Regenerate API docs; add Heft and module-minifier-plugin

This commit is contained in:
Pete Gonzalez 2020-07-16 10:44:22 -07:00
Родитель 56a3c57367
Коммит 94c75092b8
233 изменённых файлов: 5193 добавлений и 1 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -1120,6 +1120,8 @@ api_nav:
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.commonversionsconfiguration.filepath
- title: getAllPreferredVersions
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.commonversionsconfiguration.getallpreferredversions
- title: getPreferredVersionsHash
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.commonversionsconfiguration.getpreferredversionshash
- title: implicitlyPreferredVersions
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.commonversionsconfiguration.implicitlypreferredversions
- title: loadFromFile
@ -1282,8 +1284,23 @@ api_nav:
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.pnpmoptionsconfiguration.resolutionstrategy
- title: strictPeerDependencies
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.pnpmoptionsconfiguration.strictpeerdependencies
- title: useWorkspaces
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.pnpmoptionsconfiguration.useworkspaces
- title: PnpmStoreOptions
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.pnpmstoreoptions
- title: RepoStateFile
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.repostatefile
- title: filePath
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.repostatefile.filepath
- title: loadFromFile
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.repostatefile.loadfromfile
- title: pnpmShrinkwrapHash
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.repostatefile.pnpmshrinkwraphash
- title: preferredVersionsHash
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.repostatefile.preferredversionshash
- title: refreshState
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.repostatefile.refreshstate
- title: ResolutionStrategy
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.resolutionstrategy
- title: Rush
@ -1306,6 +1323,8 @@ api_nav:
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfiguration.changesfolder
- title: committedShrinkwrapFilename
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfiguration.committedshrinkwrapfilename
- title: commonAutoinstallersFolder
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfiguration.commonautoinstallersfolder
- title: commonFolder
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfiguration.commonfolder
- title: commonRushConfigFolder
@ -1340,6 +1359,10 @@ api_nav:
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfiguration.getpnpmfilepath
- title: getProjectByName
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfiguration.getprojectbyname
- title: getRepoState
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfiguration.getrepostate
- title: getRepoStateFilePath
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfiguration.getrepostatefilepath
- title: gitAllowedEmailRegExps
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfiguration.gitallowedemailregexps
- title: gitSampleEmail
@ -1524,6 +1547,288 @@ api_nav:
url: /pages/api/debug-certificate-manager.icertificate.pemcertificate
- title: pemKey
url: /pages/api/debug-certificate-manager.icertificate.pemkey
- title: '@rushstack/heft'
url: /pages/api/heft
- title: ActionHooksBase
url: /pages/api/heft.actionhooksbase
- title: afterLoadActionConfiguration
url: /pages/api/heft.actionhooksbase.afterloadactionconfiguration
- title: loadActionConfiguration
url: /pages/api/heft.actionhooksbase.loadactionconfiguration
- title: overrideAction
url: /pages/api/heft.actionhooksbase.overrideaction
- title: BuildHooks
url: /pages/api/heft.buildhooks
- title: bundle
url: /pages/api/heft.buildhooks.bundle
- title: compile
url: /pages/api/heft.buildhooks.compile
- title: postBuild
url: /pages/api/heft.buildhooks.postbuild
- title: preCompile
url: /pages/api/heft.buildhooks.precompile
- title: BuildStageHooksBase
url: /pages/api/heft.buildstagehooksbase
- title: run
url: /pages/api/
- title: BundleStageHooks
url: /pages/api/heft.bundlestagehooks
- title: afterConfigureWebpack
url: /pages/api/heft.bundlestagehooks.afterconfigurewebpack
- title: configureWebpack
url: /pages/api/heft.bundlestagehooks.configurewebpack
- title: CleanHooks
url: /pages/api/heft.cleanhooks
- title: deletePath
url: /pages/api/heft.cleanhooks.deletepath
- title: CompileStageHooks
url: /pages/api/heft.compilestagehooks
- title: afterConfigureCopyStaticAssets
url: /pages/api/heft.compilestagehooks.afterconfigurecopystaticassets
- title: afterConfigureTypeScript
url: /pages/api/heft.compilestagehooks.afterconfiguretypescript
- title: configureCopyStaticAssets
url: /pages/api/heft.compilestagehooks.configurecopystaticassets
- title: configureTypeScript
url: /pages/api/heft.compilestagehooks.configuretypescript
- title: CopyFromCacheMode
url: /pages/api/heft.copyfromcachemode
- title: DevDeployHooks
url: /pages/api/heft.devdeployhooks
- title: HeftConfiguration
url: /pages/api/heft.heftconfiguration
- title: buildCacheFolder
url: /pages/api/heft.heftconfiguration.buildcachefolder
- title: buildFolder
url: /pages/api/heft.heftconfiguration.buildfolder
- title: compilerPackage
url: /pages/api/heft.heftconfiguration.compilerpackage
- title: heftPackageJson
url: /pages/api/heft.heftconfiguration.heftpackagejson
- title: projectHeftDataFolder
url: /pages/api/heft.heftconfiguration.projectheftdatafolder
- title: projectPackageJson
url: /pages/api/heft.heftconfiguration.projectpackagejson
- title: terminal
url: /pages/api/heft.heftconfiguration.terminal
- title: terminalProvider
url: /pages/api/heft.heftconfiguration.terminalprovider
- title: HeftSession
url: /pages/api/heft.heftsession
- title: debugMode
url: /pages/api/heft.heftsession.debugmode
- title: hooks
url: /pages/api/heft.heftsession.hooks
- title: IActionContext
url: /pages/api/heft.iactioncontext
- title: hooks
url: /pages/api/heft.iactioncontext.hooks
- title: properties
url: /pages/api/
- title: IBuildActionContext
url: /pages/api/heft.ibuildactioncontext
- title: IBuildActionProperties
url: /pages/api/heft.ibuildactionproperties
- title: cleanFlag
url: /pages/api/heft.ibuildactionproperties.cleanflag
- title: liteFlag
url: /pages/api/heft.ibuildactionproperties.liteflag
- title: locale
url: /pages/api/heft.ibuildactionproperties.locale
- title: maxOldSpaceSize
url: /pages/api/heft.ibuildactionproperties.maxoldspacesize
- title: noTest
url: /pages/api/heft.ibuildactionproperties.notest
- title: productionFlag
url: /pages/api/heft.ibuildactionproperties.productionflag
- title: verboseFlag
url: /pages/api/heft.ibuildactionproperties.verboseflag
- title: watchMode
url: /pages/api/heft.ibuildactionproperties.watchmode
- title: webpackStats
url: /pages/api/heft.ibuildactionproperties.webpackstats
- title: IBuildStage
url: /pages/api/heft.ibuildstage
- title: hooks
url: /pages/api/heft.ibuildstage.hooks
- title: properties
url: /pages/api/
- title: IBundleStage
url: /pages/api/heft.ibundlestage
- title: IBundleStageProperties
url: /pages/api/heft.ibundlestageproperties
- title: webpackConfigFilePath
url: /pages/api/heft.ibundlestageproperties.webpackconfigfilepath
