
399 строки
12 KiB

const { spawnSync, spawn } = require("child_process");
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const _ = require("lodash");
const commander = require("commander");
const { exit } = require("process");
const nxPath = path.join(__dirname, "../node_modules/@nrwl/cli/bin/nx.js");
const baseDir = path.join(__dirname, "../notebooks/responsibleaidashboard");
const tabularDir = path.join(baseDir, "tabular");
const visionDir = path.join(baseDir, "vision");
const textDir = path.join(baseDir, "text");
const filePrefix = "responsibleaidashboard-";
// Please add notebook name into the appropriate 'fileNames' array only when you are adding e2e tests to that notebook.
// Keep this list in sync with .github/workflows/CI-e2e-notebooks.yml and/or .github/workflows/CI-e2e-notebooks-vision.yml
const tabularFileNames = [
const visionFileNames = [
const textFileNames = [
const ignoredFiles = [
const fileNames = tabularFileNames
const notebookHostReg = /^ResponsibleAI started at (http:\/\/localhost:\d+)$/m;
const serveHostReg = /Web Development Server is listening at\s+(.*)$/m;
const timeout = 4800;
* @param {string} notebook
* @returns {string}
function getDirForNotebook(notebook) {
if (notebook.endsWith(".py")) {
notebook = notebook.replace(".py", "");
if (visionFileNames.includes(notebook)) {
return visionDir;
} else if (textFileNames.includes(notebook)) {
return textDir;
} else if (tabularFileNames.includes(notebook)) {
return tabularDir;
} else {
throw new Error(`Notebook ${notebook} not found.`);
function getFilesFromNotebookDirs() {
return fs
* @param {string} host
* @returns {Promise<string>}
async function serve(host) {
console.log(`Running nx serve`);
const timer = setTimeout(() => {
throw new Error(`serve timeout.`);
}, timeout * 1000);
const nbProcess = spawn("node", [nxPath, "serve", "widget"], {
cwd: path.join(__dirname, ".."),
env: {
NX_based_url: host
nbProcess.on("exit", () => {
throw new Error(`Failed to run serve`);
return new Promise((resolve) => {
let stdout = "";
const handleOutput = (data) => {
const message = data.toString();
stdout += message;
if (serveHostReg.test(stdout)) {
nbProcess.stdout.on("data", handleOutput);
nbProcess.stderr.on("data", handleOutput);
nbProcess.stdout.on("error", (error) => {
throw error;
* @param {string} name
* @returns {Promise<string>}
async function runNotebook(name) {
console.log(`Running ${name}`);
const timer = setTimeout(() => {
throw new Error(`${name} timeout.`);
}, timeout * 1000);
const dir = getDirForNotebook(name);
const nbProcess = spawn("python", ["-i", path.join(dir, name)]);
nbProcess.on("exit", () => {
throw new Error(`Failed to run notebook ${name}`);
return new Promise((resolve) => {
let stdout = "";
const handleOutput = (data) => {
const message = data.toString();
stdout += message;
if (notebookHostReg.test(stdout)) {
nbProcess.stdout.on("data", handleOutput);
nbProcess.stderr.on("data", handleOutput);
nbProcess.stdout.on("error", (error) => {
throw error;
function addFlightsInFile(path, flights) {
if (!fs.existsSync(path)) {
throw new Error(`${path} does not exist.`);
let content = fs.readFileSync(path, { encoding: "utf-8" });
let startIndex = 0;
const dashboardConstructorCall = "ResponsibleAIDashboard(";
while (startIndex < content.length) {
startIndex = content.indexOf(dashboardConstructorCall, startIndex);
if (startIndex === -1) {
let dashboardArgsIndex = startIndex + dashboardConstructorCall.length;
let parenthesesBalance = 1;
while (parenthesesBalance > 0) {
if ( === "(") {
parenthesesBalance += 1;
} else if ( === ")") {
parenthesesBalance -= 1;
dashboardArgsIndex += 1;
content =
content.slice(0, dashboardArgsIndex - 1) +
`, feature_flights="${flights.split(",").join("&")}")` +
startIndex = dashboardArgsIndex + 1;
console.log(`writing notebook with flights to ${path}`);
fs.writeFileSync(path, content, { encoding: "utf-8" });
function checkIfAllNotebooksHaveTests() {
console.log(`Checking if all notebooks under ${baseDir} have tests`);
const files = getFilesFromNotebookDirs()
.filter((f) => f.startsWith(filePrefix) && f.endsWith(".ipynb"))
.map((f) => f.replace(".ipynb", ""))
.filter((f) => !ignoredFiles.includes(f));
const allNotebooksHaveTests = _.isEqual(_.sortBy(files), _.sortBy(fileNames));
if (!allNotebooksHaveTests) {
throw new Error(
`Some of the notebooks don't have tests. If a new notebook is added, Please add tests.`
console.log(`All notebooks have tests.`);
