Merge pull request #66 from microsoft/octogonz/cli-help
Document "rush deploy" and fix up some other content
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
activesupport (
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@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
- title: Docs
url: /pages/intro/welcome
@ -53,8 +52,10 @@ docs_nav:
url: /pages/maintainer/setup_policies
- title: Custom commands
url: /pages/maintainer/custom_commands
- title: Publishing Packages
- title: Publishing packages
url: /pages/maintainer/publishing
- title: Deploying projects
url: /pages/maintainer/deploying
- title: Installing Git hooks
url: /pages/maintainer/git_hooks
@ -86,8 +87,12 @@ docs_nav:
url: /pages/commands/rush_change
- title: rush check
url: /pages/commands/rush_check
- title: rush deploy
url: /pages/commands/rush_deploy
- title: rush init
url: /pages/commands/rush_init
- title: rush init-deploy
url: /pages/commands/rush_init-deploy
- title: rush install
url: /pages/commands/rush_install
- title: rush link
@ -121,6 +126,8 @@ docs_nav:
url: /pages/configs/common_versions_json
- title: experiments.json
url: /pages/configs/experiments_json
- title: deploy.json
url: /pages/configs/deploy_json
- title: pnpmfile.js
url: /pages/configs/pnpmfile_js
- title: rush.json
@ -26,11 +26,14 @@ therein; a full rebuild is forced whenever the command has changed (e.g.
Optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-p COUNT, --parallelism COUNT
Specify the number of concurrent build processes The
value "max" can be specified to indicate the number
of CPU cores. If this parameter omitted, the default
value depends on the operating system and number of
CPU cores.
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent processes
to launch during a build. The COUNT should be a
positive integer or else the word "max" to specify a
count that is equal to the number of CPU cores. If
this parameter is omitted, then the default value
depends on the operating system and number of CPU
cores. This parameter may alternatively be specified
via the RUSH_PARALLELISM environment variable.
Run command in the specified project and all of its
dependencies. "." can be used as shorthand to specify
@ -55,3 +58,7 @@ Optional arguments:
projects that have changed, but not any projects that
directly or indirectly depend on the changed package.
### See Also
- [rush rebuild]({% link pages/commands/ %})
@ -58,3 +58,4 @@ Optional arguments:
### See Also
- [Authoring change logs]({% link pages/best_practices/ %})
- [rush version]({% link pages/commands/ %})
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ are of the same version throughout the repository.
Optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--variant VARIANT Run command using a variant installation configuration.
This parameter may alternatively specified via the
This parameter may alternatively be specified via the
RUSH_VARIANT environment variable.
--json If this flag is specified, output will be in JSON format.
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
layout: page
title: rush deploy
navigation_source: docs_nav
usage: rush deploy [-h] [-p PROJECT_NAME] [-s SCENARIO_NAME] [--overwrite]
[-t PATH]
(EXPERIMENTAL) After building the repo, "rush deploy" can be used to prepare
a deployment by copying a subset of Rush projects and their dependencies to a
target folder, which can then be uploaded to a production server. The "rush
deploy" behavior is specified by a scenario config file that must be created
first, using the "rush init-deploy" command.
Optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
Specifies the name of the main Rush project to be
deployed. It must appear in the
"deploymentProjectNames" setting in the deployment
config file.
By default, the deployment configuration is specified
in "common/config/rush/deploy.json". You can use
"--scenario" to specify an alternate name. The name
must be lowercase and separated by dashes. For
example, if SCENARIO_NAME is "web", then the config
file would be "common/config/rush/deploy-web.json".
--overwrite By default, deployment will fail if the target folder
-t PATH, --target-folder PATH
By default, files are deployed to the "common/deploy"
folder inside the Rush repo. Use this parameter to
specify a different location. WARNING: USE CAUTION
WHEN COMBINING WITH "--overwrite". This parameter may
alternatively be specified via the
RUSH_DEPLOY_TARGET_FOLDER environment variable.
### See Also
- [Deploying projects]({% link pages/maintainer/ %})
- [rush init-deploy]({% link pages/commands/ %})
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
layout: page
title: rush init-deploy
navigation_source: docs_nav
usage: rush init-deploy [-h] -p PROJECT_NAME [-s SCENARIO]
(EXPERIMENTAL) Use this command to initialize a new scenario config file for
use with "rush deploy". The default filename is common/config/rush/deploy.json.
