@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
|spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.credential.managed-identity-enabled | `false` | Whether to enable managed identity to authenticate with Azure. If true and the client-id is set, will use the client ID as user assigned managed identity client ID.
|spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.credential.password | | Password to use when performing username/password authentication with Azure.
|spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.credential.username | | Username to use when performing username/password authentication with Azure.
|spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.database | | Database name of the Cosmos db.
|spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.database | | Database name of the Cosmos DB.
|spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.direct-connection.connect-timeout | | Connect timeout for direct client, represents timeout for establishing connections with an endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.direct-connection.connection-endpoint-rediscovery-enabled | | Whether to enable the direct TCP connection endpoint rediscovery.
|spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.direct-connection.idle-connection-timeout | | Idle connection timeout for the direct client. Direct client doesn't close a single connection to an endpoint by default unless specified.
@ -146,11 +146,11 @@
|spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.direct-connection.max-requests-per-connection | | Max requests per connection, represents the number of requests that will be queued on a single connection for a specific endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.direct-connection.network-request-timeout | | Network request timeout interval (time to wait for response from network peer).
|spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.enabled | `true` | Whether an Azure Service is enabled.
|spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.endpoint | | Endpoint of the Cosmos db.
|spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.endpoint | | Endpoint of the Cosmos DB.
|spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.endpoint-discovery-enabled | | Whether to enable endpoint discovery for geo-replicated database accounts.
|spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.gateway-connection.idle-connection-timeout | | Timeout for an idle connection. After that time, the connection will be automatically closed.
|spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.gateway-connection.max-connection-pool-size | | Size of the connection pool.
|spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.key | | Key to authenticate for accessing the Cosmos db.
|spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.key | | Key to authenticate for accessing the Cosmos DB.
|spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.multiple-write-regions-enabled | | Whether to enable writes on any regions for geo-replicated database accounts in the Azure Cosmos DB service.
|spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.populate-query-metrics | `false` | Whether to populate diagnostics strings and query metrics.
|spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.preferred-regions | | Preferred regions for geo-replicated database accounts. For example, "East US" as the preferred region.
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
|spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.proxy.type | | Type of the proxy.
|spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.proxy.username | | Username used to authenticate with the proxy.
|spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.read-requests-fallback-enabled | | Whether to allow for reads to go to multiple regions configured on an account of Azure Cosmos DB service.
|spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.resource-token | | Resource token to authenticate for accessing the Cosmos db.
|spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.resource-token | | Resource token to authenticate for accessing the Cosmos DB.
|spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.resource.region | | The region of an Azure resource.
|spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.resource.resource-group | | The resource group holds an Azure resource.
|spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.resource.resource-id | | ID of an Azure resource.
@ -561,6 +561,64 @@
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.certificate.retry.fixed.max-retries | | The maximum number of attempts.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.certificate.retry.mode | | Retry backoff mode.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.certificate.service-version | | The version of Azure Key Vault Certificate Service.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.client.application-id | | Represents current application and is used for telemetry/monitoring purposes.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.client.connect-timeout | | Amount of time the request attempts to connect to the remote host and the connection is resolved.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.client.connection-idle-timeout | | Amount of time before an idle connection.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.client.headers | | List of headers applied to each request sent with client.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.client.logging.allowed-header-names | | Comma-delimited list of allowlist headers that should be logged.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.client.logging.allowed-query-param-names | | Comma-delimited list of allowlist query parameters.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.client.logging.level | | The level of detail to log on HTTP messages.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.client.logging.pretty-print-body | | Whether to pretty print the message bodies.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.client.maximum-connection-pool-size | | Maximum connection pool size used by the underlying HTTP client.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.client.read-timeout | | Amount of time used when reading the server response.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.client.response-timeout | | Amount of time used when waiting for a server to reply.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.client.write-timeout | | Amount of time each request being sent over the wire.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.credential.client-certificate-password | | Password of the certificate file.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.credential.client-certificate-path | | Path of a PEM certificate file to use when performing service principal authentication with Azure.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.credential.client-id | | Client ID to use when performing service principal authentication with Azure.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.credential.client-secret | | Client secret to use when performing service principal authentication with Azure.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.credential.managed-identity-enabled | `false` | Whether to enable managed identity to authenticate with Azure. If true and the client-id is set, will use the client ID as user assigned managed identity client ID.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.credential.password | | Password to use when performing username/password authentication with Azure.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.credential.username | | Username to use when performing username/password authentication with Azure.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.enabled | `true` | Whether an Azure Service is enabled.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.endpoint | | Azure Key Vault endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.cloud-type | | Name of the Azure cloud to connect to.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.active-directory-endpoint | | The Azure Active Directory endpoint to connect to.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.active-directory-graph-api-version | | The Azure Active Directory Graph API version.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.active-directory-graph-endpoint | | The Azure Active Directory Graph endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.active-directory-resource-id | | The Azure Active Directory resource ID.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.azure-application-insights-endpoint | | The Azure Application Insights endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.azure-data-lake-analytics-catalog-and-job-endpoint-suffix | | The Data Lake analytics catalog and job endpoint suffix.