- title: webpackConfiguration
url: /pages/api/heft.ibundlestageproperties.webpackconfiguration
- title: ICleanActionContext
url: /pages/api/heft.icleanactioncontext
- title: ICleanActionProperties
url: /pages/api/heft.icleanactionproperties
- title: deleteCache
url: /pages/api/heft.icleanactionproperties.deletecache
- title: pathsToDelete
url: /pages/api/heft.icleanactionproperties.pathstodelete
- title: ICompilerPackage
url: /pages/api/heft.icompilerpackage
- title: apiExtractorPackagePath
url: /pages/api/heft.icompilerpackage.apiextractorpackagepath
- title: eslintPackagePath
url: /pages/api/heft.icompilerpackage.eslintpackagepath
- title: tslintPackagePath
url: /pages/api/heft.icompilerpackage.tslintpackagepath
- title: typeScriptPackagePath
url: /pages/api/heft.icompilerpackage.typescriptpackagepath
- title: ICompileStage
url: /pages/api/heft.icompilestage
- title: ICompileStageProperties
url: /pages/api/heft.icompilestageproperties
- title: copyStaticAssetsConfiguration
url: /pages/api/heft.icompilestageproperties.copystaticassetsconfiguration
- title: typeScriptConfiguration
url: /pages/api/heft.icompilestageproperties.typescriptconfiguration
- title: ICopyStaticAssetsConfiguration
url: /pages/api/heft.icopystaticassetsconfiguration
- title: destinationFolderNames
url: /pages/api/heft.icopystaticassetsconfiguration.destinationfoldernames
- title: sourceFolderName
url: /pages/api/heft.icopystaticassetsconfiguration.sourcefoldername
- title: IDevDeployActionContext
url: /pages/api/heft.idevdeployactioncontext
- title: IDevDeployActionProperties
url: /pages/api/heft.idevdeployactionproperties
- title: IEmitModuleKind
url: /pages/api/heft.iemitmodulekind
- title: IEmitModuleKindBase
url: /pages/api/heft.iemitmodulekindbase
- title: moduleKind
url: /pages/api/heft.iemitmodulekindbase.modulekind
- title: outFolderPath
url: /pages/api/heft.iemitmodulekindbase.outfolderpath
- title: IHeftActionConfiguration
url: /pages/api/heft.iheftactionconfiguration
- title: IHeftActionConfigurationOptions
url: /pages/api/heft.iheftactionconfigurationoptions
- title: mergeArrays
url: /pages/api/heft.iheftactionconfigurationoptions.mergearrays
- title: IHeftPlugin
url: /pages/api/heft.iheftplugin
- title: apply
url: /pages/api/heft.iheftplugin.apply
- title: displayName
url: /pages/api/heft.iheftplugin.displayname
- title: IHeftSessionHooks
url: /pages/api/heft.iheftsessionhooks
- title: build
url: /pages/api/
- title: clean
url: /pages/api/heft.iheftsessionhooks.clean
- title: devDeploy
url: /pages/api/heft.iheftsessionhooks.devdeploy
- title: metricsCollector
url: /pages/api/heft.iheftsessionhooks.metricscollector
- title: start
url: /pages/api/heft.iheftsessionhooks.start
- title: test
url: /pages/api/heft.iheftsessionhooks.test
- title: IMetricsData
url: /pages/api/heft.imetricsdata
- title: command
url: /pages/api/heft.imetricsdata.command
- title: machineArch
url: /pages/api/heft.imetricsdata.machinearch
- title: machineCores
url: /pages/api/heft.imetricsdata.machinecores
- title: machineOs
url: /pages/api/heft.imetricsdata.machineos
- title: machineProcessor
url: /pages/api/heft.imetricsdata.machineprocessor
- title: machineTotalMemoryMB
url: /pages/api/heft.imetricsdata.machinetotalmemorymb
- title: taskTotalExecutionMs
url: /pages/api/heft.imetricsdata.tasktotalexecutionms
- title: IPostBuildStage
url: /pages/api/heft.ipostbuildstage
- title: IPreCompileStage
url: /pages/api/heft.iprecompilestage
- title: ISharedCopyStaticAssetsConfiguration
url: /pages/api/heft.isharedcopystaticassetsconfiguration
- title: excludeGlobs
url: /pages/api/heft.isharedcopystaticassetsconfiguration.excludeglobs
- title: fileExtensions
url: /pages/api/heft.isharedcopystaticassetsconfiguration.fileextensions
- title: includeGlobs
url: /pages/api/heft.isharedcopystaticassetsconfiguration.includeglobs
- title: ISharedTypeScriptConfiguration
url: /pages/api/heft.isharedtypescriptconfiguration
- title: additionalModuleKindsToEmit
url: /pages/api/heft.isharedtypescriptconfiguration.additionalmodulekindstoemit
- title: copyFromCacheMode
url: /pages/api/heft.isharedtypescriptconfiguration.copyfromcachemode
- title: maxWriteParallelism
url: /pages/api/heft.isharedtypescriptconfiguration.maxwriteparallelism
- title: IStartActionContext
url: /pages/api/heft.istartactioncontext
- title: IStartActionProperties
url: /pages/api/heft.istartactionproperties
- title: ITestActionContext
url: /pages/api/heft.itestactioncontext
- title: ITestActionProperties
url: /pages/api/heft.itestactionproperties
- title: productionFlag
url: /pages/api/heft.itestactionproperties.productionflag
- title: watchMode
url: /pages/api/heft.itestactionproperties.watchmode
- title: ITypeScriptConfiguration
url: /pages/api/heft.itypescriptconfiguration
- title: isLintingEnabled
url: /pages/api/heft.itypescriptconfiguration.islintingenabled
- title: tsconfigPaths
url: /pages/api/heft.itypescriptconfiguration.tsconfigpaths
- title: MetricsCollectorHooks
url: /pages/api/heft.metricscollectorhooks
- title: flush
url: /pages/api/heft.metricscollectorhooks.flush
- title: flushAndTeardown
url: /pages/api/heft.metricscollectorhooks.flushandteardown
- title: recordMetric
url: /pages/api/heft.metricscollectorhooks.recordmetric
- title: StartHooks
url: /pages/api/heft.starthooks
- title: TestHooks
url: /pages/api/heft.testhooks
- title: configureTest
url: /pages/api/heft.testhooks.configuretest
- title: run
url: /pages/api/
- title: '@rushstack/localization-plugin'
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin
@ -1663,6 +1968,194 @@ api_nav:
- title: (constructor)
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.typingsgenerator._constructor_
- title: '@rushstack/module-minifier-plugin'
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.chunk_modules_token
- title: generateLicenseFileForAsset
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.generatelicensefileforasset
- title: IAssetInfo
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.iassetinfo
- title: chunk
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.iassetinfo.chunk
- title: extractedComments
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.iassetinfo.extractedcomments
- title: fileName
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.iassetinfo.filename
- title: modules
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.iassetinfo.modules
- title: source
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.iassetinfo.source
- title: IAssetMap
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.iassetmap
- title: IDehydratedAssets
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.idehydratedassets
- title: assets
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.idehydratedassets.assets
- title: modules
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.idehydratedassets.modules
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.identifier_leading_digits
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.identifier_trailing_digits
- title: IExtendedModule
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.iextendedmodule
- title: id
url: /pages/api/
- title: identifier
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.iextendedmodule.identifier
