Line: 8: incorrect codeowner user: samedder Line: 8: incorrect codeowner user: christina-kang Line: 8: incorrect codeowner user: jeffj6123 Line: 8: no users/groups matched Line: 35: incorrect codeowner user: iyyappam Line: 35: no users/groups matched Line: 36: incorrect codeowner user: iyyappam Line: 36: no users/groups matched Line: 39: incorrect codeowner user: motanv Line: 39: no users/groups matched Line: 40: incorrect codeowner user: motanv Line: 40: no users/groups matched Line: 41: incorrect codeowner user: likevi Line: 41: no users/groups matched Line: 42: incorrect codeowner user: likevi Line: 42: no users/groups matched Line: 45: incorrect codeowner user: leikong Line: 45: no users/groups matched Line: 48: incorrect codeowner user: jkochhar Line: 48: no users/groups matched Line: 49: incorrect codeowner user: jkochhar Line: 49: no users/groups matched Line: 52: incorrect codeowner user: jeffj6123 Line: 52: no users/groups matched Line: 55: incorrect codeowner user: rapatchi Line: 55: incorrect codeowner user: ashank Line: 55: no users/groups matched Line: 56: incorrect codeowner user: rapatchi Line: 56: incorrect codeowner user: ashank Line: 56: no users/groups matched Line: 57: incorrect codeowner user: rapatchi Line: 57: incorrect codeowner user: ashank Line: 57: no users/groups matched Line: 58: incorrect codeowner user: rapatchi Line: 58: incorrect codeowner user: ashank Line: 58: no users/groups matched Line: 59: incorrect codeowner user: rapatchi Line: 59: incorrect codeowner user: ashank Line: 59: no users/groups matched Line: 60: incorrect codeowner user: rapatchi Line: 60: incorrect codeowner user: ashank Line: 60: no users/groups matched Line: 61: incorrect codeowner user: rapatchi Line: 61: incorrect codeowner user: ashank Line: 61: no users/groups matched Line: 62: incorrect codeowner user: rapatchi Line: 62: incorrect codeowner user: ashank Line: 62: no users/groups matched Line: 63: incorrect codeowner user: rapatchi Line: 63: incorrect codeowner user: ashank Line: 63: no users/groups matched

63 строки
2.2 KiB

# This is a comment.
# Each line is a file pattern followed by one or more owners.
# These owners will be the default owners for everything in
# the repo. Unless a later match takes precedence,
# @samedder, @christina-kang, and @jeffj6123 will be requested for
# review when someone opens a pull request.
* @samedder @christina-kang @jeffj6123
# Order is important; the last matching pattern takes the most
# precedence. When someone opens a pull request that only
# modifies JS files, only @js-owner and not the global
# owner(s) will be requested for a review.
# In this example, @doctocat owns any files in the build/logs
# directory at the root of the repository and any of its
# subdirectories.
# /build/logs/ @doctocat
# The `docs/*` pattern will match files like
# `docs/` but not further nested files like
# `docs/build-app/`.
# docs/*
# In this example, @octocat owns any file in an apps directory
# anywhere in your repository.
# apps/ @octocat
# In this example, @doctocat owns any file in the `/docs`
# directory in the root of your repository.
# /docs/ @doctocat
# ---
# App and application tests
src/sfctl/tests/ @iyyappam
src/sfctl/ @iyyappam
# Chaos and related tests
src/sfctl/tests/ @motanv
src/sfctl/ @motanv
src/sfctl/tests/ @likevi
src/sfctl/ @likevi
# Container related
src/sfctl/ @leikong
# Cluster Upgrade related
src/sfctl/ @jkochhar
src/sfctl/helps/ @jkochhar
# Version
src/sfctl/ @jeffj6123
# Mesh Deployment
src/sfctl/ @rapatchi @ashank
src/sfctl/helps/ @rapatchi @ashank
src/sfctl/tests/ @rapatchi @ashank
src/sfctl/tests/sample_yaml/sample_app.yaml @rapatchi @ashank
src/sfctl/tests/sample_yaml/sample_gateway.yaml @rapatchi @ashank
src/sfctl/tests/sample_yaml/sample_network.yaml @rapatchi @ashank
src/sfctl/tests/sample_yaml/sample_secret.yaml @rapatchi @ashank
src/sfctl/tests/sample_yaml/sample_secret_value.yaml @rapatchi @ashank
src/sfctl/tests/sample_yaml/sample_volume.yaml @rapatchi @ashank