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.azure-data-lake-store-file-system-endpoint-suffix | | The Data Lake storage file system endpoint suffix.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.azure-log-analytics-endpoint | | The Azure Log Analytics endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.data-lake-endpoint-resource-id | | The Data Lake endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.gallery-endpoint | | The gallery endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.key-vault-dns-suffix | | The Key Vault DNS suffix.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.management-endpoint | | The management service endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.microsoft-graph-endpoint | | The Microsoft Graph endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.portal | | The management portal URL.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.publishing-profile | | The publishing settings file URL.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.resource-manager-endpoint | | The resource management endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.sql-management-endpoint | | The SQL management endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.sql-server-hostname-suffix | | The SQL Server hostname suffix.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.storage-endpoint-suffix | | The Storage endpoint suffix.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.subscription-id | | Subscription ID to use when connecting to Azure resources.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.tenant-id | | Tenant ID for Azure resources.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.proxy.hostname | | The host of the proxy.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.proxy.non-proxy-hosts | | A list of hosts or CIDR to not use proxy HTTP/HTTPS connections through.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.proxy.password | | Password used to authenticate with the proxy.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.proxy.port | | The port of the proxy.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.proxy.type | | Type of the proxy.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.proxy.username | | Username used to authenticate with the proxy.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.resource.region | | The region of an Azure resource.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.resource.resource-group | | The resource group holds an Azure resource.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.resource.resource-id | | ID of an Azure resource.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.retry.exponential.base-delay | | Amount of time to wait between retry attempts.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.retry.exponential.max-delay | | Maximum permissible amount of time between retry attempts.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.retry.exponential.max-retries | | The maximum number of attempts.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.retry.fixed.delay | | Amount of time to wait between retry attempts.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.retry.fixed.max-retries | | The maximum number of attempts.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.retry.mode | | Retry backoff mode.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.secret.client.application-id | | Represents current application and is used for telemetry/monitoring purposes.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.secret.client.connect-timeout | | Amount of time the request attempts to connect to the remote host and the connection is resolved.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.secret.client.connection-idle-timeout | | Amount of time before an idle connection.
@ -968,6 +1026,8 @@
|spring.cloud.azure.servicebus.transport-type | | Transport type for AMQP-based client. This is a legacy property.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.access-key | | Storage account access key. This is a legacy property.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.account | | Name for the storage account. This is a legacy property.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.account-key | | Storage account access key.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.account-name | | Name for the storage account.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.blob.account-key | | Storage account access key.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.blob.account-name | | Name for the storage account.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.blob.blob-name | | Name of the blob.
@ -1039,6 +1099,28 @@
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.blob.retry.try-timeout | | Amount of time to wait until a timeout.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.blob.sas-token | | Shared access signatures (SAS) token used to authorize requests sent to the service.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.blob.service-version | | Blob service version used when making API requests.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.client.application-id | | Represents current application and is used for telemetry/monitoring purposes.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.client.connect-timeout | | Amount of time the request attempts to connect to the remote host and the connection is resolved.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.client.connection-idle-timeout | | Amount of time before an idle connection.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.client.headers | | List of headers applied to each request sent with client.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.client.logging.allowed-header-names | | Comma-delimited list of allowlist headers that should be logged.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.client.logging.allowed-query-param-names | | Comma-delimited list of allowlist query parameters.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.client.logging.level | | The level of detail to log on HTTP messages.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.client.logging.pretty-print-body | | Whether to pretty print the message bodies.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.client.maximum-connection-pool-size | | Maximum connection pool size used by the underlying HTTP client.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.client.read-timeout | | Amount of time used when reading the server response.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.client.response-timeout | | Amount of time used when waiting for a server to reply.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.client.write-timeout | | Amount of time each request being sent over the wire.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.connection-string | | Connection string to connect to the service.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.credential.client-certificate-password | | Password of the certificate file.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.credential.client-certificate-path | | Path of a PEM certificate file to use when performing service principal authentication with Azure.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.credential.client-id | | Client ID to use when performing service principal authentication with Azure.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.credential.client-secret | | Client secret to use when performing service principal authentication with Azure.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.credential.managed-identity-enabled | `false` | Whether to enable managed identity to authenticate with Azure. If true and the client-id is set, will use the client ID as user assigned managed identity client ID.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.credential.password | | Password to use when performing username/password authentication with Azure.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.credential.username | | Username to use when performing username/password authentication with Azure.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.enabled | `true` | Whether an Azure Service is enabled.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.endpoint | | Endpoint for Azure Storage service.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.fileshare.account-key | | Storage account access key.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.fileshare.account-name | | Name for the storage account.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.fileshare.client.application-id | | Represents current application and is used for telemetry/monitoring purposes.
