Merge pull request #15 from microsoft/octogonz/regen-apis
Regenerate API docs
This commit is contained in:
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@ -822,6 +822,8 @@ api_nav:
url: /pages/api/api-extractor-model.excerpt._constructor_
- title: isEmpty
url: /pages/api/api-extractor-model.excerpt.isempty
- title: spannedTokens
url: /pages/api/api-extractor-model.excerpt.spannedtokens
- title: text
url: /pages/api/api-extractor-model.excerpt.text
- title: tokenRange
@ -1160,6 +1162,8 @@ api_nav:
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.iexperimentsjson.legacyincrementalbuilddependencydetection
- title: noChmodFieldInTarHeaderNormalization
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.iexperimentsjson.nochmodfieldintarheadernormalization
- title: usePnpmFrozenLockfileForRushInstall
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.iexperimentsjson.usepnpmfrozenlockfileforrushinstall
- title: ILaunchOptions
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.ilaunchoptions
@ -1294,6 +1298,8 @@ api_nav:
- title: RushConfiguration
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfiguration
- title: allowMostlyStandardPackageNames
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfiguration.allowmostlystandardpackagenames
- title: approvedPackagesPolicy
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfiguration.approvedpackagespolicy
- title: changesFolder
@ -1362,6 +1368,8 @@ api_nav:
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfiguration.packagemanagertoolversion
- title: packageManagerWrapper
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfiguration.packagemanagerwrapper
- title: packageNameParser
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfiguration.packagenameparser
- title: pnpmOptions
url: /pages/api/rush-lib.rushconfiguration.pnpmoptions
- title: projectFolderMaxDepth
@ -1658,6 +1666,8 @@ api_nav:
- title: '@rushstack/node-core-library'
url: /pages/api/node-core-library
- title: AlreadyExistsBehavior
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.alreadyexistsbehavior
- title: Colors
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.colors
@ -1744,50 +1754,114 @@ api_nav:
- title: appendToFile
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.appendtofile
- title: appendToFileAsync
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.appendtofileasync
- title: changePosixModeBits
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.changeposixmodebits
- title: changePosixModeBitsAsync
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.changeposixmodebitsasync
- title: copyFile
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.copyfile
- title: copyFileAsync
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.copyfileasync
- title: copyFiles
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.copyfiles
- title: copyFilesAsync
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.copyfilesasync
- title: createHardLink
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.createhardlink
- title: createHardLinkAsync
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.createhardlinkasync
- title: createSymbolicLinkFile
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.createsymboliclinkfile
- title: createSymbolicLinkFileAsync
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.createsymboliclinkfileasync
- title: createSymbolicLinkFolder
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.createsymboliclinkfolder
- title: createSymbolicLinkFolderAsync
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.createsymboliclinkfolderasync
- title: createSymbolicLinkJunction
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.createsymboliclinkjunction
- title: createSymbolicLinkJunctionAsync
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.createsymboliclinkjunctionasync
- title: deleteFile
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.deletefile
- title: deleteFileAsync
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.deletefileasync
- title: deleteFolder
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.deletefolder
- title: deleteFolderAsync
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.deletefolderasync
- title: ensureEmptyFolder
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.ensureemptyfolder
- title: ensureEmptyFolderAsync
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.ensureemptyfolderasync
- title: ensureFolder
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.ensurefolder
- title: ensureFolderAsync
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.ensurefolderasync
- title: exists
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.exists
- title: formatPosixModeBits
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.formatposixmodebits
- title: getLinkStatistics
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.getlinkstatistics
- title: getLinkStatisticsAsync
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.getlinkstatisticsasync
- title: getPosixModeBits
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.getposixmodebits
- title: getPosixModeBitsAsync
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.getposixmodebitsasync
- title: getRealPath
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.getrealpath
- title: getRealPathAsync
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.getrealpathasync
- title: getStatistics
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.getstatistics
- title: getStatisticsAsync
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.getstatisticsasync
- title: isErrnoException
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.iserrnoexception
- title: isFileDoesNotExistError
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.isfiledoesnotexisterror
- title: isFolderDoesNotExistError
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.isfolderdoesnotexisterror
- title: isNotExistError
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.isnotexisterror
- title: move
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.move
- title: moveAsync
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.moveasync
- title: readFile
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.readfile
- title: readFileAsync
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.readfileasync
- title: readFileToBuffer
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.readfiletobuffer
- title: readFileToBufferAsync
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.readfiletobufferasync
- title: readFolder
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.readfolder
- title: readFolderAsync
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.readfolderasync
- title: readLink
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.readlink
- title: readLinkAsync
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.readlinkasync
- title: updateTimes
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.updatetimes
- title: updateTimesAsync
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.updatetimesasync
- title: writeFile
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.writefile
- title: writeFileAsync
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystem.writefileasync
- title: FileSystemCopyFilesAsyncFilter
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystemcopyfilesasyncfilter
- title: FileSystemCopyFilesFilter
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystemcopyfilesfilter
- title: FileSystemStats
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filesystemstats
- title: FileWriter
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.filewriter
@ -1838,10 +1912,32 @@ api_nav:
- title: IFileSystemCopyFileOptions
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.ifilesystemcopyfileoptions
- title: alreadyExistsBehavior
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.ifilesystemcopyfileoptions.alreadyexistsbehavior
- title: destinationPath
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.ifilesystemcopyfileoptions.destinationpath
- title: sourcePath
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.ifilesystemcopyfileoptions.sourcepath
- title: IFileSystemCopyFilesAsyncOptions
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.ifilesystemcopyfilesasyncoptions
- title: alreadyExistsBehavior
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.ifilesystemcopyfilesasyncoptions.alreadyexistsbehavior
- title: dereferenceSymlinks
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.ifilesystemcopyfilesasyncoptions.dereferencesymlinks
- title: destinationPath
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.ifilesystemcopyfilesasyncoptions.destinationpath
- title: filter
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.ifilesystemcopyfilesasyncoptions.filter
- title: preserveTimestamps
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.ifilesystemcopyfilesasyncoptions.preservetimestamps
- title: sourcePath
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.ifilesystemcopyfilesasyncoptions.sourcepath
- title: IFileSystemCopyFilesOptions
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.ifilesystemcopyfilesoptions
- title: filter
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.ifilesystemcopyfilesoptions.filter
- title: IFileSystemCreateLinkOptions
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.ifilesystemcreatelinkoptions
@ -1993,6 +2089,11 @@ api_nav:
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.ipackagejsonlookupparameters.loadextrafields
- title: IPackageJsonScriptTable
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.ipackagejsonscripttable
- title: IPackageNameParserOptions
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.ipackagenameparseroptions
- title: allowUpperCase
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.ipackagenameparseroptions.allowuppercase
- title: IParsedPackageName
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.iparsedpackagename
@ -2037,10 +2138,20 @@ api_nav:
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.jsonfile.load
- title: loadAndValidate
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.jsonfile.loadandvalidate
- title: loadAndValidateAsync
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.jsonfile.loadandvalidateasync
- title: loadAndValidateWithCallback
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.jsonfile.loadandvalidatewithcallback
- title: loadAndValidateWithCallbackAsync
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.jsonfile.loadandvalidatewithcallbackasync
- title: loadAsync
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.jsonfile.loadasync
- title: parseString
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.jsonfile.parsestring
- title: save
url: /pages/api/
- title: saveAsync
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.jsonfile.saveasync
- title: stringify
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.jsonfile.stringify
- title: updateString
@ -2145,6 +2256,25 @@ api_nav:
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.packagename.tryparse
- title: validate
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.packagename.validate
- title: PackageNameParser
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.packagenameparser
- title: (constructor)
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.packagenameparser._constructor_
- title: combineParts
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.packagenameparser.combineparts
- title: getScope
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.packagenameparser.getscope
- title: getUnscopedName
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.packagenameparser.getunscopedname
- title: isValidName
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.packagenameparser.isvalidname
- title: parse
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.packagenameparser.parse
- title: tryParse
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.packagenameparser.tryparse
- title: validate
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.packagenameparser.validate
- title: Path
url: /pages/api/node-core-library.path
@ -2388,6 +2518,8 @@ api_nav:
- title: defineChoiceParameter
url: /pages/api/ts-command-line.commandlineparameterprovider.definechoiceparameter
- title: defineCommandLineRemainder
url: /pages/api/ts-command-line.commandlineparameterprovider.definecommandlineremainder
- title: defineFlagParameter
url: /pages/api/ts-command-line.commandlineparameterprovider.defineflagparameter
- title: defineIntegerParameter
@ -2410,6 +2542,8 @@ api_nav:
url: /pages/api/ts-command-line.commandlineparameterprovider.ondefineparameters
- title: parameters
url: /pages/api/ts-command-line.commandlineparameterprovider.parameters
- title: remainder
url: /pages/api/ts-command-line.commandlineparameterprovider.remainder
- title: renderHelpText
url: /pages/api/ts-command-line.commandlineparameterprovider.renderhelptext
- title: CommandLineParameterWithArgument
@ -2442,6 +2576,15 @@ api_nav:
url: /pages/api/ts-command-line.commandlineparser.toolfilename
- title: tryGetAction
url: /pages/api/ts-command-line.commandlineparser.trygetaction
- title: CommandLineRemainder
url: /pages/api/ts-command-line.commandlineremainder
- title: appendToArgList
url: /pages/api/ts-command-line.commandlineremainder.appendtoarglist
- title: description
url: /pages/api/ts-command-line.commandlineremainder.description
- title: values
url: /pages/api/ts-command-line.commandlineremainder.values
- title: CommandLineStringListParameter
url: /pages/api/ts-command-line.commandlinestringlistparameter
@ -2522,6 +2665,11 @@ api_nav:
url: /pages/api/ts-command-line.icommandlineparseroptions.tooldescription
- title: toolFilename
url: /pages/api/ts-command-line.icommandlineparseroptions.toolfilename
- title: ICommandLineRemainderDefinition
url: /pages/api/ts-command-line.icommandlineremainderdefinition
- title: description
url: /pages/api/ts-command-line.icommandlineremainderdefinition.description
- title: ICommandLineStringDefinition
url: /pages/api/ts-command-line.icommandlinestringdefinition
@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ improve_this_button: false
resolveDeclarationReference(declarationReference: DocDeclarationReference, contextApiItem: ApiItem | undefined): IResolveDeclarationReferenceResult;
resolveDeclarationReference(declarationReference: DocDeclarationReference | DeclarationReference, contextApiItem: ApiItem | undefined): IResolveDeclarationReferenceResult;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| declarationReference | DocDeclarationReference | |
| declarationReference | DocDeclarationReference \| DeclarationReference | |
| contextApiItem | [ApiItem](./ \| undefined | |
@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ improve_this_button: false
## Excerpt.isEmpty property
Returns true if the excerpt is an empty range.