- title: readableIdentifier
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.iextendedmodule.readableidentifier
- title: resource
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.iextendedmodule.resource
- title: skipMinification
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.iextendedmodule.skipminification
- title: IModuleInfo
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleinfo
- title: extractedComments
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleinfo.extractedcomments
- title: module
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleinfo.module
- title: source
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleinfo.source
- title: IModuleMap
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imodulemap
- title: IModuleMinificationCallback
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleminificationcallback
- title: IModuleMinificationErrorResult
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleminificationerrorresult
- title: code
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleminificationerrorresult.code
- title: error
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleminificationerrorresult.error
- title: extractedComments
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleminificationerrorresult.extractedcomments
- title: hash
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleminificationerrorresult.hash
- title: map
url: /pages/api/
- title: IModuleMinificationRequest
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleminificationrequest
- title: code
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleminificationrequest.code
- title: hash
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleminificationrequest.hash
- title: nameForMap
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleminificationrequest.nameformap
- title: IModuleMinificationResult
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleminificationresult
- title: IModuleMinificationSuccessResult
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleminificationsuccessresult
- title: code
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleminificationsuccessresult.code
- title: error
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleminificationsuccessresult.error
- title: extractedComments
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleminificationsuccessresult.extractedcomments
- title: hash
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleminificationsuccessresult.hash
- title: map
url: /pages/api/
- title: IModuleMinifier
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleminifier
- title: minify
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleminifier.minify
- title: ref
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleminifier.ref
- title: IModuleMinifierFunction
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleminifierfunction
- title: IModuleMinifierPluginHooks
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleminifierpluginhooks
- title: finalModuleId
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleminifierpluginhooks.finalmoduleid
- title: postProcessCodeFragment
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleminifierpluginhooks.postprocesscodefragment
- title: rehydrateAssets
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleminifierpluginhooks.rehydrateassets
- title: IModuleMinifierPluginOptions
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleminifierpluginoptions
- title: minifier
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleminifierpluginoptions.minifier
- title: sourceMap
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleminifierpluginoptions.sourcemap
- title: usePortableModules
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.imoduleminifierpluginoptions.useportablemodules
- title: ISynchronousMinifierOptions
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.isynchronousminifieroptions
- title: terserOptions
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.isynchronousminifieroptions.terseroptions
- title: IWorkerPoolMinifierOptions
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.iworkerpoolminifieroptions
- title: maxThreads
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.iworkerpoolminifieroptions.maxthreads
- title: terserOptions
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.iworkerpoolminifieroptions.terseroptions
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.module_wrapper_prefix
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.module_wrapper_suffix
- title: ModuleMinifierPlugin
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.moduleminifierplugin
- title: (constructor)
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.moduleminifierplugin._constructor_
- title: apply
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.moduleminifierplugin.apply
- title: hooks
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.moduleminifierplugin.hooks
- title: minifier
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.moduleminifierplugin.minifier
- title: NoopMinifier
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.noopminifier
- title: minify
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.noopminifier.minify
- title: PortableMinifierModuleIdsPlugin
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.portableminifiermoduleidsplugin
- title: (constructor)
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.portableminifiermoduleidsplugin._constructor_
- title: apply
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.portableminifiermoduleidsplugin.apply
- title: rehydrateAsset
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.rehydrateasset
- title: STAGE_AFTER
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.stage_after
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.stage_before
- title: SynchronousMinifier
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.synchronousminifier
- title: (constructor)
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.synchronousminifier._constructor_
- title: minify
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.synchronousminifier.minify
- title: terserOptions
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.synchronousminifier.terseroptions
- title: WorkerPoolMinifier
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.workerpoolminifier
- title: (constructor)
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.workerpoolminifier._constructor_
- title: maxThreads
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.workerpoolminifier.maxthreads
- title: minify
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.workerpoolminifier.minify
- title: ref
url: /pages/api/module-minifier-plugin.workerpoolminifier.ref
- title: '@rushstack/node-core-library'
url: /pages/api/node-core-library
@ -2216,6 +2709,8 @@ api_nav:
- title: mergeFromMap
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.mapextensions.mergefrommap
- title: toObject
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.mapextensions.toobject
- title: NewlineKind
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.newlinekind
- title: PackageJsonLookup

