This commit is contained in:
Matei Zaharia 2010-06-27 15:21:54 -07:00
Родитель 6aacaa6870 06aac8a889
Коммит 7d0eae17e3
12 изменённых файлов: 1037 добавлений и 289 удалений

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
FWDIR=`dirname $0`
# Set JAVA_OPTS to be able to load and set various other misc options
JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.library.path=$FWDIR/third_party:$FWDIR/src/native -Xmx750m"
export JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.library.path=$FWDIR/third_party:$FWDIR/src/native -Xms100m -Xmx750m"
if [ -e $FWDIR/conf/java-opts ] ; then
JAVA_OPTS+=" `cat $FWDIR/conf/java-opts`"

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
import spark.SparkContext
object BroadcastTest {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
if (args.length == 0) {
System.err.println("Usage: BroadcastTest <host> [<slices>]")
val spark = new SparkContext(args(0), "Broadcast Test")
val slices = if (args.length > 1) args(1).toInt else 2
val num = if (args.length > 2) args(2).toInt else 1000000
var arr = new Array[Int](num)
for (i <- 0 until arr.length)
arr(i) = i
val barr = spark.broadcast(arr)
spark.parallelize(1 to 10, slices).foreach {
println("in task: barr = " + barr)
i => println(barr.value.size)

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@ -120,18 +120,18 @@ object SparkALS {
// Iteratively update movies then users
val Rc = spark.broadcast(R)
var msb = spark.broadcast(ms)
var usb = spark.broadcast(us)
var msc = spark.broadcast(ms)
var usc = spark.broadcast(us)
for (iter <- 1 to ITERATIONS) {
println("Iteration " + iter + ":")
ms = spark.parallelize(0 until M, slices)
.map(i => updateMovie(i, msb.value(i), usb.value, Rc.value))
.map(i => updateMovie(i, msc.value(i), usc.value, Rc.value))
msb = spark.broadcast(ms) // Re-broadcast ms because it was updated
msc = spark.broadcast(ms) // Re-broadcast ms because it was updated
us = spark.parallelize(0 until U, slices)
.map(i => updateUser(i, usb.value(i), msb.value, Rc.value))
.map(i => updateUser(i, usc.value(i), msc.value, Rc.value))
usb = spark.broadcast(us) // Re-broadcast us because it was updated
usc = spark.broadcast(us) // Re-broadcast us because it was updated
println("RMSE = " + rmse(R, ms, us))

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,798 @@
package spark
import java.util.{UUID, PriorityQueue, Comparator}
import java.util.concurrent.{Executors, ExecutorService}
import scala.actors.Actor
import scala.actors.Actor._
import scala.collection.mutable.Map
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, Path, RawLocalFileSystem}
import spark.compress.lzf.{LZFInputStream, LZFOutputStream}
trait BroadcastRecipe {
val uuid = UUID.randomUUID
// We cannot have an abstract readObject here due to some weird issues with
// readObject having to be 'private' in sub-classes. Possibly a Scala bug!
def sendBroadcast: Unit
override def toString = "spark.Broadcast(" + uuid + ")"
// TODO: Should think about storing in HDFS in the future
// TODO: Right, now no parallelization between multiple broadcasts
class ChainedStreamingBroadcast[T] (@transient var value_ : T, local: Boolean)
extends BroadcastRecipe {
def value = value_
BroadcastCS.synchronized { BroadcastCS.values.put (uuid, value_) }
if (!local) { sendBroadcast }
def sendBroadcast () {
// Create a variableInfo object and store it in valueInfos
var variableInfo = blockifyObject (value_, BroadcastCS.blockSize)
// TODO: Even though this part is not in use now, there is problem in the
// following statement. Shouldn't use constant port and hostAddress anymore?
// val masterSource =
// new SourceInfo (BroadcastCS.masterHostAddress, BroadcastCS.masterListenPort,
// variableInfo.totalBlocks, variableInfo.totalBytes, 0)
// variableInfo.pqOfSources.add (masterSource)
BroadcastCS.synchronized {
// BroadcastCS.valueInfos.put (uuid, variableInfo)
// TODO: Not using variableInfo in current implementation. Manually
// setting all the variables inside BroadcastCS object
BroadcastCS.initializeVariable (variableInfo)
// Now store a persistent copy in HDFS, just in case
val out = new ObjectOutputStream (BroadcastCH.openFileForWriting(uuid))
out.writeObject (value_)
private def readObject (in: ObjectInputStream) {
BroadcastCS.synchronized {
val cachedVal = BroadcastCS.values.get (uuid)
if (cachedVal != null) {
value_ = cachedVal.asInstanceOf[T]
} else {
// Only a single worker (the first one) in the same node can ever be
// here. The rest will always get the value ready
val start = System.nanoTime
val retByteArray = BroadcastCS.receiveBroadcast (uuid)
// If does not succeed, then get from HDFS copy
if (retByteArray != null) {
value_ = byteArrayToObject[T] (retByteArray)
BroadcastCS.values.put (uuid, value_)
// val variableInfo = blockifyObject (value_, BroadcastCS.blockSize)
// BroadcastCS.valueInfos.put (uuid, variableInfo)
} else {
val fileIn = new ObjectInputStream(BroadcastCH.openFileForReading(uuid))
value_ = fileIn.readObject.asInstanceOf[T]
BroadcastCH.values.put(uuid, value_)
val time = (System.nanoTime - start) / 1e9
println( System.currentTimeMillis + ": " + "Reading Broadcasted variable " + uuid + " took " + time + " s")
private def blockifyObject (obj: T, blockSize: Int): VariableInfo = {
