diff --git a/release_notes/Service_Fabric_ReleaseNotes_91CU1.md b/release_notes/Service_Fabric_ReleaseNotes_91CU1.md index ee1c7355..1ddad46c 100644 --- a/release_notes/Service_Fabric_ReleaseNotes_91CU1.md +++ b/release_notes/Service_Fabric_ReleaseNotes_91CU1.md @@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ The following packages and versions are part of this release: ## Key Announcements -* Starting 9.1.1436.9590, Service Fabric Runtime will provide a configuration on Linux and Windows called "Setup/BlockAccessToWireServer" to allow the runtime deployer to set up Access Control Lists(ACLs) on the Virtual Machine(VM) to prevent access from containers to the wire server. These ACLs will be kept in sync during new cluster creation/upgrade and VM/SF node restart scenarios. -* SF Runtime will support .Net 7 from 9.1CU2. +Starting 9.1.1436.9590, Service Fabric Runtime will provide a configuration on Linux and Windows called "Setup/BlockAccessToWireServer" to allow the runtime deployer to set up Access Control Lists(ACLs) on the Virtual Machine(VM) to prevent access from containers to the wire server. These ACLs will be kept in sync during new cluster creation/upgrade and VM/SF node restart scenarios. + ## Service Fabric Feature and Bug Fixes @@ -35,7 +35,9 @@ The following packages and versions are part of this release: | **Windows - 9.1.1436.9590
Ubuntu 18 - 9.1.1230.1
Ubuntu 20 - 9.1.1230.1** | **Bug** | Backup Restore Service(BRS) | **Brief Description**: OnDatalossAsync fails for NetCore applications due to System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void System.Fabric.Common.Tracing.FabricEvents.BRSInfoPartitionEvent. This results in Service partition getting stuck in reconfiguring in case of DataLoss or QuorumLoss.
**Fix**: Rebuild SF application using SF SDK version 6.0.1107.9590 and upgrade/redeploy applications or Rollback cluster to 9.0.1028.9590 till we have a CU with fix for this regression | **Windows - 9.1.1436.9590
Ubuntu 18 - 9.1.1230.1
Ubuntu 20 - 9.1.1230.1** | **Bug** | Backup Restore Service(BRS) | **Brief Description**: If SF cluster has existing backup policies and is upgraded to 8.2.1686.9590 / 9.0.1107.9590 / 9.1.1387.9590, BRS will fail to deserialize old metadata and will stop taking backup and restore on the partition/service/app in question, even though cluster and BRS remain healthy.
**Fix**: The breaking change introduced in 8.2.1686.9590 / 9.0.1107.9590 / 9.1.1387.9590 versions is fixed in this release | **Windows - 9.1.1436.9590
Ubuntu 18 - 9.1.1230.1
Ubuntu 20 - 9.1.1230.1** | **Bug** | Microsoft Authentication Library(MSAL) | **Brief Description**: Migrate Azure Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) to MSAL library, since ADAL will be out of support after December 2022.This will impact customers using AAD for authentication in Service Fabric for below features:**Fix**: Replace ADAL API with MSAL API.
For more information see: [MSAL Migration] (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/msal-migration) -| **Windows - 9.1.1436.9590
Ubuntu 18 - 9.1.1230.1
Ubuntu 20 - 9.1.1230.1** | **Bug** | Cluster Resource Manager(CRM) | **Brief Description**: Dynamic Node capacities and Node properties feature is removed due to below problems:
  1. Update to Failover Manager Master(FMM) was not sent when dynamic Node properties were updated. This led to bad placement decisions of CRM service.
  2. A Node in starting up state in a cluster(NodeUp event) can be rejected by Failover Manager due to cluster manifest version mismatch. If the rejected node manages to join the cluster, Node properties are not read correctly from the manifest, which can impact placement of all services in the cluster.
**Fix**: Support for dynamic Node capacities and Node properties was removed to resolve the issue. +| **Windows - 9.1.1436.9590
Ubuntu 18 - 9.1.1230.1
Ubuntu 20 - 9.1.1230.1** | **Bug** | Cluster Resource Manager(CRM) | **Brief Description**: Dynamic Node capacities and Node properties feature is removed due to update not being sent to Failover Manager Master(FMM) correctly when dynamic Node properties were updated.This has resulted in bad placement decisions of CRM service.
**Fix**: Support for dynamic Node capacities and Node properties was removed to resolve the issue. +| **Windows - 9.1.1436.9590
Ubuntu 18 - 9.1.1230.1
Ubuntu 20 - 9.1.1230.1** | **Bug** | Key Value Store(KVS) | **Brief Description**: Add VersionStoreOutOfMemory error with new message: "Version store has exceeded its available memory. This is likely caused by a long-running transaction preventing cleanup, or by a large read/write data load. Version Store Size can be configured with LocalEseStoreSettings.MaxVerPages" when the KVS version store reaches its maximum allotted memory (likely due to long running or especially large uncommitted transactions). Previously this issue would throw a StoreTransactionTooLarge error, which didn't provide accurate information.
**Fix**: Add new error message. + ## Retirement and Deprecation Path Callouts * Service Fabric ASP.NET Core packages built against ASP.NET Core 1.0 binaries are out of support. Starting Service Fabric 8.2, we will be building Service Fabric ASP.NET Core packages for .NET Core 3.1, .NET 5.0, .NET 6.0, .NET Framework 4.6.1. As a result, they can be used only to build services targeting .NET Core 3.1, .NET 5.0, .NET 6.0, >=.NET Framework 4.6.1 respectively.