Просмотреть файл

@ -26,8 +26,10 @@ export declare const enum ConsoleMessageId
| ApiReportFolderMissing | <code>&quot;console-api-report-folder-missing&quot;</code> | "Unable to create the API report file. Please make sure the target folder exists: \_\_\_" |
| ApiReportNotCopied | <code>&quot;console-api-report-not-copied&quot;</code> | "You have changed the public API signature for this project. Please copy the file \_\_\_ to \_\_\_, or perform a local build (which does this automatically). See the Git repo documentation for more info."<!-- -->OR<!-- -->"The API report file is missing. Please copy the file \_\_\_ to \_\_\_, or perform a local build (which does this automatically). See the Git repo documentation for more info." |
| ApiReportUnchanged | <code>&quot;console-api-report-unchanged&quot;</code> | "The API report is up to date: \_\_\_" |
| CompilerVersionNotice | <code>&quot;console-compiler-version-notice&quot;</code> | "The target project appears to use TypeScript \_\_\_ which is newer than the bundled compiler engine; consider upgrading API Extractor." |
| Diagnostics | <code>&quot;console-diagnostics&quot;</code> | Used for the information printed when the "--diagnostics" flag is enabled. |
| FoundTSDocMetadata | <code>&quot;console-found-tsdoc-metadata&quot;</code> | "Found metadata in \_\_\_" |
| Preamble | <code>&quot;console-preamble&quot;</code> | "Analysis will use the bundled TypeScript version \_\_\_" |
| WritingDocModelFile | <code>&quot;console-writing-doc-model-file&quot;</code> | "Writing: \_\_\_" |
| WritingDtsRollup | <code>&quot;console-writing-dts-rollup&quot;</code> | "Writing package typings: \_\_\_" |