val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream
val oos = new ObjectOutputStream (baos)
oos.writeObject (obj)
val byteArray = baos.toByteArray
val bais = new ByteArrayInputStream (byteArray)
var blockNum = (byteArray.length / blockSize)
if (byteArray.length % blockSize != 0)
blockNum += 1
var retVal = new Array[BroadcastBlock] (blockNum)
var blockID = 0
// TODO: What happens in byteArray.length == 0 => blockNum == 0
for (i <- 0 until (byteArray.length, blockSize)) {
val thisBlockSize = Math.min (blockSize, byteArray.length - i)
var tempByteArray = new Array[Byte] (thisBlockSize)
val hasRead = (tempByteArray, 0, thisBlockSize)
retVal (blockID) = new BroadcastBlock (blockID, tempByteArray)
blockID += 1
var variableInfo = VariableInfo (retVal, blockNum, byteArray.length)
variableInfo.hasBlocks = blockNum
return variableInfo
private def byteArrayToObject[A] (bytes: Array[Byte]): A = {
val in = new ObjectInputStream (new ByteArrayInputStream (bytes))
val retVal = in.readObject.asInstanceOf[A]
return retVal
private def getByteArrayOutputStream (obj: T): ByteArrayOutputStream = {
val bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream
val out = new ObjectOutputStream (bOut)
out.writeObject (obj)
return bOut
class CentralizedHDFSBroadcast[T](@transient var value_ : T, local: Boolean)
extends BroadcastRecipe {
def value = value_
BroadcastCH.synchronized { BroadcastCH.values.put(uuid, value_) }
if (!local) { sendBroadcast }
def sendBroadcast () {
val out = new ObjectOutputStream (BroadcastCH.openFileForWriting(uuid))
out.writeObject (value_)
// Called by Java when deserializing an object
private def readObject(in: ObjectInputStream) {
BroadcastCH.synchronized {
val cachedVal = BroadcastCH.values.get(uuid)
if (cachedVal != null) {
value_ = cachedVal.asInstanceOf[T]
} else {
val start = System.nanoTime
val fileIn = new ObjectInputStream(BroadcastCH.openFileForReading(uuid))
value_ = fileIn.readObject.asInstanceOf[T]
BroadcastCH.values.put(uuid, value_)
val time = (System.nanoTime - start) / 1e9
println( System.currentTimeMillis + ": " + "Reading Broadcasted variable " + uuid + " took " + time + " s")
case class SourceInfo (val hostAddress: String, val listenPort: Int,
val totalBlocks: Int, val totalBytes: Int, val replicaID: Int)
extends Comparable [SourceInfo]{
var currentLeechers = 0
var receptionFailed = false
def compareTo (o: SourceInfo): Int = (currentLeechers - o.currentLeechers)
case class BroadcastBlock (val blockID: Int, val byteArray: Array[Byte]) { }
case class VariableInfo (@transient val arrayOfBlocks : Array[BroadcastBlock],
val totalBlocks: Int, val totalBytes: Int) {
@transient var hasBlocks = 0
val listenPortLock = new AnyRef
val totalBlocksLock = new AnyRef
val hasBlocksLock = new AnyRef
@transient var pqOfSources = new PriorityQueue[SourceInfo]
private object Broadcast {
private var initialized = false
// Will be called by SparkContext or Executor before using Broadcast
// Calls all other initializers here
def initialize (isMaster: Boolean) {
synchronized {
if (!initialized) {
// Initialization for CentralizedHDFSBroadcast
// Initialization for ChainedStreamingBroadcast
//BroadcastCS.initialize (isMaster)
initialized = true
private object BroadcastCS {
val values = new MapMaker ().softValues ().makeMap[UUID, Any]
// val valueInfos = new MapMaker ().softValues ().makeMap[UUID, Any]
// private var valueToPort = Map[UUID, Int] ()
private var initialized = false
private var isMaster_ = false
private var masterHostAddress_ = ""
private var masterListenPort_ : Int = 11111
private var blockSize_ : Int = 512 * 1024
private var maxRetryCount_ : Int = 2
private var serverSocketTimout_ : Int = 50000
private var dualMode_ : Boolean = false
private val hostAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostAddress
private var listenPort = -1
var arrayOfBlocks: Array[BroadcastBlock] = null
var totalBytes = -1
var totalBlocks = -1
var hasBlocks = 0
val listenPortLock = new Object
val totalBlocksLock = new Object
val hasBlocksLock = new Object
var pqOfSources = new PriorityQueue[SourceInfo]
private var serveMR: ServeMultipleRequests = null
private var guideMR: GuideMultipleRequests = null
def initialize (isMaster__ : Boolean) {
synchronized {
if (!initialized) {
masterHostAddress_ =
System.getProperty ("spark.broadcast.masterHostAddress", "")
masterListenPort_ =
System.getProperty ("spark.broadcast.masterListenPort", "11111").toInt
blockSize_ =
System.getProperty ("spark.broadcast.blockSize", "512").toInt * 1024
maxRetryCount_ =
System.getProperty ("spark.broadcast.maxRetryCount", "2").toInt
serverSocketTimout_ =
System.getProperty ("spark.broadcast.serverSocketTimout", "50000").toInt
dualMode_ =
System.getProperty ("spark.broadcast.dualMode", "false").toBoolean
isMaster_ = isMaster__
if (isMaster) {
guideMR = new GuideMultipleRequests
guideMR.setDaemon (true)
println (System.currentTimeMillis + ": " + "GuideMultipleRequests started")
serveMR = new ServeMultipleRequests
serveMR.setDaemon (true)
println (System.currentTimeMillis + ": " + "ServeMultipleRequests started")
println (System.currentTimeMillis + ": " + "BroadcastCS object has been initialized")
initialized = true
// TODO: This should change in future implementation.