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ improve_this_button: false
## Excerpt class
This class is used by [ApiDeclaredItem](./ to represent a source code excerpt containing a TypeScript declaration.
The `Excerpt` class is used by [ApiDeclaredItem](./ to represent a TypeScript code fragment that may be annotated with hyperlinks to declared types (and in the future, source code locations).
@ -19,7 +19,15 @@ export declare class Excerpt
## Remarks
The main excerpt is parsed into an array of tokens, and the main excerpt's token range will span all of these tokens. The declaration may also have have "captured" excerpts, which are other subranges of tokens. For example, if the main excerpt is a function declaration, it will also have a captured excerpt corresponding to the return type of the function.
API Extractor's .api.json file format stores excerpts compactly as a start/end indexes into an array of tokens. Every `ApiDeclaredItem` has a "main excerpt" corresponding to the full list of tokens. The declaration may also have have "captured" excerpts that correspond to subranges of tokens.
For example, if the main excerpt is:
function parse(s: string): Vector | undefined;
...then this entire signature is the "main excerpt", whereas the function's return type `Vector | undefined` is a captured excerpt. The `Vector` token might be a hyperlink to that API item.
An excerpt may be empty (i.e. a token range containing zero tokens). For example, if a function's return value is not explicitly declared, then the returnTypeExcerpt will be empty. By contrast, a class constructor cannot have a return value, so ApiConstructor has no returnTypeExcerpt property at all.
@ -33,8 +41,9 @@ An excerpt may be empty (i.e. a token range containing zero tokens). For example
| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| [isEmpty](./ | | boolean | |
| [text](./ | | string | |
| [tokenRange](./ | | Readonly<[IExcerptTokenRange](./<!-- -->> | |
| [tokens](./ | | ReadonlyArray<[ExcerptToken](./<!-- -->> | |
| [isEmpty](./ | | boolean | Returns true if the excerpt is an empty range. |
| [spannedTokens](./ | | ReadonlyArray<[ExcerptToken](./<!-- -->> | The tokens spanned by this excerpt. It is the range of the <code>tokens</code> array as specified by the <code>tokenRange</code> property. |
| [text](./ | | string | The excerpted text, formed by concatenating the text of the <code>spannedTokens</code> strings. |
| [tokenRange](./ | | Readonly<[IExcerptTokenRange](./<!-- -->> | Specifies the excerpt's range within the <code>tokens</code> array. |
| [tokens](./ | | ReadonlyArray<[ExcerptToken](./<!-- -->> | The complete list of tokens for the source code fragment that this excerpt is based upon. If this object is the main excerpt, then it will span all of the tokens; otherwise, it will correspond to a range within the array. |
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<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
[Home](./ > [@microsoft/api-extractor-model](./ > [Excerpt](./ > [spannedTokens](./
## Excerpt.spannedTokens property
The tokens spanned by this excerpt. It is the range of the `tokens` array as specified by the `tokenRange` property.
readonly spannedTokens: ReadonlyArray<ExcerptToken>;
@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ improve_this_button: false
## Excerpt.text property
The excerpted text, formed by concatenating the text of the `spannedTokens` strings.
@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ improve_this_button: false
## Excerpt.tokenRange property
Specifies the excerpt's range within the `tokens` array.
@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ improve_this_button: false
## Excerpt.tokens property
The complete list of tokens for the source code fragment that this excerpt is based upon. If this object is the main excerpt, then it will span all of the tokens; otherwise, it will correspond to a range within the array.
@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ improve_this_button: false
## ExcerptToken.canonicalReference property
The hyperlink target for a token whose type is `ExcerptTokenKind.Reference`<!-- -->. For other token types, this property will be `undefined`<!-- -->.
@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ improve_this_button: false
## ExcerptToken.kind property
Indicates the kind of token.
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ improve_this_button: false
## ExcerptToken class
Represents a fragment of text belonging to an [Excerpt](./ object.
@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ export declare class ExcerptToken
| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| [canonicalReference](./ | | DeclarationReference \| undefined | |
| [kind](./ | | [ExcerptTokenKind](./ | |
| [text](./ | | string | |
| [canonicalReference](./ | | DeclarationReference \| undefined | The hyperlink target for a token whose type is <code>ExcerptTokenKind.Reference</code>. For other token types, this property will be <code>undefined</code>. |
| [kind](./ | | [ExcerptTokenKind](./ | Indicates the kind of token. |
| [text](./ | | string | The text fragment. |
@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ improve_this_button: false
## ExcerptToken.text property
The text fragment.
@ -9,8 +9,15 @@ improve_this_button: false
## IExcerptTokenRange.endIndex property
The index of the last member of the span, plus one.
endIndex: number;
## Remarks
If `startIndex` and `endIndex` are the same number, then the span is empty.
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ improve_this_button: false
## IExcerptTokenRange interface
Used by [Excerpt](./ to indicate a range of indexes within an array of `ExcerptToken` objects.
@ -20,6 +21,6 @@ export interface IExcerptTokenRange
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [endIndex](./ | number | |
| [startIndex](./ | number | |
| [endIndex](./ | number | The index of the last member of the span, plus one. |
| [startIndex](./ | number | The starting index of the span. |
@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ improve_this_button: false
## IExcerptTokenRange.startIndex property
The starting index of the span.
