Merge pull request #10 from microsoft/octogonz/refresh-api-docs
Refresh API docs
This commit is contained in:
@ -97,6 +97,8 @@ api_nav:
url: /pages/api/api-extractor.extractorconfig.apireportenabled
- title: betaTrimmedFilePath
url: /pages/api/api-extractor.extractorconfig.betatrimmedfilepath
- title: bundledPackages
url: /pages/api/api-extractor.extractorconfig.bundledpackages
- title: docModelEnabled
url: /pages/api/api-extractor.extractorconfig.docmodelenabled
- title: FILENAME
@ -115,6 +117,8 @@ api_nav:
url: /pages/api/api-extractor.extractorconfig.mainentrypointfilepath
- title: messages
url: /pages/api/api-extractor.extractorconfig.messages
- title: newlineKind
url: /pages/api/api-extractor.extractorconfig.newlinekind
- title: omitTrimmingComments
url: /pages/api/api-extractor.extractorconfig.omittrimmingcomments
- title: overrideTsconfig
@ -245,6 +249,8 @@ api_nav:
- title: apiReport
url: /pages/api/api-extractor.iconfigfile.apireport
- title: bundledPackages
url: /pages/api/api-extractor.iconfigfile.bundledpackages
- title: compiler
url: /pages/api/api-extractor.iconfigfile.compiler
- title: docModel
@ -257,6 +263,8 @@ api_nav:
url: /pages/api/api-extractor.iconfigfile.mainentrypointfilepath
- title: messages
url: /pages/api/api-extractor.iconfigfile.messages
- title: newlineKind
url: /pages/api/api-extractor.iconfigfile.newlinekind
- title: projectFolder
url: /pages/api/api-extractor.iconfigfile.projectfolder
- title: testMode
@ -1444,6 +1452,8 @@ api_nav:
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.jsonfile.updatestring
- title: validateNoUndefinedMembers
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.jsonfile.validatenoundefinedmembers
- title: JsonObject
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.jsonobject
- title: JsonSchema
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.jsonschema
@ -1474,6 +1484,8 @@ api_nav:
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.legacyadapters.convertcallbacktopromise_4
- title: scrubError
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.legacyadapters.scruberror
- title: sortStable
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.legacyadapters.sortstable
- title: LegacyCallback
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.legacycallback
- title: LockFile
@ -1643,6 +1655,8 @@ api_nav:
- title: Text
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.text
- title: convertTo
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.text.convertto
- title: convertToCrLf
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.text.converttocrlf
- title: convertToLf
@ -1662,6 +1676,8 @@ api_nav:
- title: '@microsoft/package-deps-hash'
url: /pages/api/package-deps-hash
- title: getGitHashForFiles
url: /pages/api/package-deps-hash.getgithashforfiles
- title: getPackageDeps
url: /pages/api/package-deps-hash.getpackagedeps
- title: IPackageDeps
@ -1729,6 +1745,8 @@ api_nav:
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.commonversionsconfiguration.filepath
- title: getAllPreferredVersions
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.commonversionsconfiguration.getallpreferredversions
- title: implicitlyPreferredVersions
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.commonversionsconfiguration.implicitlypreferredversions
- title: loadFromFile
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.commonversionsconfiguration.loadfromfile
- title: preferredVersions
@ -1748,6 +1766,16 @@ api_nav:
- title: get
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.eventhooks.get
- title: ExperimentsConfiguration
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.experimentsconfiguration
- title: configuration
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.experimentsconfiguration.configuration
- title: IExperimentsJson
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.iexperimentsjson
- title: legacyIncrementalBuildDependencyDetection
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.iexperimentsjson.legacyincrementalbuilddependencydetection
- title: ILaunchOptions
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.ilaunchoptions
@ -1844,10 +1872,16 @@ api_nav:
- title: PnpmOptionsConfiguration
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.pnpmoptionsconfiguration
- title: pnpmStore
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.pnpmoptionsconfiguration.pnpmstore
- title: pnpmStorePath
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.pnpmoptionsconfiguration.pnpmstorepath
- title: resolutionStrategy
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.pnpmoptionsconfiguration.resolutionstrategy
- title: strictPeerDependencies
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.pnpmoptionsconfiguration.strictpeerdependencies
- title: PnpmStoreOptions
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.pnpmstoreoptions
- title: ResolutionStrategy
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.resolutionstrategy
- title: Rush
@ -1886,6 +1920,8 @@ api_nav:
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfiguration.ensureconsistentversions
- title: eventHooks
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfiguration.eventhooks
- title: experimentsConfiguration
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfiguration.experimentsconfiguration
- title: findProjectByShorthandName
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfiguration.findprojectbyshorthandname
- title: findProjectByTempName
@ -1926,8 +1962,6 @@ api_nav:
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfiguration.packagemanagerwrapper
- title: pnpmOptions
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfiguration.pnpmoptions
- title: pnpmStoreFolder
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfiguration.pnpmstorefolder
- title: projectFolderMaxDepth
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfiguration.projectfoldermaxdepth
- title: projectFolderMinDepth
@ -1936,6 +1970,12 @@ api_nav:
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfiguration.projects
- title: projectsByName
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfiguration.projectsbyname
- title: repositoryDefaultBranch
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfiguration.repositorydefaultbranch
- title: repositoryDefaultFullyQualifiedRemoteBranch
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfiguration.repositorydefaultfullyqualifiedremotebranch
- title: repositoryDefaultRemote
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfiguration.repositorydefaultremote
- title: repositoryUrl
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfiguration.repositoryurl
- title: rushJsonFile
@ -1989,6 +2029,8 @@ api_nav:
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfigurationproject.projectrushtempfolder
- title: reviewCategory
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfigurationproject.reviewcategory
- title: rushConfiguration
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfigurationproject.rushconfiguration
- title: shouldPublish
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfigurationproject.shouldpublish