However, if you need to manage multiple deployments with different
settings, you can use use "--scenario" to create additional config files.
Optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
Specifies the name of the main Rush project to be
deployed in this scenario. It will be added to the
"deploymentProjectNames" setting.
-s SCENARIO, --scenario SCENARIO
By default, the deployment configuration will be
written to "common/config/rush/deploy.json". You can
use "--scenario" to specify an alternate name. The
name must be lowercase and separated by dashes. For
example, if the name is "web", then the config file
would be "common/config/rush/deploy-web.json".
### See Also
- [Deploying projects]({% link pages/maintainer/ %})
- [deploy.json]({% link pages/configs/ %}) config file
- [rush deploy]({% link pages/commands/ %})
- [rush init]({% link pages/commands/ %})
@ -28,3 +28,4 @@ Optional arguments:
- [Setting up a new repo]({% link pages/maintainer/ %})
- The [rush-example]( repo on GitHub
- [rush init-deploy]({% link pages/commands/ %})
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ navigation_source: docs_nav
usage: rush install [-h] [-p] [--bypass-policy] [--no-link]
[--network-concurrency COUNT] [--debug-package-manager]
[--variant VARIANT]
[--max-install-attempts NUMBER] [--variant VARIANT]
The "rush install" command installs package dependencies for all your
@ -41,7 +41,14 @@ Optional arguments:
Activates verbose logging for the package manager.
You will probably want to pipe the output of Rush to
a file when using this command.
--max-install-attempts NUMBER
Overrides the default maximum number of install
attempts. The default value is 3.
--variant VARIANT Run command using a variant installation
configuration. This parameter may alternatively
configuration. This parameter may alternatively be
specified via the RUSH_VARIANT environment variable.
### See Also
- [rush update]({% link pages/commands/ %})
@ -18,3 +18,7 @@ Optional arguments:
-f, --force Deletes and recreates all links, even if the filesystem state
seems to indicate that this is unnecessary.
### See Also
- [rush unlink]({% link pages/commands/ %})
@ -90,3 +90,8 @@ Optional arguments:
tags at the commit hash specified. If not provided,
the current HEAD will be tagged.
### See Also
- [Publishing packages]({% link pages/maintainer/ %})
- [rush version]({% link pages/commands/ %})
@ -23,11 +23,14 @@ of "rush rebuild".)
Optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-p COUNT, --parallelism COUNT
Specify the number of concurrent build processes The
value "max" can be specified to indicate the number
of CPU cores. If this parameter omitted, the default
value depends on the operating system and number of
CPU cores.
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent processes
to launch during a build. The COUNT should be a
positive integer or else the word "max" to specify a
count that is equal to the number of CPU cores. If
this parameter is omitted, then the default value
depends on the operating system and number of CPU
cores. This parameter may alternatively be specified
via the RUSH_PARALLELISM environment variable.
Run command in the specified project and all of its
dependencies. "." can be used as shorthand to specify
@ -48,3 +51,7 @@ Optional arguments:
-v, --verbose Display the logs during the build, rather than just
displaying the build status summary
### See Also
- [rush build]({% link pages/commands/ %})
@ -14,3 +14,7 @@ files, or for using standard NPM commands on a project.
Optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
### See Also
- [rush link]({% link pages/commands/ %})
@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ navigation_source: docs_nav
usage: rush update [-h] [-p] [--bypass-policy] [--no-link]
[--network-concurrency COUNT] [--debug-package-manager]
[--variant VARIANT] [--full] [--recheck]
[--max-install-attempts NUMBER] [--variant VARIANT]
[--full] [--recheck]
The "rush update" command installs the dependencies described in your package.
@ -40,8 +41,11 @@ Optional arguments:
Activates verbose logging for the package manager.
You will probably want to pipe the output of Rush to
a file when using this command.
--max-install-attempts NUMBER
Overrides the default maximum number of install
attempts. The default value is 3.
