[MASTER] # Pickle collected data for later comparisons. persistent=yes # Require full doc comments # Require the correct doc comment style # Avoid compare to empty string # Avoid overlapping exceptions # Limit cyclomatic complexity load-plugins=pylint.extensions.docparams,pylint.extensions.docstyle,pylint.extensions.emptystring,pylint.extensions.overlapping_exceptions,pylint.extensions.redefined_variable_type,pylint.extensions.mccabe [MESSAGES CONTROL] # C0413 wrong-import-position: Import ā€œ%sā€ should be placed at the top of the module Used when code and imports are mixed # C1801 len-as-condition: Do not use `len(SEQUENCE)` as condition value # W0511 fixme: TODO statements # W0703 broad-except: Catching too general exception "Exception" # W1201 logging-not-lazy: Specify string format arguments as logging function parameters # W1202 logging-format-interpolation: Use % formatting in logging functions and pass the % parameters as arguments # W1203 logging-fstring-interpolation: Use % formatting in logging functions and pass the % parameters as arguments # W3101 missing-timeout: Missing timeout argument for method 'requests.*' disable=C0413,C1801,W0511,W0703,W1201,W1202,W1203,W3101 [REPORTS] # Set the output format. Available formats are text, parseable, colorized, json # and msvs (visual studio).You can also give a reporter class, eg # mypackage.mymodule.MyReporterClass. output-format=parseable [FORMAT] # Maximum number of characters on a single line. max-line-length=120 [DESIGN] # Maximum number of arguments for function / method max-args=6 # Minimum number of public methods for a class (see R0903). min-public-methods=0 [SIMILARITIES] # Minimum lines number of a similarity. min-similarity-lines=10 # Ignore comments when computing similarities. ignore-comments=yes # Ignore docstrings when computing similarities. ignore-docstrings=yes # Ignore imports when computing similarities. ignore-imports=no