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278 строки
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import sys
import numpy as np
import argparse
import copy
import random
import json
import os
import torch
from torch.autograd import grad
from torch import nn, optim
from torch.nn import functional as F
from torchvision import datasets, transforms
from torchvision.utils import save_image
from torch.autograd import Variable
import torch.utils.data as data_utils
from .algo import BaseAlgo
from utils.helper import l1_dist, l2_dist, embedding_dist, cosine_similarity, get_dataloader
from utils.match_function import get_matched_pairs
class Hybrid(BaseAlgo):
def __init__(self, args, train_dataset, val_dataset, test_dataset, base_res_dir, post_string, cuda):
super().__init__(args, train_dataset, val_dataset, test_dataset, base_res_dir, post_string, cuda)
self.ctr_save_post_string= str(self.args.match_case) + '_' + str(self.args.match_interrupt) + '_' + str(self.args.match_flag) + '_' + str(self.run) + '_' + self.args.model_name
self.ctr_load_post_string= str(self.args.ctr_match_case) + '_' + str(self.args.ctr_match_interrupt) + '_' + str(self.args.ctr_match_flag) + '_' + str(self.run) + '_' + self.args.ctr_model_name
def save_model_erm_phase(self, run):
if not os.path.exists(self.base_res_dir + '/' + self.ctr_load_post_string):
os.makedirs(self.base_res_dir + '/' + self.ctr_load_post_string)
# Store the weights of the model
torch.save(self.phi.state_dict(), self.base_res_dir + '/' + self.ctr_load_post_string + '/Model_' + self.post_string + '_' + str(run) + '.pth')
def init_erm_phase(self):
if self.args.ctr_model_name == 'lenet':
from models.lenet import LeNet5
ctr_phi= LeNet5().to(self.cuda)
if self.args.model_name == 'slab':
from models.slab import SlabClf
ctr_phi= SlabClf(self.args.slab_data_dim, self.args.out_classes, fc_layer).to(self.cuda)
if self.args.ctr_model_name == 'alexnet':
from models.alexnet import alexnet
ctr_phi= alexnet(self.args.out_classes, self.args.pre_trained, 'matchdg_ctr').to(self.cuda)
if self.args.ctr_model_name == 'fc':
from models.fc import FC
ctr_phi= FC(self.args.out_classes, fc_layer).to(self.cuda)
if 'resnet' in self.args.ctr_model_name:
from models.resnet import get_resnet
ctr_phi= get_resnet(self.args.ctr_model_name, self.args.out_classes, fc_layer, self.args.img_c, self.args.pre_trained, self.args.os_env).to(self.cuda)
if 'densenet' in self.args.ctr_model_name:
from models.densenet import get_densenet
ctr_phi= get_densenet(self.args.ctr_model_name, self.args.out_classes, fc_layer,
self.args.img_c, self.args.pre_trained, self.args.os_env).to(self.cuda)
# Load MatchDG CTR phase model from the saved weights
if self.args.os_env:
base_res_dir=os.getenv('PT_DATA_DIR') + '/' + self.args.dataset_name + '/' + 'matchdg_ctr' + '/' + self.args.ctr_match_layer + '/' + 'train_' + str(self.args.train_domains)
base_res_dir="results/" + self.args.dataset_name + '/' + 'matchdg_ctr' + '/' + self.args.ctr_match_layer + '/' + 'train_' + str(self.args.train_domains)
#TODO: Handle slab noise case in helper functions
if self.args.dataset_name == 'slab':
base_res_dir= base_res_dir + '/slab_noise_' + str(self.args.slab_noise)
save_path= base_res_dir + '/Model_' + self.ctr_load_post_string + '.pth'
ctr_phi.load_state_dict( torch.load(save_path) )
#Inferred Match Case
if self.args.match_case == -1:
# x% percentage match initial strategy
data_matched, domain_data= self.get_match_function(inferred_match, ctr_phi)
return data_matched, domain_data
def train(self):
for run_erm in range(self.args.n_runs_matchdg_erm):
for epoch in range(self.args.epochs):
if epoch ==0:
self.data_matched, self.domain_data= self.init_erm_phase()
elif epoch % self.args.match_interrupt == 0 and self.args.match_flag:
inferred_match= 1
self.data_match_tensor, self.label_match_tensor= self.get_match_function(inferred_match, self.phi)
train_acc= 0.0
#Batch iteration over single epoch
for batch_idx, (x_e, x_org_e, y_e ,d_e, idx_e, obj_e) in enumerate(self.train_dataset):
# print('Batch Idx: ', batch_idx)
loss_e= torch.tensor(0.0).to(self.cuda)
x_e= x_e.to(self.cuda)
x_org_e= x_org_e.to(self.cuda)
y_e= torch.argmax(y_e, dim=1).to(self.cuda)
d_e= torch.argmax(d_e, dim=1).numpy()
#Forward Pass
out= self.phi(x_e)
erm_loss_extra= F.cross_entropy(out, y_e.long()).to(self.cuda)
penalty_erm_extra += float(erm_loss_extra)
#Perfect Match on Augmentations
out_org= self.phi(x_org_e)
# diff_indices= out != out_org
# out= out[diff_indices]
# out_org= out_org[diff_indices]
if self.args.pos_metric == 'l2':