--variant VARIANT Run command using a variant installation
configuration. This parameter may alternatively
configuration. This parameter may alternatively be
specified via the RUSH_VARIANT environment variable.
--full Normally "rush update" tries to preserve your
existing installed versions and only makes the
@ -63,3 +67,7 @@ Optional arguments:
shrinkwrap churn, these fixups are normally performed
only in the temporary folder.)
### See Also
- [rush install]({% link pages/commands/ %})
@ -46,3 +46,9 @@ Optional arguments:
replaces the prerelease name when
"--ensure-version-policy" is provided.
### See Also
- [Publishing packages]({% link pages/maintainer/ %})
- [rush change]({% link pages/commands/ %})
- [rush publish]({% link pages/commands/ %})
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ title: command-line.json
navigation_source: docs_nav
This is the template that `rush init` generates for **./common/config/rush/command-line.json**:
This is the template that [rush init]({% link pages/commands/ %})
generates for **common/config/rush/command-line.json**:
@ -37,6 +38,9 @@ This is the template that `rush init` generates for **./common/config/rush/comma
// * The name should be comprised of lower case words separated by hyphens or colons. The name should include an
// * English verb (e.g. "deploy"). Use a hyphen to separate words (e.g. "upload-docs"). A group of related commands
// * can be prefixed with a colon (e.g. "docs:generate", "docs:deploy", "docs:serve", etc).
// *
// * Note that if the "rebuild" command is overridden here, it becomes separated from the "build" command
// * and will call the "rebuild" script instead of the "build" script.
// */
// "name": "my-bulk-command",
@ -125,11 +129,31 @@ This is the template that `rush init` generates for **./common/config/rush/comma
// "safeForSimultaneousRushProcesses": false,
// /**
// * A script that will be invoked using the OS shell. The working directory will be the folder
// * that contains rush.json. If custom parameters are associated with this command, their
// * (Required) A script that will be invoked using the OS shell. The working directory will be
// * the folder that contains rush.json. If custom parameters are associated with this command, their
// * values will be appended to the end of this string.
// */
// "shellCommand": "node common/scripts/my-global-command.js"
// "shellCommand": "node common/scripts/my-global-command.js",
// /**
// * If your "shellCommand" script depends on NPM packages, the recommended best practice is
// * to make it into a regular Rush project that builds using your normal toolchain. In cases where
// * the command needs to work without first having to run "rush build", the recommended practice
// * is to publish the project to an NPM registry and use common/scripts/install-run.js to launch it.
// *
// * Autoinstallers offer another possibility: They are folders under "common/autoinstallers" with
// * a package.json file and shrinkwrap file. Rush will automatically invoke the package manager to
// * install these dependencies before an associated command is invoked. Autoinstallers have the
// * advantage that they work even in a branch where "rush install" is broken, which makes them a
// * good solution for Git hook scripts. But they have the disadvantages of not being buildable
// * projects, and of increasing the overall installation footprint for your monorepo.
// *
// * The "autoinstallerName" setting must not contain a path and must be a valid NPM package name.
// * For example, the name "my-task" would map to "common/autoinstallers/my-task/package.json", and
// * the "common/autoinstallers/my-task/node_modules/.bin" folder would be added to the shell PATH when
// * invoking the "shellCommand".
// */
// // "autoinstallerName": "my-task"
// }
@ -173,7 +197,7 @@ This is the template that `rush init` generates for **./common/config/rush/comma
// * (Required) A list of custom commands and/or built-in Rush commands that this parameter may
// * be used with. The parameter will be appended to the shell command that Rush invokes.
// */
// "associatedCommands": [ "build", "rebuild" ]
// "associatedCommands": ["build", "rebuild"]
// },
// {
@ -185,7 +209,7 @@ This is the template that `rush init` generates for **./common/config/rush/comma
// "longName": "--my-string",
// "description": "A custom string parameter for the \"my-global-command\" custom command",
// "associatedCommands": [ "my-global-command" ],
// "associatedCommands": ["my-global-command"],
// /**
// * The name of the argument, which will be shown in the command-line help.
