node dependency. Not part of this repository.\ See https://github.com/facebook/react-native/tree/v0.62.0/IntegrationTests. ## Windows Desktop Projects ### React.Windows.Desktop *Static Library*\ Set of Native Modules, View Managers and Executors for Windows Desktop. ### React.Windows.Desktop.DLL *Dynamic Library*\ Shared library that exports the intended public API surface for [React.Windows.Desktop](#React.Windows.Desktop).\ **Main artifact to use in Windows Desktop applications.** ### React.Windows.Desktop.UnitTests *VSTest Dynamic Library*\ Set of isolated (mocked) tests for types defined in [React.Windows.Desktop](#React.Windows.Desktop). ### React.Windows.Desktop.IntegrationTests *VSTest Dynamic Library*\ Set of component tests that validate functionality against external runtime components (i.e. networking servers, file system, React Native applications, external processes).\ Validates [React.Windows.Desktop.DLL](#React.Windows.Desktop.DLL). ### ReactCommon.UnitTests *Google Test Application*\ Gathers tests within `react-native\ReactCommon`.\ Its main purpose is to validate JSI with any given engine (V8, ChakraCore, etc). ### FollyWin32 *Static Library*\ Superset of Folly APIs only available and required by [React.Windows.Desktop](#React.Windows.Desktop).\ Sources provided as part of the `react-native` Node dependency. Not part of this repository. ## Windows Universal Projects ### Microsoft.ReactNative *Windows Runtime Component*
The primary Windows Universal entry point and public API surface for React Native Windows.\ **Main artifact to use in Windows Universal applications.**