added save functionality for mpl, test array line plot for mpl

This commit is contained in:
Shital Shah 2020-05-05 00:41:33 -07:00
Родитель dc0f2e01de
Коммит bbf601d57f
4 изменённых файлов: 456 добавлений и 437 удалений

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@ -1,169 +1,173 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
#from IPython import get_ipython, display
#if get_ipython():
# get_ipython().magic('matplotlib notebook')
#import matplotlib
#if == 'posix' and "DISPLAY" not in os.environ:
# matplotlib.use('Agg') # Must be before importing matplotlib.pyplot or pylab!
#from ipywidgets.widgets.interaction import show_inline_matplotlib_plots
#from ipykernel.pylab.backend_inline import flush_figures
from ..vis_base import VisBase
import sys, logging
from abc import abstractmethod
from .. import utils
class BaseMplPlot(VisBase):
def __init__(self, cell:VisBase.widgets.Box=None, title:str=None, show_legend:bool=None, is_3d:bool=False,
stream_name:str=None, console_debug:bool=False, **vis_args):
super(BaseMplPlot, self).__init__(VisBase.widgets.Output(), cell, title, show_legend,
stream_name=stream_name, console_debug=console_debug, **vis_args)
self._fig_init_done = False
self.show_legend = show_legend
self.is_3d = is_3d
if is_3d:
# this is needed for some reason
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
# graph objects
self.figure = None
self._ax_main = None
# matplotlib animation
self.animation = None
self.anim_interval = None
# anim_interval in seconds
def init_fig(self, anim_interval:float=1.0):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # delayed import due to matplotlib threading issue
"""(for derived class) Initializes matplotlib figure"""
if self._fig_init_done:
return False
# create figure and animation
self.figure = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 3))
self.anim_interval = anim_interval
# default color pallet
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # delayed import due to matplotlib threading issue
self._fig_init_done = True
return True
def get_main_axis(self):
# if we don't yet have main axis, create one
if not self._ax_main:
# by default assign one subplot to whole graph
self._ax_main = self.figure.add_subplot(111,
projection=None if not self.is_3d else '3d')
# change the color of the top and right spines to opaque gray
if self.title is not None:
title = self._ax_main.set_title(self.title)
return self._ax_main
# overridable
def is_show_grid(self):
return True
def _on_update(self, frame): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
except Exception as ex:
# when exception occurs here, animation will stop and there
# will be no further plot updates
# TODO: may be we don't need all of below but none of them
# are popping up exception in Jupyter Notebook because these
# exceptions occur in background?
self.last_ex = ex
logging.exception('Exception in matplotlib update loop')
def show(self, blocking=False):
if not self.is_shown and self.anim_interval:
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation # function-level import as this one is expensive
self.animation = FuncAnimation(self.figure, self._on_update, interval=self.anim_interval*1000.0)
super(BaseMplPlot, self).show(blocking)
def _post_update_stream_plot(self, stream_vis):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # delayed import due to matplotlib threading issue
utils.debug_log("Plot updated",, verbosity=5)
if self.layout_dirty:
# do not do tight_layout() call on every update
# that would jumble up the graphs! it should only called
# once each time there is change in layout
self.layout_dirty = False
# below forces redraw and it was helpful to
# repaint even if there was error in interval loop
# but it does work in native UX and not in Jupyter Notebook
if self._use_hbox and VisBase.get_ipython():
with self.widget:
# everything else that doesn't work
#elif not get_ipython():
# self.figure.canvas.draw()
def _post_add_subscription(self, stream_vis, **stream_vis_args):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # delayed import due to matplotlib threading issue
# make sure figure is initialized
self.init_stream_plot(stream_vis, **stream_vis_args)
# redo the legend
#self.figure.legend(loc='center right', bbox_to_anchor=(1.5, 0.5))
if self.show_legend:
self.figure.legend(loc='lower right')
def _show_widget_native(self, blocking:bool):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # delayed import due to matplotlib threading issue
def _show_widget_notebook(self):
# no need to return anything because %matplotlib notebook will
# detect spawning of figure and paint it
# if self.figure is returned then you will see two of them
return None
#return self.figure
def _can_update_stream_plots(self):
return False # we run interval timer which will flush the key
def init_stream_plot(self, stream_vis, **stream_vis_args):
"""(for derived class) Create new plot info for this stream"""
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
#from IPython import get_ipython, display
#if get_ipython():
# get_ipython().magic('matplotlib notebook')
#import matplotlib
#if == 'posix' and "DISPLAY" not in os.environ:
