var dgram = require('dgram') , net = require('net') , events = require('events') , logger = require('./lib/logger') , hashring = require('hashring') , cluster = require('cluster') , configlib = require('./lib/config'); var packet = new events.EventEmitter(); var node_status = []; var node_ring = {}; var config; var l; // logger configlib.configFile(process.argv[2], function (conf, oldConfig) { config = conf; var udp_version = config.udp_version , nodes = config.nodes; l = new logger.Logger(config.log || {}); var forkCount = config.forkCount; if (forkCount === 'auto') { forkCount = require('os').cpus().length; } var logPrefix = "[" + + "] "; var log = function(msg, type) { l.log(logPrefix + msg, type); } if (forkCount > 1 && cluster.isMaster) { logPrefix += "[master] "; log("forking " + forkCount + " childs"); for (var i = 0; i < forkCount; i++) { cluster.fork(); } cluster.on('exit', function(worker, code, signal) { log('worker ' + + ' died with exit code:' + code + " restarting", 'ERROR'); cluster.fork(); }); return; } //load the node_ring object with the available nodes and a weight of 100 // weight is currently arbitrary but the same for all nodes.forEach(function(element, index, array) { node_ring[ + ':' + element.port] = 100; }); var ring = new hashring( node_ring, 'md5', { 'max cache size': config.cacheSize || 10000, //We don't want duplicate keys sent so replicas set to 0 'replicas': 0 }); // Do an initial rount of health checks prior to starting up the server doHealthChecks(); // Setup the udp listener var server = dgram.createSocket(udp_version, function (msg, rinfo) { // Convert the raw packet to a string (defaults to UTF8 encoding) var packet_data = msg.toString(); // If the packet contains a \n then it contains multiple metrics if (packet_data.indexOf("\n") > -1) { var metrics; metrics = packet_data.split("\n"); // Loop through the metrics and split on : to get mertric name for hashing for (var midx in metrics) { var current_metric = metrics[midx]; var bits = current_metric.split(':'); var key = bits.shift(); if (current_metric !== '') { var new_msg = new Buffer(current_metric); packet.emit('send', key, new_msg); } } } else { // metrics needs to be an array to fake it for single metric packets var current_metric = packet_data; var bits = current_metric.split(':'); var key = bits.shift(); if (current_metric !== '') { packet.emit('send', key, msg); } } }); var client = dgram.createSocket(udp_version); // Listen for the send message, and process the metric key and msg packet.on('send', function(key, msg) { // retreives the destination for this key var statsd_host = ring.get(key); // break the retreived host to pass to the send function if (statsd_host === undefined) { log('Warning: No backend statsd nodes available!'); } else { var host_config = statsd_host.split(':'); // Send the mesg to the backend client.send(msg, 0, msg.length, host_config[1], host_config[0]); } }); // Bind the listening udp server to the configured port and host server.bind(config.port, || undefined); // Set the interval for healthchecks setInterval(doHealthChecks, config.checkInterval || 10000); // Perform health check on all nodes function doHealthChecks() { nodes.forEach(function(element, index, array) { healthcheck(element); }); } // Perform health check on node function healthcheck(node) { var node_id = + ':' + node.port; var client = net.connect({port: node.adminport, host:}, function() { client.write('health\r\n'); }); client.on('data', function(data) { var health_status = data.toString(); client.end(); if (health_status.indexOf('up') < 0) { if (node_status[node_id] === undefined) { node_status[node_id] = 1; } else { node_status[node_id]++; } if (node_status[node_id] < 2) { log('Removing node ' + node_id + ' from the ring.'); ring.remove(node_id); } } else { if (node_status[node_id] !== undefined) { if (node_status[node_id] > 0) { var new_server = {}; new_server[node_id] = 100; log('Adding node ' + node_id + ' to the ring.'); ring.add(new_server); } } node_status[node_id] = 0; } }); client.on('error', function(e) { if (e.code == 'ECONNREFUSED') { if (node_status[node_id] === undefined) { node_status[node_id] = 1; } else { node_status[node_id]++; } if (node_status[node_id] < 2) { log('Removing node ' + node_id + ' from the ring.'); ring.remove(node_id); } } else { log('Error during healthcheck on node ' + node_id + ' with ' + e.code); } }); } });