React Native SDK Bot 756ddeba67
RELEASING: Releasing 44 package(s) (#3342)

Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
2024-09-11 08:59:50 +02:00
bin feat(cli)!: introduce standalone `rnx-cli` (#3244) 2024-08-13 18:30:17 +02:00
scripts fix(align-deps): update profiles for `react-native-macos` 0.74 (#3294) 2024-08-14 19:18:29 +02:00
src fix(third-party-notices): move Commander config from `rnx-cli` (#3337) 2024-09-10 18:14:03 +00:00
test fix(align-deps): move Commander config from `rnx-cli` (#3336) 2024-09-10 17:03:07 +02:00
CHANGELOG.md RELEASING: Releasing 44 package(s) (#3342) 2024-09-11 08:59:50 +02:00
README.md feat(cli)!: introduce standalone `rnx-cli` (#3244) 2024-08-13 18:30:17 +02:00
eslint.config.js chore: migrate to ESLint flat config (#2782) 2023-11-03 14:02:18 +01:00
package.json RELEASING: Releasing 44 package(s) (#3342) 2024-09-11 08:59:50 +02:00
react-native.config.js fix(cli): export `react-native.config.js` for simpler forwarding (#2777) 2023-11-01 16:11:58 +01:00
tsconfig.json feat(tools-apple): add primitives for build and run commands (#3305) 2024-08-28 11:19:40 +02:00



Build npm version

Command-line interface for working with packages in your repo.


All commands below are also a plugin to @react-native-community/cli, meaning they will work with both react-native and rnc-cli commands. Just make sure to prefix the command with rnx- e.g., rnx-cli start becomes react-native rnx-start. The prefix is to avoid name clashes.

rnx-cli bundle

Bundle a package using Metro. The bundling process uses optional configuration parameters and command-line overrides.


This command is meant to be a drop-in replacement for react-native bundle. If rnx-bundle ever becomes widely accepted, we will work on upstreaming it to @react-native-community/cli, along with supporting libraries for package configuration and Metro plugins.

Example Usages

yarn rnx-cli bundle
yarn rnx-cli bundle                \
    --entry-file src/index.ts      \
    --bundle-output main.jsbundle  \
    --platform ios                 \
    --dev false                    \
    --minify true

Example Configuration (Optional)

  "rnx-kit": {
    "bundle": {
      "entryFile": "entry.js",
      "assetsDest": "dist",
      "plugins": [
          { "ignoredModules": ["react-is"] }
      "targets": ["android", "ios", "macos", "windows"],
      "platforms": {
        "android": {
          "assetsDest": "dist/res"
        "macos": {
          "plugins": [
              { "ignoredModules": ["react-is"] }

Bundle Defaults

When certain parameters aren't specified in configuration or on the command-line, they are explicitly set to default values.

Parameter Default Value
entryFile "index.js"
bundleOutput "index.<platform>.bundle" (Windows, Android) or "index.<platform>.jsbundle" (iOS, macOS)
hermes false
treeShake false
plugins ["@rnx-kit/metro-plugin-cyclic-dependencies-detector", "@rnx-kit/metro-plugin-duplicates-checker", "@rnx-kit/metro-plugin-typescript"]

Other parameters have implicit defaults, buried deep in Metro or its dependencies.

Command-Line Overrides

Option Description
--id <id> Target bundle definition; only needed when the rnx-kit configuration has multiple bundle definitions
--entry-file <path> Path to the root JavaScript or TypeScript file, either absolute or relative to the package
--platform <ios|android|windows|win32|macos> Target platform; when unspecified, all platforms in the rnx-kit configuration are bundled
--dev [boolean] If false, warnings are disabled and the bundle is minified
--minify [boolean] Controls whether or not the bundle is minified (useful for test builds)
--bundle-output <string> Path to the output bundle file, either absolute or relative to the package
--bundle-encoding <utf8|utf16le|ascii> Character encoding to use when writing the bundle file
--max-workers <number> Specifies the maximum number of parallel worker threads to use for transforming files; defaults to the number of cores available on your machine
--sourcemap-output <string> Path where the bundle source map is written, either absolute or relative to the package
--sourcemap-sources-root <string> Path to use when relativizing file entries in the bundle source map
--sourcemap-use-absolute-path Report SourceMapURL using its full path
--assets-dest <path> Path where bundle assets like images are written, either absolute or relative to the package; if unspecified, assets are ignored
--unstable-transform-profile <string> [Experimental] Transform JS for a specific JS engine; currently supported: hermes, hermes-canary, default
--reset-cache Reset the Metro cache
--config <string> Path to the Metro configuration file
--tree-shake [boolean] Enable tree shaking to remove unused code and reduce the bundle size

rnx-cli config

Routes to react-native config.