@ -1109,6 +1191,34 @@
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.fileshare.sas-token | | Shared access signatures (SAS) token used to authorize requests sent to the service.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.fileshare.service-version | | Share service version used when making API requests
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.fileshare.share-name | | Name of the share.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.cloud-type | | Name of the Azure cloud to connect to.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.active-directory-endpoint | | The Azure Active Directory endpoint to connect to.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.active-directory-graph-api-version | | The Azure Active Directory Graph API version.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.active-directory-graph-endpoint | | The Azure Active Directory Graph endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.active-directory-resource-id | | The Azure Active Directory resource ID.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.azure-application-insights-endpoint | | The Azure Application Insights endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.azure-data-lake-analytics-catalog-and-job-endpoint-suffix | | The Data Lake analytics catalog and job endpoint suffix.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.azure-data-lake-store-file-system-endpoint-suffix | | The Data Lake storage file system endpoint suffix.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.azure-log-analytics-endpoint | | The Azure Log Analytics endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.data-lake-endpoint-resource-id | | The Data Lake endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.gallery-endpoint | | The gallery endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.key-vault-dns-suffix | | The Key Vault DNS suffix.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.management-endpoint | | The management service endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.microsoft-graph-endpoint | | The Microsoft Graph endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.portal | | The management portal URL.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.publishing-profile | | The publishing settings file URL.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.resource-manager-endpoint | | The resource management endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.sql-management-endpoint | | The SQL management endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.sql-server-hostname-suffix | | The SQL Server hostname suffix.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.storage-endpoint-suffix | | The Storage endpoint suffix.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.subscription-id | | Subscription ID to use when connecting to Azure resources.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.tenant-id | | Tenant ID for Azure resources.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.proxy.hostname | | The host of the proxy.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.proxy.non-proxy-hosts | | A list of hosts or CIDR to not use proxy HTTP/HTTPS connections through.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.proxy.password | | Password used to authenticate with the proxy.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.proxy.port | | The port of the proxy.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.proxy.type | | Type of the proxy.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.proxy.username | | Username used to authenticate with the proxy.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.account-key | | Storage account access key.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.account-name | | Name for the storage account.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.client.application-id | | Represents current application and is used for telemetry/monitoring purposes.
@ -1180,6 +1290,18 @@
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.sas-token | | Shared access signatures (SAS) token used to authorize requests sent to the service.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.queue.service-version | | Queue service version used when making API requests.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.resource-group | | Resource group the storage account belongs to. This is a legacy property.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.resource.region | | The region of an Azure resource.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.resource.resource-group | | The resource group holds an Azure resource.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.resource.resource-id | | ID of an Azure resource.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.retry.exponential.base-delay | | Amount of time to wait between retry attempts.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.retry.exponential.max-delay | | Maximum permissible amount of time between retry attempts.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.retry.exponential.max-retries | | The maximum number of attempts.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.retry.fixed.delay | | Amount of time to wait between retry attempts.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.retry.fixed.max-retries | | The maximum number of attempts.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.retry.mode | | Retry backoff mode.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.retry.secondary-host | | Secondary Storage account to retry requests against.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.retry.try-timeout | | Amount of time to wait until a timeout.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.sas-token | | Shared access signatures (SAS) token used to authorize requests sent to the service.
|spring.cloud.azure.subscription-id | | Subscription ID to use when connecting to Azure resources. This is a legacy property.
|spring.cloud.azure.tenant-id | | Tenant ID for Azure resources. This is a legacy property.
|spring.jms.servicebus.connection-string | | Connection string to connect to a Service Bus namespace.