// Called from the Master constructor to setup states for this particular that
// is being broadcasted
def initializeVariable (variableInfo: VariableInfo) {
arrayOfBlocks = variableInfo.arrayOfBlocks
totalBytes = variableInfo.totalBytes
totalBlocks = variableInfo.totalBlocks
hasBlocks = variableInfo.totalBlocks
// listenPort should already be valid
assert (listenPort != -1)
pqOfSources = new PriorityQueue[SourceInfo]
val masterSource_0 =
new SourceInfo (hostAddress, listenPort, totalBlocks, totalBytes, 0)
BroadcastCS.pqOfSources.add (masterSource_0)
// Add one more time to have two replicas of any seeds in the PQ
if (BroadcastCS.dualMode) {
val masterSource_1 =
new SourceInfo (hostAddress, listenPort, totalBlocks, totalBytes, 1)
BroadcastCS.pqOfSources.add (masterSource_1)
def masterHostAddress = masterHostAddress_
def masterListenPort = masterListenPort_
def blockSize = blockSize_
def maxRetryCount = maxRetryCount_
def serverSocketTimout = serverSocketTimout_
def dualMode = dualMode_
def isMaster = isMaster_
def receiveBroadcast (variableUUID: UUID): Array[Byte] = {
// Wait until hostAddress and listenPort are created by the
// ServeMultipleRequests thread
// NO need to wait; ServeMultipleRequests is created much further ahead
while (listenPort == -1) {
listenPortLock.synchronized {
// Connect and receive broadcast from the specified source, retrying the
// specified number of times in case of failures
var retriesLeft = BroadcastCS.maxRetryCount
var retByteArray: Array[Byte] = null
do {
// Connect to Master and send this worker's Information
val clientSocketToMaster =
new Socket(BroadcastCS.masterHostAddress, BroadcastCS.masterListenPort)
println (System.currentTimeMillis + ": " + "Connected to Master's guiding object")
// TODO: Guiding object connection is reusable
val oisMaster =
new ObjectInputStream (clientSocketToMaster.getInputStream)
val oosMaster =
new ObjectOutputStream (clientSocketToMaster.getOutputStream)
oosMaster.writeObject(new SourceInfo (hostAddress, listenPort, -1, -1, 0))
// Receive source information from Master
var sourceInfo = oisMaster.readObject.asInstanceOf[SourceInfo]
totalBlocks = sourceInfo.totalBlocks
arrayOfBlocks = new Array[BroadcastBlock] (totalBlocks)
totalBlocksLock.synchronized {
totalBytes = sourceInfo.totalBytes
println (System.currentTimeMillis + ": " + "Received SourceInfo from Master:" + sourceInfo + " My Port: " + listenPort)
retByteArray = receiveSingleTransmission (sourceInfo)
println (System.currentTimeMillis + ": " + "I got this from receiveSingleTransmission: " + retByteArray)
// TODO: Update sourceInfo to add error notifactions for Master
if (retByteArray == null) { sourceInfo.receptionFailed = true }
// TODO: Supposed to update values here, but we don't support advanced
// statistics right now. Master can handle leecherCount by itself.
// Send back statistics to the Master
oosMaster.writeObject (sourceInfo)
retriesLeft -= 1
} while (retriesLeft > 0 && retByteArray == null)
return retByteArray
// Tries to receive broadcast from the Master and returns Boolean status.
// This might be called multiple times to retry a defined number of times.
private def receiveSingleTransmission(sourceInfo: SourceInfo): Array[Byte] = {
var clientSocketToSource: Socket = null
var oisSource: ObjectInputStream = null
var oosSource: ObjectOutputStream = null
var retByteArray:Array[Byte] = null
try {
// Connect to the source to get the object itself
clientSocketToSource =
new Socket (sourceInfo.hostAddress, sourceInfo.listenPort)
oosSource =
new ObjectOutputStream (clientSocketToSource.getOutputStream)
oisSource =
new ObjectInputStream (clientSocketToSource.getInputStream)
println (System.currentTimeMillis + ": " + "Inside receiveSingleTransmission")
println (System.currentTimeMillis + ": " + "totalBlocks: "+ totalBlocks + " " + "hasBlocks: " + hasBlocks)
retByteArray = new Array[Byte] (totalBytes)
for (i <- 0 until totalBlocks) {
val bcBlock = oisSource.readObject.asInstanceOf[BroadcastBlock]
System.arraycopy (bcBlock.byteArray, 0, retByteArray,
i * BroadcastCS.blockSize, bcBlock.byteArray.length)
arrayOfBlocks(hasBlocks) = bcBlock
hasBlocks += 1
hasBlocksLock.synchronized {
println (System.currentTimeMillis + ": " + "Received block: " + i + " " + bcBlock)
assert (hasBlocks == totalBlocks)
println (System.currentTimeMillis + ": " + "After the receive loop")
} catch {
case e: Exception => {
retByteArray = null
println (System.currentTimeMillis + ": " + "receiveSingleTransmission had a " + e)
} finally {
if (oisSource != null) { oisSource.close }
if (oosSource != null) {
if (clientSocketToSource != null) { clientSocketToSource.close }
return retByteArray
class TrackMultipleValues extends Thread {
override def run = {
var threadPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool
var serverSocket: ServerSocket = null
serverSocket = new ServerSocket (BroadcastCS.masterListenPort)
println (System.currentTimeMillis + ": " + "TrackMultipleVariables" + serverSocket + " " + listenPort)
var keepAccepting = true
try {
while (true) {
var clientSocket: Socket = null
try {
serverSocket.setSoTimeout (serverSocketTimout)
clientSocket = serverSocket.accept
} catch {
case e: Exception => {
println ("TrackMultipleValues Timeout. Stopping listening...")