# matplotlib.use('Agg') # Must be before importing matplotlib.pyplot or pylab!
#from ipywidgets.widgets.interaction import show_inline_matplotlib_plots
#from ipykernel.pylab.backend_inline import flush_figures
from ..vis_base import VisBase
import sys, logging
from abc import abstractmethod
from .. import utils
class BaseMplPlot(VisBase):
def __init__(self, cell:VisBase.widgets.Box=None, title:str=None, show_legend:bool=None, is_3d:bool=False,
stream_name:str=None, console_debug:bool=False, **vis_args):
super(BaseMplPlot, self).__init__(VisBase.widgets.Output(), cell, title, show_legend,
stream_name=stream_name, console_debug=console_debug, **vis_args)
self._fig_init_done = False
self.show_legend = show_legend
self.is_3d = is_3d
if is_3d:
# this is needed for some reason
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
# graph objects
self.figure = None
self._ax_main = None
# matplotlib animation
self.animation = None
self.anim_interval = None
# anim_interval in seconds
def init_fig(self, anim_interval:float=1.0):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # delayed import due to matplotlib threading issue
"""(for derived class) Initializes matplotlib figure"""
if self._fig_init_done:
return False
# create figure and animation
self.figure = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 3))
self.anim_interval = anim_interval
# default color pallet
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # delayed import due to matplotlib threading issue
self._fig_init_done = True
return True
def get_main_axis(self):
# if we don't yet have main axis, create one
if not self._ax_main:
# by default assign one subplot to whole graph
self._ax_main = self.figure.add_subplot(111,
projection=None if not self.is_3d else '3d')
# change the color of the top and right spines to opaque gray
if self.title is not None:
title = self._ax_main.set_title(self.title)
return self._ax_main
# overridable
def is_show_grid(self):
return True
def _on_update(self, frame): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
except Exception as ex:
# when exception occurs here, animation will stop and there
# will be no further plot updates
# TODO: may be we don't need all of below but none of them
# are popping up exception in Jupyter Notebook because these
# exceptions occur in background?
self.last_ex = ex
logging.exception('Exception in matplotlib update loop')
def show(self, blocking=False):
if not self.is_shown and self.anim_interval:
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation # function-level import as this one is expensive
self.animation = FuncAnimation(self.figure, self._on_update, interval=self.anim_interval*1000.0)
super(BaseMplPlot, self).show(blocking)
def _post_update_stream_plot(self, stream_vis):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # delayed import due to matplotlib threading issue
utils.debug_log("Plot updated",, verbosity=5)
if self.layout_dirty:
# do not do tight_layout() call on every update
# that would jumble up the graphs! it should only called
# once each time there is change in layout
self.layout_dirty = False
# below forces redraw and it was helpful to
# repaint even if there was error in interval loop
# but it does work in native UX and not in Jupyter Notebook
if self._use_hbox and VisBase.get_ipython():
with self.widget:
# everything else that doesn't work
#elif not get_ipython():
# self.figure.canvas.draw()
def _post_add_subscription(self, stream_vis, **stream_vis_args):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # delayed import due to matplotlib threading issue
# make sure figure is initialized
self.init_stream_plot(stream_vis, **stream_vis_args)
# redo the legend
#self.figure.legend(loc='center right', bbox_to_anchor=(1.5, 0.5))
if self.show_legend:
self.figure.legend(loc='lower right')
def _show_widget_native(self, blocking:bool):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # delayed import due to matplotlib threading issue
def _show_widget_notebook(self):