rnx-cli doctor

Routes to react-native doctor.

rnx-cli info

Routes to react-native info.

rnx-cli build-android

Routes to react-native build-android.

rnx-cli build-ios

Routes to react-native build-ios.

rnx-cli log-android

Routes to react-native log-android.

rnx-cli log-ios

Routes to react-native log-ios.

rnx-cli run-android

Routes to react-native run-android.

rnx-cli run-ios

Routes to react-native run-ios.

rnx-cli start

Start a bundle server for a package using Metro. The bundle server uses optional configuration parameters and command-line overrides.


This command is meant to be a drop-in replacement for react-native start. If rnx-start ever becomes widely accepted, we will work on upstreaming it to @react-native-community/cli, along with supporting libraries for package configuration and Metro plugins.

Example Commands

yarn rnx-cli start
yarn rnx-cli start --host --port 8812

Example Configuration

  "rnx-kit": {
    "server": {
      "projectRoot": "src",
      "plugins": [
            "ignoredModules": ["react-is"],
            "throwOnError": false

Server Defaults

If the server configuration is not defined, it is implicitly created at runtime from the bundle configuration (or its defaults).

Command-Line Overrides

Option Description
--port <number> Host port to use when listening for incoming server requests
--host <string> Host name or address to bind when listening for incoming server requests; when not specified, requests from all addresses are accepted
--project-root <path> Path to the root of your react-native project; the bundle server uses this path to resolve all web requests
--watch-folders <paths> Additional folders which will be added to the watched files list, comma-separated; by default, Metro watches all project files
--asset-plugins <list> Additional asset plugins to be used by Metro's Babel transformer; comma-separated list containing plugin module names or absolute paths to plugin packages
--source-exts <list> Additional source file extensions to include when generating bundles; comma-separated list, excluding the leading dot
--max-workers <number> Specifies the maximum number of parallel worker threads to use for transforming files; defaults to the number of cores available on your machine
--reset-cache Reset the Metro cache
--custom-log-reporter-path <string> Path to a JavaScript file which exports a Metro 'TerminalReporter' function; replaces the default reporter that writes all messages to the Metro console
--https Use a secure (https) web server; when not specified, an insecure (http) web server is used
--key <path> Path to a custom SSL private key file to use for secure (https) communication
--cert <path> Path to a custom SSL certificate file to use for secure (https) communication
--config <string> Path to the Metro configuration file
--no-interactive Disables interactive mode
--id <string> Specify which bundle configuration to use if server configuration is missing

rnx-cli align-deps

Manage dependencies within a repository and across many repositories.

yarn rnx-cli align-deps [options] [/path/to/package.json]

Refer to @rnx-kit/align-deps for details.

rnx-cli clean

Cleans your project by removing React Native related caches and modules.

yarn rnx-cli clean [options]
Option Description
--include <android,cocoapods,metro,npm,watchman,yarn> Comma-separated flag of caches to clear e.g., npm,yarn
--project-root <path> Root path to your React Native project
--verify-cache Whether to verify the integrity of the cache

rnx-cli write-third-party-notices

Generate a third-party notice, an aggregation of all the LICENSE files from your package's dependencies.


A third-party notice is a legal document. You are solely responsble for its content, even if you use this command to assist you in generating it. You should consult with an attorney to ensure your notice meets all legal requirements.

yarn rnx-cli write-third-party-notices [options]
Option Description
--root-path <path> The root of the repo — the starting point for finding each module in the source map dependency graph
--source-map-file <file> The source map file associated with the package's entry file — this source map eventually leads to all package dependencies and their licenses
--json Format the 3rd-party notice file as JSON instead of text
--output-file <file> The path to use when writing the 3rd-party notice file
--ignore-scopes <string> Comma-separated list of npm scopes to ignore when traversing the source map dependency graph
--ignore-modules <string> Comma-separated list of modules to ignore when traversing the source map dependency graph
--preamble-text <string> A string to prepend to the start of the 3rd-party notice
--additional-text <string> A string to append to the end of the 3rd-party notice