@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ Use this library to read and write \*.api.json files as defined by the [API Extr
| [ApiPropertySignature](./ | Represents a TypeScript property declaration that belongs to an <code>ApiInterface</code>. |
| [ApiTypeAlias](./ | Represents a TypeScript type alias declaration. |
| [ApiVariable](./ | Represents a TypeScript variable declaration. |
| [Excerpt](./ | This class is used by [ApiDeclaredItem](./ to represent a source code excerpt containing a TypeScript declaration. |
| [ExcerptToken](./ | |
| [Excerpt](./ | The <code>Excerpt</code> class is used by [ApiDeclaredItem](./ to represent a TypeScript code fragment that may be annotated with hyperlinks to declared types (and in the future, source code locations). |
| [ExcerptToken](./ | Represents a fragment of text belonging to an [Excerpt](./ object. |
| [HeritageType](./ | Represents a type referenced via an "extends" or "implements" heritage clause for a TypeScript class. |
| [Parameter](./ | Represents a named parameter for a function-like declaration. |
| [TypeParameter](./ | Represents a named type parameter for a generic declaration. |
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ Use this library to read and write \*.api.json files as defined by the [API Extr
| [IApiTypeParameterOptions](./ | Represents parameter information that is part of [IApiTypeParameterListMixinOptions](./ |
| [IApiVariableOptions](./ | Constructor options for [ApiVariable](./<!-- -->. |
| [IExcerptToken](./ | |
| [IExcerptTokenRange](./ | |
| [IExcerptTokenRange](./ | Used by [Excerpt](./ to indicate a range of indexes within an array of <code>ExcerptToken</code> objects. |
| [IParameterOptions](./ | Constructor options for [Parameter](./<!-- -->. |
| [IResolveDeclarationReferenceResult](./ | Result object for [ApiModel.resolveDeclarationReference()](./<!-- -->. |
| [ITypeParameterOptions](./ | Constructor options for [TypeParameter](./<!-- -->. |
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [AlreadyExistsBehavior](./
## AlreadyExistsBehavior enum
Specifies the behavior of [FileSystem.copyFiles()](./ in a situation where the target object already exists.
export declare const enum AlreadyExistsBehavior
## Enumeration Members
| Member | Value | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Error | <code>"error"</code> | If the destination object exists, report an error. |
| Ignore | <code>"ignore"</code> | If the destination object exists, skip it and continue the operation. |
| Overwrite | <code>"overwrite"</code> | If the destination object exists, overwrite it. This is the default behavior for [FileSystem.copyFiles()](./<!-- -->. |
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [FileSystem](./ > [appendToFileAsync](./
## FileSystem.appendToFileAsync() method
An async version of [FileSystem.appendToFile()](./<!-- -->.
static appendToFileAsync(filePath: string, contents: string | Buffer, options?: IFileSystemWriteFileOptions): Promise<void>;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| filePath | string | |
| contents | string \| Buffer | |
| options | [IFileSystemWriteFileOptions](./ | |
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [FileSystem](./ > [changePosixModeBitsAsync](./
## FileSystem.changePosixModeBitsAsync() method
An async version of [FileSystem.changePosixModeBits()](./<!-- -->.
static changePosixModeBitsAsync(path: string, mode: PosixModeBits): Promise<void>;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| path | string | |
| mode | [PosixModeBits](./ | |
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ improve_this_button: false
## FileSystem.copyFile() method
Copies a file from one location to another. By default, destinationPath is overwritten if it already exists. Behind the scenes it uses `fs.copyFileSync()`<!-- -->.
Copies a single file from one location to another. By default, destinationPath is overwritten if it already exists.
@ -27,3 +27,9 @@ static copyFile(options: IFileSystemCopyFileOptions): void;
## Remarks
The `copyFile()` API cannot be used to copy folders. It copies at most one file. Use [FileSystem.copyFiles()](./ if you need to recursively copy a tree of folders.
The implementation is based on `copySync()` from the `fs-extra` package.
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## FileSystem.copyFileAsync() method
An async version of [FileSystem.copyFile()](./<!-- -->.
static copyFileAsync(options: IFileSystemCopyFileOptions): Promise<void>;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| options | [IFileSystemCopyFileOptions](./ | |
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [FileSystem](./ > [copyFiles](./
## FileSystem.copyFiles() method
Copies a file or folder from one location to another, recursively copying any folder contents. By default, destinationPath is overwritten if it already exists.
static copyFiles(options: IFileSystemCopyFilesOptions): void;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| options | [IFileSystemCopyFilesOptions](./ | |
## Remarks
If you only intend to copy a single file, it is recommended to use [FileSystem.copyFile()](./ instead to more clearly communicate the intended operation.
The implementation is based on `copySync()` from the `fs-extra` package.
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## FileSystem.copyFilesAsync() method
An async version of [FileSystem.copyFiles()](./<!-- -->.
static copyFilesAsync(options: IFileSystemCopyFilesOptions): Promise<void>;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| options | [IFileSystemCopyFilesOptions](./ | |
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [FileSystem](./ > [createHardLinkAsync](./
## FileSystem.createHardLinkAsync() method
An async version of [FileSystem.createHardLink()](./<!-- -->.
static createHardLinkAsync(options: IFileSystemCreateLinkOptions): Promise<void>;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| options | [IFileSystemCreateLinkOptions](./ | |
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## FileSystem.createSymbolicLinkFileAsync() method
An async version of [FileSystem.createSymbolicLinkFile()](./<!-- -->.
static createSymbolicLinkFileAsync(options: IFileSystemCreateLinkOptions): Promise<void>;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| options | [IFileSystemCreateLinkOptions](./ | |
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [FileSystem](./ > [createSymbolicLinkFolderAsync](./
## FileSystem.createSymbolicLinkFolderAsync() method
An async version of [FileSystem.createSymbolicLinkFolder()](./<!-- -->.
static createSymbolicLinkFolderAsync(options: IFileSystemCreateLinkOptions): Promise<void>;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| options | [IFileSystemCreateLinkOptions](./ | |
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## FileSystem.createSymbolicLinkJunctionAsync() method
An async version of [FileSystem.createSymbolicLinkJunction()](./<!-- -->.
static createSymbolicLinkJunctionAsync(options: IFileSystemCreateLinkOptions): Promise<void>;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| options | [IFileSystemCreateLinkOptions](./ | |
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## FileSystem.deleteFileAsync() method
An async version of [FileSystem.deleteFile()](./<!-- -->.
static deleteFileAsync(filePath: string, options?: IFileSystemDeleteFileOptions): Promise<void>;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| filePath | string | |
| options | [IFileSystemDeleteFileOptions](./ | |
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [FileSystem](./ > [deleteFolderAsync](./
## FileSystem.deleteFolderAsync() method
An async version of [FileSystem.deleteFolder()](./<!-- -->.
static deleteFolderAsync(folderPath: string): Promise<void>;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| folderPath | string | |
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [FileSystem](./ > [ensureEmptyFolderAsync](./
## FileSystem.ensureEmptyFolderAsync() method
An async version of [FileSystem.ensureEmptyFolder()](./<!-- -->.
static ensureEmptyFolderAsync(folderPath: string): Promise<void>;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| folderPath | string | |
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## FileSystem.ensureFolderAsync() method
An async version of [FileSystem.ensureFolder()](./<!-- -->.
static ensureFolderAsync(folderPath: string): Promise<void>;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| folderPath | string | |
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Gets the statistics of a filesystem object. Does NOT follow the link to its targ
static getLinkStatistics(path: string): fs.Stats;
static getLinkStatistics(path: string): FileSystemStats;
## Parameters
@ -25,5 +25,5 @@ static getLinkStatistics(path: string): fs.Stats;
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [FileSystem](./ > [getLinkStatisticsAsync](./
## FileSystem.getLinkStatisticsAsync() method
An async version of [FileSystem.getLinkStatistics()](./<!-- -->.
static getLinkStatisticsAsync(path: string): Promise<FileSystemStats>;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| path | string | |
Promise<[FileSystemStats](./<!-- -->>
@ -27,3 +27,7 @@ static getPosixModeBits(path: string): PosixModeBits;
## Remarks
This calls [FileSystem.getStatistics()](./ to get the POSIX mode bits. If statistics in addition to the mode bits are needed, it is more efficient to call [FileSystem.getStatistics()](./ directly instead.