# no need to return anything because %matplotlib notebook will
# detect spawning of figure and paint it
# if self.figure is returned then you will see two of them
return None
#return self.figure
def _can_update_stream_plots(self):
return False # we run interval timer which will flush the key
def init_stream_plot(self, stream_vis, **stream_vis_args):
"""(for derived class) Create new plot info for this stream"""
def _save_widget(self, filepath:str)->None:

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@ -1,180 +1,185 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import sys, time, threading, queue, functools
from typing import Any
from types import MethodType
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from .lv_types import StreamVisInfo, StreamItem
from . import utils
from .stream import Stream
class VisBase(Stream, metaclass=ABCMeta):
# these are expensive import so we attach to base class so derived class can use them
from IPython import get_ipython, display
import ipywidgets as widgets
def __init__(self, widget, cell:widgets.Box, title:str, show_legend:bool, stream_name:str=None, console_debug:bool=False, **vis_args):
super(VisBase, self).__init__(stream_name=stream_name, console_debug=console_debug)
self.lock = threading.Lock()
self._use_hbox = True
#utils.set_default(vis_args, 'cell_width', '100%')
self.widget = widget
self.cell = cell or VisBase.widgets.HBox(layout=VisBase.widgets.Layout(\
width=vis_args.get('cell_width', None))) if self._use_hbox else None
if self._use_hbox:
self.cell.children += (self.widget,)
self._stream_vises = {}
self.is_shown = cell is not None
self.title = title
self.last_ex = None
self.layout_dirty = False
self.q_last_processed = 0
def subscribe(self, stream:Stream, title=None, clear_after_end=False, clear_after_each=False,
show:bool=False, history_len=1, dim_history=True, opacity=None, **stream_vis_args):
# in this ovedrride we don't call base class method
with self.lock:
self.layout_dirty = True
stream_vis = StreamVisInfo(stream, title, clear_after_end,
clear_after_each, history_len, dim_history, opacity,
len(self._stream_vises), stream_vis_args, 0)
stream_vis._clear_pending = False
stream_vis._pending_items = queue.Queue()
self._stream_vises[stream.stream_name] = stream_vis
self._post_add_subscription(stream_vis, **stream_vis_args)
super(VisBase, self).subscribe(stream)
if show or (show is None and not self.is_shown):
def show(self, blocking:bool=False):
self.is_shown = True
if VisBase.get_ipython():
if self._use_hbox:
VisBase.display.display(self.cell) # this method doesn't need returns
#return self.cell
return self._show_widget_notebook()
return self._show_widget_native(blocking)
def write(self, val:Any, from_stream:'Stream'=None):
stream_item = self.to_stream_item(val)
stream_vis:StreamVisInfo = None
if from_stream:
stream_vis = self._stream_vises.get(from_stream.stream_name, None)
if not stream_vis: # select the first one we have
stream_vis = next(iter(self._stream_vises.values()))
VisBase.write_stream_plot(self, stream_vis, stream_item)
super(VisBase, self).write(stream_item)
def write_stream_plot(vis, stream_vis:StreamVisInfo, stream_item:StreamItem):
with vis.lock: # this could be from separate thread!
#if stream_vis is None:
# utils.debug_log('stream_vis not specified in VisBase.write')
# stream_vis = next(iter(vis._stream_vises.values())) # use first as default
utils.debug_log("Stream received: {}".format(stream_item.stream_name), verbosity=5)
# if we accumulated enough of pending items then let's process them
if vis._can_update_stream_plots():
def _extract_results(self, stream_vis):
stream_items, clear_current, clear_history = [], False, False
while not stream_vis._pending_items.empty():
stream_item = stream_vis._pending_items.get()
if stream_item.stream_reset:
utils.debug_log("Stream reset", stream_item.stream_name)
stream_items.clear() # no need to process these events
clear_current, clear_history = True, True
# check if there was an exception
if stream_item.exception is not None:
#TODO: need better handling here?