- title: skipRushCheck
@ -2289,3 +2331,215 @@ api_nav:
url: /pages/api/ts-command-line.icommandlinestringdefinition.defaultvalue
- title: ICommandLineStringListDefinition
url: /pages/api/ts-command-line.icommandlinestringlistdefinition
- title: '@rushstack/debug-certificate-manager'
url: /pages/api/debug-certificate-manager
- title: CertificateManager
url: /pages/api/debug-certificate-manager.certificatemanager
- title: (constructor)
url: /pages/api/debug-certificate-manager.certificatemanager._constructor_
- title: ensureCertificate
url: /pages/api/debug-certificate-manager.certificatemanager.ensurecertificate
- title: untrustCertificate
url: /pages/api/debug-certificate-manager.certificatemanager.untrustcertificate
- title: CertificateStore
url: /pages/api/debug-certificate-manager.certificatestore
- title: (constructor)
url: /pages/api/debug-certificate-manager.certificatestore._constructor_
- title: certificateData
url: /pages/api/debug-certificate-manager.certificatestore.certificatedata
- title: certificatePath
url: /pages/api/debug-certificate-manager.certificatestore.certificatepath
- title: keyData
url: /pages/api/debug-certificate-manager.certificatestore.keydata
- title: ICertificate
url: /pages/api/debug-certificate-manager.icertificate
- title: pemCertificate
url: /pages/api/debug-certificate-manager.icertificate.pemcertificate
- title: pemKey
url: /pages/api/debug-certificate-manager.icertificate.pemkey
- title: '@rushstack/localization-plugin'
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin
- title: IDefaultLocaleOptions
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.idefaultlocaleoptions
- title: fillMissingTranslationStrings
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.idefaultlocaleoptions.fillmissingtranslationstrings
- title: localeName
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.idefaultlocaleoptions.localename
- title: ILocaleData
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ilocaledata
- title: ILocaleElementMap
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ilocaleelementmap
- title: ILocaleFileData
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ilocalefiledata
- title: ILocalizationPluginOptions
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ilocalizationpluginoptions
- title: filesToIgnore
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ilocalizationpluginoptions.filestoignore
- title: localizationStats
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ilocalizationpluginoptions.localizationstats
- title: localizedData
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ilocalizationpluginoptions.localizeddata
- title: noStringsLocaleName
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ilocalizationpluginoptions.nostringslocalename
- title: typingsOptions
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ilocalizationpluginoptions.typingsoptions
- title: ILocalizationStats
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ilocalizationstats
- title: entrypoints
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ilocalizationstats.entrypoints
- title: namedChunkGroups
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ilocalizationstats.namedchunkgroups
- title: ILocalizationStatsChunkGroup
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ilocalizationstatschunkgroup
- title: localizedAssets
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ilocalizationstatschunkgroup.localizedassets
- title: ILocalizationStatsEntrypoint
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ilocalizationstatsentrypoint
- title: localizedAssets
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ilocalizationstatsentrypoint.localizedassets
- title: ILocalizationStatsOptions
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ilocalizationstatsoptions
- title: callback
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ilocalizationstatsoptions.callback
- title: dropPath
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ilocalizationstatsoptions.droppath
- title: ILocalizedData
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ilocalizeddata
- title: defaultLocale
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ilocalizeddata.defaultlocale
- title: passthroughLocale
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ilocalizeddata.passthroughlocale
- title: pseudolocales
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ilocalizeddata.pseudolocales
- title: translatedStrings
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ilocalizeddata.translatedstrings
- title: ILocalizedStrings
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ilocalizedstrings
- title: ILocalizedWebpackChunk
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ilocalizedwebpackchunk
- title: localizedFiles
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ilocalizedwebpackchunk.localizedfiles
- title: IPassthroughLocaleOptions
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ipassthroughlocaleoptions
- title: passthroughLocaleName
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ipassthroughlocaleoptions.passthroughlocalename
- title: usePassthroughLocale
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ipassthroughlocaleoptions.usepassthroughlocale
- title: IPseudolocaleOptions
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ipseudolocaleoptions
- title: append
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ipseudolocaleoptions.append
- title: delimiter
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ipseudolocaleoptions.delimiter
- title: endDelimiter
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ipseudolocaleoptions.enddelimiter
- title: extend
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ipseudolocaleoptions.extend
- title: override
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ipseudolocaleoptions.override
- title: prepend
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ipseudolocaleoptions.prepend
- title: startDelimiter
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ipseudolocaleoptions.startdelimiter
- title: IPseudolocalesOptions
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.ipseudolocalesoptions
- title: ITypingsGenerationOptions
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.itypingsgenerationoptions
- title: exportAsDefault
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.itypingsgenerationoptions.exportasdefault
- title: generatedTsFolder
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.itypingsgenerationoptions.generatedtsfolder
- title: sourceRoot
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.itypingsgenerationoptions.sourceroot
- title: ITypingsGeneratorOptions
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.itypingsgeneratoroptions
- title: exportAsDefault
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.itypingsgeneratoroptions.exportasdefault
- title: filesToIgnore
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.itypingsgeneratoroptions.filestoignore
- title: generatedTsFolder
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.itypingsgeneratoroptions.generatedtsfolder