@ -212,12 +236,12 @@ This is the template that `rush init` generates for **./common/config/rush/comma
// "longName": "--my-choice",
// "description": "A custom choice parameter for the \"my-global-command\" custom command",
// "associatedCommands": [ "my-global-command" ],
// "associatedCommands": ["my-global-command"],
// /**
// * If true, this parameter must be included with the command. The default is false.
// */
// "required": false,
// "required": false,
// /**
// * Normally if a parameter is omitted from the command line, it will not be passed
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ title: common-versions.json
navigation_source: docs_nav
This is the template that `rush init` generates for **./common/config/rush/common-versions.json**:
This is the template that [rush init]({% link pages/commands/ %})
generates for **common/config/rush/common-versions.json**:
@ -28,7 +29,6 @@ This is the template that `rush init` generates for **./common/config/rush/commo
* will recalculate all version selections.
"preferredVersions": {
* When someone asks for "^1.0.0" make sure they get "1.2.3" when working in this repo,
* instead of the latest version.
@ -60,8 +60,7 @@ This is the template that `rush init` generates for **./common/config/rush/commo
* This design avoids unnecessary churn in this file.
"allowedAlternativeVersions": {
"allowedAlternativeVersions": {
* For example, allow some projects to use an older TypeScript compiler
* (in addition to whatever "usual" version is being used by other projects in the repo):
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
layout: page
title: deploy.json
navigation_source: docs_nav
This is the template that [rush init-deploy]({% link pages/commands/ %})
generates for **common/config/rush/deploy.json**:
* This configuration file defines a deployment scenario for use with the "rush deploy" command.
* The default scenario file path is "deploy.json"; additional files use the naming pattern
* "deploy-<scenario-name>.json". For full documentation, please see
"$schema": "",
* The "rush deploy" command prepares a deployment folder, starting from the main project and collecting
* all of its dependencies (both NPM packages and other Rush projects). The main project is specified
* using the "--project" parameter. The "deploymentProjectNames" setting lists the allowable choices for
* the "--project" parameter; this documents the intended deployments for your monorepo and helps validate
* that "rush deploy" is invoked correctly. If there is only one item in the "deploymentProjectNames" array,
* then "--project" can be omitted. The names should be complete package names as declared in rush.json.
* If the main project should include other unrelated Rush projects, add it to the "projectSettings" section,
* and then specify those projects in the "additionalProjectsToInclude" list.
"deploymentProjectNames": [ /* YOUR PROJECT HERE */ ],
* When deploying a local Rush project, the package.json "devDependencies" are normally excluded.
* If you want to include them, set "includeDevDependencies" to true.
* The default value is false.
// "includeDevDependencies": true,
* When deploying a local Rush project, normally the .npmignore filter is applied so that Rush only copies
* files that would be packaged by "npm pack". Setting "includeNpmIgnoreFiles" to true will disable this
* filtering so that all files are copied (with a few trivial exceptions such as the "node_modules" folder).
* The default value is false.
// "includeNpmIgnoreFiles": true,
* Specify how links (symbolic links, hard links, and/or NTFS junctions) will be created in the deployed folder:
* - "default": Create the links while copying the files; this is the default behavior.
* - "script": A Node.js script called "create-links.js" will be written. When executed, this script will
* create the links described in the "deploy-metadata.json" output file.
* - "none": Do nothing; some other tool may create the links later.
// "linkCreation": "script",
* Customize how Rush projects are processed during deployment.
"projectSettings": [
// {
// /**
// * The full package name of the project, which must be declared in rush.json.
// */
// "projectName": "@my-scope/my-project",
// /**
// * A list of additional local Rush projects to be deployed with this project (beyond the package.json
// * dependencies). Specify full package names, which must be declared in rush.json.
// */
// "additionalProjectsToInclude": [
// // "@my-scope/my-project2"
// ]
// }
@ -4,17 +4,44 @@ title: Environment variables
navigation_source: docs_nav
There are several shell environment variables that you can use to customize the Rush tool's behavior.
The Rush tool's behavior can be customized using the shell environment variables described below:
This variable overrides the temporary folder used by Rush. The default value is "common/temp" under the
repository root.
If this variable is set to `true`, Rush will create symlinks with absolute paths instead
of relative paths. This can be necessary when a repository is moved during a build or
if parts of a repository are moved into a sandbox.