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
layout: page
navigation_source: api_nav
improve_this_button: false
<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
[Home](./ &gt; [@rushstack/heft](./ &gt; [ActionHooksBase](./ &gt; [afterLoadActionConfiguration](./
## ActionHooksBase.afterLoadActionConfiguration property
readonly afterLoadActionConfiguration: AsyncSeriesHook;

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
layout: page
navigation_source: api_nav
improve_this_button: false
<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
[Home](./ &gt; [@rushstack/heft](./ &gt; [ActionHooksBase](./ &gt; [loadActionConfiguration](./
## ActionHooksBase.loadActionConfiguration property
readonly loadActionConfiguration: AsyncSeriesHook;

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
layout: page
navigation_source: api_nav
improve_this_button: false
<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
[Home](./ &gt; [@rushstack/heft](./ &gt; [ActionHooksBase](./
## ActionHooksBase class
export declare abstract class ActionHooksBase<TActionProperties extends object>
## Properties
| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| [afterLoadActionConfiguration](./ | | AsyncSeriesHook | |
| [loadActionConfiguration](./ | | AsyncSeriesHook | |
| [overrideAction](./ | | AsyncSeriesBailHook&lt;TActionProperties&gt; | <b><i>(BETA)</i></b> This hook allows the action's execution to be completely overridden. Only the last-registered plugin with an override hook provided applies. |

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
layout: page
navigation_source: api_nav
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[Home](./ &gt; [@rushstack/heft](./ &gt; [ActionHooksBase](./ &gt; [overrideAction](./
## ActionHooksBase.overrideAction property
> This API is provided as a preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.
This hook allows the action's execution to be completely overridden. Only the last-registered plugin with an override hook provided applies.
readonly overrideAction: AsyncSeriesBailHook<TActionProperties>;

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## BuildHooks.bundle property
readonly bundle: SyncHook<IBundleStage>;

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## BuildHooks.compile property
readonly compile: SyncHook<ICompileStage>;

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## BuildHooks class
export declare class BuildHooks extends ActionHooksBase<IBuildActionProperties>
<b>Extends:</b> [ActionHooksBase](./<!-- -->&lt;[IBuildActionProperties](./<!-- -->&gt;
## Properties
| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| [bundle](./ | | SyncHook&lt;[IBundleStage](./<!-- -->&gt; | |
| [compile](./ | | SyncHook&lt;[ICompileStage](./<!-- -->&gt; | |
| [postBuild](./ | | SyncHook&lt;[IPostBuildStage](./<!-- -->&gt; | |
| [preCompile](./ | | SyncHook&lt;[IPreCompileStage](./<!-- -->&gt; | |

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## BuildHooks.postBuild property
readonly postBuild: SyncHook<IPostBuildStage>;

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## BuildHooks.preCompile property
readonly preCompile: SyncHook<IPreCompileStage>;

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[Home](./ &gt; [@rushstack/heft](./ &gt; [BuildStageHooksBase](./
## BuildStageHooksBase class
export declare class BuildStageHooksBase
## Properties
| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| [run](./ | | AsyncParallelHook | |

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## property
readonly run: AsyncParallelHook;

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[Home](./ &gt; [@rushstack/heft](./ &gt; [BundleStageHooks](./ &gt; [afterConfigureWebpack](./
## BundleStageHooks.afterConfigureWebpack property
readonly afterConfigureWebpack: AsyncSeriesHook;

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## BundleStageHooks.configureWebpack property
readonly configureWebpack: AsyncSeriesHook;

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## BundleStageHooks class
export declare class BundleStageHooks extends BuildStageHooksBase
<b>Extends:</b> [BuildStageHooksBase](./
## Properties
| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| [afterConfigureWebpack](./ | | AsyncSeriesHook | |
| [configureWebpack](./ | | AsyncSeriesHook | |

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## CleanHooks.deletePath property
readonly deletePath: AsyncSeriesBailHook<string>;

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## CleanHooks class
export declare class CleanHooks extends ActionHooksBase<ICleanActionProperties>
<b>Extends:</b> [ActionHooksBase](./<!-- -->&lt;[ICleanActionProperties](./<!-- -->&gt;
## Properties
| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| [deletePath](./ | | AsyncSeriesBailHook&lt;string&gt; | |

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## CompileStageHooks.afterConfigureCopyStaticAssets property
readonly afterConfigureCopyStaticAssets: AsyncSeriesHook;

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## CompileStageHooks.afterConfigureTypeScript property
readonly afterConfigureTypeScript: AsyncSeriesHook;

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## CompileStageHooks.configureCopyStaticAssets property
readonly configureCopyStaticAssets: AsyncSeriesHook;

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## CompileStageHooks.configureTypeScript property
readonly configureTypeScript: AsyncSeriesHook;

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## CompileStageHooks class
export declare class CompileStageHooks extends BuildStageHooksBase
<b>Extends:</b> [BuildStageHooksBase](./
## Properties
| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| [afterConfigureCopyStaticAssets](./ | | AsyncSeriesHook | |
| [afterConfigureTypeScript](./ | | AsyncSeriesHook | |
| [configureCopyStaticAssets](./ | | AsyncSeriesHook | |
| [configureTypeScript](./ | | AsyncSeriesHook | |