- title: srcFolder
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.itypingsgeneratoroptions.srcfolder
- title: terminal
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.itypingsgeneratoroptions.terminal
- title: LocalizationPlugin
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.localizationplugin
- title: (constructor)
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.localizationplugin._constructor_
- title: apply
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.localizationplugin.apply
- title: TypingsGenerator
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.typingsgenerator
- title: (constructor)
url: /pages/api/localization-plugin.typingsgenerator._constructor_
- title: '@rushstack/typings-generator'
url: /pages/api/typings-generator
- title: IStringValuesTypingsGeneratorOptions
url: /pages/api/typings-generator.istringvaluestypingsgeneratoroptions
- title: exportAsDefault
url: /pages/api/typings-generator.istringvaluestypingsgeneratoroptions.exportasdefault
- title: IStringValueTyping
url: /pages/api/typings-generator.istringvaluetyping
- title: comment
url: /pages/api/typings-generator.istringvaluetyping.comment
- title: exportName
url: /pages/api/typings-generator.istringvaluetyping.exportname
- title: IStringValueTypings
url: /pages/api/typings-generator.istringvaluetypings
- title: typings
url: /pages/api/typings-generator.istringvaluetypings.typings
- title: ITypingsGeneratorOptions
url: /pages/api/typings-generator.itypingsgeneratoroptions
- title: fileExtensions
url: /pages/api/typings-generator.itypingsgeneratoroptions.fileextensions
- title: filesToIgnore
url: /pages/api/typings-generator.itypingsgeneratoroptions.filestoignore
- title: generatedTsFolder
url: /pages/api/typings-generator.itypingsgeneratoroptions.generatedtsfolder
- title: parseAndGenerateTypings
url: /pages/api/typings-generator.itypingsgeneratoroptions.parseandgeneratetypings
- title: srcFolder
url: /pages/api/typings-generator.itypingsgeneratoroptions.srcfolder
- title: terminal
url: /pages/api/typings-generator.itypingsgeneratoroptions.terminal
- title: StringValuesTypingsGenerator
url: /pages/api/typings-generator.stringvaluestypingsgenerator
- title: (constructor)
url: /pages/api/typings-generator.stringvaluestypingsgenerator._constructor_
- title: TypingsGenerator
url: /pages/api/typings-generator.typingsgenerator
- title: _options
url: /pages/api/typings-generator.typingsgenerator._options
- title: (constructor)
url: /pages/api/typings-generator.typingsgenerator._constructor_
- title: generateTypings
url: /pages/api/typings-generator.typingsgenerator.generatetypings
- title: runWatcher
url: /pages/api/typings-generator.typingsgenerator.runwatcher
@ -20,6 +20,6 @@ export declare const enum ExcerptTokenKind
| Member | Value | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Content | <code>"Content"</code> | |
| Reference | <code>"Reference"</code> | |
| Content | <code>"Content"</code> | Generic text without any special properties |
| Reference | <code>"Reference"</code> | A reference to an API declaration |
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ export declare class CompilerState
| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| [program](./ | | <code>ts.Program</code> | The TypeScript compiler's <code>Program</code> object, which represents a complete scope of analysis. |
| [program](./ | | <code>unknown</code> | The TypeScript compiler's <code>Program</code> object, which represents a complete scope of analysis. |
## Methods
@ -14,5 +14,5 @@ The TypeScript compiler's `Program` object, which represents a complete scope of
readonly program: ts.Program;
readonly program: unknown;
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
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<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
[Home](./ > [@microsoft/api-extractor](./ > [ExtractorConfig](./ > [bundledPackages](./
## ExtractorConfig.bundledPackages property
A list of NPM package names whose exports should be treated as part of this package.
readonly bundledPackages: string[];
## Remarks
For example, suppose that Webpack is used to generate a distributed bundle for the project `library1`<!-- -->, and another NPM package `library2` is embedded in this bundle. Some types from `library2` may become part of the exported API for `library1`<!-- -->, but by default API Extractor would generate a .d.ts rollup that explicitly imports `library2`<!-- -->. To avoid this, we can specify:
"bundledPackages": [ "library2" ],
This would direct API Extractor to embed those types directly in the .d.ts rollup, as if they had been local files for `library1`<!-- -->.
@ -24,11 +24,13 @@ export declare class ExtractorConfig
| [apiJsonFilePath](./ | | <code>string</code> | The output path for the doc model file. The file extension should be ".api.json". |
| [apiReportEnabled](./ | | <code>boolean</code> | Whether to generate an API report. |
| [betaTrimmedFilePath](./ | | <code>string</code> | Specifies the output path for a .d.ts rollup file to be generated with trimming for a "beta" release. |
| [bundledPackages](./ | | <code>string[]</code> | A list of NPM package names whose exports should be treated as part of this package. |
| [docModelEnabled](./ | | <code>boolean</code> | Whether to generate a doc model file. |
| [FILENAME](./ | <code>static</code> | <code>string</code> | The config file name "api-extractor.json". |
| [jsonSchema](./ | <code>static</code> | <code>JsonSchema</code> | The JSON Schema for API Extractor config file (api-extractor.schema.json). |
| [mainEntryPointFilePath](./ | | <code>string</code> | Specifies the .d.ts file to be used as the starting point for analysis. API Extractor analyzes the symbols exported by this module. |
| [messages](./ | | <code>IExtractorMessagesConfig</code> | Configures how API Extractor reports error and warning messages produced during analysis. |
| [newlineKind](./ | | <code>NewlineKind</code> | Specifies what type of newlines API Extractor should use when writing output files. By default, the output files will be written with Windows-style newlines. |
| [omitTrimmingComments](./ | | <code>boolean</code> | When a declaration is trimmed, by default it will be replaced by a code comment such as "Excluded from this release type: exampleMember". Set "omitTrimmingComments" to true to remove the declaration completely. |
| [overrideTsconfig](./ | | <code>{} | undefined</code> | Provides a compiler configuration that will be used instead of reading the tsconfig.json file from disk. |
| [packageFolder](./ | | <code>string | undefined</code> | The absolute path of the folder containing the package.json file for the working package, or undefined if API Extractor was invoked without a package.json file. |
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
[Home](./ > [@microsoft/api-extractor](./ > [ExtractorConfig](./ > [newlineKind](./
## ExtractorConfig.newlineKind property
Specifies what type of newlines API Extractor should use when writing output files. By default, the output files will be written with Windows-style newlines.