keepAccepting = false
println (System.currentTimeMillis + ": " + "TrackMultipleValues:Got new request:" + clientSocket)
if (clientSocket != null) {
try {
threadPool.execute (new Runnable {
def run = {
val oos = new ObjectOutputStream (clientSocket.getOutputStream)
val ois = new ObjectInputStream (clientSocket.getInputStream)
try {
val variableUUID = ois.readObject.asInstanceOf[UUID]
var contactPort = 0
// TODO: Add logic and data structures to find out UUID->port
// mapping. 0 = missed the broadcast, read from HDFS; <0 =
// Haven't started yet, wait & retry; >0 = Read from this port
oos.writeObject (contactPort)
} catch {
case e: Exception => { }
} finally {
} catch {
// In failure, close the socket here; else, the thread will close it
case ioe: IOException => clientSocket.close
} finally {
class TrackSingleValue {
class GuideMultipleRequests extends Thread {
override def run = {
var threadPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool
var serverSocket: ServerSocket = null
serverSocket = new ServerSocket (BroadcastCS.masterListenPort)
// listenPort = BroadcastCS.masterListenPort
println (System.currentTimeMillis + ": " + "GuideMultipleRequests" + serverSocket + " " + listenPort)
var keepAccepting = true
try {
while (keepAccepting) {
var clientSocket: Socket = null
try {
serverSocket.setSoTimeout (serverSocketTimout)
clientSocket = serverSocket.accept
} catch {
case e: Exception => {
println ("GuideMultipleRequests Timeout. Stopping listening...")
keepAccepting = false
if (clientSocket != null) {
println (System.currentTimeMillis + ": " + "Guide:Accepted new client connection:" + clientSocket)
try {
threadPool.execute (new GuideSingleRequest (clientSocket))
} catch {
// In failure, close the socket here; else, the thread will close it
case ioe: IOException => clientSocket.close
} finally {
class GuideSingleRequest (val clientSocket: Socket) extends Runnable {
private val oos = new ObjectOutputStream (clientSocket.getOutputStream)
private val ois = new ObjectInputStream (clientSocket.getInputStream)
private var selectedSourceInfo: SourceInfo = null
private var thisWorkerInfo:SourceInfo = null
def run = {
try {
println (System.currentTimeMillis + ": " + "new GuideSingleRequest is running")
// Connecting worker is sending in its hostAddress and listenPort it will
// be listening to. ReplicaID is 0 and other fields are invalid (-1)
var sourceInfo = ois.readObject.asInstanceOf[SourceInfo]
// Select a suitable source and send it back to the worker
selectedSourceInfo = selectSuitableSource (sourceInfo)
println (System.currentTimeMillis + ": " + "Sending selectedSourceInfo:" + selectedSourceInfo)
oos.writeObject (selectedSourceInfo)
// Add this new (if it can finish) source to the PQ of sources
thisWorkerInfo = new SourceInfo(sourceInfo.hostAddress,
sourceInfo.listenPort, totalBlocks, totalBytes, 0)
println (System.currentTimeMillis + ": " + "Adding possible new source to pqOfSources: " + thisWorkerInfo)
pqOfSources.synchronized {
pqOfSources.add (thisWorkerInfo)
// Wait till the whole transfer is done. Then receive and update source
// statistics in pqOfSources
sourceInfo = ois.readObject.asInstanceOf[SourceInfo]
pqOfSources.synchronized {
// This should work since SourceInfo is a case class
assert (pqOfSources.contains (selectedSourceInfo))
// Remove first
pqOfSources.remove (selectedSourceInfo)
// TODO: Removing a source based on just one failure notification!
// Update leecher count and put it back in IF reception succeeded
if (!sourceInfo.receptionFailed) {
selectedSourceInfo.currentLeechers -= 1
pqOfSources.add (selectedSourceInfo)
// No need to find and update thisWorkerInfo, but add its replica
if (BroadcastCS.dualMode) {
pqOfSources.add (new SourceInfo (thisWorkerInfo.hostAddress,
thisWorkerInfo.listenPort, totalBlocks, totalBytes, 1))
} catch {
// If something went wrong, e.g., the worker at the other end died etc.
// then close everything up
case e: Exception => {
// Assuming that exception caused due to receiver worker failure
// Remove failed worker from pqOfSources and update leecherCount of
// corresponding source worker
pqOfSources.synchronized {
if (selectedSourceInfo != null) {
// Remove first
pqOfSources.remove (selectedSourceInfo)
// Update leecher count and put it back in
selectedSourceInfo.currentLeechers -= 1
pqOfSources.add (selectedSourceInfo)
// Remove thisWorkerInfo
if (pqOfSources != null) { pqOfSources.remove (thisWorkerInfo) }
} finally {
// TODO: If a worker fails to get the broadcasted variable from a source and
// comes back to Master, this function might choose the worker itself as a
// source tp create a dependency cycle (this worker was put into pqOfSources
// as a streming source when it first arrived). The length of this cycle can
// be arbitrarily long.
private def selectSuitableSource(skipSourceInfo: SourceInfo): SourceInfo = {
// Select one with the lowest number of leechers
pqOfSources.synchronized {
// take is a blocking call removing the element from PQ
var selectedSource = pqOfSources.poll
assert (selectedSource != null)
// Update leecher count
selectedSource.currentLeechers += 1
// Add it back and then return
pqOfSources.add (selectedSource)
return selectedSource
class ServeMultipleRequests extends Thread {
override def run = {
var threadPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool
var serverSocket: ServerSocket = null
serverSocket = new ServerSocket (0)
listenPort = serverSocket.getLocalPort
println (System.currentTimeMillis + ": " + "ServeMultipleRequests" + serverSocket + " " + listenPort)
listenPortLock.synchronized {
var keepAccepting = true
try {
while (keepAccepting) {
var clientSocket: Socket = null
try {
serverSocket.setSoTimeout (serverSocketTimout)
clientSocket = serverSocket.accept
} catch {
case e: Exception => {
println ("ServeMultipleRequests Timeout. Stopping listening...")
keepAccepting = false
if (clientSocket != null) {
println (System.currentTimeMillis + ": " + "Serve:Accepted new client connection:" + clientSocket)
try {
threadPool.execute (new ServeSingleRequest (clientSocket))
} catch {
// In failure, close socket here; else, the thread will close it
case ioe: IOException => clientSocket.close
} finally {
class ServeSingleRequest (val clientSocket: Socket) extends Runnable {
private val oos = new ObjectOutputStream (clientSocket.getOutputStream)
private val ois = new ObjectInputStream (clientSocket.getInputStream)
def run = {
try {
println (System.currentTimeMillis + ": " + "new ServeSingleRequest is running")
} catch {
// TODO: Need to add better exception handling here
// If something went wrong, e.g., the worker at the other end died etc.