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## CopyFromCacheMode type
export declare type CopyFromCacheMode = 'hardlink' | 'copy';

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[Home](./ &gt; [@rushstack/heft](./ &gt; [DevDeployHooks](./
## DevDeployHooks class
export declare class DevDeployHooks extends ActionHooksBase<IDevDeployActionProperties>
<b>Extends:</b> [ActionHooksBase](./<!-- -->&lt;[IDevDeployActionProperties](./<!-- -->&gt;

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[Home](./ &gt; [@rushstack/heft](./ &gt; [HeftConfiguration](./ &gt; [buildCacheFolder](./
## HeftConfiguration.buildCacheFolder property
The project's build cache folder.
This folder exists at &lt;<!-- -->project root<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->/.heft/build-cache. TypeScript's output goes into this folder and then is either copied or linked to the final output folder
get buildCacheFolder(): string;

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## HeftConfiguration.buildFolder property
Project build folder. This is the folder containing the project's package.json file.
get buildFolder(): string;

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## HeftConfiguration.compilerPackage property
If used by the project being built, the tool package paths exported from the rush-stack-compiler-\* package.
get compilerPackage(): ICompilerPackage | undefined;

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## HeftConfiguration.heftPackageJson property
The Heft tool's package.json
get heftPackageJson(): IPackageJson;

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## HeftConfiguration class
export declare class HeftConfiguration
## Properties
| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| [buildCacheFolder](./ | | string | The project's build cache folder.<!-- -->This folder exists at &lt;<!-- -->project root<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->/.heft/build-cache. TypeScript's output goes into this folder and then is either copied or linked to the final output folder |
| [buildFolder](./ | | string | Project build folder. This is the folder containing the project's package.json file. |
| [compilerPackage](./ | | [ICompilerPackage](./ \| undefined | If used by the project being built, the tool package paths exported from the rush-stack-compiler-\* package. |
| [heftPackageJson](./ | | [IPackageJson](./ | The Heft tool's package.json |
| [projectHeftDataFolder](./ | | string | The path to the project's ".heft" folder. |
| [projectPackageJson](./ | | [IPackageJson](./ | The package.json of the project being built |
| [terminal](./ | | [Terminal](./ | Terminal instance to facilitate logging. |
| [terminalProvider](./ | | [ITerminalProvider](./ | Terminal provider for the provided terminal. |

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## HeftConfiguration.projectHeftDataFolder property
The path to the project's ".heft" folder.
get projectHeftDataFolder(): string;

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## HeftConfiguration.projectPackageJson property
The package.json of the project being built
get projectPackageJson(): IPackageJson;

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## HeftConfiguration.terminal property
Terminal instance to facilitate logging.
get terminal(): Terminal;

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## HeftConfiguration.terminalProvider property
Terminal provider for the provided terminal.
get terminalProvider(): ITerminalProvider;

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[Home](./ &gt; [@rushstack/heft](./ &gt; [HeftSession](./ &gt; [debugMode](./
## HeftSession.debugMode property
If set to true, the build is running with the --debug flag
get debugMode(): boolean;

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## HeftSession.hooks property
readonly hooks: IHeftSessionHooks;

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## HeftSession class
export declare class HeftSession
## Remarks
The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `HeftSession` class.
## Properties
| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| [debugMode](./ | | boolean | If set to true, the build is running with the --debug flag |
| [hooks](./ | | [IHeftSessionHooks](./ | |

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## IActionContext.hooks property
hooks: THooks;

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## IActionContext interface
export interface IActionContext<THooks extends ActionHooksBase<TActionProperties>, TActionProperties extends object>
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [hooks](./ | THooks | |
| [properties](./ | TActionProperties | |

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## property
properties: TActionProperties;

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## IBuildActionContext interface
export interface IBuildActionContext extends IActionContext<BuildHooks, IBuildActionProperties>
<b>Extends:</b> [IActionContext](./<!-- -->&lt;[BuildHooks](./<!-- -->, [IBuildActionProperties](./<!-- -->&gt;

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## IBuildActionProperties.cleanFlag property
cleanFlag: boolean;

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## IBuildActionProperties.liteFlag property
liteFlag: boolean;

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## IBuildActionProperties.locale property
locale?: string;

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## IBuildActionProperties.maxOldSpaceSize property
maxOldSpaceSize?: string;

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## IBuildActionProperties interface
export interface IBuildActionProperties
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [cleanFlag](./ | boolean | |
| [liteFlag](./ | boolean | |
| [locale](./ | string | |
| [maxOldSpaceSize](./ | string | |
| [noTest](./ | boolean | |
| [productionFlag](./ | boolean | |
| [verboseFlag](./ | boolean | |
| [watchMode](./ | boolean | |
| [webpackStats](./ | webpack.Stats | |

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## IBuildActionProperties.noTest property
noTest: boolean;

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## IBuildActionProperties.productionFlag property
productionFlag: boolean;

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## IBuildActionProperties.verboseFlag property
verboseFlag: boolean;