readonly newlineKind: NewlineKind;
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ export declare const enum ExtractorMessageId
| Member | Value | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| CyclicInheritDoc | <code>"ae-cyclic-inherit-doc"</code> | "The <code>@inheritDoc</code> tag for \_\_\_ refers to its own declaration". |
| CyclicInheritDoc | <code>"ae-cyclic-inherit-doc"</code> | "The <code>@inheritDoc</code> tag for \_\_\_ refers to its own declaration." |
| DifferentReleaseTags | <code>"ae-different-release-tags"</code> | "This symbol has another declaration with a different release tag." |
| ExtraReleaseTag | <code>"ae-extra-release-tag"</code> | "The doc comment should not contain more than one release tag." |
| ForgottenExport | <code>"ae-forgotten-export"</code> | "The symbol \_\_\_ needs to be exported by the entry point \_\_\_." |
@ -29,12 +29,14 @@ export declare const enum ExtractorMessageId
| InternalMissingUnderscore | <code>"ae-internal-missing-underscore"</code> | "The name \_\_\_ should be prefixed with an underscore because the declaration is marked as <code>@internal</code>." |
| InternalMixedReleaseTag | <code>"ae-internal-mixed-release-tag"</code> | "Mixed release tags are not allowed for \_\_\_ because one of its declarations is marked as <code>@internal</code>." |
| MisplacedPackageTag | <code>"ae-misplaced-package-tag"</code> | "The <code>@packageDocumentation</code> comment must appear at the top of entry point \*.d.ts file." |
| MissingGetter | <code>"ae-missing-getter"</code> | "The property \_\_\_ has a setter but no getter." |
| MissingReleaseTag | <code>"ae-missing-release-tag"</code> | "\_\_\_ is exported by the package, but it is missing a release tag (<code>@alpha</code>, <code>@beta</code>, <code>@public</code>, or <code>@internal</code>)." |
| PreapprovedBadReleaseTag | <code>"ae-preapproved-bad-release-tag"</code> | "The <code>@preapproved</code> tag cannot be applied to \_\_\_ without an <code>@internal</code> release tag." |
| PreapprovedUnsupportedType | <code>"ae-preapproved-unsupported-type"</code> | "The <code>@preapproved</code> tag cannot be applied to \_\_\_ because it is not a supported declaration type." |
| UnresolvedInheritDocBase | <code>"ae-unresolved-inheritdoc-base"</code> | "The <code>@inheritDoc</code> tag needs a TSDoc declaration reference; signature matching is not supported yet". |
| UnresolvedInheritDocReference | <code>"ae-unresolved-inheritdoc-reference"</code> | "The <code>@inheritDoc</code> reference could not be resolved". |
| UnresolvedLink | <code>"ae-unresolved-link"</code> | "The <code>@link</code> reference could not be resolved". |
| SetterWithDocs | <code>"ae-setter-with-docs"</code> | "The doc comment for the property \_\_\_ must appear on the getter, not the setter." |
| UnresolvedInheritDocBase | <code>"ae-unresolved-inheritdoc-base"</code> | "The <code>@inheritDoc</code> tag needs a TSDoc declaration reference; signature matching is not supported yet." |
| UnresolvedInheritDocReference | <code>"ae-unresolved-inheritdoc-reference"</code> | "The <code>@inheritDoc</code> reference could not be resolved." |
| UnresolvedLink | <code>"ae-unresolved-link"</code> | "The <code>@link</code> reference could not be resolved." |
## Remarks
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
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<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
[Home](./ > [@microsoft/api-extractor](./ > [IConfigFile](./ > [bundledPackages](./
## IConfigFile.bundledPackages property
A list of NPM package names whose exports should be treated as part of this package.
bundledPackages?: string[];
## Remarks
For example, suppose that Webpack is used to generate a distributed bundle for the project `library1`<!-- -->, and another NPM package `library2` is embedded in this bundle. Some types from `library2` may become part of the exported API for `library1`<!-- -->, but by default API Extractor would generate a .d.ts rollup that explicitly imports `library2`<!-- -->. To avoid this, we can specify:
"bundledPackages": [ "library2" ],
This would direct API Extractor to embed those types directly in the .d.ts rollup, as if they had been local files for `library1`<!-- -->.
@ -22,12 +22,14 @@ export interface IConfigFile
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [apiReport](./ | <code>IConfigApiReport</code> | Configures how the API report files (\* will be generated. |
| [bundledPackages](./ | <code>string[]</code> | A list of NPM package names whose exports should be treated as part of this package. |
| [compiler](./ | <code>IConfigCompiler</code> | Determines how the TypeScript compiler engine will be invoked by API Extractor. |
| [docModel](./ | <code>IConfigDocModel</code> | Configures how the doc model file (\*.api.json) will be generated. |
| [dtsRollup](./ | <code>IConfigDtsRollup</code> | <b><i>(BETA)</i></b> Configures how the .d.ts rollup file will be generated. |
| [extends](./ | <code>string</code> | Optionally specifies another JSON config file that this file extends from. This provides a way for standard settings to be shared across multiple projects. |
| [mainEntryPointFilePath](./ | <code>string</code> | Specifies the .d.ts file to be used as the starting point for analysis. API Extractor analyzes the symbols exported by this module. |
| [messages](./ | <code>IExtractorMessagesConfig</code> | Configures how API Extractor reports error and warning messages produced during analysis. |
| [newlineKind](./ | <code>'crlf' | 'lf' | 'os'</code> | Specifies what type of newlines API Extractor should use when writing output files. |
| [projectFolder](./ | <code>string</code> | Determines the <code><projectFolder></code> token that can be used with other config file settings. The project folder typically contains the tsconfig.json and package.json config files, but the path is user-defined. |
| [testMode](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Set to true when invoking API Extractor's test harness. |
| [tsdocMetadata](./ | <code>IConfigTsdocMetadata</code> | <b><i>(BETA)</i></b> Configures how the tsdoc-metadata.json file will be generated. |
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
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[Home](./ > [@microsoft/api-extractor](./ > [IConfigFile](./ > [newlineKind](./
## IConfigFile.newlineKind property
Specifies what type of newlines API Extractor should use when writing output files.
newlineKind?: 'crlf' | 'lf' | 'os';
## Remarks
By default, the output files will be written with Windows-style newlines. To use POSIX-style newlines, specify "lf" instead. To use the OS's default newline kind, specify "os".