// then close everything up
case e: Exception => {
println (System.currentTimeMillis + ": " + "ServeSingleRequest had a " + e)
} finally {
println (System.currentTimeMillis + ": " + "ServeSingleRequest is closing streams and sockets")
private def sendObject = {
// Wait till receiving the SourceInfo from Master
while (totalBlocks == -1) {
totalBlocksLock.synchronized {
for (i <- 0 until totalBlocks) {
while (i == hasBlocks) {
hasBlocksLock.synchronized {
try {
oos.writeObject (arrayOfBlocks(i))
} catch {
case e: Exception => { }
println (System.currentTimeMillis + ": " + "Send block: " + i + " " + arrayOfBlocks(i))
private object BroadcastCH {
val values = new MapMaker ().softValues ().makeMap[UUID, Any]
private var initialized = false
private var fileSystem: FileSystem = null
private var workDir: String = null
private var compress: Boolean = false
private var bufferSize: Int = 65536
def initialize () {
synchronized {
if (!initialized) {
bufferSize = System.getProperty("spark.buffer.size", "65536").toInt
val dfs = System.getProperty("spark.dfs", "file:///")
if (!dfs.startsWith("file://")) {
val conf = new Configuration()
conf.setInt("io.file.buffer.size", bufferSize)
val rep = System.getProperty("spark.dfs.replication", "3").toInt
conf.setInt("dfs.replication", rep)
fileSystem = FileSystem.get(new URI(dfs), conf)
workDir = System.getProperty("spark.dfs.workdir", "/tmp")
compress = System.getProperty("spark.compress", "false").toBoolean
initialized = true
private def getPath(uuid: UUID) = new Path(workDir + "/broadcast-" + uuid)
def openFileForReading(uuid: UUID): InputStream = {
val fileStream = if (fileSystem != null) {
} else {
// Local filesystem
new FileInputStream(getPath(uuid).toString)
if (compress)
new LZFInputStream(fileStream) // LZF stream does its own buffering
else if (fileSystem == null)
new BufferedInputStream(fileStream, bufferSize)
fileStream // Hadoop streams do their own buffering
def openFileForWriting(uuid: UUID): OutputStream = {
val fileStream = if (fileSystem != null) {
} else {
// Local filesystem
new FileOutputStream(getPath(uuid).toString)
if (compress)
new LZFOutputStream(fileStream) // LZF stream does its own buffering
else if (fileSystem == null)
new BufferedOutputStream(fileStream, bufferSize)
fileStream // Hadoop streams do their own buffering

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
package spark
import java.util.UUID
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, Path, RawLocalFileSystem}
import spark.compress.lzf.{LZFInputStream, LZFOutputStream}
@serializable class Cached[T](@transient var value_ : T, local: Boolean) {
val uuid = UUID.randomUUID()
def value = value_
Cache.synchronized { Cache.values.put(uuid, value_) }
if (!local) writeCacheFile()
private def writeCacheFile() {
val out = new ObjectOutputStream(Cache.openFileForWriting(uuid))
// Called by Java when deserializing an object
private def readObject(in: ObjectInputStream) {
Cache.synchronized {
val cachedVal = Cache.values.get(uuid)
if (cachedVal != null) {
value_ = cachedVal.asInstanceOf[T]
} else {
val start = System.nanoTime
val fileIn = new ObjectInputStream(Cache.openFileForReading(uuid))
value_ = fileIn.readObject().asInstanceOf[T]
Cache.values.put(uuid, value_)
val time = (System.nanoTime - start) / 1e9
println("Reading cached variable " + uuid + " took " + time + " s")
override def toString = "spark.Cached(" + uuid + ")"
private object Cache {
val values = new MapMaker().softValues().makeMap[UUID, Any]()
private var initialized = false
private var fileSystem: FileSystem = null
private var workDir: String = null
private var compress: Boolean = false
private var bufferSize: Int = 65536
// Will be called by SparkContext or Executor before using cache
def initialize() {
synchronized {
if (!initialized) {
bufferSize = System.getProperty("spark.buffer.size", "65536").toInt
val dfs = System.getProperty("spark.dfs", "file:///")
if (!dfs.startsWith("file://")) {
val conf = new Configuration()
conf.setInt("io.file.buffer.size", bufferSize)
val rep = System.getProperty("spark.dfs.replication", "3").toInt
conf.setInt("dfs.replication", rep)
fileSystem = FileSystem.get(new URI(dfs), conf)
workDir = System.getProperty("spark.dfs.workdir", "/tmp")
compress = System.getProperty("spark.compress", "false").toBoolean
initialized = true
private def getPath(uuid: UUID) = new Path(workDir + "/cache-" + uuid)
def openFileForReading(uuid: UUID): InputStream = {
val fileStream = if (fileSystem != null) {
} else {
// Local filesystem
new FileInputStream(getPath(uuid).toString)
if (compress)
new LZFInputStream(fileStream) // LZF stream does its own buffering
else if (fileSystem == null)
new BufferedInputStream(fileStream, bufferSize)
fileStream // Hadoop streams do their own buffering
def openFileForWriting(uuid: UUID): OutputStream = {
val fileStream = if (fileSystem != null) {
} else {
// Local filesystem
new FileOutputStream(getPath(uuid).toString)
if (compress)
new LZFOutputStream(fileStream) // LZF stream does its own buffering
else if (fileSystem == null)
new BufferedOutputStream(fileStream, bufferSize)
fileStream // Hadoop streams do their own buffering

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@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ object Executor {
for ((key, value) <- props)
System.setProperty(key, value)
// Initialize cache (uses some properties read above)
// Initialize broadcast system (uses some properties read above)
// If the REPL is in use, create a ClassLoader that will be able to
// read new classes defined by the REPL as the user types code

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@ -60,8 +60,10 @@ extends RDD[String, HdfsSplit](sc) {
override def prefers(split: HdfsSplit, slot: SlaveOffer) =
override def preferredLocations(split: HdfsSplit) = {
// TODO: Filtering out "localhost" in case of file:// URLs
split.value.getLocations().filter(_ != "localhost")
object ConfigureLock {}

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@ -1,50 +1,45 @@
package spark
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore
import nexus.{ExecutorInfo, TaskDescription, TaskState, TaskStatus}
import nexus.{SlaveOffer, SchedulerDriver, NexusSchedulerDriver}
import nexus.{SlaveOfferVector, TaskDescriptionVector, StringMap}
import scala.collection.mutable.Map
import nexus.{Scheduler => NScheduler}
import nexus._
// The main Scheduler implementation, which talks to Nexus. Clients are expected
// to first call start(), then submit tasks through the runTasks method.