If this variable is set to `true`, Rush will not fail the build when running a version
of Node that does not match the criteria specified in the `nodeSupportedVersionRange`
field from **rush.json**.
This environment variable can be used to specify the `--target-folder` parameter
for the [rush deploy]({% link pages/commands/ %}) command.
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent processes to launch during a build.
For more information, see the command-line help for the `--parallelism` parameter for
[rush build]({% link pages/commands/ %}).
When using PNPM as the package manager, this variable can be used to configure the path that
PNPM will use as the store directory.
If a relative path is used, then the store path will be resolved relative to the process's
current working directory. An absolute path is recommended.
This variable overrides the version of Rush that will be installed by the version selector. The default value
is determined by the `rushVersion` field from rush.json.
This variable overrides the version of Rush that will be installed by
the version selector. The default value is determined by the `rushVersion`
field from rush.json.
For example, if you want to try out a different release of Rush before upgrading your repo, you can assign
the variable like this:
@ -24,14 +51,15 @@ $ set RUSH_PREVIEW_VERSION=5.0.0-dev.25
$ rush install
This variable overrides the temporary folder used by Rush.
The default value is **common/temp** under the repository root.
This variable selects an alternate installation variant for Rush to use when installing and linking
package dependencies. For more information about this feature, see
This variable selects a specific installation variant for Rush to use when installing
and linking package dependencies.
For more information about this feature, see
[Installation Variants]({% link pages/advanced/ %}).
If this variable is set to "true", Rush will create symlinks with absolute paths instead
of relative paths. This can be necessary when a repository is moved during a build or
if parts of a repository are moved into a sandbox.
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ title: experiments.json
navigation_source: docs_nav
This is the template that `rush init` generates for **./common/config/rush/experiments.json**:
This is the template that [rush init]({% link pages/commands/ %})
generates for **common/config/rush/experiments.json**:
@ -15,12 +16,24 @@ This is the template that `rush init` generates for **./common/config/rush/exper
"$schema": "",
* Rush 5.14.0 improved incremental builds to ignore spurious changes in the pnpm-lock.json file.
* This optimization is enabled by default. If you encounter a problem where "rush build" is neglecting
* to build some projects, please open a GitHub issue. As a workaround you can uncomment this line
* to temporarily restore the old behavior where everything must be rebuilt whenever pnpm-lock.json
* is modified.
// "legacyIncrementalBuildDependencyDetection": true
* Rush 5.14.0 improved incremental builds to ignore spurious changes in the pnpm-lock.json file.
* This optimization is enabled by default. If you encounter a problem where "rush build" is neglecting
* to build some projects, please open a GitHub issue. As a workaround you can uncomment this line
* to temporarily restore the old behavior where everything must be rebuilt whenever pnpm-lock.json
* is modified.
// "legacyIncrementalBuildDependencyDetection": true,
* By default, rush passes --no-prefer-frozen-lockfile to 'pnpm install'.
* Set this option to true to pass '--frozen-lockfile' instead.
// "usePnpmFrozenLockfileForRushInstall": true,
* If true, the chmod field in temporary project tar headers will not be normalized.
* This normalization can help ensure consistent tarball integrity across platforms.
// "noChmodFieldInTarHeaderNormalization": true
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ title: .npmrc
navigation_source: docs_nav
This is the template that `rush init` generates for **./common/config/rush/.npmrc**:
This is the template that [rush init]({% link pages/commands/ %})
generates for **common/config/rush/.npmrc**:
# Rush uses this file to configure the package registry, regardless of whether the
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ title: pnpmfile.js
navigation_source: docs_nav
This is the template that `rush init` generates for **./common/config/rush/pnpmfile.js**:
This is the template that [rush init]({% link pages/commands/ %})
generates for **common/config/rush/pnpmfile.js**:
"use strict";
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ title: rush.json
navigation_source: docs_nav
This is the template that `rush init` generates for **rush.json** (in the repo root folder):
This is the template that [rush init]({% link pages/commands/ %})
generates for **rush.json** (in the repo root folder):
@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ This is the template that `rush init` generates for **rush.json** (in the repo r
* path segment in the "$schema" field for all your Rush config files. This will ensure
* correct error-underlining and tab-completion for editors such as VS Code.