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/debug-certificate-manager](./ > [CertificateManager](./ > [(constructor)](./
## CertificateManager.(constructor)
Constructs a new instance of the `CertificateManager` class
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/debug-certificate-manager](./ > [CertificateManager](./ > [ensureCertificate](./
## CertificateManager.ensureCertificate() method
Get a dev certificate from the store, or optionally, generate a new one and trust it if one doesn't exist in the store.
ensureCertificate(canGenerateNewCertificate: boolean, terminal: Terminal): ICertificate;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| canGenerateNewCertificate | <code>boolean</code> | |
| terminal | <code>Terminal</code> | |
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/debug-certificate-manager](./ > [CertificateManager](./
## CertificateManager class
A utility class to handle generating, trusting, and untrustring a debug certificate. Contains two public methods to `ensureCertificate` and `untrustCertificate`<!-- -->.
export declare class CertificateManager
## Constructors
| Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [(constructor)()](./ | | Constructs a new instance of the <code>CertificateManager</code> class |
## Methods
| Method | Modifiers | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [ensureCertificate(canGenerateNewCertificate, terminal)](./ | | Get a dev certificate from the store, or optionally, generate a new one and trust it if one doesn't exist in the store. |
| [untrustCertificate(terminal)](./ | | Attempt to locate a previously generated debug certificate and untrust it. |
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/debug-certificate-manager](./ > [CertificateManager](./ > [untrustCertificate](./
## CertificateManager.untrustCertificate() method
Attempt to locate a previously generated debug certificate and untrust it.
untrustCertificate(terminal: Terminal): boolean;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| terminal | <code>Terminal</code> | |
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/debug-certificate-manager](./ > [CertificateStore](./ > [(constructor)](./
## CertificateStore.(constructor)
Constructs a new instance of the `CertificateStore` class
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/debug-certificate-manager](./ > [CertificateStore](./ > [certificateData](./
## CertificateStore.certificateData property
Debug certificate pem file contents.
certificateData: string | undefined;
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/debug-certificate-manager](./ > [CertificateStore](./ > [certificatePath](./
## CertificateStore.certificatePath property
Path to the saved debug certificate
readonly certificatePath: string;
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/debug-certificate-manager](./ > [CertificateStore](./ > [keyData](./
## CertificateStore.keyData property
Key used to sign the debug pem certificate.
keyData: string | undefined;
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/debug-certificate-manager](./ > [CertificateStore](./
## CertificateStore class
Store to retrieve and save debug certificate data.
export declare class CertificateStore
## Constructors
| Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [(constructor)()](./ | | Constructs a new instance of the <code>CertificateStore</code> class |
## Properties
| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| [certificateData](./ | | <code>string | undefined</code> | Debug certificate pem file contents. |
| [certificatePath](./ | | <code>string</code> | Path to the saved debug certificate |
| [keyData](./ | | <code>string | undefined</code> | Key used to sign the debug pem certificate. |
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/debug-certificate-manager](./ > [ICertificate](./
## ICertificate interface
The interface for a debug certificate instance
export interface ICertificate
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [pemCertificate](./ | <code>string | undefined</code> | Generated pem certificate contents |
| [pemKey](./ | <code>string | undefined</code> | Private key used to sign the pem certificate |
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## ICertificate.pemCertificate property
Generated pem certificate contents
pemCertificate: string | undefined;
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## ICertificate.pemKey property
Private key used to sign the pem certificate
pemKey: string | undefined;
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## debug-certificate-manager package
This package is used to manage debug certificates for development servers. It is used by \[@<!-- -->microsoft/gulp-core-build-serve\](<!-- -->@<!-- -->microsoft/gulp-core-build-serve) to generate and trust a certificate when HTTPS is turned on.
This package provides the following utilities: - `CertificateStore` to handle retrieving and saving a debug certificate. - `CertificateManager` is a utility class containing the following public methods: \| - `ensureCertificate` will find or optionally create a debug certificate and trust it. \| - `untrustCertificate` will untrust a debug certificate.
## Classes
| Class | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [CertificateManager](./ | A utility class to handle generating, trusting, and untrustring a debug certificate. Contains two public methods to <code>ensureCertificate</code> and <code>untrustCertificate</code>. |
| [CertificateStore](./ | Store to retrieve and save debug certificate data. |
## Interfaces
| Interface | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [ICertificate](./ | The interface for a debug certificate instance |
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| [@microsoft/rush-lib](./ | A library for writing scripts that interact with the [Rush]( tool. |
| [@microsoft/stream-collator](./ | This library enables a tool to display live console output from multiple asynchronous processes, while ensuring that their output does not get jumbled together. |
| [@microsoft/ts-command-line](./ | An object-oriented command-line parser for TypeScript projects. |
| [@rushstack/debug-certificate-manager](./ | This package is used to manage debug certificates for development servers. It is used by \[@<!-- -->microsoft/gulp-core-build-serve\](<!-- -->@<!-- -->microsoft/gulp-core-build-serve) to generate and trust a certificate when HTTPS is turned on.<!-- -->This package provides the following utilities: - <code>CertificateStore</code> to handle retrieving and saving a debug certificate. - <code>CertificateManager</code> is a utility class containing the following public methods: \| - <code>ensureCertificate</code> will find or optionally create a debug certificate and trust it. \| - <code>untrustCertificate</code> will untrust a debug certificate. |
| [@rushstack/localization-plugin](./ | |
| [@rushstack/typings-generator](./ | |
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/localization-plugin](./ > [IDefaultLocaleOptions](./ > [fillMissingTranslationStrings](./
## IDefaultLocaleOptions.fillMissingTranslationStrings property
If this option is set to `true`<!-- -->, strings that are missing from `localizedData.translatedStrings` will be provided by the default locale
fillMissingTranslationStrings?: boolean;
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/localization-plugin](./ > [IDefaultLocaleOptions](./ > [localeName](./
## IDefaultLocaleOptions.localeName property
This required property specifies the name of the locale used in the `.resx` and `.loc.json` files in the source
localeName: string;
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/localization-plugin](./ > [IDefaultLocaleOptions](./
## IDefaultLocaleOptions interface
export interface IDefaultLocaleOptions
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [fillMissingTranslationStrings](./ | <code>boolean</code> | If this option is set to <code>true</code>, strings that are missing from <code>localizedData.translatedStrings</code> will be provided by the default locale |
| [localeName](./ | <code>string</code> | This required property specifies the name of the locale used in the <code>.resx</code> and <code>.loc.json</code> files in the source |
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/localization-plugin](./ > [ILocaleData](./
## ILocaleData interface
export interface ILocaleData
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## ILocaleElementMap interface
export interface ILocaleElementMap
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## ILocaleFileData interface
export interface ILocaleFileData
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/localization-plugin](./ > [ILocalizationPluginOptions](./ > [filesToIgnore](./
## ILocalizationPluginOptions.filesToIgnore property
This option is used to specify `.resx` and `.loc.json` files that should not be processed by this plugin.