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## IBuildActionProperties.watchMode property
watchMode: boolean;

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## IBuildActionProperties.webpackStats property
webpackStats?: webpack.Stats;

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## IBuildStage.hooks property
hooks: TBuildStageHooks;

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## IBuildStage interface
export interface IBuildStage<TBuildStageHooks extends BuildStageHooksBase, TBuildStageProperties extends object>
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [hooks](./ | TBuildStageHooks | |
| [properties](./ | TBuildStageProperties | |

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## property
properties: TBuildStageProperties;

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## IBundleStage interface
export interface IBundleStage extends IBuildStage<BundleStageHooks, IBundleStageProperties>
<b>Extends:</b> [IBuildStage](./<!-- -->&lt;[BundleStageHooks](./<!-- -->, [IBundleStageProperties](./<!-- -->&gt;

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## IBundleStageProperties interface
export interface IBundleStageProperties
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [webpackConfigFilePath](./ | string | A path to a Webpack configuration JS file. If this isn't specified, and a Webpack configuration isn't specified via another plugin, Webpack won't be run. |
| [webpackConfiguration](./ | webpack.Configuration | The configuration used by the Webpack plugin. This must be populated for Webpack to run. If webpackConfigFilePath is specified, this will be populated automatically with the exports of the config file referenced in that property. |

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## IBundleStageProperties.webpackConfigFilePath property
A path to a Webpack configuration JS file. If this isn't specified, and a Webpack configuration isn't specified via another plugin, Webpack won't be run.
webpackConfigFilePath?: string;

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## IBundleStageProperties.webpackConfiguration property
The configuration used by the Webpack plugin. This must be populated for Webpack to run. If webpackConfigFilePath is specified, this will be populated automatically with the exports of the config file referenced in that property.
webpackConfiguration?: webpack.Configuration;

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## ICleanActionContext interface
export interface ICleanActionContext extends IActionContext<CleanHooks, ICleanActionProperties>
<b>Extends:</b> [IActionContext](./<!-- -->&lt;[CleanHooks](./<!-- -->, [ICleanActionProperties](./<!-- -->&gt;

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## ICleanActionProperties.deleteCache property
deleteCache: boolean;

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## ICleanActionProperties interface
export interface ICleanActionProperties
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [deleteCache](./ | boolean | |
| [pathsToDelete](./ | Set&lt;string&gt; | |

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## ICleanActionProperties.pathsToDelete property
pathsToDelete: Set<string>;

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## ICompilerPackage.apiExtractorPackagePath property
apiExtractorPackagePath: string;

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## ICompilerPackage.eslintPackagePath property
eslintPackagePath: string;

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## ICompilerPackage interface
export interface ICompilerPackage
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [apiExtractorPackagePath](./ | string | |
| [eslintPackagePath](./ | string | |
| [tslintPackagePath](./ | string | |
| [typeScriptPackagePath](./ | string | |

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## ICompilerPackage.tslintPackagePath property
tslintPackagePath: string;

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## ICompilerPackage.typeScriptPackagePath property
typeScriptPackagePath: string;

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## ICompileStage interface
export interface ICompileStage extends IBuildStage<CompileStageHooks, ICompileStageProperties>
<b>Extends:</b> [IBuildStage](./<!-- -->&lt;[CompileStageHooks](./<!-- -->, [ICompileStageProperties](./<!-- -->&gt;

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## ICompileStageProperties.copyStaticAssetsConfiguration property
copyStaticAssetsConfiguration: ICopyStaticAssetsConfiguration;

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## ICompileStageProperties interface
export interface ICompileStageProperties
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [copyStaticAssetsConfiguration](./ | [ICopyStaticAssetsConfiguration](./ | |
| [typeScriptConfiguration](./ | [ITypeScriptConfiguration](./ | |

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## ICompileStageProperties.typeScriptConfiguration property
typeScriptConfiguration: ITypeScriptConfiguration;

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[Home](./ &gt; [@rushstack/heft](./ &gt; [ICopyStaticAssetsConfiguration](./ &gt; [destinationFolderNames](./
## ICopyStaticAssetsConfiguration.destinationFolderNames property
The folder(s) to which assets should be copied. For example \["lib", "lib-cjs"\]. This defaults to \["lib"\]
These folders are directly under the folder containing the project's package.json file
destinationFolderNames: string[];

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## ICopyStaticAssetsConfiguration interface
export interface ICopyStaticAssetsConfiguration extends ISharedCopyStaticAssetsConfiguration
<b>Extends:</b> [ISharedCopyStaticAssetsConfiguration](./
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [destinationFolderNames](./ | string\[\] | The folder(s) to which assets should be copied. For example \["lib", "lib-cjs"\]. This defaults to \["lib"\]<!-- -->These folders are directly under the folder containing the project's package.json file |
| [sourceFolderName](./ | string | The folder from which assets should be copied. For example, "src". This defaults to "src".<!-- -->This folder is directly under the folder containing the project's package.json file |

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## ICopyStaticAssetsConfiguration.sourceFolderName property
The folder from which assets should be copied. For example, "src". This defaults to "src".
This folder is directly under the folder containing the project's package.json file
sourceFolderName: string;