"rushVersion": "5.21.0",
"rushVersion": "5.26.0",
* The next field selects which package manager should be installed and determines its version.
@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ This is the template that `rush init` generates for **rush.json** (in the repo r
* Specify one of: "pnpmVersion", "npmVersion", or "yarnVersion". See the Rush documentation
* for details about these alternatives.
"pnpmVersion": "2.15.1",
"pnpmVersion": "4.12.5",
// "npmVersion": "4.5.0",
// "yarnVersion": "1.9.4",
@ -73,7 +74,6 @@ This is the template that `rush init` generates for **rush.json** (in the repo r
// "strictPeerDependencies": true,
* Configures the strategy used to select versions during installation.
@ -86,7 +86,25 @@ This is the template that `rush init` generates for **rush.json** (in the repo r
* After modifying this field, it's recommended to run "rush update --full" so that the package manager
* will recalculate all version selections.
// "resolutionStrategy": "fast"
// "resolutionStrategy": "fast",
* If true, then `rush install` will report an error if manual modifications
* were made to the PNPM shrinkwrap file without running "rush update" afterwards.
* This feature protects against accidental inconsistencies that may be introduced
* if the PNPM shrinkwrap file ("pnpm-lock.yaml") is manually edited. When this
* feature is enabled, "rush update" will append a hash to the file as a YAML comment,
* and then "rush update" and "rush install" will validate the hash. Note that this does not prohibit
* manual modifications, but merely requires "rush update" be run
* afterwards, ensuring that PNPM can report or repair any potential inconsistencies.
* To temporarily disable this validation when invoking "rush install", use the
* "--bypass-policy" command-line parameter.
* The default value is false.
// "preventManualShrinkwrapChanges": true
@ -97,19 +115,19 @@ This is the template that `rush init` generates for **rush.json** (in the repo r
* Specify a SemVer range to ensure developers use a Node.js version that is appropriate
* for your repo.
"nodeSupportedVersionRange": ">=10.13.0 <11.0.0",
"nodeSupportedVersionRange": ">=12.13.0 <13.0.0",
* Odd-numbered major versions of Node.js are experimental. Even-numbered releases
* spend six months in a stabilization period before the first Long Term Support (LTS) version.
* For example, 8.9.0 was the first LTS version of Node.js 8. Pre-LTS versions are not recommended
* for production usage because they frequently have bugs. They may cause Rush itself
* to malfunction.
* Rush normally prints a warning if it detects a pre-LTS Node.js version. If you are testing
* pre-LTS versions in preparation for supporting the first LTS version, you can use this setting
* to disable Rush's warning.
* Odd-numbered major versions of Node.js are experimental. Even-numbered releases
* spend six months in a stabilization period before the first Long Term Support (LTS) version.
* For example, 8.9.0 was the first LTS version of Node.js 8. Pre-LTS versions are not recommended
* for production usage because they frequently have bugs. They may cause Rush itself
* to malfunction.
* Rush normally prints a warning if it detects a pre-LTS Node.js version. If you are testing
* pre-LTS versions in preparation for supporting the first LTS version, you can use this setting
* to disable Rush's warning.
// "suppressNodeLtsWarning": false,
@ -123,7 +141,7 @@ This is the template that `rush init` generates for **rush.json** (in the repo r
* version. In those cases, you will need to add an entry to the "allowedAlternativeVersions"
* section of the common-versions.json.
// "ensureConsistentVersions": true,
// "ensureConsistentVersions": true,
* Large monorepos can become intimidating for newcomers if project folder paths don't follow
@ -151,6 +169,19 @@ This is the template that `rush init` generates for **rush.json** (in the repo r
// "projectFolderMinDepth": 2,
// "projectFolderMaxDepth": 2,
* Today the registry enforces fairly strict naming rules for packages, but in the early
* days there was no standard and hardly any enforcement. A few large legacy projects are still using
* nonstandard package names, and private registries sometimes allow it. Set "allowMostlyStandardPackageNames"
* to true to relax Rush's enforcement of package names. This allows upper case letters and in the future may
* relax other rules, however we want to minimize these exceptions. Many popular tools use certain punctuation
* characters as delimiters, based on the assumption that they will never appear in a package name; thus if we relax
* the rules too much it is likely to cause very confusing malfunctions.