augmentation_loss+= torch.sum( torch.sum( (out -out_org)**2, dim=1 ) )
elif self.args.pos_metric == 'l1':
augmentation_loss+= torch.sum( torch.sum( torch.abs(out -out_org), dim=1 ) )
elif self.args.pos_metric == 'cos':
augmentation_loss+= torch.sum( cosine_similarity( out, out_org ) )
augmentation_loss = augmentation_loss / out.shape[0]
# print('Augmented Images Fraction: ', out.shape, self.args.batch_size, augmentation_loss)
penalty_aug+= float(augmentation_loss)
erm_loss= torch.tensor(0.0).to(self.cuda)
if epoch > self.args.penalty_s:
# To cover the varying size of the last batch for data_match_tensor_split, label_match_tensor_split
total_batch_size= len(self.data_matched)
if batch_idx >= total_batch_size:
# Sample batch from matched data points
data_match_tensor, label_match_tensor, curr_batch_size= self.get_match_function_batch(batch_idx)
data_match= data_match_tensor.to(self.cuda)
data_match= data_match.flatten(start_dim=0, end_dim=1)
feat_match= self.phi( data_match )
label_match= label_match_tensor.to(self.cuda)
label_match= torch.squeeze( label_match.flatten(start_dim=0, end_dim=1) )
erm_loss+= F.cross_entropy(feat_match, label_match.long()).to(self.cuda)
penalty_erm+= float(erm_loss)
train_acc+= torch.sum(torch.argmax(feat_match, dim=1) == label_match ).item()
train_size+= label_match.shape[0]
# Creating tensor of shape ( domain size, total domains, feat size )
feat_match= torch.stack(torch.split(feat_match, len(self.train_domains)))
label_match= torch.stack(torch.split(label_match, len(self.train_domains)))
#Positive Match Loss
for d_i in range(feat_match.shape[1]):
# if d_i != base_domain_idx:
# continue
for d_j in range(feat_match.shape[1]):
if d_j > d_i:
if self.args.pos_metric == 'l2':
wasserstein_loss+= torch.sum( torch.sum( (feat_match[:, d_i, :] - feat_match[:, d_j, :])**2, dim=1 ) )
elif self.args.pos_metric == 'l1':
wasserstein_loss+= torch.sum( torch.sum( torch.abs(feat_match[:, d_i, :] - feat_match[:, d_j, :]), dim=1 ) )
elif self.args.pos_metric == 'cos':
wasserstein_loss+= torch.sum( cosine_similarity( feat_match[:, d_i, :], feat_match[:, d_j, :] ) )
pos_match_counter += feat_match.shape[0]
wasserstein_loss = wasserstein_loss / pos_match_counter
penalty_ws+= float(wasserstein_loss)
loss_e += ( self.args.penalty_ws*( epoch- self.args.penalty_s )/(self.args.epochs - self.args.penalty_s) )*wasserstein_loss
loss_e += self.args.penalty_aug*augmentation_loss
loss_e += erm_loss
loss_e += erm_loss_extra
del erm_loss_extra
del erm_loss
del wasserstein_loss
del loss_e
print('Train Loss Basic : ', penalty_erm_extra, penalty_aug, penalty_erm, penalty_ws )
print('Train Acc Env : ', 100*train_acc/train_size )
print('Done Training for epoch: ', epoch)
#Val Dataset Accuracy
self.val_acc.append( self.get_test_accuracy('val') )
#Test Dataset Accuracy
self.final_acc.append( self.get_test_accuracy('test') )
#Save the model if current best epoch as per validation loss
if self.val_acc[-1] > self.max_val_acc:
self.max_val_acc= self.val_acc[-1]
self.max_epoch= epoch
# if epoch > 0:
# #GPU
# cuda= torch.device("cuda:" + str(self.args.cuda_device))
# if cuda:
# kwargs = {'num_workers': 1, 'pin_memory': False}
# else:
# kwargs= {}
# train_dataset_temp= get_dataloader( self.args, self.run, self.args.train_domains, 'train', 1, kwargs )
# val_dataset_temp= get_dataloader( self.args, self.run, self.args.train_domains, 'val', 1, kwargs )
# test_dataset_temp= get_dataloader( self.args, self.run, self.args.test_domains, 'test', 1, kwargs )
# from evaluation.match_eval import MatchEval
# test_method= MatchEval(
# self.args, train_dataset_temp, val_dataset_temp,
# test_dataset_temp, self.base_res_dir,
# self.run, self.cuda
# )
# #Compute test metrics: Mean Rank
# test_method.phi= self.phi
# test_method.get_metric_eval()
# print('Match Function: ', test_method.metric_score)
# from evaluation.privacy_attack import PrivacyAttack
# test_method= PrivacyAttack(
# self.args, train_dataset_temp, val_dataset_temp,
# test_dataset_temp, self.base_res_dir,
# self.run, self.cuda
# )
# #Compute test metrics: Mean Rank
# test_method.phi= self.phi
# test_method.get_metric_eval()
# print('MIA: ', test_method.metric_score)
# from evaluation.privacy_entropy import PrivacyEntropy
# test_method= PrivacyEntropy(
# self.args, train_dataset_temp, val_dataset_temp,
# test_dataset_temp, self.base_res_dir,
# self.run, self.cuda
# )
# #Compute test metrics: Mean Rank
# test_method.phi= self.phi
# test_method.get_metric_eval()
# print('Entropy: ', test_method.metric_score)
print('Current Best Epoch: ', self.max_epoch, ' with Test Accuracy: ', self.final_acc[self.max_epoch])