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## FileSystem.getPosixModeBitsAsync() method
An async version of [FileSystem.getPosixModeBits()](./<!-- -->.
static getPosixModeBitsAsync(path: string): Promise<PosixModeBits>;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| path | string | |
Promise<[PosixModeBits](./<!-- -->>
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [FileSystem](./ > [getRealPathAsync](./
## FileSystem.getRealPathAsync() method
An async version of [FileSystem.getRealPath()](./<!-- -->.
static getRealPathAsync(linkPath: string): Promise<string>;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| linkPath | string | |
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Gets the statistics for a particular filesystem object. If the path is a link, t
static getStatistics(path: string): fs.Stats;
static getStatistics(path: string): FileSystemStats;
## Parameters
@ -25,5 +25,5 @@ static getStatistics(path: string): fs.Stats;
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## FileSystem.getStatisticsAsync() method
An async version of [FileSystem.getStatistics()](./<!-- -->.
static getStatisticsAsync(path: string): Promise<FileSystemStats>;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| path | string | |
Promise<[FileSystemStats](./<!-- -->>
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## FileSystem.isErrnoException() method
Detects if the provided error object is a `NodeJS.ErrnoException`
static isErrnoException(error: Error): error is NodeJS.ErrnoException;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| error | Error | |
error is NodeJS.ErrnoException
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## FileSystem.isFileDoesNotExistError() method
Returns true if the error provided indicates the file does not exist.
static isFileDoesNotExistError(error: Error): boolean;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| error | Error | |
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## FileSystem.isFolderDoesNotExistError() method
Returns true if the error provided indicates the folder does not exist.
static isFolderDoesNotExistError(error: Error): boolean;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| error | Error | |
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## FileSystem.isNotExistError() method
Returns true if the error provided indicates the file or folder does not exist.
static isNotExistError(error: Error): boolean;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| error | Error | |
@ -28,26 +28,55 @@ Note that in the documentation, we refer to "filesystem objects", this can be a
| Method | Modifiers | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [appendToFile(filePath, contents, options)](./ | <code>static</code> | Writes a text string to a file on disk, appending to the file if it already exists. Behind the scenes it uses <code>fs.appendFileSync()</code>. |
| [appendToFileAsync(filePath, contents, options)](./ | <code>static</code> | An async version of [FileSystem.appendToFile()](./<!-- -->. |
| [changePosixModeBits(path, mode)](./ | <code>static</code> | Changes the permissions (i.e. file mode bits) for a filesystem object. Behind the scenes it uses <code>fs.chmodSync()</code>. |
| [copyFile(options)](./ | <code>static</code> | Copies a file from one location to another. By default, destinationPath is overwritten if it already exists. Behind the scenes it uses <code>fs.copyFileSync()</code>. |
| [changePosixModeBitsAsync(path, mode)](./ | <code>static</code> | An async version of [FileSystem.changePosixModeBits()](./<!-- -->. |
| [copyFile(options)](./ | <code>static</code> | Copies a single file from one location to another. By default, destinationPath is overwritten if it already exists. |
| [copyFileAsync(options)](./ | <code>static</code> | An async version of [FileSystem.copyFile()](./<!-- -->. |
| [copyFiles(options)](./ | <code>static</code> | Copies a file or folder from one location to another, recursively copying any folder contents. By default, destinationPath is overwritten if it already exists. |
| [copyFilesAsync(options)](./ | <code>static</code> | An async version of [FileSystem.copyFiles()](./<!-- -->. |
| [createHardLink(options)](./ | <code>static</code> | Creates a hard link. Behind the scenes it uses <code>fs.linkSync()</code>. |
| [createHardLinkAsync(options)](./ | <code>static</code> | An async version of [FileSystem.createHardLink()](./<!-- -->. |
| [createSymbolicLinkFile(options)](./ | <code>static</code> | Creates a symbolic link to a file (on Windows this requires elevated permissionsBits). Behind the scenes it uses <code>fs.symlinkSync()</code>. |
| [createSymbolicLinkFileAsync(options)](./ | <code>static</code> | An async version of [FileSystem.createSymbolicLinkFile()](./<!-- -->. |
| [createSymbolicLinkFolder(options)](./ | <code>static</code> | Creates a symbolic link to a folder (on Windows this requires elevated permissionsBits). Behind the scenes it uses <code>fs.symlinkSync()</code>. |
| [createSymbolicLinkFolderAsync(options)](./ | <code>static</code> | An async version of [FileSystem.createSymbolicLinkFolder()](./<!-- -->. |
| [createSymbolicLinkJunction(options)](./ | <code>static</code> | Creates a Windows "directory junction". Behaves like <code>createSymbolicLinkToFile()</code> on other platforms. Behind the scenes it uses <code>fs.symlinkSync()</code>. |
| [createSymbolicLinkJunctionAsync(options)](./ | <code>static</code> | An async version of [FileSystem.createSymbolicLinkJunction()](./<!-- -->. |
| [deleteFile(filePath, options)](./ | <code>static</code> | Deletes a file. Can optionally throw if the file doesn't exist. Behind the scenes it uses <code>fs.unlinkSync()</code>. |
| [deleteFileAsync(filePath, options)](./ | <code>static</code> | An async version of [FileSystem.deleteFile()](./<!-- -->. |
| [deleteFolder(folderPath)](./ | <code>static</code> | Deletes a folder, including all of its contents. Behind the scenes is uses <code>fs-extra.removeSync()</code>. |
| [deleteFolderAsync(folderPath)](./ | <code>static</code> | An async version of [FileSystem.deleteFolder()](./<!-- -->. |
| [ensureEmptyFolder(folderPath)](./ | <code>static</code> | Deletes the content of a folder, but not the folder itself. Also ensures the folder exists. Behind the scenes it uses <code>fs-extra.emptyDirSync()</code>. |
| [ensureEmptyFolderAsync(folderPath)](./ | <code>static</code> | An async version of [FileSystem.ensureEmptyFolder()](./<!-- -->. |
| [ensureFolder(folderPath)](./ | <code>static</code> | Recursively creates a folder at a given path. Behind the scenes is uses <code>fs-extra.ensureDirSync()</code>. |
| [ensureFolderAsync(folderPath)](./ | <code>static</code> | An async version of [FileSystem.ensureFolder()](./<!-- -->. |
| [exists(path)](./ | <code>static</code> | Returns true if the path exists on disk. Behind the scenes it uses <code>fs.existsSync()</code>. |
| [formatPosixModeBits(modeBits)](./ | <code>static</code> | Returns a 10-character string representation of a PosixModeBits value similar to what would be displayed by a command such as "ls -l" on a POSIX-like operating system. |
| [getLinkStatistics(path)](./ | <code>static</code> | Gets the statistics of a filesystem object. Does NOT follow the link to its target. Behind the scenes it uses <code>fs.lstatSync()</code>. |
| [getLinkStatisticsAsync(path)](./ | <code>static</code> | An async version of [FileSystem.getLinkStatistics()](./<!-- -->. |
| [getPosixModeBits(path)](./ | <code>static</code> | Retrieves the permissions (i.e. file mode bits) for a filesystem object. Behind the scenes it uses <code>fs.chmodSync()</code>. |
| [getPosixModeBitsAsync(path)](./ | <code>static</code> | An async version of [FileSystem.getPosixModeBits()](./<!-- -->. |
| [getRealPath(linkPath)](./ | <code>static</code> | Follows a link to its destination and returns the absolute path to the final target of the link. Behind the scenes it uses <code>fs.realpathSync()</code>. |
| [getRealPathAsync(linkPath)](./ | <code>static</code> | An async version of [FileSystem.getRealPath()](./<!-- -->. |
| [getStatistics(path)](./ | <code>static</code> | Gets the statistics for a particular filesystem object. If the path is a link, this function follows the link and returns statistics about the link target. Behind the scenes it uses <code>fs.statSync()</code>. |
| [getStatisticsAsync(path)](./ | <code>static</code> | An async version of [FileSystem.getStatistics()](./<!-- -->. |
| [isErrnoException(error)](./ | <code>static</code> | Detects if the provided error object is a <code>NodeJS.ErrnoException</code> |
| [isFileDoesNotExistError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> | Returns true if the error provided indicates the file does not exist. |
| [isFolderDoesNotExistError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> | Returns true if the error provided indicates the folder does not exist. |
| [isNotExistError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> | Returns true if the error provided indicates the file or folder does not exist. |
| [move(options)](./ | <code>static</code> | Moves a file. The folder must exist, unless the <code>ensureFolderExists</code> option is provided. Behind the scenes it uses <code>fs-extra.moveSync()</code> |
| [moveAsync(options)](./ | <code>static</code> | An async version of [FileSystem.move()](./<!-- -->. |
| [readFile(filePath, options)](./ | <code>static</code> | Reads the contents of a file into a string. Behind the scenes it uses <code>fs.readFileSync()</code>. |
| [readFileAsync(filePath, options)](./ | <code>static</code> | An async version of [FileSystem.readFile()](./<!-- -->. |
| [readFileToBuffer(filePath)](./ | <code>static</code> | Reads the contents of a file into a buffer. Behind the scenes is uses <code>fs.readFileSync()</code>. |
| [readFileToBufferAsync(filePath)](./ | <code>static</code> | An async version of [FileSystem.readFileToBuffer()](./<!-- -->. |
| [readFolder(folderPath, options)](./ | <code>static</code> | Reads the contents of the folder, not including "." or "..". Behind the scenes it uses <code>fs.readdirSync()</code>. |
| [readFolderAsync(folderPath, options)](./ | <code>static</code> | An async version of [FileSystem.readFolder()](./<!-- -->. |
| [readLink(path)](./ | <code>static</code> | If <code>path</code> refers to a symbolic link, this returns the path of the link target, which may be an absolute or relative path. |
| [readLinkAsync(path)](./ | <code>static</code> | An async version of [FileSystem.readLink()](./<!-- -->. |
| [updateTimes(path, times)](./ | <code>static</code> | Updates the accessed and modified timestamps of the filesystem object referenced by path. Behind the scenes it uses <code>fs.utimesSync()</code>. The caller should specify both times in the <code>times</code> parameter. |
| [updateTimesAsync(path, times)](./ | <code>static</code> | An async version of [FileSystem.updateTimes()](./<!-- -->. |
| [writeFile(filePath, contents, options)](./ | <code>static</code> | Writes a text string to a file on disk, overwriting the file if it already exists. Behind the scenes it uses <code>fs.writeFileSync()</code>. |
| [writeFileAsync(filePath, contents, options)](./ | <code>static</code> | An async version of [FileSystem.writeFile()](./<!-- -->. |
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [FileSystem](./ > [moveAsync](./
## FileSystem.moveAsync() method
An async version of [FileSystem.move()](./<!-- -->.
