.PHONY: all format format-check pylint mypy test all: mypy # sort imports and auto-format python code format: isort -rc src/ tests/ --multi-line=3 --trailing-comma --force-grid-wrap=0 --use-parentheses --line-width=88 -o onmt -o torch black -t py37 src/ tests/ format-check: (isort -rc src/ tests/ --check-only --multi-line=3 --trailing-comma --force-grid-wrap=0 --use-parentheses --line-width=88 -o onmt -o torch) && (black -t py37 --check src/ tests/) || (echo "run \"make format\" to format the code"; exit 1) pylint: format-check pylint -j0 src/ tests/ mypy: pylint mypy --show-error-codes src/ tests/ test: mypy $(shell find tests/ -name "*.py" -type f) python -m pytest -n auto --durations=0 tests/