print(stream_item.exception, file=sys.stderr)
raise stream_item.exception
# state management for _clear_pending
# if we need to clear plot before putting in data, do so
if stream_vis._clear_pending:
clear_current = True
stream_vis._clear_pending = False
if stream_vis.clear_after_each or (stream_item.ended and stream_vis.clear_after_end):
stream_vis._clear_pending = True
return stream_items, clear_current, clear_history
def _extract_vals(self, stream_items):
vals = []
for stream_item in stream_items:
if stream_item.ended or stream_item.value is None:
pass # no values to add
if utils.is_array_like(stream_item.value, tuple_is_array=False):
return vals
def clear_plot(self, stream_vis, clear_history):
"""(for derived class) Clears the data in specified plot before new data is redrawn"""
def _show_stream_items(self, stream_vis, stream_items):
"""Paint the given stream_items in to visualizer. If visualizer is dirty then return False else True.
def _post_add_subscription(self, stream_vis, **stream_vis_args):
# typically we want to batch up items for performance
def _can_update_stream_plots(self):
return True
def _post_update_stream_plot(self, stream_vis):
def _update_stream_plots(self):
with self.lock:
self.q_last_processed = time.time()
for stream_vis in self._stream_vises.values():
stream_items, clear_current, clear_history = self._extract_results(stream_vis)
if clear_current:
self.clear_plot(stream_vis, clear_history)
# if we have something to render
dirty = not self._show_stream_items(stream_vis, stream_items)
if dirty:
stream_vis.last_update = time.time()
def _show_widget_native(self, blocking:bool):
def _show_widget_notebook(self):
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import sys, time, threading, queue, functools
from typing import Any
from types import MethodType
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from .lv_types import StreamVisInfo, StreamItem
from . import utils
from .stream import Stream
class VisBase(Stream, metaclass=ABCMeta):
# these are expensive import so we attach to base class so derived class can use them
from IPython import get_ipython, display
import ipywidgets as widgets
def __init__(self, widget, cell:widgets.Box, title:str, show_legend:bool, stream_name:str=None, console_debug:bool=False, **vis_args):
super(VisBase, self).__init__(stream_name=stream_name, console_debug=console_debug)
self.lock = threading.Lock()
self._use_hbox = True
#utils.set_default(vis_args, 'cell_width', '100%')
self.widget = widget
self.cell = cell or VisBase.widgets.HBox(layout=VisBase.widgets.Layout(\
width=vis_args.get('cell_width', None))) if self._use_hbox else None
if self._use_hbox:
self.cell.children += (self.widget,)
self._stream_vises = {}
self.is_shown = cell is not None
self.title = title
self.last_ex = None
self.layout_dirty = False
self.q_last_processed = 0
def subscribe(self, stream:Stream, title=None, clear_after_end=False, clear_after_each=False,
show:bool=False, history_len=1, dim_history=True, opacity=None, **stream_vis_args):
# in this ovedrride we don't call base class method
with self.lock:
self.layout_dirty = True
stream_vis = StreamVisInfo(stream, title, clear_after_end,
clear_after_each, history_len, dim_history, opacity,
len(self._stream_vises), stream_vis_args, 0)
stream_vis._clear_pending = False
stream_vis._pending_items = queue.Queue()
self._stream_vises[stream.stream_name] = stream_vis
self._post_add_subscription(stream_vis, **stream_vis_args)
super(VisBase, self).subscribe(stream)
if show or (show is None and not self.is_shown):
def show(self, blocking:bool=False):
self.is_shown = True
if VisBase.get_ipython():
if self._use_hbox:
VisBase.display.display(self.cell) # this method doesn't need returns
#return self.cell
return self._show_widget_notebook()
return self._show_widget_native(blocking)
def save(self, filepath:str)->None:
def write(self, val:Any, from_stream:'Stream'=None):
stream_item = self.to_stream_item(val)
stream_vis:StreamVisInfo = None
if from_stream:
stream_vis = self._stream_vises.get(from_stream.stream_name, None)
if not stream_vis: # select the first one we have
stream_vis = next(iter(self._stream_vises.values()))
VisBase.write_stream_plot(self, stream_vis, stream_item)
super(VisBase, self).write(stream_item)
def write_stream_plot(vis, stream_vis:StreamVisInfo, stream_item:StreamItem):
with vis.lock: # this could be from separate thread!