static moveAsync(options: IFileSystemMoveOptions): Promise<void>;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| options | [IFileSystemMoveOptions](./ | |
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [FileSystem](./ > [readFileAsync](./
## FileSystem.readFileAsync() method
An async version of [FileSystem.readFile()](./<!-- -->.
static readFileAsync(filePath: string, options?: IFileSystemReadFileOptions): Promise<string>;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| filePath | string | |
| options | [IFileSystemReadFileOptions](./ | |
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [FileSystem](./ > [readFileToBufferAsync](./
## FileSystem.readFileToBufferAsync() method
An async version of [FileSystem.readFileToBuffer()](./<!-- -->.
static readFileToBufferAsync(filePath: string): Promise<Buffer>;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| filePath | string | |
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## FileSystem.readFolderAsync() method
An async version of [FileSystem.readFolder()](./<!-- -->.
static readFolderAsync(folderPath: string, options?: IFileSystemReadFolderOptions): Promise<string[]>;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| folderPath | string | |
| options | [IFileSystemReadFolderOptions](./ | |
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [FileSystem](./ > [readLink](./
## FileSystem.readLink() method
If `path` refers to a symbolic link, this returns the path of the link target, which may be an absolute or relative path.
static readLink(path: string): string;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| path | string | The absolute or relative path to the symbolic link. |
the path of the link target
## Remarks
If `path` refers to a filesystem object that is not a symbolic link, then an `ErrnoException` is thrown with code 'UNKNOWN'. If `path` does not exist, then an `ErrnoException` is thrown with code `ENOENT`<!-- -->.
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## FileSystem.readLinkAsync() method
An async version of [FileSystem.readLink()](./<!-- -->.
static readLinkAsync(path: string): Promise<string>;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| path | string | |
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## FileSystem.updateTimesAsync() method
An async version of [FileSystem.updateTimes()](./<!-- -->.
static updateTimesAsync(path: string, times: IFileSystemUpdateTimeParameters): Promise<void>;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| path | string | |
| times | [IFileSystemUpdateTimeParameters](./ | |
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [FileSystem](./ > [writeFileAsync](./
## FileSystem.writeFileAsync() method
An async version of [FileSystem.writeFile()](./<!-- -->.
static writeFileAsync(filePath: string, contents: string | Buffer, options?: IFileSystemWriteFileOptions): Promise<void>;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| filePath | string | |
| contents | string \| Buffer | |
| options | [IFileSystemWriteFileOptions](./ | |
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [FileSystemCopyFilesAsyncFilter](./
## FileSystemCopyFilesAsyncFilter type
Callback function type for [IFileSystemCopyFilesAsyncOptions.filter](./
export declare type FileSystemCopyFilesAsyncFilter = (sourcePath: string, destinationPath: string) => Promise<boolean>;
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## FileSystemCopyFilesFilter type
Callback function type for [IFileSystemCopyFilesOptions.filter](./
export declare type FileSystemCopyFilesFilter = (sourcePath: string, destinationPath: string) => boolean;
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [FileSystemStats](./
## FileSystemStats type
An alias for the Node.js `fs.Stats` object.
export declare type FileSystemStats = fs.Stats;
## Remarks
This avoids the need to import the `fs` package when using the [FileSystem](./ API.
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [IFileSystemCopyFileOptions](./ > [alreadyExistsBehavior](./
## IFileSystemCopyFileOptions.alreadyExistsBehavior property
Specifies what to do if the target object already exists.
alreadyExistsBehavior?: AlreadyExistsBehavior;
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## IFileSystemCopyFileOptions interface
The options for FileSystem.copyFile()
The options for [FileSystem.copyFile()](./
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ export interface IFileSystemCopyFileOptions
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [alreadyExistsBehavior](./ | [AlreadyExistsBehavior](./ | Specifies what to do if the target object already exists. |
| [destinationPath](./ | string | The path that the object will be copied to. The path may be absolute or relative. |
| [sourcePath](./ | string | The path of the existing object to be copied. The path may be absolute or relative. |
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## IFileSystemCopyFilesAsyncOptions.alreadyExistsBehavior property
Specifies what to do if the target object already exists.
alreadyExistsBehavior?: AlreadyExistsBehavior;
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [IFileSystemCopyFilesAsyncOptions](./ > [dereferenceSymlinks](./
## IFileSystemCopyFilesAsyncOptions.dereferenceSymlinks property
If true, then when copying symlinks, copy the target object instead of copying the link.
dereferenceSymlinks?: boolean;
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [IFileSystemCopyFilesAsyncOptions](./ > [destinationPath](./
## IFileSystemCopyFilesAsyncOptions.destinationPath property
The path that the files will be copied to. The path may be absolute or relative.
destinationPath: string;
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [IFileSystemCopyFilesAsyncOptions](./ > [filter](./
## IFileSystemCopyFilesAsyncOptions.filter property
A callback that will be invoked for each path that is copied. The callback can return `false` to cause the object to be excluded from the operation.
filter?: FileSystemCopyFilesAsyncFilter | FileSystemCopyFilesFilter;
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [IFileSystemCopyFilesAsyncOptions](./
## IFileSystemCopyFilesAsyncOptions interface
The options for [FileSystem.copyFilesAsync()](./
export interface IFileSystemCopyFilesAsyncOptions
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [alreadyExistsBehavior](./ | [AlreadyExistsBehavior](./ | Specifies what to do if the target object already exists. |
| [dereferenceSymlinks](./ | boolean | If true, then when copying symlinks, copy the target object instead of copying the link. |
| [destinationPath](./ | string | The path that the files will be copied to. The path may be absolute or relative. |
| [filter](./ | [FileSystemCopyFilesAsyncFilter](./ \| [FileSystemCopyFilesFilter](./ | A callback that will be invoked for each path that is copied. The callback can return <code>false</code> to cause the object to be excluded from the operation. |
| [preserveTimestamps](./ | boolean | If true, then the target object will be assigned "last modification" and "last access" timestamps that are the same as the source. Otherwise, the OS default timestamps are assigned. |
| [sourcePath](./ | string | The starting path of the file or folder to be copied. The path may be absolute or relative. |
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## IFileSystemCopyFilesAsyncOptions.preserveTimestamps property
If true, then the target object will be assigned "last modification" and "last access" timestamps that are the same as the source. Otherwise, the OS default timestamps are assigned.
preserveTimestamps?: boolean;
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [IFileSystemCopyFilesAsyncOptions](./ > [sourcePath](./
## IFileSystemCopyFilesAsyncOptions.sourcePath property
The starting path of the file or folder to be copied. The path may be absolute or relative.
sourcePath: string;
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## IFileSystemCopyFilesOptions.filter property
A callback that will be invoked for each path that is copied. The callback can return `false` to cause the object to be excluded from the operation.
filter?: FileSystemCopyFilesFilter;
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [IFileSystemCopyFilesOptions](./
## IFileSystemCopyFilesOptions interface
The options for [FileSystem.copyFiles()](./
export interface IFileSystemCopyFilesOptions extends IFileSystemCopyFilesAsyncOptions
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [filter](./ | [FileSystemCopyFilesFilter](./ | A callback that will be invoked for each path that is copied. The callback can return <code>false</code> to cause the object to be excluded from the operation. |
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## IFileSystemCreateLinkOptions interface
The options for `FileSystem.createSymbolicLinkJunction()`<!-- -->, `createSymbolicLinkFile()`<!-- -->, `createSymbolicLinkFolder()`<!-- -->, and `createHardLink()`<!-- -->.
