var fs = require('fs'), net = require('net'), temp = require('temp'), spawn = require('child_process').spawn, util = require('util'), urlparse = require('url').parse, _ = require('underscore'), dgram = require('dgram'), qsparse = require('querystring').parse, http = require('http'); var writeconfig = function(text,worker,cb,obj){{suffix: '-statsdconf.js'}, function(err, info) { if (err) throw err; fs.writeSync(info.fd, text); fs.close(info.fd, function(err) { if (err) throw err; worker(info.path,cb,obj); }); }); } var array_contents_are_equal = function(first,second){ var intlen = _.intersection(first,second).length; var unlen = _.union(first,second).length; return (intlen == unlen) && (intlen == first.length); } var statsd_send = function(data,sock,host,port,cb){ send_data = new Buffer(data); sock.send(send_data,0,send_data.length,port,host,function(err,bytes){ if (err) { throw err; } cb(); }); } // keep collecting data until a specified timeout period has elapsed // this will let us capture all data chunks so we don't miss one var collect_for = function(server,timeout,cb){ var received = []; var in_flight = 0; var timed_out = false; var collector = function(req,res){ in_flight += 1; var body = ''; req.on('data',function(data){ body += data; }); req.on('end',function(){ received = received.concat(body.split("\n")); in_flight -= 1; if((in_flight < 1) && timed_out){ server.removeListener('request',collector); cb(received); } }); } setTimeout(function (){ timed_out = true; if((in_flight < 1)) { server.removeListener('connection',collector); cb(received); } },timeout); server.on('connection',collector); } module.exports = { setUp: function (callback) { this.testport = 31337; this.myflush = 200; var configfile = "{graphService: \"graphite\"\n\ , batch: 200 \n\ , flushInterval: " + this.myflush + " \n\ , percentThreshold: 90\n\ , port: 8125\n\ , dumpMessages: false \n\ , debug: false\n\ , graphitePort: " + this.testport + "\n\ , graphiteHost: \"\"}"; this.acceptor = net.createServer(); this.acceptor.listen(this.testport); this.sock = dgram.createSocket('udp4'); this.server_up = true; this.ok_to_die = false; this.exit_callback_callback = process.exit; writeconfig(configfile,function(path,cb,obj){ obj.path = path; obj.server = spawn('node',['stats.js', path]); obj.exit_callback = function (code) { obj.server_up = false; if(!obj.ok_to_die){ console.log('node server unexpectedly quit with code: ' + code); process.exit(1); } else { obj.exit_callback_callback(); } }; obj.server.on('exit', obj.exit_callback); obj.server.stderr.on('data', function (data) { console.log('stderr: ' + data.toString().replace(/\n$/,'')); }); /* obj.server.stdout.on('data', function (data) { console.log('stdout: ' + data.toString().replace(/\n$/,'')); }); */ obj.server.stdout.on('data', function (data) { // wait until server is up before we finish setUp if (data.toString().match(/server is up/)) { cb(); } }); },callback,this); }, tearDown: function (callback) { this.sock.close(); this.acceptor.close(); this.ok_to_die = true; if(this.server_up){ this.exit_callback_callback = callback; this.server.kill(); } else { callback(); } }, send_well_formed_posts: function (test) { test.expect(2); // we should integrate a timeout into this this.acceptor.once('connection',function(c){ var body = ''; c.on('data',function(d){ body += d; }); c.on('end',function(){ var rows = body.split("\n"); var entries =, function(x) { var chunks = x.split(' '); var data = {}; data[chunks[0]] = chunks[1]; return data; }); test.ok(_.include(,function(x) { return _.keys(x)[0] }),'statsd.numStats'),'graphite output includes numStats'); test.equal(_.find(entries, function(x) { return _.keys(x)[0] == 'statsd.numStats' })['statsd.numStats'],2); test.done(); }); }); }, timers_are_valid: function (test) { test.expect(3); var testvalue = 100; var me = this; this.acceptor.once('connection',function(c){ statsd_send('a_test_value:' + testvalue + '|ms',me.sock,'',8125,function(){ collect_for(me.acceptor,me.myflush*2,function(strings){ test.ok(strings.length > 0,'should receive some data'); var hashes =, function(x) { var chunks = x.split(' '); var data = {}; data[chunks[0]] = chunks[1]; return data; }); var numstat_test = function(post){ var mykey = 'statsd.numStats'; return _.include(_.keys(post),mykey) && (post[mykey] == 4); }; test.ok(_.any(hashes,numstat_test), 'statsd.numStats should be 4'); var testtimervalue_test = function(post){ var mykey = 'stats.timers.a_test_value.mean_90'; return _.include(_.keys(post),mykey) && (post[mykey] == testvalue); }; test.ok(_.any(hashes,testtimervalue_test), 'stats.timers.a_test_value.mean should be ' + testvalue); test.done(); }); }); }); }, counts_are_valid: function (test) { test.expect(4); var testvalue = 100; var me = this; this.acceptor.once('connection',function(c){ statsd_send('a_test_value:' + testvalue + '|c',me.sock,'',8125,function(){ collect_for(me.acceptor,me.myflush*2,function(strings){ test.ok(strings.length > 0,'should receive some data'); var hashes =, function(x) { var chunks = x.split(' '); var data = {}; data[chunks[0]] = chunks[1]; return data; }); var numstat_test = function(post){ var mykey = 'statsd.numStats'; return _.include(_.keys(post),mykey) && (post[mykey] == 4); }; test.ok(_.any(hashes,numstat_test), 'statsd.numStats should be 4'); var testavgvalue_test = function(post){ var mykey = 'stats.a_test_value'; return _.include(_.keys(post),mykey) && (post[mykey] == (testvalue/(me.myflush / 1000))); }; test.ok(_.any(hashes,testavgvalue_test), 'stats.a_test_value should be ' + (testvalue/(me.myflush / 1000))); var testcountvalue_test = function(post){ var mykey = 'stats_counts.a_test_value'; return _.include(_.keys(post),mykey) && (post[mykey] == testvalue); }; test.ok(_.any(hashes,testcountvalue_test), 'stats_counts.a_test_value should be ' + testvalue); test.done(); }); }); }); } }