// This implementation is currently a little quick and dirty. The following
// improvements need to be made to it:
// 1) Fault tolerance should be added - if a task fails, just re-run it anywhere.
// 2) Right now, the scheduler uses a linear scan through the tasks to find a
// 1) Right now, the scheduler uses a linear scan through the tasks to find a
// local one for a given node. It would be faster to have a separate list of
// pending tasks for each node.
// 3) The Callbacks way of organizing things didn't work out too well, so the
// way the scheduler keeps track of the currently active runTasks operation
// can be made cleaner.
// 2) Presenting a single slave in ParallelOperation.slaveOffer makes it
// difficult to balance tasks across nodes. It would be better to pass
// all the offers to the ParallelOperation and have it load-balance.
private class NexusScheduler(
master: String, frameworkName: String, execArg: Array[Byte])
extends nexus.Scheduler with spark.Scheduler
extends NScheduler with spark.Scheduler
// Semaphore used by runTasks to ensure only one thread can be in it
val semaphore = new Semaphore(1)
// Lock used by runTasks to ensure only one thread can be in it
val runTasksMutex = new Object()
// Lock used to wait for scheduler to be registered
var isRegistered = false
val registeredLock = new Object()
// Trait representing a set of scheduler callbacks
trait Callbacks {
def slotOffer(s: SlaveOffer): Option[TaskDescription]
def taskFinished(t: TaskStatus): Unit
def error(code: Int, message: String): Unit
// Current callback object (may be null)
var callbacks: Callbacks = null
var activeOp: ParallelOperation = null
// Incrementing task ID
var nextTaskId = 0
private var nextTaskId = 0
// Maximum time to wait to run a task in a preferred location (in ms)
val LOCALITY_WAIT = System.getProperty("spark.locality.wait", "1000").toLong
def newTaskId(): Int = {
val id = nextTaskId;
nextTaskId += 1;
return id
// Driver for talking to Nexus
var driver: SchedulerDriver = null
@ -65,126 +60,28 @@ extends nexus.Scheduler with spark.Scheduler
override def getExecutorInfo(d: SchedulerDriver): ExecutorInfo =
new ExecutorInfo(new File("spark-executor").getCanonicalPath(), execArg)
override def runTasks[T: ClassManifest](tasks: Array[Task[T]]) : Array[T] = {
val results = new Array[T](tasks.length)
if (tasks.length == 0)
return results
override def runTasks[T: ClassManifest](tasks: Array[Task[T]]): Array[T] = {
runTasksMutex.synchronized {
val myOp = new SimpleParallelOperation(this, tasks)
val launched = new Array[Boolean](tasks.length)
val callingThread = currentThread
var errorHappened = false
var errorCode = 0
var errorMessage = ""
// Wait for scheduler to be registered with Nexus
try {
// Acquire the runTasks semaphore
val myCallbacks = new Callbacks {
val firstTaskId = nextTaskId
var tasksLaunched = 0
var tasksFinished = 0
var lastPreferredLaunchTime = System.currentTimeMillis
def slotOffer(slot: SlaveOffer): Option[TaskDescription] = {
try {
if (tasksLaunched < tasks.length) {
// TODO: Add a short wait if no task with location pref is found
// TODO: Figure out why a function is needed around this to
// avoid scala.runtime.NonLocalReturnException
def findTask: Option[TaskDescription] = {
var checkPrefVals: Array[Boolean] = Array(true)
val time = System.currentTimeMillis
if (time - lastPreferredLaunchTime > LOCALITY_WAIT)
checkPrefVals = Array(true, false) // Allow non-preferred tasks
// TODO: Make desiredCpus and desiredMem configurable
val desiredCpus = 1
val desiredMem = 750L * 1024L * 1024L
if (slot.getParams.get("cpus").toInt < desiredCpus ||
slot.getParams.get("mem").toLong < desiredMem)
return None
for (checkPref <- checkPrefVals;
i <- 0 until tasks.length;
if !launched(i) && (!checkPref || tasks(i).prefers(slot)))
val taskId = nextTaskId
nextTaskId += 1
printf("Starting task %d as TID %d on slave %d: %s (%s)\n",
i, taskId, slot.getSlaveId, slot.getHost,
if(checkPref) "preferred" else "non-preferred")
launched(i) = true
tasksLaunched += 1
if (checkPref)
lastPreferredLaunchTime = time
val params = new StringMap
params.set("cpus", "" + desiredCpus)
params.set("mem", "" + desiredMem)
val serializedTask = Utils.serialize(tasks(i))
return Some(new TaskDescription(taskId, slot.getSlaveId,
"task_" + taskId, params, serializedTask))
return None
return findTask
} else {
return None
} catch {
case e: Exception => {
return None
try {
this.synchronized {
this.activeOp = myOp
def taskFinished(status: TaskStatus) {
println("Finished TID " + status.getTaskId)
// Deserialize task result
val result = Utils.deserialize[TaskResult[T]](status.getData)
results(status.getTaskId - firstTaskId) = result.value
// Update accumulators
Accumulators.add(callingThread, result.accumUpdates)
// Stop if we've finished all the tasks
tasksFinished += 1
if (tasksFinished == tasks.length) {
NexusScheduler.this.callbacks = null
def error(code: Int, message: String) {
// Save the error message
errorHappened = true
errorCode = code
errorMessage = message
// Indicate to caller thread that we're done