* The default value is false.
// "allowMostlyStandardPackageNames": true,
* This feature helps you to review and approve new packages before they are introduced
* to your monorepo. For example, you may be concerned about licensing, code quality,
@ -184,7 +215,7 @@ This is the template that `rush init` generates for **rush.json** (in the repo r
// * if the underlying package was already approved, this would imply that the typings
// * are also approved.
// */
// // "ignoredNpmScopes": [ "@types" ]
// // "ignoredNpmScopes": ["@types"]
// },
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ title: version-policies.json
navigation_source: docs_nav
This is the template that `rush init` generates for **./common/config/rush/version-policies.json**:
This is the template that [rush init]({% link pages/commands/ %})
generates for **common/config/rush/version-policies.json**:
@ -12,11 +13,11 @@ This is the template that `rush init` generates for **./common/config/rush/versi
* For full documentation, please see
* A list of version policy definitions. A "version policy" is a custom package versioning
* strategy that affects "rush change", "rush version", and "rush publish". The strategy applies
* to a set of projects that are specified using the "versionPolicyName" field in rush.json.
* A list of version policy definitions. A "version policy" is a custom package versioning
* strategy that affects "rush change", "rush version", and "rush publish". The strategy applies
* to a set of projects that are specified using the "versionPolicyName" field in rush.json.
// {
// /**
@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
layout: page
title: Deploying projects
navigation_source: docs_nav
Suppose that your monorepo includes a Node.js service that we want to deploy to a web server.
For example, let's say the Node.js service is a local Rush project called `app1`, and the repo is
organized as follows:
- **apps/app1**:
- depends on `ext-lib7` (from NPM) and `lib3` (a local project)
- dev dependencies on `ext-tool8` (from NPM) and `tool6` (a local project)
- **apps/app2**: depends on `lib3` and `lib4`
- **libraries/lib3**: depends on `lib5`
- **libraries/lib4**: no dependencies
- **libraries/lib5**: peer dependency on `ext-lib7`
- **tools/tool6**: no dependencies
One solution might be to run `rush install` and `rush build`, and then copy the entire monorepo to the server.
However, this could potentially include many extraneous files and NPM packages. Instead we would like to copy
only `app1` and its regular dependencies (`ext-lib7`, `lib3`, `lib5`). We do not want to include dev dependencies such
as `ext-tool8`.
The [rush deploy]({% link pages/commands/ %}) command calculates this set of files and
copies them to a target folder, which you can then upload to your server.
## Configuring "rush deploy"
The `rush deploy` command reads its settings from a config file
[common/config/rush/deploy.json]({% link pages/configs/ %}). This config file is not created
by `rush init`. Instead, you create the file using [rush init-deploy]({% link pages/commands/ %}).
Continuing our example, we can create the file using this command:
# Create common/config/rush/deploy.json and configure it to deploy "app1"
$ rush init-deploy --project app1
After the file **deploy.json** is created, open it in your editor and adjust the settings as appropriate. Then
commit this file to Git.
## Preparing a deployment
To copy the files to the deployment target folder, you would use these commands:
# Install dependencies
$ rush install
# Build the monorepo
$ rush build
# Copy app1 and its dependencies to the default target folder: common/deploy/
$ rush deploy
This will prepare a deployment by copying `app1` and its dependencies the target folder. The copied files will be
organized similarly to the monorepo's folder structure:
- **common/deploy/apps/app1/...**
- **common/deploy/common/temp/node_modules/ext-lib7/...**
- **common/deploy/libraries/lib3/...**
- **common/deploy/libraries/lib4/...**
You can test that the deployment worked correctly by executing `app1` from within the deployment target folder:
# Change to the app1 location under the target folder
$ cd common/deploy/apps/app1
# Invoke the package.json script that starts the web service
$ rushx start
If the project fails to run (but worked correctly from its original location **apps/app1**), then you many
need to tune the settings in **deploy.json**. Once you've confirmed that the project works correctly, the next step
is to upload the **common/deploy** subtree to your server machine.