#if stream_vis is None:
# utils.debug_log('stream_vis not specified in VisBase.write')
# stream_vis = next(iter(vis._stream_vises.values())) # use first as default
utils.debug_log("Stream received: {}".format(stream_item.stream_name), verbosity=5)
# if we accumulated enough of pending items then let's process them
if vis._can_update_stream_plots():
def _extract_results(self, stream_vis):
stream_items, clear_current, clear_history = [], False, False
while not stream_vis._pending_items.empty():
stream_item = stream_vis._pending_items.get()
if stream_item.stream_reset:
utils.debug_log("Stream reset", stream_item.stream_name)
stream_items.clear() # no need to process these events
clear_current, clear_history = True, True
# check if there was an exception
if stream_item.exception is not None:
#TODO: need better handling here?
print(stream_item.exception, file=sys.stderr)
raise stream_item.exception
# state management for _clear_pending
# if we need to clear plot before putting in data, do so
if stream_vis._clear_pending:
clear_current = True
stream_vis._clear_pending = False
if stream_vis.clear_after_each or (stream_item.ended and stream_vis.clear_after_end):
stream_vis._clear_pending = True
return stream_items, clear_current, clear_history
def _extract_vals(self, stream_items):
vals = []
for stream_item in stream_items:
if stream_item.ended or stream_item.value is None:
pass # no values to add
if utils.is_array_like(stream_item.value, tuple_is_array=False):
return vals
def clear_plot(self, stream_vis, clear_history):
"""(for derived class) Clears the data in specified plot before new data is redrawn"""
def _show_stream_items(self, stream_vis, stream_items):
"""Paint the given stream_items in to visualizer. If visualizer is dirty then return False else True.
def _post_add_subscription(self, stream_vis, **stream_vis_args):
# typically we want to batch up items for performance
def _can_update_stream_plots(self):
return True
def _post_update_stream_plot(self, stream_vis):
def _update_stream_plots(self):
with self.lock:
self.q_last_processed = time.time()
for stream_vis in self._stream_vises.values():
stream_items, clear_current, clear_history = self._extract_results(stream_vis)
if clear_current:
self.clear_plot(stream_vis, clear_history)
# if we have something to render
dirty = not self._show_stream_items(stream_vis, stream_items)
if dirty:
stream_vis.last_update = time.time()
def _show_widget_native(self, blocking:bool):
def _show_widget_notebook(self):
def _save_widget(self, filepath:str)->None:
raise NotImplementedError('Save functionality is not implemented')

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@ -1,88 +1,91 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
from .stream import Stream
from .vis_base import VisBase
from . import mpl
from . import plotly
class Visualizer:
"""Constructs visualizer for specified vis_type.
NOTE: If you modify arguments here then also sync VisArgs contructor.