filesToIgnore?: string[];
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/localization-plugin](./ > [ILocalizationPluginOptions](./ > [localizationStats](./
## ILocalizationPluginOptions.localizationStats property
Options for how localization stats data should be produced.
localizationStats?: ILocalizationStatsOptions;
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## ILocalizationPluginOptions.localizedData property
Localization data.
localizedData: ILocalizedData;
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## ILocalizationPluginOptions interface
The options for localization.
export interface ILocalizationPluginOptions
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [filesToIgnore](./ | <code>string[]</code> | This option is used to specify <code>.resx</code> and <code>.loc.json</code> files that should not be processed by this plugin. |
| [localizationStats](./ | <code>ILocalizationStatsOptions</code> | Options for how localization stats data should be produced. |
| [localizedData](./ | <code>ILocalizedData</code> | Localization data. |
| [noStringsLocaleName](./ | <code>string</code> | The value to replace the \[locale\] token with for chunks without localized strings. Defaults to "none" |
| [typingsOptions](./ | <code>ITypingsGenerationOptions</code> | This option is used to specify how and if TypeScript typings should be generated for loc files. |
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## ILocalizationPluginOptions.noStringsLocaleName property
The value to replace the \[locale\] token with for chunks without localized strings. Defaults to "none"
noStringsLocaleName?: string;
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## ILocalizationPluginOptions.typingsOptions property
This option is used to specify how and if TypeScript typings should be generated for loc files.
typingsOptions?: ITypingsGenerationOptions;
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## ILocalizationStats.entrypoints property
entrypoints: {
[name: string]: ILocalizationStatsEntrypoint;
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## ILocalizationStats interface
export interface ILocalizationStats
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [entrypoints](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code> [name: string]: ILocalizationStatsEntrypoint;</code><br/><code> }</code> | |
| [namedChunkGroups](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code> [name: string]: ILocalizationStatsChunkGroup;</code><br/><code> }</code> | |
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## ILocalizationStats.namedChunkGroups property
namedChunkGroups: {
[name: string]: ILocalizationStatsChunkGroup;
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## ILocalizationStatsChunkGroup.localizedAssets property
localizedAssets: ILocaleElementMap;
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## ILocalizationStatsChunkGroup interface
export interface ILocalizationStatsChunkGroup
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [localizedAssets](./ | <code>ILocaleElementMap</code> | |
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## ILocalizationStatsEntrypoint.localizedAssets property
localizedAssets: ILocaleElementMap;
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## ILocalizationStatsEntrypoint interface
export interface ILocalizationStatsEntrypoint
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [localizedAssets](./ | <code>ILocaleElementMap</code> | |
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/localization-plugin](./ > [ILocalizationStatsOptions](./ > [callback](./
## ILocalizationStatsOptions.callback property
This option is used to specify a callback to be called with the stats data that would be dropped at `localizationStats.dropPath` after compilation completes.
callback?: (stats: ILocalizationStats) => void;
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## ILocalizationStatsOptions.dropPath property
This option is used to designate a path at which a JSON file describing the localized assets produced should be written.
dropPath?: string;
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## ILocalizationStatsOptions interface
Options for how localization stats data should be produced.
export interface ILocalizationStatsOptions
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [callback](./ | <code>(stats: ILocalizationStats) => void</code> | This option is used to specify a callback to be called with the stats data that would be dropped at <code>localizationStats.dropPath</code> after compilation completes. |
| [dropPath](./ | <code>string</code> | This option is used to designate a path at which a JSON file describing the localized assets produced should be written. |
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## ILocalizedData.defaultLocale property
Options for the locale used in the source localized data files.
defaultLocale: IDefaultLocaleOptions;
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## ILocalizedData interface
export interface ILocalizedData
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [defaultLocale](./ | <code>IDefaultLocaleOptions</code> | Options for the locale used in the source localized data files. |
| [passthroughLocale](./ | <code>IPassthroughLocaleOptions</code> | Options around including a passthrough locale. |
| [pseudolocales](./ | <code>IPseudolocalesOptions</code> | Options for pseudo-localization. |
| [translatedStrings](./ | <code>ILocalizedStrings</code> | Use this parameter to specify the translated data. |
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## ILocalizedData.passthroughLocale property
Options around including a passthrough locale.
passthroughLocale?: IPassthroughLocaleOptions;
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## ILocalizedData.pseudolocales property
Options for pseudo-localization.
pseudolocales?: IPseudolocalesOptions;
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## ILocalizedData.translatedStrings property
Use this parameter to specify the translated data.
translatedStrings: ILocalizedStrings;
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## ILocalizedStrings interface
export interface ILocalizedStrings
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## ILocalizedWebpackChunk.localizedFiles property
localizedFiles?: {
[locale: string]: string;
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## ILocalizedWebpackChunk interface
export interface ILocalizedWebpackChunk extends webpack.compilation.Chunk
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [localizedFiles](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code> [locale: string]: string;</code><br/><code> }</code> | |
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## IPassthroughLocaleOptions interface
Options for the passthrough locale.