The options for [FileSystem.createSymbolicLinkJunction()](./<!-- -->, [FileSystem.createSymbolicLinkFile()](./<!-- -->, [FileSystem.createSymbolicLinkFolder()](./<!-- -->, and [FileSystem.createHardLink()](./<!-- -->.
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## IFileSystemDeleteFileOptions interface
The options for FileSystem.deleteFile()
The options for [FileSystem.deleteFile()](./
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## IFileSystemMoveOptions interface
The options for FileSystem.move()
The options for [FileSystem.move()](./
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## IFileSystemReadFileOptions interface
The options for FileSystem.readFile()
The options for [FileSystem.readFile()](./
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## IFileSystemReadFolderOptions interface
The options for FileSystem.readFolder()
The options for [FileSystem.readFolder()](./
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ improve_this_button: false
## IFileSystemUpdateTimeParameters interface
The parameters for `updateTimes()`<!-- -->. Both times must be specified.
The options for [FileSystem.updateTimes()](./ Both times must be specified.
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## IFileSystemWriteFileOptions interface
The options for FileSystem.writeFile()
The options for [FileSystem.writeFile()](./
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [IPackageNameParserOptions](./ > [allowUpperCase](./
## IPackageNameParserOptions.allowUpperCase property
If true, allows upper-case letters in package names. This improves compatibility with some legacy private registries that still allow that.
allowUpperCase?: boolean;
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [IPackageNameParserOptions](./
## IPackageNameParserOptions interface
Options that configure the validation rules used by a [PackageNameParser](./ instance.
export interface IPackageNameParserOptions
## Remarks
The default validation is based on the registry's policy for published packages, and includes these restrictions:
- The package name cannot be longer than 214 characters.
- The package name must not be empty.
- Other than the `@` and `/` delimiters used for scopes, the only allowed characters are letters, numbers, `-`<!-- -->, `_`<!-- -->, and `.`<!-- -->.
- The name must not start with a `.` or `_`<!-- -->.
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [allowUpperCase](./ | boolean | If true, allows upper-case letters in package names. This improves compatibility with some legacy private registries that still allow that. |
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [JsonFile](./ > [loadAndValidateAsync](./
## JsonFile.loadAndValidateAsync() method
An async version of [JsonFile.loadAndValidate()](./<!-- -->.
static loadAndValidateAsync(jsonFilename: string, jsonSchema: JsonSchema, options?: IJsonSchemaValidateOptions): Promise<JsonObject>;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| jsonFilename | string | |
| jsonSchema | [JsonSchema](./ | |
| options | [IJsonSchemaValidateOptions](./ | |
Promise<[JsonObject](./<!-- -->>
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [JsonFile](./ > [loadAndValidateWithCallbackAsync](./
## JsonFile.loadAndValidateWithCallbackAsync() method
An async version of [JsonFile.loadAndValidateWithCallback()](./<!-- -->.
static loadAndValidateWithCallbackAsync(jsonFilename: string, jsonSchema: JsonSchema, errorCallback: (errorInfo: IJsonSchemaErrorInfo) => void): Promise<JsonObject>;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| jsonFilename | string | |
| jsonSchema | [JsonSchema](./ | |
| errorCallback | (errorInfo: [IJsonSchemaErrorInfo](./<!-- -->) => void | |
Promise<[JsonObject](./<!-- -->>
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [JsonFile](./ > [loadAsync](./
## JsonFile.loadAsync() method
An async version of [JsonFile.load()](./<!-- -->.
static loadAsync(jsonFilename: string): Promise<JsonObject>;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| jsonFilename | string | |
Promise<[JsonObject](./<!-- -->>
@ -23,8 +23,13 @@ export declare class JsonFile
| --- | --- | --- |
| [load(jsonFilename)](./ | <code>static</code> | Loads a JSON file. |
| [loadAndValidate(jsonFilename, jsonSchema, options)](./ | <code>static</code> | Loads a JSON file and validate its schema. |
| [loadAndValidateAsync(jsonFilename, jsonSchema, options)](./ | <code>static</code> | An async version of [JsonFile.loadAndValidate()](./<!-- -->. |
| [loadAndValidateWithCallback(jsonFilename, jsonSchema, errorCallback)](./ | <code>static</code> | Loads a JSON file and validate its schema, reporting errors using a callback |
| [loadAndValidateWithCallbackAsync(jsonFilename, jsonSchema, errorCallback)](./ | <code>static</code> | An async version of [JsonFile.loadAndValidateWithCallback()](./<!-- -->. |
| [loadAsync(jsonFilename)](./ | <code>static</code> | An async version of [JsonFile.load()](./<!-- -->. |
| [parseString(jsonContents)](./ | <code>static</code> | Parses a JSON file's contents. |
| [save(jsonObject, jsonFilename, options)](./ | <code>static</code> | Saves the file to disk. Returns false if nothing was written due to options.onlyIfChanged. |
| [saveAsync(jsonObject, jsonFilename, options)](./ | <code>static</code> | An async version of [JsonFile.loadAndValidateWithCallback()](./<!-- -->. |
| [stringify(jsonObject, options)](./ | <code>static</code> | Serializes the specified JSON object to a string buffer. |
| [updateString(previousJson, newJsonObject, options)](./ | <code>static</code> | Serializes the specified JSON object to a string buffer. |
| [validateNoUndefinedMembers(jsonObject)](./ | <code>static</code> | Used to validate a data structure before writing. Reports an error if there are any undefined members. |
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [JsonFile](./ > [parseString](./
## JsonFile.parseString() method
Parses a JSON file's contents.
static parseString(jsonContents: string): JsonObject;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| jsonContents | string | |
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [JsonFile](./ > [saveAsync](./
## JsonFile.saveAsync() method
An async version of [JsonFile.loadAndValidateWithCallback()](./<!-- -->.
static saveAsync(jsonObject: JsonObject, jsonFilename: string, options?: IJsonFileSaveOptions): Promise<boolean>;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| jsonObject | [JsonObject](./ | |
| jsonFilename | string | |
| options | [IJsonFileSaveOptions](./ | |
@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ Core libraries that every NodeJS toolchain project should use.
| [LockFile](./ | A helper utility for working with file-based locks. This class should only be used for locking resources across processes, but should not be used for attempting to lock a resource in the same process. |
| [MapExtensions](./ | Helper functions for working with the <code>Map<K, V></code> data type. |
| [PackageJsonLookup](./ | This class provides methods for finding the nearest "package.json" for a folder and retrieving the name of the package. The results are cached. |
| [PackageName](./ | Various functions for working with package names that may include scopes. |
| [PackageName](./ | Provides basic operations for validating and manipulating NPM package names such as <code>my-package</code> or <code>@scope/my-package</code>. |
| [PackageNameParser](./ | A configurable parser for validating and manipulating NPM package names such as <code>my-package</code> or <code>@scope/my-package</code>. |
| [Path](./ | Common operations for manipulating file and directory paths. |
| [ProtectableMap](./ | The ProtectableMap provides an easy way for an API to expose a <code>Map<K, V></code> property while intercepting and validating any write operations that are performed by consumers of the API. |
| [Sort](./ | Operations for sorting collections. |
@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ Core libraries that every NodeJS toolchain project should use.
| Enumeration | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [AlreadyExistsBehavior](./ | Specifies the behavior of [FileSystem.copyFiles()](./ in a situation where the target object already exists. |
| [ColorValue](./ | <b><i>(BETA)</i></b> Colors used with [IColorableSequence](./<!-- -->. |
| [Encoding](./ | The allowed types of encodings, as supported by Node.js |
| [FileConstants](./ | String constants for common filenames and parts of filenames. |
@ -57,14 +59,16 @@ Core libraries that every NodeJS toolchain project should use.