def __init__(self, stream:Stream, vis_type:str=None, host:'Visualizer'=None,
cell:'Visualizer'=None, title:str=None,
clear_after_end=False, clear_after_each=False, history_len=1, dim_history=True, opacity=None,
rows=2, cols=5, img_width=None, img_height=None, img_channels=None,
colormap=None, viz_img_scale=None,
# these image params are for hover on point for t-sne
hover_images=None, hover_image_reshape=None, cell_width:str=None, cell_height:str=None,
only_summary=False, separate_yaxis=True, xtitle=None, ytitle=None, ztitle=None, color=None,
xrange=None, yrange=None, zrange=None, draw_line=True, draw_marker=False,
# histogram
bins=None, normed=None, histtype='bar', edge_color=None, linewidth=None, bar_width=None,
# pie chart
autopct=None, shadow=None,
vis_args={}, stream_vis_args={})->None:
cell = cell._host_base.cell if cell is not None else None
if host:
self._host_base = host._host_base
self._host_base = self._get_vis_base(vis_type, cell, title, hover_images=hover_images, hover_image_reshape=hover_image_reshape,
cell_width=cell_width, cell_height=cell_height,
self._host_base.subscribe(stream, show=False, clear_after_end=clear_after_end, clear_after_each=clear_after_each,
history_len=history_len, dim_history=dim_history, opacity=opacity,
only_summary=only_summary if vis_type is None or 'summary' != vis_type else True,
separate_yaxis=separate_yaxis, xtitle=xtitle, ytitle=ytitle, ztitle=ztitle, color=color,
xrange=xrange, yrange=yrange, zrange=zrange,
draw_line=draw_line if vis_type is not None and 'scatter' in vis_type else True,
rows=rows, cols=cols, img_width=img_width, img_height=img_height, img_channels=img_channels,
colormap=colormap, viz_img_scale=viz_img_scale,
bins=bins, normed=normed, histtype=histtype, edge_color=edge_color, linewidth=linewidth, bar_width = bar_width,
autopct=autopct, shadow=shadow,
def show(self):
def _get_vis_base(self, vis_type, cell:VisBase.widgets.Box, title, hover_images=None, hover_image_reshape=None, cell_width=None, cell_height=None, **vis_args)->VisBase:
if vis_type is None or vis_type in ['line',
'mpl-line', 'mpl-line3d', 'mpl-scatter3d', 'mpl-scatter']:
return mpl.line_plot.LinePlot(cell=cell, title=title, cell_width=cell_width, cell_height=cell_height,
is_3d=vis_type is not None and vis_type.endswith('3d'), **vis_args)
if vis_type in ['image', 'mpl-image']:
return mpl.image_plot.ImagePlot(cell=cell, title=title, cell_width=cell_width, cell_height=cell_height, **vis_args)
if vis_type in ['bar', 'bar3d']:
return mpl.bar_plot.BarPlot(cell=cell, title=title, cell_width=cell_width, cell_height=cell_height,
is_3d=vis_type.endswith('3d'), **vis_args)
if vis_type in ['histogram']:
return mpl.histogram.Histogram(cell=cell, title=title, cell_width=cell_width, cell_height=cell_height, **vis_args)
if vis_type in ['pie']:
return mpl.pie_chart.PieChart(cell=cell, title=title, cell_width=cell_width, cell_height=cell_height, **vis_args)
if vis_type in ['text', 'summary']:
from .text_vis import TextVis
return TextVis(cell=cell, title=title, cell_width=cell_width, cell_height=cell_height, **vis_args)
if vis_type in ['line3d', 'scatter', 'scatter3d',
'plotly-line', 'plotly-line3d', 'plotly-scatter', 'plotly-scatter3d', 'mesh3d']:
return plotly.line_plot.LinePlot(cell=cell, title=title, cell_width=cell_width, cell_height=cell_height,
is_3d=vis_type.endswith('3d'), **vis_args)
if vis_type in ['tsne', 'embeddings', 'tsne2d', 'embeddings2d']:
return plotly.embeddings_plot.EmbeddingsPlot(cell=cell, title=title, cell_width=cell_width, cell_height=cell_height,
is_3d='2d' not in vis_type,
hover_images=hover_images, hover_image_reshape=hover_image_reshape, **vis_args)
raise ValueError('Render vis_type parameter has invalid value: "{}"'.format(vis_type))
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
from .stream import Stream
from .vis_base import VisBase
from . import mpl
from . import plotly
class Visualizer:
"""Constructs visualizer for specified vis_type.
NOTE: If you modify arguments here then also sync VisArgs contructor.
