############################################################################ # For ignoring files that appear under a specific folder, you should # usually add a .gitignore file to that specific folder. # This file is reserved for common file patterns that should be # ignored everywhere. ############################################################################ ## Ignore Visual Studio temporary files, build results, and ## files generated by popular Visual Studio add-ons. # User-specific files *.suo *.user *.sln.docstates *.sln.metaproj *.sln.metaproj.tmp .vs/ .vscode/ *.cache # Build results [Bb]in/ [Oo]bj/ !**/LocProjects/[Bb]in/ *.tlog msbuild*.log msbuild*.wrn msbuild*.err build*.log build*.wrn build*.err *.binlog # MSTest test Results [Tt]est[Rr]esult*/ [Bb]uild[Ll]og.* # Visual C++ cache files ipch/ *.aps *.ncb *.opensdf *.sdf *.cachefile # Visual Studio profiler *.psess *.vsp *.vspx # ReSharper is a .NET coding add-in _ReSharper*/ *.[Rr]e[Ss]harper # DotCover is a Code Coverage Tool *.dotCover # Backup & report files from converting an old project file to a newer # Visual Studio version. Backup files are not needed, because we have git ;-) _UpgradeReport_Files/ Backup*/ UpgradeLog*.XML UpgradeLog*.htm *.log # ========================= # Windows detritus # ========================= # Windows image file caches Thumbs.db ehthumbs.db # =========================== # Fakes outputs # =========================== *.Fakes.dll *.fakesconfig *.Fakes.xml # =========================== # Folder ignores # =========================== /packages/ /artifacts/ /Tools/ /.dotnet/ /TestAssets/ # =========================== # Tools # =========================== nuget.exe # =========================== # Intermediate packages # =========================== *.zip # =========================== # UWP project intermediate files # =========================== project.lock.json project.fragment.lock.json *.nuget.targets *.nuget.props # =========================== # Localized resx files # =========================== *.cs.resx *.de.resx *.es.resx *.fr.resx *.it.resx *.ja.resx *.ko.resx *.pl.resx *.pt-BR.resx *.ru.resx *.tr.resx *.zh-Hans.resx *.zh-Hant.resx # =========================== # Ionide # =========================== .fake/ .ionide/ # Arcade files .dotnet/ .packages/ .tools/ # =========================== # Update template files # =========================== /src/Package/MSTest.Sdk/Sdk/Sdk.props /src/Package/MSTest.Sdk/Sdk/Runner/Runner.targets # Playground project (use force add if a change is really worth it) /samples/Playground/ # jetbrains temp .idea/