| [IConsoleTerminalProviderOptions](./ | <b><i>(BETA)</i></b> Options to be provided to a [ConsoleTerminalProvider](./ |
| [IExecutableResolveOptions](./ | Options for Executable.tryResolve(). |
| [IExecutableSpawnSyncOptions](./ | Options for Executable.execute(). |
| [IFileSystemCopyFileOptions](./ | The options for FileSystem.copyFile() |
| [IFileSystemCreateLinkOptions](./ | The options for <code>FileSystem.createSymbolicLinkJunction()</code>, <code>createSymbolicLinkFile()</code>, <code>createSymbolicLinkFolder()</code>, and <code>createHardLink()</code>. |
| [IFileSystemDeleteFileOptions](./ | The options for FileSystem.deleteFile() |
| [IFileSystemMoveOptions](./ | The options for FileSystem.move() |
| [IFileSystemReadFileOptions](./ | The options for FileSystem.readFile() |
| [IFileSystemReadFolderOptions](./ | The options for FileSystem.readFolder() |
| [IFileSystemUpdateTimeParameters](./ | The parameters for <code>updateTimes()</code>. Both times must be specified. |
| [IFileSystemWriteFileOptions](./ | The options for FileSystem.writeFile() |
| [IFileSystemCopyFileOptions](./ | The options for [FileSystem.copyFile()](./ |
| [IFileSystemCopyFilesAsyncOptions](./ | The options for [FileSystem.copyFilesAsync()](./ |
| [IFileSystemCopyFilesOptions](./ | The options for [FileSystem.copyFiles()](./ |
| [IFileSystemCreateLinkOptions](./ | The options for [FileSystem.createSymbolicLinkJunction()](./<!-- -->, [FileSystem.createSymbolicLinkFile()](./<!-- -->, [FileSystem.createSymbolicLinkFolder()](./<!-- -->, and [FileSystem.createHardLink()](./<!-- -->. |
| [IFileSystemDeleteFileOptions](./ | The options for [FileSystem.deleteFile()](./ |
| [IFileSystemMoveOptions](./ | The options for [FileSystem.move()](./ |
| [IFileSystemReadFileOptions](./ | The options for [FileSystem.readFile()](./ |
| [IFileSystemReadFolderOptions](./ | The options for [FileSystem.readFolder()](./ |
| [IFileSystemUpdateTimeParameters](./ | The options for [FileSystem.updateTimes()](./ Both times must be specified. |
| [IFileSystemWriteFileOptions](./ | The options for [FileSystem.writeFile()](./ |
| [IFileWriterFlags](./ | Interface which represents the flags about which mode the file should be opened in. |
| [IJsonFileSaveOptions](./ | Options for JsonFile.saveJsonFile() |
| [IJsonFileStringifyOptions](./ | Options for JsonFile.stringify() |
@ -76,6 +80,7 @@ Core libraries that every NodeJS toolchain project should use.
| [IPackageJsonDependencyTable](./ | This interface is part of the IPackageJson file format. It is used for the "dependencies", "optionalDependencies", and "devDependencies" fields. |
| [IPackageJsonLookupParameters](./ | Constructor parameters for [PackageJsonLookup](./ |
| [IPackageJsonScriptTable](./ | This interface is part of the IPackageJson file format. It is used for the "scripts" field. |
| [IPackageNameParserOptions](./ | Options that configure the validation rules used by a [PackageNameParser](./ instance. |
| [IParsedPackageName](./ | A package name that has been separated into its scope and unscoped name. |
| [IParsedPackageNameOrError](./ | Result object returned by [PackageName.tryParse()](./ |
| [IProtectableMapParameters](./ | Constructor parameters for [ProtectableMap](./ |
@ -88,6 +93,9 @@ Core libraries that every NodeJS toolchain project should use.
| --- | --- |
| [ExecutableStdioMapping](./ | Typings for IExecutableSpawnSyncOptions.stdio. |
| [ExecutableStdioStreamMapping](./ | Typings for one of the streams inside IExecutableSpawnSyncOptions.stdio. |
| [FileSystemCopyFilesAsyncFilter](./ | Callback function type for [IFileSystemCopyFilesAsyncOptions.filter](./ |
| [FileSystemCopyFilesFilter](./ | Callback function type for [IFileSystemCopyFilesOptions.filter](./ |
| [FileSystemStats](./ | An alias for the Node.js <code>fs.Stats</code> object. |
| [JsonObject](./ | Represents a JSON-serializable object whose type has not been determined yet. |
| [LegacyCallback](./ | Callback used by [LegacyAdapters](./<!-- -->. |
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## PackageName class
Various functions for working with package names that may include scopes.
Provides basic operations for validating and manipulating NPM package names such as `my-package` or `@scope/my-package`<!-- -->.
@ -17,6 +17,10 @@ Various functions for working with package names that may include scopes.
export declare class PackageName
## Remarks
This is the default implementation of [PackageNameParser](./<!-- -->, exposed as a convenient static class. If you need to configure the parsing rules, use `PackageNameParser` instead.
## Methods
| Method | Modifiers | Description |
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [PackageNameParser](./ > [(constructor)](./
## PackageNameParser.(constructor)
Constructs a new instance of the `PackageNameParser` class
constructor(options?: IPackageNameParserOptions);
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| options | [IPackageNameParserOptions](./ | |
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [PackageNameParser](./ > [combineParts](./
## PackageNameParser.combineParts() method
Combines an optional package scope with an unscoped root name.
combineParts(scope: string, unscopedName: string): string;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| scope | string | Must be either an empty string, or a scope name such as "<!-- -->@<!-- -->example" |
| unscopedName | string | Must be a nonempty package name that does not contain a scope |
A full package name such as "<!-- -->@<!-- -->example/some-library".
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [PackageNameParser](./ > [getScope](./
## PackageNameParser.getScope() method
The parsed NPM scope, or an empty string if there was no scope. The scope value will always include the at-sign.
getScope(packageName: string): string;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| packageName | string | |
## Remarks
For example, if the parsed input was "<!-- -->@<!-- -->scope/example", then scope would be "<!-- -->@<!-- -->scope".
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [PackageNameParser](./ > [getUnscopedName](./
## PackageNameParser.getUnscopedName() method
The parsed NPM package name without the scope.
getUnscopedName(packageName: string): string;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| packageName | string | |
## Remarks
For example, if the parsed input was "<!-- -->@<!-- -->scope/example", then the name would be "example".
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [PackageNameParser](./ > [isValidName](./
## PackageNameParser.isValidName() method
Returns true if the specified package name is valid, or false otherwise.
isValidName(packageName: string): boolean;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| packageName | string | |
## Remarks
This function will not throw an exception.
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [PackageNameParser](./
## PackageNameParser class
A configurable parser for validating and manipulating NPM package names such as `my-package` or `@scope/my-package`<!-- -->.
export declare class PackageNameParser
## Remarks
If you do not need to customize the parser configuration, it is recommended to use [PackageName](./ which exposes these operations as a simple static class.
## Constructors
| Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [(constructor)(options)](./ | | Constructs a new instance of the <code>PackageNameParser</code> class |
## Methods
| Method | Modifiers | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [combineParts(scope, unscopedName)](./ | | Combines an optional package scope with an unscoped root name. |
| [getScope(packageName)](./ | | The parsed NPM scope, or an empty string if there was no scope. The scope value will always include the at-sign. |
| [getUnscopedName(packageName)](./ | | The parsed NPM package name without the scope. |
| [isValidName(packageName)](./ | | Returns true if the specified package name is valid, or false otherwise. |
| [parse(packageName)](./ | | Same as [PackageName.tryParse()](./<!-- -->, except this throws an exception if the input cannot be parsed. |
| [tryParse(packageName)](./ | | This attempts to parse a package name that may include a scope component. The packageName must not be an empty string. |
| [validate(packageName)](./ | | Throws an exception if the specified name is not a valid package name. The packageName must not be an empty string. |
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [PackageNameParser](./ > [parse](./
## PackageNameParser.parse() method
Same as [PackageName.tryParse()](./<!-- -->, except this throws an exception if the input cannot be parsed.
parse(packageName: string): IParsedPackageName;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| packageName | string | |
## Remarks
The packageName must not be an empty string.
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [PackageNameParser](./ > [tryParse](./
## PackageNameParser.tryParse() method
This attempts to parse a package name that may include a scope component. The packageName must not be an empty string.
tryParse(packageName: string): IParsedPackageNameOrError;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| packageName | string | |
an [IParsedPackageNameOrError](./ structure whose `error` property will be nonempty if the string could not be parsed.