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
|Name | Default | Description
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.client.application-id | | Represents current application and is used for telemetry/monitoring purposes.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.client.connect-timeout | | Amount of time the request attempts to connect to the remote host and the connection is resolved.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.client.connection-idle-timeout | | Amount of time before an idle connection.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.client.headers | | List of headers applied to each request sent with client.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.client.logging.allowed-header-names | | Comma-delimited list of allowlist headers that should be logged.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.client.logging.allowed-query-param-names | | Comma-delimited list of allowlist query parameters.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.client.logging.level | | The level of detail to log on HTTP messages.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.client.logging.pretty-print-body | | Whether to pretty print the message bodies.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.client.maximum-connection-pool-size | | Maximum connection pool size used by the underlying HTTP client.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.client.read-timeout | | Amount of time used when reading the server response.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.client.response-timeout | | Amount of time used when waiting for a server to reply.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.client.write-timeout | | Amount of time each request being sent over the wire.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.credential.client-certificate-password | | Password of the certificate file.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.credential.client-certificate-path | | Path of a PEM certificate file to use when performing service principal authentication with Azure.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.credential.client-id | | Client ID to use when performing service principal authentication with Azure.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.credential.client-secret | | Client secret to use when performing service principal authentication with Azure.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.credential.managed-identity-enabled | `false` | Whether to enable managed identity to authenticate with Azure. If true and the client-id is set, will use the client ID as user assigned managed identity client ID.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.credential.password | | Password to use when performing username/password authentication with Azure.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.credential.username | | Username to use when performing username/password authentication with Azure.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.enabled | `true` | Whether an Azure Service is enabled.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.endpoint | | Azure Key Vault endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.cloud-type | | Name of the Azure cloud to connect to.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.active-directory-endpoint | | The Azure Active Directory endpoint to connect to.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.active-directory-graph-api-version | | The Azure Active Directory Graph API version.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.active-directory-graph-endpoint | | The Azure Active Directory Graph endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.active-directory-resource-id | | The Azure Active Directory resource ID.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.azure-application-insights-endpoint | | The Azure Application Insights endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.azure-data-lake-analytics-catalog-and-job-endpoint-suffix | | The Data Lake analytics catalog and job endpoint suffix.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.azure-data-lake-store-file-system-endpoint-suffix | | The Data Lake storage file system endpoint suffix.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.azure-log-analytics-endpoint | | The Azure Log Analytics endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.data-lake-endpoint-resource-id | | The Data Lake endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.gallery-endpoint | | The gallery endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.key-vault-dns-suffix | | The Key Vault DNS suffix.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.management-endpoint | | The management service endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.microsoft-graph-endpoint | | The Microsoft Graph endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.portal | | The management portal URL.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.publishing-profile | | The publishing settings file URL.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.resource-manager-endpoint | | The resource management endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.sql-management-endpoint | | The SQL management endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.sql-server-hostname-suffix | | The SQL Server hostname suffix.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.environment.storage-endpoint-suffix | | The Storage endpoint suffix.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.subscription-id | | Subscription ID to use when connecting to Azure resources.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.profile.tenant-id | | Tenant ID for Azure resources.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.proxy.hostname | | The host of the proxy.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.proxy.non-proxy-hosts | | A list of hosts or CIDR to not use proxy HTTP/HTTPS connections through.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.proxy.password | | Password used to authenticate with the proxy.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.proxy.port | | The port of the proxy.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.proxy.type | | Type of the proxy.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.proxy.username | | Username used to authenticate with the proxy.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.resource.region | | The region of an Azure resource.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.resource.resource-group | | The resource group holds an Azure resource.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.resource.resource-id | | ID of an Azure resource.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.retry.exponential.base-delay | | Amount of time to wait between retry attempts.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.retry.exponential.max-delay | | Maximum permissible amount of time between retry attempts.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.retry.exponential.max-retries | | The maximum number of attempts.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.retry.fixed.delay | | Amount of time to wait between retry attempts.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.retry.fixed.max-retries | | The maximum number of attempts.
|spring.cloud.azure.keyvault.retry.mode | | Retry backoff mode.