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## IDevDeployActionContext interface
export interface IDevDeployActionContext extends IActionContext<DevDeployHooks, IDevDeployActionProperties>
<b>Extends:</b> [IActionContext](./<!-- -->&lt;[DevDeployHooks](./<!-- -->, [IDevDeployActionProperties](./<!-- -->&gt;

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## IDevDeployActionProperties interface
export interface IDevDeployActionProperties

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## IEmitModuleKind type
export declare type IEmitModuleKind = IEmitModuleKindBase<'commonjs' | 'amd' | 'umd' | 'system' | 'es2015' | 'esnext'>;

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## IEmitModuleKindBase interface
export interface IEmitModuleKindBase<TModuleKind>
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [moduleKind](./ | TModuleKind | |
| [outFolderPath](./ | string | |

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## IEmitModuleKindBase.moduleKind property
moduleKind: TModuleKind;

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## IEmitModuleKindBase.outFolderPath property
outFolderPath: string;

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[Home](./ &gt; [@rushstack/heft](./ &gt; [IHeftActionConfiguration](./
## IHeftActionConfiguration interface
The base action configuration that all custom action configuration files should inherit from.
export interface IHeftActionConfiguration

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[Home](./ &gt; [@rushstack/heft](./ &gt; [IHeftActionConfigurationOptions](./
## IHeftActionConfigurationOptions interface
Options to be used when retrieving the action configuration.
export interface IHeftActionConfigurationOptions
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [mergeArrays](./ | boolean | Whether or not arrays should be merged across Heft action configuration files. |

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## IHeftActionConfigurationOptions.mergeArrays property
Whether or not arrays should be merged across Heft action configuration files.
mergeArrays?: boolean;

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[Home](./ &gt; [@rushstack/heft](./ &gt; [IHeftPlugin](./ &gt; [apply](./
## IHeftPlugin.apply property
apply: (heftSession: HeftSession, heftConfiguration: HeftConfiguration, options?: TOptions) => void;

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## IHeftPlugin.displayName property
displayName: string;

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## IHeftPlugin interface
export interface IHeftPlugin<TOptions = void>
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [apply](./ | (heftSession: [HeftSession](./<!-- -->, heftConfiguration: [HeftConfiguration](./<!-- -->, options?: TOptions) =&gt; void | |
| [displayName](./ | string | |

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## property
build: SyncHook<IBuildActionContext>;

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## IHeftSessionHooks.clean property
clean: SyncHook<ICleanActionContext>;

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## IHeftSessionHooks.devDeploy property
devDeploy: SyncHook<IDevDeployActionContext>;

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## IHeftSessionHooks interface
export interface IHeftSessionHooks
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [build](./ | SyncHook&lt;[IBuildActionContext](./<!-- -->&gt; | |
| [clean](./ | SyncHook&lt;[ICleanActionContext](./<!-- -->&gt; | |
| [devDeploy](./ | SyncHook&lt;[IDevDeployActionContext](./<!-- -->&gt; | |
| [metricsCollector](./ | [MetricsCollectorHooks](./ | |
| [start](./ | SyncHook&lt;[IStartActionContext](./<!-- -->&gt; | |
| [test](./ | SyncHook&lt;[ITestActionContext](./<!-- -->&gt; | |

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## IHeftSessionHooks.metricsCollector property
metricsCollector: MetricsCollectorHooks;

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## IHeftSessionHooks.start property
start: SyncHook<IStartActionContext>;

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## IHeftSessionHooks.test property
test: SyncHook<ITestActionContext>;

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[Home](./ &gt; [@rushstack/heft](./ &gt; [IMetricsData](./ &gt; [command](./
## IMetricsData.command property
The command that was executed.
command: string;

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[Home](./ &gt; [@rushstack/heft](./ &gt; [IMetricsData](./ &gt; [machineArch](./
## IMetricsData.machineArch property
The processor's architecture.
machineArch: string;

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[Home](./ &gt; [@rushstack/heft](./ &gt; [IMetricsData](./ &gt; [machineCores](./
## IMetricsData.machineCores property
The number of processor cores.
machineCores: number;

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## IMetricsData.machineOs property
The name of the operating system provided by NodeJS.
machineOs: string;

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## IMetricsData.machineProcessor property
The processor's model name.
machineProcessor: string;

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[Home](./ &gt; [@rushstack/heft](./ &gt; [IMetricsData](./ &gt; [machineTotalMemoryMB](./
## IMetricsData.machineTotalMemoryMB property
The total amount of memory the machine has, in megabytes.
machineTotalMemoryMB: number;

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## IMetricsData interface
export interface IMetricsData
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [command](./ | string | The command that was executed. |
| [machineArch](./ | string | The processor's architecture. |
| [machineCores](./ | number | The number of processor cores. |
| [machineOs](./ | string | The name of the operating system provided by NodeJS. |
| [machineProcessor](./ | string | The processor's model name. |
| [machineTotalMemoryMB](./ | number | The total amount of memory the machine has, in megabytes. |
| [taskTotalExecutionMs](./ | number | The amount of time the command took to execute, in milliseconds. |

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