## Handling links
The **common/deploy** subtree will have symbolic links created by `rush install`. For example, if you are using the
PNPM package manager, then **common/deploy/apps/app1/node_modules/ext-lib7** may be a symlink to a folder under the
**common/deploy/common/temp/node_modules/.pnpm/...** path. Correctly replicating these links can be problematic for
upload tools such as `tar` or `ftp`.
The **deploy.json** config file provides a setting `linkCreation` that offers choices for handling links:
- `"default"`: Create the links while copying the files; this is the default behavior. Use this setting if your
file copy tool can handle links correctly.
- `"script"`: A Node.js script called **create-links.js** will be written to the target folder. Use this setting
to create links on the server machine, after the files have been uploaded.
- `"none"`: Do nothing; some other tool may create the links later, based on the **deploy-metadata.json** file.
The **deploy-metadata.json** file is written to the deployment target folder and contains a full inventory of
links that need to be created. It might look something like this:
"scenarioName": "deploy.json",
"mainProjectName": "app1",
"links": [
"kind": "folderLink",
"linkPath": "common/deploy/apps/app1/node_modules/ext-lib7",
"targetPath": "common/deploy/common/temp/node_modules/.pnpm/"
. . .
If you specify `"linkCreation": "script"` then `rush deploy` will create the **common/deploy** folder without
any links. After you have uploaded this folder to your server machine, you can then invoke the script
to create the links:
# Invoke this command on the server machine, after the files have been uploaded
$ node create-links.js create
## Including additional projects
Continuing our example, suppose that we want to include `app1` and `app2` together as a single deployment.
Since `app2` is not a dependency of `app1`, it will not be included automatically. We can consider `app1` to be
the "main project" (listed in `deploymentProjectNames`), and then declare `app2` as an "additional project".
The config file would look like this:
. . .
// The main project
"deploymentProjectNames": ["app1"],
. . .
"projectSettings": [
"projectName": "app1",
// When deploying "app1", include "app2". We need to add this explicitly because
// "app2" is not a dependency of "app1".
"additionalProjectsToInclude": [ "app2" ]
## Multiple deployments using the same config file
Continuing our example, suppose that instead we want `app1` and `app2` to be deployed separately to two different
web servers. If the settings are the same, we can simply add both of them to the `deploymentProjectNames` array,
like this:
. . .
"deploymentProjectNames": [ "app1", "app2" ],
. . .
When performing the deployment, the `--project` parameter selects which project to deploy. For example:
# Copy app1 and its dependencies to /mnt/deploy/app1
$ rush deploy --project app1 --target-folder /mnt/deploy/app1
# Copy app2 and its dependencies to /mnt/deploy/app2
$ rush deploy --project app2 --target-folder /mnt/deploy/app2
The `--target-folder` parameter copies the files to a custom location instead of the **common/deploy/** default folder.
## Multiple deployments using different config files
Continuing our example, suppose that `app2` deploys separately and it requires different settings from `app1`.
For example, suppose that we want `"linkCreation": "default"` for `app1`, but `"linkCreation": "script"` for `app2`.
We will create two config files:
- **common/config/rush/deploy.json** - the default scenario file, which we'll use for `app1`
- **common/config/rush/deploy-app2-example.json** -- the `app2-example` scenario, which we will use for `app2`
Both of these files can be created using `rush init-deploy`:
# Create common/config/rush/deploy.json
$ rush init-deploy --project app1
# Create common/config/rush/deploy-app2-example.json
$ rush init-deploy --project app2 --scenario app2-example
After editing **deploy-app2-example.json** to specify `"linkCreation": "script"`, we can now use the
`--scenario` parameter with `rush deploy`:
# Copy app1 and its dependencies to /mnt/deploy/app1
# Uses scenario file: common/config/rush/deploy.json
$ rush deploy --target-folder /mnt/deploy/app1
# Copy app2 and its dependencies to /mnt/deploy/app2
# Uses scenario file: common/config/rush/deploy-app2-example.json
$ rush deploy --target-folder /mnt/deploy/app2 --scenario app2-example
Note that the `--project` parameter is not needed with `rush deploy` because each config file has only one project
in its `"deploymentProjectNames"` array.
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