## Remarks
This function will not throw an exception.
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[Home](./ > [@rushstack/node-core-library](./ > [PackageNameParser](./ > [validate](./
## PackageNameParser.validate() method
Throws an exception if the specified name is not a valid package name. The packageName must not be an empty string.
validate(packageName: string): void;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| packageName | string | |
@ -23,8 +23,9 @@ export declare const enum EnvironmentVariableNames
| --- | --- | --- |
| RUSH\_ABSOLUTE\_SYMLINKS | <code>"RUSH_ABSOLUTE_SYMLINKS"</code> | If this variable is set to "true", Rush will create symlinks with absolute paths instead of relative paths. This can be necessary when a repository is moved during a build or if parts of a repository are moved into a sandbox. |
| RUSH\_ALLOW\_UNSUPPORTED\_NODEJS | <code>"RUSH_ALLOW_UNSUPPORTED_NODEJS"</code> | If this variable is set to "true", Rush will not fail the build when running a version of Node that does not match the criteria specified in the "nodeSupportedVersionRange" field from rush.json. |
| RUSH\_PARALLELISM | <code>"RUSH_PARALLELISM"</code> | Specifies the maximum number of concurrent processes to launch during a build. For more information, see the command-line help for the <code>--parallelism</code> parameter for "rush build". |
| RUSH\_PNPM\_STORE\_PATH | <code>"RUSH_PNPM_STORE_PATH"</code> | When using PNPM as the package manager, this variable can be used to configure the path that PNPM will use as the store directory.<!-- -->If a relative path is used, then the store path will be resolved relative to the process's current working directory. An absolute path is recommended. |
| RUSH\_PREVIEW\_VERSION | <code>"RUSH_PREVIEW_VERSION"</code> | This variable overrides the version of Rush that will be installed by the version selector. The default value is determined by the "rushVersion" field from rush.json. |
| RUSH\_TEMP\_FOLDER | <code>"RUSH_TEMP_FOLDER"</code> | This variable overrides the temporary folder used by Rush. The default value is "common/temp" under the repository root. |
| RUSH\_VARIANT | <code>"RUSH_VARIANT"</code> | This variable selects a specific installation variant for Rush to use when installing and linking package dependencies. For more information, see this article:\_variants/ |
| RUSH\_VARIANT | <code>"RUSH_VARIANT"</code> | This variable selects a specific installation variant for Rush to use when installing and linking package dependencies. For more information, see the command-line help for the <code>--variant</code> parameter and this article:\_variants/ |
@ -26,4 +26,5 @@ export interface IExperimentsJson
| --- | --- | --- |
| [legacyIncrementalBuildDependencyDetection](./ | boolean | <b><i>(BETA)</i></b> If this setting is enabled, incremental builds should use repo-wide dependency tracking instead of project-specific tracking. |
| [noChmodFieldInTarHeaderNormalization](./ | boolean | <b><i>(BETA)</i></b> If true, the chmod field in temporary project tar headers will not be normalized. This normalization can help ensure consistent tarball integrity across platforms. |
| [usePnpmFrozenLockfileForRushInstall](./ | boolean | <b><i>(BETA)</i></b> By default, rush passes --no-prefer-frozen-lockfile to 'pnpm install'. Set this option to true to pass '--frozen-lockfile' instead. |
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[Home](./ > [@microsoft/rush-lib](./ > [IExperimentsJson](./ > [usePnpmFrozenLockfileForRushInstall](./
## IExperimentsJson.usePnpmFrozenLockfileForRushInstall property
> This API is provided as a preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.
By default, rush passes --no-prefer-frozen-lockfile to 'pnpm install'. Set this option to true to pass '--frozen-lockfile' instead.
usePnpmFrozenLockfileForRushInstall?: boolean;
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[Home](./ > [@microsoft/rush-lib](./ > [RushConfiguration](./ > [allowMostlyStandardPackageNames](./
## RushConfiguration.allowMostlyStandardPackageNames property
Today the registry enforces fairly strict naming rules for packages, but in the early days there was no standard and hardly any enforcement. A few large legacy projects are still using nonstandard package names, and private registries sometimes allow it. Set "allowMostlyStandardPackageNames" to true to relax Rush's enforcement of package names. This allows upper case letters and in the future may relax other rules, however we want to minimize these exceptions. Many popular tools use certain punctuation characters as delimiters, based on the assumption that they will never appear in a package name; thus if we relax the rules too much it is likely to cause very confusing malfunctions.
The default value is false.
readonly allowMostlyStandardPackageNames: boolean;
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ export declare class RushConfiguration
| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| [allowMostlyStandardPackageNames](./ | | boolean | Today the registry enforces fairly strict naming rules for packages, but in the early days there was no standard and hardly any enforcement. A few large legacy projects are still using nonstandard package names, and private registries sometimes allow it. Set "allowMostlyStandardPackageNames" to true to relax Rush's enforcement of package names. This allows upper case letters and in the future may relax other rules, however we want to minimize these exceptions. Many popular tools use certain punctuation characters as delimiters, based on the assumption that they will never appear in a package name; thus if we relax the rules too much it is likely to cause very confusing malfunctions.<!-- -->The default value is false. |
| [approvedPackagesPolicy](./ | | [ApprovedPackagesPolicy](./ | The "approvedPackagesPolicy" settings. |
| [changesFolder](./ | | string | The folder that contains all change files. |
| [committedShrinkwrapFilename](./ | | string | The full path of the shrinkwrap file that is tracked by Git. (The "rush install" command uses a temporary copy, whose path is tempShrinkwrapFilename.) |
@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ export declare class RushConfiguration
| [packageManagerToolFilename](./ | | string | The absolute path to the locally installed NPM tool. If "rush install" has not been run, then this file may not exist yet. Example: <code>C:\MyRepo\common\temp\npm-local\node_modules\.bin\npm</code> |
| [packageManagerToolVersion](./ | | string | The version of the locally installed NPM tool. (Example: "1.2.3") |
| [packageManagerWrapper](./ | | [PackageManager](./ | <b><i>(BETA)</i></b> An abstraction for controlling the supported package managers: PNPM, NPM, and Yarn. |
| [packageNameParser](./ | | [PackageNameParser](./ | The rush hooks. It allows customized scripts to run at the specified point. |
| [pnpmOptions](./ | | [PnpmOptionsConfiguration](./ | Options that are only used when the PNPM package manager is selected. |
| [projectFolderMaxDepth](./ | | number | The maximum allowable folder depth for the projectFolder field in the rush.json file. This setting provides a way for repository maintainers to discourage nesting of project folders that makes the directory tree more difficult to navigate. The default value is 2, which implements on a standard convention of <categoryFolder>/<projectFolder>/package.json. |
| [projectFolderMinDepth](./ | | number | The minimum allowable folder depth for the projectFolder field in the rush.json file. This setting provides a way for repository maintainers to discourage nesting of project folders that makes the directory tree more difficult to navigate. The default value is 2, which implements a standard 2-level hierarchy of <categoryFolder>/<projectFolder>/package.json. |
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[Home](./ > [@microsoft/rush-lib](./ > [RushConfiguration](./ > [packageNameParser](./
## RushConfiguration.packageNameParser property
The rush hooks. It allows customized scripts to run at the specified point.
readonly packageNameParser: PackageNameParser;
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ improve_this_button: false
## CommandLineParameter.description property
Documentation for the flag, that will be shown when invoking the tool with "--help"
Documentation for the parameter that will be shown when invoking the tool with "--help"
@ -23,3 +23,15 @@ The environment variable name must consist only of upper-case letters, numbers,
This feature cannot be used when [IBaseCommandLineDefinition.required](./ is true, because in that case the environmentVariable would never be used.
Syntax notes for environment variable values:
- Choice Parameter: The value must match one of the defined choices, otherwise a validation error is reported. An empty string causes the environment variable to be ignored.
- Flag Parameter: The value must be `1` for true, or `0` for false, otherwise a validation error is reported. An empty string causes the environment variable to be ignored.
- Integer Parameter: The value must be an integer number, otherwise a validation error is reported. An empty string causes the environment variable to be ignored.
- String Parameter: Any value is accepted, including an empty string.
- String List Parameter: If the string starts with `[` (ignoring whitespace) then it will be parsed as a JSON array, whose elements must be strings, numbers, or boolean values. If the string does not start with `[`<!-- -->, then it behaves like an ordinary String Parameter: Any value is accepted, including an empty string.
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