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
|Name | Default | Description
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.access-key | | Storage account access key. This is a legacy property.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.account | | Name for the storage account. This is a legacy property.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.account-key | | Storage account access key.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.account-name | | Name for the storage account.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.client.application-id | | Represents current application and is used for telemetry/monitoring purposes.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.client.connect-timeout | | Amount of time the request attempts to connect to the remote host and the connection is resolved.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.client.connection-idle-timeout | | Amount of time before an idle connection.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.client.headers | | List of headers applied to each request sent with client.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.client.logging.allowed-header-names | | Comma-delimited list of allowlist headers that should be logged.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.client.logging.allowed-query-param-names | | Comma-delimited list of allowlist query parameters.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.client.logging.level | | The level of detail to log on HTTP messages.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.client.logging.pretty-print-body | | Whether to pretty print the message bodies.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.client.maximum-connection-pool-size | | Maximum connection pool size used by the underlying HTTP client.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.client.read-timeout | | Amount of time used when reading the server response.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.client.response-timeout | | Amount of time used when waiting for a server to reply.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.client.write-timeout | | Amount of time each request being sent over the wire.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.connection-string | | Connection string to connect to the service.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.credential.client-certificate-password | | Password of the certificate file.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.credential.client-certificate-path | | Path of a PEM certificate file to use when performing service principal authentication with Azure.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.credential.client-id | | Client ID to use when performing service principal authentication with Azure.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.credential.client-secret | | Client secret to use when performing service principal authentication with Azure.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.credential.managed-identity-enabled | `false` | Whether to enable managed identity to authenticate with Azure. If true and the client-id is set, will use the client ID as user assigned managed identity client ID.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.credential.password | | Password to use when performing username/password authentication with Azure.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.credential.username | | Username to use when performing username/password authentication with Azure.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.enabled | `true` | Whether an Azure Service is enabled.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.endpoint | | Endpoint for Azure Storage service.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.cloud-type | | Name of the Azure cloud to connect to.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.active-directory-endpoint | | The Azure Active Directory endpoint to connect to.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.active-directory-graph-api-version | | The Azure Active Directory Graph API version.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.active-directory-graph-endpoint | | The Azure Active Directory Graph endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.active-directory-resource-id | | The Azure Active Directory resource ID.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.azure-application-insights-endpoint | | The Azure Application Insights endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.azure-data-lake-analytics-catalog-and-job-endpoint-suffix | | The Data Lake analytics catalog and job endpoint suffix.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.azure-data-lake-store-file-system-endpoint-suffix | | The Data Lake storage file system endpoint suffix.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.azure-log-analytics-endpoint | | The Azure Log Analytics endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.data-lake-endpoint-resource-id | | The Data Lake endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.gallery-endpoint | | The gallery endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.key-vault-dns-suffix | | The Key Vault DNS suffix.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.management-endpoint | | The management service endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.microsoft-graph-endpoint | | The Microsoft Graph endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.portal | | The management portal URL.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.publishing-profile | | The publishing settings file URL.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.resource-manager-endpoint | | The resource management endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.sql-management-endpoint | | The SQL management endpoint.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.sql-server-hostname-suffix | | The SQL Server hostname suffix.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.environment.storage-endpoint-suffix | | The Storage endpoint suffix.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.subscription-id | | Subscription ID to use when connecting to Azure resources.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.profile.tenant-id | | Tenant ID for Azure resources.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.proxy.hostname | | The host of the proxy.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.proxy.non-proxy-hosts | | A list of hosts or CIDR to not use proxy HTTP/HTTPS connections through.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.proxy.password | | Password used to authenticate with the proxy.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.proxy.port | | The port of the proxy.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.proxy.type | | Type of the proxy.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.proxy.username | | Username used to authenticate with the proxy.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.resource-group | | Resource group the storage account belongs to. This is a legacy property.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.resource.region | | The region of an Azure resource.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.resource.resource-group | | The resource group holds an Azure resource.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.resource.resource-id | | ID of an Azure resource.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.retry.exponential.base-delay | | Amount of time to wait between retry attempts.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.retry.exponential.max-delay | | Maximum permissible amount of time between retry attempts.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.retry.exponential.max-retries | | The maximum number of attempts.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.retry.fixed.delay | | Amount of time to wait between retry attempts.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.retry.fixed.max-retries | | The maximum number of attempts.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.retry.mode | | Retry backoff mode.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.retry.secondary-host | | Secondary Storage account to retry requests against.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.retry.try-timeout | | Amount of time to wait until a timeout.
|spring.cloud.azure.storage.sas-token | | Shared access signatures (SAS) token used to authorize requests sent to the service.
@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ include::_configuration-properties-azure-app-configuration.adoc[]
=== Azure Event Hubs Properties
=== Azure Key Vault Properties
=== Azure Key Vault Secrets Properties
=== Azure Key Vault Certificates Properties
@ -21,6 +23,8 @@ include::_configuration-properties-azure-key-vault-certificates.adoc[]
=== Azure Service Bus JMS Properties
=== Azure Storage Properties
=== Azure Storage Blob Properties
=== Azure Storage File Share Properties
@ -205,6 +205,19 @@
@ -257,6 +270,19 @@
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