NexusScheduler.this.callbacks = null
} finally {
this.synchronized {
this.activeOp = null
this.synchronized {
this.callbacks = myCallbacks
this.synchronized {
while (this.callbacks != null) this.wait()
} finally {
if (myOp.errorHappened)
throw new SparkException(myOp.errorMessage, myOp.errorCode)
return myOp.results
if (errorHappened)
throw new SparkException(errorMessage, errorCode)
return results
override def registered(d: SchedulerDriver, frameworkId: Int) {
@ -197,18 +94,19 @@ extends nexus.Scheduler with spark.Scheduler
override def waitForRegister() {
registeredLock.synchronized {
while (!isRegistered) registeredLock.wait()
while (!isRegistered)
override def resourceOffer(
d: SchedulerDriver, oid: Long, slots: SlaveOfferVector) {
d: SchedulerDriver, oid: Long, offers: SlaveOfferVector) {
synchronized {
val tasks = new TaskDescriptionVector
if (callbacks != null) {
if (activeOp != null) {
try {
for (i <- 0 until slots.size.toInt) {
callbacks.slotOffer(slots.get(i)) match {
for (i <- 0 until offers.size.toInt) {
activeOp.slaveOffer(offers.get(i)) match {
case Some(task) => tasks.add(task)
case None => {}
@ -225,21 +123,21 @@ extends nexus.Scheduler with spark.Scheduler
override def statusUpdate(d: SchedulerDriver, status: TaskStatus) {
synchronized {
if (callbacks != null && status.getState == TaskState.TASK_FINISHED) {
try {
} catch {
case e: Exception => e.printStackTrace
try {
if (activeOp != null) {
} catch {
case e: Exception => e.printStackTrace
override def error(d: SchedulerDriver, code: Int, message: String) {
synchronized {
if (callbacks != null) {
if (activeOp != null) {
try {
callbacks.error(code, message)
activeOp.error(code, message)
} catch {
case e: Exception => e.printStackTrace
@ -256,3 +154,137 @@ extends nexus.Scheduler with spark.Scheduler
// Trait representing an object that manages a parallel operation by
// implementing various scheduler callbacks.
trait ParallelOperation {
def slaveOffer(s: SlaveOffer): Option[TaskDescription]
def statusUpdate(t: TaskStatus): Unit
def error(code: Int, message: String): Unit
class SimpleParallelOperation[T: ClassManifest](
sched: NexusScheduler, tasks: Array[Task[T]])
extends ParallelOperation
// Maximum time to wait to run a task in a preferred location (in ms)
val LOCALITY_WAIT = System.getProperty("spark.locality.wait", "1000").toLong
val callingThread = currentThread
val numTasks = tasks.length
val results = new Array[T](numTasks)
val launched = new Array[Boolean](numTasks)
val finished = new Array[Boolean](numTasks)
val tidToIndex = Map[Int, Int]()
var allFinished = false
val joinLock = new Object()
var errorHappened = false
var errorCode = 0
var errorMessage = ""
var tasksLaunched = 0
var tasksFinished = 0
var lastPreferredLaunchTime = System.currentTimeMillis
def setAllFinished() {
joinLock.synchronized {
allFinished = true
def join() {
joinLock.synchronized {
while (!allFinished)
def slaveOffer(offer: SlaveOffer): Option[TaskDescription] = {
if (tasksLaunched < numTasks) {
var checkPrefVals: Array[Boolean] = Array(true)
val time = System.currentTimeMillis
if (time - lastPreferredLaunchTime > LOCALITY_WAIT)
checkPrefVals = Array(true, false) // Allow non-preferred tasks
// TODO: Make desiredCpus and desiredMem configurable
val desiredCpus = 1
val desiredMem = 750L * 1024L * 1024L
if (offer.getParams.get("cpus").toInt < desiredCpus ||
offer.getParams.get("mem").toLong < desiredMem)
return None
for (checkPref <- checkPrefVals; i <- 0 until numTasks) {
if (!launched(i) && (!checkPref ||
tasks(i).preferredLocations.contains(offer.getHost) ||
val taskId = sched.newTaskId()
tidToIndex(taskId) = i
printf("Starting task %d as TID %d on slave %d: %s (%s)\n",
i, taskId, offer.getSlaveId, offer.getHost,
if(checkPref) "preferred" else "non-preferred")
launched(i) = true
tasksLaunched += 1
if (checkPref)
lastPreferredLaunchTime = time
val params = new StringMap
params.set("cpus", "" + desiredCpus)
params.set("mem", "" + desiredMem)
val serializedTask = Utils.serialize(tasks(i))
return Some(new TaskDescription(taskId, offer.getSlaveId,
"task_" + taskId, params, serializedTask))
return None
def statusUpdate(status: TaskStatus) {
status.getState match {
case TaskState.TASK_FINISHED =>
case TaskState.TASK_LOST =>
case TaskState.TASK_FAILED =>
case TaskState.TASK_KILLED =>
case _ =>
def taskFinished(status: TaskStatus) {
val tid = status.getTaskId
println("Finished TID " + tid)
// Deserialize task result
val result = Utils.deserialize[TaskResult[T]](status.getData)
results(tidToIndex(tid)) = result.value
// Update accumulators
Accumulators.add(callingThread, result.accumUpdates)
// Mark finished and stop if we've finished all the tasks
finished(tidToIndex(tid)) = true
tasksFinished += 1
if (tasksFinished == numTasks)
def taskLost(status: TaskStatus) {
val tid = status.getTaskId
println("Lost TID " + tid)
launched(tidToIndex(tid)) = false
tasksLaunched -= 1
def error(code: Int, message: String) {
// Save the error message
errorHappened = true
errorCode = code
errorMessage = message
// Indicate to caller thread that we're done