function convertNotebooks(notebook, flights) {
console.log("Converting notebooks");
for (var fileName of fileNames) {
if (notebook && fileName !== notebook) {
console.log(`Skipping ${fileName}. Looking for ${notebook} only.`);
const dir = getDirForNotebook(fileName);
if (flights) {
// flights were passed (not just -f without flights arg)
`Converting notebook ${fileName} with flights ${flights.toString()}\r\n`
} else {
// no flights were passed
console.log(`Converting notebook ${fileName} with no flights.\r\n`);
const { status, stderr } = spawnSync(
["nbconvert", path.join(dir, `${fileName}.ipynb`), "--to", "script"],
stdio: "inherit"
if (status) {
throw new Error(`Failed to convert notebook:\r\n\r\n${stderr}`);
if (flights) {
addFlightsInFile(path.join(dir, `${fileName}.py`), flights);
console.log(`Converted notebook ${fileName}\r\n`);
* @typedef {Object} Host
* @property {string} file
* @property {string} host
* @returns {Host[]}
async function runNotebooks(selectedNotebook, host) {
let files = getFilesFromNotebookDirs().filter(
(f) => f.startsWith(filePrefix) && f.endsWith(".py")
console.log("Available notebooks:");
files.forEach((file) => {
console.log(` ${file}`);
if (selectedNotebook) {
const nbFileName = `${selectedNotebook}.py`;
if (host) {
files = [nbFileName];
} else {
console.log(`Should only run ${nbFileName}`);
files = files.filter((f) => f === nbFileName);
if (files.length === 0) {
console.log(`Could not find any matching notebook for ${nbFileName}.`);
const hosts = [];
for (const f of files) {
host = host || (await runNotebook(f));
hosts.push({ file: f, host: host });
console.log(`file: ${f}, host: ${host}`);
return hosts;
* @param {Host[]} hosts
function writeCypressSettings(hosts) {
path.join(__dirname, "../apps/widget-e2e/cypress.env.json"),
function e2e(watch, selectedNotebook, flights, host) {
console.log(`Running e2e for notebook ${selectedNotebook}`);
let notebookArgs = [];
if (selectedNotebook) {
// remove prefix "responsibleaidashboard"
// remove dashes and make camel case
let notebookKey = selectedNotebook.substring(
notebookKey = notebookKey
.map((word) => word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1))
if (flights) {
// append flights (if any) with first letter capitalized
notebookKey =
notebookKey +
.map((flight) => flight.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + flight.slice(1))
`Determined notebook key ${notebookKey} for notebook ${selectedNotebook}.`
notebookArgs = ["--spec", `**/responsibleaitoolbox${notebookKey}/**`];
const { status, stderr } = spawnSync(
watch ? "--watch" : undefined
stdio: "inherit",
cwd: path.join(__dirname, "..")
if (status) {
throw new Error(`Failed to run e2e:\r\n\r\n${stderr}`);
console.log("e2e finished\r\n");
async function main() {
.option("-w, --watch", "Watch mode")
.option("--skipgen", "Skip notebook generation")
"--host [host]",
"Skip notebook running and use host provided to run e2e: use full url 'http://localhost:5000' or port number"
.option("-n, --notebook [notebook]", "Run specific notebook")
"-f, --flights [flights]",
"Use flights separated by comma (no whitespace). Not specifying flights means that no flights are used."
const skipgen = commander.opts().skipgen;
const watch = commander.opts().watch;
let host = commander.opts().host;
if (host && !isNaN(parseInt(host))) {
host = `http://localhost:${host}`;
const notebook = commander.opts().notebook;
if (host && !notebook) {
throw new Error("Notebook is required when host is specified.");
let flights = commander.opts().flights;
console.log("Checking flights: " + flights);
if (flights?.toString() === "true") {
// -f passed without arguments
flights = undefined;
console.log("setting flights to undefined!!!");
if (!skipgen && !host) {
convertNotebooks(notebook, flights);
} else {
console.log("Skipping converting notebooks", skipgen, host);
if (host && watch) {
host = await serve(host);
console.log(`Running watch mode on ${host}`);
const hosts = await runNotebooks(notebook, host);
for (var fileName of fileNames) {
if (notebook && fileName !== notebook) {
`Skipping e2e for ${fileName}. Looking for ${notebook} only.`
e2e(watch, fileName, flights, host);
function onExit() {
console.log("Existing e2e");
async function onExitRequested() {
process.on("SIGINT", onExitRequested);
// catches "kill pid" (for example: nodemon restart)
process.on("SIGUSR1", onExitRequested);
process.on("SIGUSR2", onExitRequested);
process.on("exit", onExit);