def __init__(self, stream:Stream, vis_type:str=None, host:'Visualizer'=None,
cell:'Visualizer'=None, title:str=None,
clear_after_end=False, clear_after_each=False, history_len=1, dim_history=True, opacity=None,
rows=2, cols=5, img_width=None, img_height=None, img_channels=None,
colormap=None, viz_img_scale=None,
# these image params are for hover on point for t-sne
hover_images=None, hover_image_reshape=None, cell_width:str=None, cell_height:str=None,
only_summary=False, separate_yaxis=True, xtitle=None, ytitle=None, ztitle=None, color=None,
xrange=None, yrange=None, zrange=None, draw_line=True, draw_marker=False,
# histogram
bins=None, normed=None, histtype='bar', edge_color=None, linewidth=None, bar_width=None,
# pie chart
autopct=None, shadow=None,
vis_args={}, stream_vis_args={})->None:
cell = cell._host_base.cell if cell is not None else None
if host:
self._host_base = host._host_base
self._host_base = self._get_vis_base(vis_type, cell, title, hover_images=hover_images, hover_image_reshape=hover_image_reshape,
cell_width=cell_width, cell_height=cell_height,
self._host_base.subscribe(stream, show=False, clear_after_end=clear_after_end, clear_after_each=clear_after_each,
history_len=history_len, dim_history=dim_history, opacity=opacity,
only_summary=only_summary if vis_type is None or 'summary' != vis_type else True,
separate_yaxis=separate_yaxis, xtitle=xtitle, ytitle=ytitle, ztitle=ztitle, color=color,
xrange=xrange, yrange=yrange, zrange=zrange,
draw_line=draw_line if vis_type is not None and 'scatter' in vis_type else True,
rows=rows, cols=cols, img_width=img_width, img_height=img_height, img_channels=img_channels,
colormap=colormap, viz_img_scale=viz_img_scale,
bins=bins, normed=normed, histtype=histtype, edge_color=edge_color, linewidth=linewidth, bar_width = bar_width,
autopct=autopct, shadow=shadow,
def show(self):
def save(self, filepath:str)->None:
def _get_vis_base(self, vis_type, cell:VisBase.widgets.Box, title, hover_images=None, hover_image_reshape=None, cell_width=None, cell_height=None, **vis_args)->VisBase:
if vis_type is None or vis_type in ['line',
'mpl-line', 'mpl-line3d', 'mpl-scatter3d', 'mpl-scatter']:
return mpl.line_plot.LinePlot(cell=cell, title=title, cell_width=cell_width, cell_height=cell_height,
is_3d=vis_type is not None and vis_type.endswith('3d'), **vis_args)
if vis_type in ['image', 'mpl-image']:
return mpl.image_plot.ImagePlot(cell=cell, title=title, cell_width=cell_width, cell_height=cell_height, **vis_args)
if vis_type in ['bar', 'bar3d']:
return mpl.bar_plot.BarPlot(cell=cell, title=title, cell_width=cell_width, cell_height=cell_height,
is_3d=vis_type.endswith('3d'), **vis_args)
if vis_type in ['histogram']:
return mpl.histogram.Histogram(cell=cell, title=title, cell_width=cell_width, cell_height=cell_height, **vis_args)
if vis_type in ['pie']:
return mpl.pie_chart.PieChart(cell=cell, title=title, cell_width=cell_width, cell_height=cell_height, **vis_args)
if vis_type in ['text', 'summary']:
from .text_vis import TextVis
return TextVis(cell=cell, title=title, cell_width=cell_width, cell_height=cell_height, **vis_args)
if vis_type in ['line3d', 'scatter', 'scatter3d',
'plotly-line', 'plotly-line3d', 'plotly-scatter', 'plotly-scatter3d', 'mesh3d']:
return plotly.line_plot.LinePlot(cell=cell, title=title, cell_width=cell_width, cell_height=cell_height,
is_3d=vis_type.endswith('3d'), **vis_args)
if vis_type in ['tsne', 'embeddings', 'tsne2d', 'embeddings2d']:
return plotly.embeddings_plot.EmbeddingsPlot(cell=cell, title=title, cell_width=cell_width, cell_height=cell_height,
is_3d='2d' not in vis_type,
hover_images=hover_images, hover_image_reshape=hover_image_reshape, **vis_args)
raise ValueError('Render vis_type parameter has invalid value: "{}"'.format(vis_type))

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
import tensorwatch as tw
stream = tw.ArrayStream([(i, i*i) for i in range(50)])
img_plot = tw.Visualizer(stream, vis_type='mpl-line', viz_img_scale=3, xtitle='Epochs', ytitle='Gain')
# tw.plt_loop()'c:\temp\fig1.png')