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@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ extends RDD[T, ParallelArraySplit[T]](sc) {
override def iterator(s: ParallelArraySplit[T]) = s.iterator
override def prefers(s: ParallelArraySplit[T], offer: SlaveOffer) = true
override def preferredLocations(s: ParallelArraySplit[T]): Seq[String] = Nil
private object ParallelArray {

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ abstract class RDD[T: ClassManifest, Split](
@transient sc: SparkContext) {
def splits: Array[Split]
def iterator(split: Split): Iterator[T]
def prefers(split: Split, slot: SlaveOffer): Boolean
def preferredLocations(split: Split): Seq[String]
def taskStarted(split: Split, slot: SlaveOffer) {}
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ abstract class RDD[T: ClassManifest, Split](
abstract class RDDTask[U: ClassManifest, T: ClassManifest, Split](
val rdd: RDD[T, Split], val split: Split)
extends Task[U] {
override def prefers(slot: SlaveOffer) = rdd.prefers(split, slot)
override def preferredLocations() = rdd.preferredLocations(split)
override def markStarted(slot: SlaveOffer) { rdd.taskStarted(split, slot) }
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ class MappedRDD[U: ClassManifest, T: ClassManifest, Split](
prev: RDD[T, Split], f: T => U)
extends RDD[U, Split](prev.sparkContext) {
override def splits = prev.splits
override def prefers(split: Split, slot: SlaveOffer) = prev.prefers(split, slot)
override def preferredLocations(split: Split) = prev.preferredLocations(split)
override def iterator(split: Split) = prev.iterator(split).map(f)
override def taskStarted(split: Split, slot: SlaveOffer) = prev.taskStarted(split, slot)
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class FilteredRDD[T: ClassManifest, Split](
prev: RDD[T, Split], f: T => Boolean)
extends RDD[T, Split](prev.sparkContext) {
override def splits = prev.splits
override def prefers(split: Split, slot: SlaveOffer) = prev.prefers(split, slot)
override def preferredLocations(split: Split) = prev.preferredLocations(split)
override def iterator(split: Split) = prev.iterator(split).filter(f)
override def taskStarted(split: Split, slot: SlaveOffer) = prev.taskStarted(split, slot)
@ -140,15 +140,15 @@ class CachedRDD[T, Split](
prev: RDD[T, Split])(implicit m: ClassManifest[T])
extends RDD[T, Split](prev.sparkContext) {
val id = CachedRDD.newId()
@transient val cacheLocs = Map[Split, List[Int]]()
@transient val cacheLocs = Map[Split, List[String]]()
override def splits = prev.splits
override def prefers(split: Split, slot: SlaveOffer): Boolean = {
override def preferredLocations(split: Split) = {
if (cacheLocs.contains(split))
prev.prefers(split, slot)
override def iterator(split: Split): Iterator[T] = {
@ -185,9 +185,9 @@ extends RDD[T, Split](prev.sparkContext) {
override def taskStarted(split: Split, slot: SlaveOffer) {
val oldList = cacheLocs.getOrElse(split, Nil)
val slaveId = slot.getSlaveId
if (!oldList.contains(slaveId))
cacheLocs(split) = slaveId :: oldList
val host = slot.getHost
if (!oldList.contains(host))
cacheLocs(split) = host :: oldList
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ private object CachedRDD {
abstract class UnionSplit[T: ClassManifest] {
def iterator(): Iterator[T]
def prefers(offer: SlaveOffer): Boolean
def preferredLocations(): Seq[String]
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ class UnionSplitImpl[T: ClassManifest, Split](
rdd: RDD[T, Split], split: Split)
extends UnionSplit[T] {
override def iterator() = rdd.iterator(split)
override def prefers(offer: SlaveOffer) = rdd.prefers(split, offer)
override def preferredLocations() = rdd.preferredLocations(split)
@ -231,5 +231,6 @@ extends RDD[T, UnionSplit[T]](sc) {
override def iterator(s: UnionSplit[T]): Iterator[T] = s.iterator()
override def prefers(s: UnionSplit[T], o: SlaveOffer) = s.prefers(o)
override def preferredLocations(s: UnionSplit[T]): Seq[String] =

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import java.util.UUID
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
class SparkContext(master: String, frameworkName: String) {
def parallelize[T: ClassManifest](seq: Seq[T], numSlices: Int) =
new ParallelArray[T](this, seq, numSlices)
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ class SparkContext(master: String, frameworkName: String) {
new Accumulator(initialValue, param)
// TODO: Keep around a weak hash map of values to Cached versions?
def broadcast[T](value: T) = new Cached(value, local)
def broadcast[T](value: T) = new CentralizedHDFSBroadcast(value, local)
//def broadcast[T](value: T) = new ChainedStreamingBroadcast(value, local)
def textFile(path: String) = new HdfsTextFile(this, path)

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@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ import nexus._
trait Task[T] {
def run: T
def prefers(slot: SlaveOffer): Boolean = true
def markStarted(slot: SlaveOffer) {}
def preferredLocations: Seq[String] = Nil
def markStarted(offer: SlaveOffer) {}