export interface IPassthroughLocaleOptions
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [passthroughLocaleName](./ | <code>string</code> | If [IPassthroughLocaleOptions.usePassthroughLocale](./ is set, use this name for the passthrough locale. Defaults to "passthrough" |
| [usePassthroughLocale](./ | <code>boolean</code> | If this is set to <code>true</code>, a passthrough locale will be included in the output |
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## IPassthroughLocaleOptions.passthroughLocaleName property
If [IPassthroughLocaleOptions.usePassthroughLocale](./ is set, use this name for the passthrough locale. Defaults to "passthrough"
passthroughLocaleName?: string;
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## IPassthroughLocaleOptions.usePassthroughLocale property
If this is set to `true`<!-- -->, a passthrough locale will be included in the output
usePassthroughLocale?: boolean;
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## IPseudolocaleOptions.append property
append?: string;
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## IPseudolocaleOptions.delimiter property
delimiter?: string;
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## IPseudolocaleOptions.endDelimiter property
endDelimiter?: string;
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## IPseudolocaleOptions.extend property
extend?: number;
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## IPseudolocaleOptions interface
Options for the pseudolocale library.
export interface IPseudolocaleOptions
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [append](./ | <code>string</code> | |
| [delimiter](./ | <code>string</code> | |
| [endDelimiter](./ | <code>string</code> | |
| [extend](./ | <code>number</code> | |
| [override](./ | <code>string</code> | |
| [prepend](./ | <code>string</code> | |
| [startDelimiter](./ | <code>string</code> | |
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## IPseudolocaleOptions.override property
override?: string;
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## IPseudolocaleOptions.prepend property
prepend?: string;
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## IPseudolocaleOptions.startDelimiter property
startDelimiter?: string;
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## IPseudolocalesOptions interface
Options for generated pseudolocales.
export interface IPseudolocalesOptions
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/localization-plugin](./ > [ITypingsGenerationOptions](./ > [exportAsDefault](./
## ITypingsGenerationOptions.exportAsDefault property
If this option is set to `true`<!-- -->, loc modules typings will be exported wrapped in a `default` property.
exportAsDefault?: boolean;
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## ITypingsGenerationOptions.generatedTsFolder property
This property specifies the folder in which `.d.ts` files for loc files should be dropped.
generatedTsFolder: string;
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## ITypingsGenerationOptions interface
Options for typing generation.
export interface ITypingsGenerationOptions
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [exportAsDefault](./ | <code>boolean</code> | If this option is set to <code>true</code>, loc modules typings will be exported wrapped in a <code>default</code> property. |
| [generatedTsFolder](./ | <code>string</code> | This property specifies the folder in which <code>.d.ts</code> files for loc files should be dropped. |
| [sourceRoot](./ | <code>string</code> | This optional property overrides the compiler context for discovery of localization files for which typings should be generated. |
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## ITypingsGenerationOptions.sourceRoot property
This optional property overrides the compiler context for discovery of localization files for which typings should be generated.
sourceRoot?: string;
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## ITypingsGeneratorOptions.exportAsDefault property
exportAsDefault?: boolean;
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## ITypingsGeneratorOptions.filesToIgnore property
filesToIgnore?: string[];
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## ITypingsGeneratorOptions.generatedTsFolder property
generatedTsFolder: string;
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## ITypingsGeneratorOptions interface
export interface ITypingsGeneratorOptions
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [exportAsDefault](./ | <code>boolean</code> | |
| [filesToIgnore](./ | <code>string[]</code> | |
| [generatedTsFolder](./ | <code>string</code> | |
| [srcFolder](./ | <code>string</code> | |
| [terminal](./ | <code>Terminal</code> | |
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## ITypingsGeneratorOptions.srcFolder property
srcFolder: string;
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## ITypingsGeneratorOptions.terminal property
terminal?: Terminal;
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## LocalizationPlugin.(constructor)
Constructs a new instance of the `LocalizationPlugin` class
constructor(options: ILocalizationPluginOptions);
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| options | <code>ILocalizationPluginOptions</code> | |
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## LocalizationPlugin.apply() method
apply(compiler: Webpack.Compiler): void;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| compiler | <code>Webpack.Compiler</code> | |
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## LocalizationPlugin class
This plugin facilitates localization in webpack.
export declare class LocalizationPlugin implements Webpack.Plugin
## Constructors
| Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [(constructor)(options)](./ | | Constructs a new instance of the <code>LocalizationPlugin</code> class |
## Methods
| Method | Modifiers | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [apply(compiler)](./ | | |
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## localization-plugin package
## Classes
| Class | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [LocalizationPlugin](./ | This plugin facilitates localization in webpack. |
| [TypingsGenerator](./ | This is a simple tool that generates .d.ts files for .loc.json and .resx files. |
## Interfaces
| Interface | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [IDefaultLocaleOptions](./ | |
| [ILocaleData](./ | |
| [ILocaleElementMap](./ | |
| [ILocaleFileData](./ | |
| [ILocalizationPluginOptions](./ | The options for localization. |
| [ILocalizationStats](./ | |
| [ILocalizationStatsChunkGroup](./ | |
| [ILocalizationStatsEntrypoint](./ | |
| [ILocalizationStatsOptions](./ | Options for how localization stats data should be produced. |
| [ILocalizedData](./ | |
| [ILocalizedStrings](./ | |
| [ILocalizedWebpackChunk](./ | |
| [IPassthroughLocaleOptions](./ | Options for the passthrough locale. |
| [IPseudolocaleOptions](./ | Options for the pseudolocale library. |
| [IPseudolocalesOptions](./ | Options for generated pseudolocales. |
| [ITypingsGenerationOptions](./ | Options for typing generation. |
| [ITypingsGeneratorOptions](./ | |
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## TypingsGenerator.(constructor)
Constructs a new instance of the `LocFileTypingsGenerator` class
constructor(options: ITypingsGeneratorOptions);
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| options | <code>ITypingsGeneratorOptions</code> | |
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## TypingsGenerator class
This is a simple tool that generates .d.ts files for .loc.json and .resx files.
export declare class LocFileTypingsGenerator extends StringValuesTypingsGenerator
## Constructors
| Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [(constructor)(options)](./ | | Constructs a new instance of the <code>LocFileTypingsGenerator</code> class |
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Reads the contents of the folder, not including "." or "..". Behind the scenes i
static readFolder(folderPath: string, options?: IFileSystemReadFolderOptions): Array<string>;
static readFolder(folderPath: string, options?: IFileSystemReadFolderOptions): string[];
## Parameters
@ -26,5 +26,5 @@ static readFolder(folderPath: string, options?: IFileSystemReadFolderOptions): A
@ -21,5 +21,5 @@ export interface IFileSystemDeleteFileOptions
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [throwIfNotExists](./ | <code>boolean</code> | If true, will throw an exception if the file did not exist before <code>deleteFile()</code> was called. Defaults to <code>false</code>. |
| [throwIfNotExists](./ | <code>boolean</code> | If true, will throw an exception if the file did not exist before <code>deleteFile()</code> was called. |
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ improve_this_button: false
## IFileSystemDeleteFileOptions.throwIfNotExists property
If true, will throw an exception if the file did not exist before `deleteFile()` was called. Defaults to `false`<!-- -->.
If true, will throw an exception if the file did not exist before `deleteFile()` was called.
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ improve_this_button: false
## IFileSystemMoveOptions.ensureFolderExists property
If true, will ensure the folder is created before writing the file. Defaults to `false`<!-- -->.
If true, will ensure the folder is created before writing the file.
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ export interface IFileSystemMoveOptions
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [destinationPath](./ | <code>string</code> | The new path for the object. The path may be absolute or relative. |
| [ensureFolderExists](./ | <code>boolean</code> | If true, will ensure the folder is created before writing the file. Defaults to <code>false</code>. |
| [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> | If true, will overwrite the file if it already exists. Defaults to true. |
| [ensureFolderExists](./ | <code>boolean</code> | If true, will ensure the folder is created before writing the file. |
| [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> | If true, will overwrite the file if it already exists. |
| [sourcePath](./ | <code>string</code> | The path of the existing object to be moved. The path may be absolute or relative. |
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ improve_this_button: false
## IFileSystemMoveOptions.overwrite property
If true, will overwrite the file if it already exists. Defaults to true.
If true, will overwrite the file if it already exists.
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ improve_this_button: false
## IFileSystemReadFileOptions.convertLineEndings property
If specified, will normalize line endings to the specified style of newline. Defaults to `NewlineKind.None`<!-- -->.
If specified, will normalize line endings to the specified style of newline.
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ improve_this_button: false
## IFileSystemReadFileOptions.encoding property
If specified, will change the encoding of the file that will be written. Defaults to `"utf8"`<!-- -->.
If specified, will change the encoding of the file that will be written.
@ -21,6 +21,6 @@ export interface IFileSystemReadFileOptions
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [convertLineEndings](./ | <code>NewlineKind</code> | If specified, will normalize line endings to the specified style of newline. Defaults to <code>NewlineKind.None</code>. |
| [encoding](./ | <code>Encoding</code> | If specified, will change the encoding of the file that will be written. Defaults to <code>"utf8"</code>. |
| [convertLineEndings](./ | <code>NewlineKind</code> | If specified, will normalize line endings to the specified style of newline. |
| [encoding](./ | <code>Encoding</code> | If specified, will change the encoding of the file that will be written. |
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ improve_this_button: false
## IFileSystemReadFolderOptions.absolutePaths property
If true, returns the absolute paths of the files in the folder. Defaults to `false`<!-- -->.
If true, returns the absolute paths of the files in the folder.
@ -21,5 +21,5 @@ export interface IFileSystemReadFolderOptions
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [absolutePaths](./ | <code>boolean</code> | If true, returns the absolute paths of the files in the folder. Defaults to <code>false</code>. |
| [absolutePaths](./ | <code>boolean</code> | If true, returns the absolute paths of the files in the folder. |
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ improve_this_button: false
## IFileSystemWriteFileOptions.convertLineEndings property
If specified, will normalize line endings to the specified style of newline. Defaults to `NewlineKind.None`<!-- -->.
If specified, will normalize line endings to the specified style of newline.
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ improve_this_button: false
## IFileSystemWriteFileOptions.encoding property
If specified, will change the encoding of the file that will be written. Defaults to `"utf8"`<!-- -->.
If specified, will change the encoding of the file that will be written.
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ improve_this_button: false
## IFileSystemWriteFileOptions.ensureFolderExists property
If true, will ensure the folder is created before writing the file. Defaults to `false`<!-- -->.
If true, will ensure the folder is created before writing the file.
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ export interface IFileSystemWriteFileOptions
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [convertLineEndings](./ | <code>NewlineKind</code> | If specified, will normalize line endings to the specified style of newline. Defaults to <code>NewlineKind.None</code>. |
| [encoding](./ | <code>Encoding</code> | If specified, will change the encoding of the file that will be written. Defaults to <code>"utf8"</code>. |
| [ensureFolderExists](./ | <code>boolean</code> | If true, will ensure the folder is created before writing the file. Defaults to <code>false</code>. |
| [convertLineEndings](./ | <code>NewlineKind</code> | If specified, will normalize line endings to the specified style of newline. |
| [encoding](./ | <code>Encoding</code> | If specified, will change the encoding of the file that will be written. |
| [ensureFolderExists](./ | <code>boolean</code> | If true, will ensure the folder is created before writing the file. |
@ -21,6 +21,6 @@ export interface IJsonFileStringifyOptions
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [newlineConversion](./ | <code>NewlineKind</code> | If true, then <code>\n</code> will be used for newlines instead of the default <code>\r\n</code>. |
| [newlineConversion](./ | <code>NewlineKind</code> | If provided, the specified newline type will be used instead of the default <code>\r\n</code>. |
| [prettyFormatting](./ | <code>boolean</code> | If true, then the "jju" library will be used to improve the text formatting. Note that this is slightly slower than the native JSON.stringify() implementation. |
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ improve_this_button: false
## IJsonFileStringifyOptions.newlineConversion property
If true, then `\n` will be used for newlines instead of the default `\r\n`<!-- -->.
If provided, the specified newline type will be used instead of the default `\r\n`<!-- -->.
Некоторые файлы не были показаны из-за слишком большого количества измененных файлов Показать больше
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