update invariant tests to use data providers
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,190 +8,197 @@ use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use PhpParser\TokenKind;
class LexerInvariantsTest extends TestCase {
// TODO test w/ multiple files
const FILENAMES = array (
__dir__ . "/cases/testfile.php",
__dir__ . "/cases/commentsFile.php"
protected $lexer;
protected $fileToTokensArrayMap;
public function setUp() {
$this->lexer = new \PhpParser\Lexer();
$this->fileToTokensArrayMap = array();
public static function tokensArrayProvider() {
$lexer = new \PhpParser\Lexer();
$fileToTokensMap = array();
foreach (self::FILENAMES as $filename) {
$this->fileToTokensArrayMap[$filename] = $this->lexer->getTokensArray($filename);
$fileToTokensMap[basename($filename)] = [$filename, $lexer->getTokensArray($filename)];
return $fileToTokensMap;
* @dataProvider tokensArrayProvider
public function testTokenLengthSum($filename, $tokensArray) {
$tokenLengthSum = 0;
foreach ($tokensArray as $token) {
$tokenLengthSum += $token->length;
filesize($filename), $tokenLengthSum,
"Invariant: Sum of the lengths of all the tokens should be equivalent to the length of the document.");
* @dataProvider tokensArrayProvider
public function testTokenStartGeqFullStart($filename, $tokensArray) {
foreach ($tokensArray as $token) {
$token->fullStart, $token->start,
"Invariant: A token's Start is always >= FullStart.");
public function testTokenLengthSum() {
foreach ($this->fileToTokensArrayMap as $filename=>$tokensArray) {
$tokenLengthSum = 0;
foreach ($tokensArray as $token) {
$tokenLengthSum += $token->length;
* @dataProvider tokensArrayProvider
public function testTokenContentMatchesFileSpan($filename, $tokensArray) {
$fileContents = file_get_contents($filename);
foreach ($tokensArray as $token) {
filesize($filename), $tokenLengthSum,
"Invariant: Sum of the lengths of all the tokens should be equivalent to the length of the document.");
public function testTokenStartGeqFullStart() {
foreach ($this->fileToTokensArrayMap as $filename=>$tokensArray) {
foreach ($tokensArray as $token) {
$token->fullStart, $token->start,
"Invariant: A token's Start is always >= FullStart.");
public function testTokenContentMatchesFileSpan() {
foreach ($this->fileToTokensArrayMap as $filename=>$tokensArray) {
$fileContents = file_get_contents($filename);
foreach ($tokensArray as $token) {
substr($fileContents, $token->fullStart, $token->length),
"Invariant: A token's content exactly matches the range of the file its span specifies"
public function testTokenFullTextMatchesTriviaPlusText() {
foreach ($this->fileToTokensArrayMap as $filename=>$tokensArray) {
$fileContents = file_get_contents($filename);
foreach ($tokensArray as $token) {
$token->getTriviaForToken($fileContents) . $token->getTextForToken($fileContents),
"Invariant: FullText of each token matches Trivia plus Text"
public function testTokenFullTextConcatenationMatchesDocumentText() {
foreach ($this->fileToTokensArrayMap as $filename=>$tokensArray) {
$fileContents = file_get_contents($filename);
$tokenFullTextConcatenation = "";
foreach ($tokensArray as $token) {
$tokenFullTextConcatenation .= $token->getFullTextForToken($fileContents);
"Invariant: Concatenating FullText of each token returns the document"
substr($fileContents, $token->fullStart, $token->length),
"Invariant: A token's content exactly matches the range of the file its span specifies"
public function testGetTokenFullTextLengthMatchesLength() {
foreach ($this->fileToTokensArrayMap as $filename=>$tokensArray) {
$fileContents = file_get_contents($filename);
foreach ($tokensArray as $token) {
"Invariant: a token's FullText length is equivalent to Length"
public function testTokenTextLengthMatchesLengthMinusStartPlusFullStart() {
foreach ($this->fileToTokensArrayMap as $filename=>$tokensArray) {
$fileContents = file_get_contents($filename);
foreach ($tokensArray as $token) {
$token->length - ($token->start - $token->fullStart),
"Invariant: a token's FullText length is equivalent to Length - (Start - FullStart)"
public function testTokenTriviaLengthMatchesStartMinusFullStart() {
foreach ($this->fileToTokensArrayMap as $filename=>$tokensArray) {
$fileContents = file_get_contents($filename);
foreach ($tokensArray as $token) {
$token->start - $token->fullStart,
"Invariant: a token's Trivia length is equivalent to (Start - FullStart)"
public function testEOFTokenTextHasZeroLength() {
foreach ($this->fileToTokensArrayMap as $filename=>$tokensArray) {
$tokenText = $tokensArray[count($tokensArray) - 1]->getTextForToken($filename);
* @dataProvider tokensArrayProvider
public function testTokenFullTextMatchesTriviaPlusText($filename, $tokensArray) {
$fileContents = file_get_contents($filename);
foreach ($tokensArray as $token) {
0, strlen($tokenText),
"Invariant: End-of-file token text should have zero length"
$token->getTriviaForToken($fileContents) . $token->getTextForToken($fileContents),
"Invariant: FullText of each token matches Trivia plus Text"
public function testTokensArrayEndsWithEOFToken() {
foreach ($this->fileToTokensArrayMap as $filename=>$tokensArray) {
* @dataProvider tokensArrayProvider
public function testTokenFullTextConcatenationMatchesDocumentText($filename, $tokensArray) {
$fileContents = file_get_contents($filename);
$tokenFullTextConcatenation = "";
foreach ($tokensArray as $token) {
$tokenFullTextConcatenation .= $token->getFullTextForToken($fileContents);
"Invariant: Concatenating FullText of each token returns the document"
* @dataProvider tokensArrayProvider
public function testGetTokenFullTextLengthMatchesLength($filename, $tokensArray) {
$fileContents = file_get_contents($filename);
foreach ($tokensArray as $token) {
$tokensArray[count($tokensArray) - 1]->kind, TokenKind::EndOfFileToken,
"Invariant: Tokens array should always end with end of file token"
"Invariant: a token's FullText length is equivalent to Length"
public function testTokensArrayOnlyContainsExactlyOneEOFToken () {
foreach ($this->fileToTokensArrayMap as $filename=>$tokensArray) {
* @dataProvider tokensArrayProvider
public function testTokenTextLengthMatchesLengthMinusStartPlusFullStart($filename, $tokensArray) {
$fileContents = file_get_contents($filename);
$eofTokenCount = 0;
foreach ($tokensArray as $token) {
$token->length - ($token->start - $token->fullStart),
"Invariant: a token's FullText length is equivalent to Length - (Start - FullStart)"
foreach ($tokensArray as $index => $token) {
if ($token->kind == TokenKind::EndOfFileToken) {
* @dataProvider tokensArrayProvider
public function testTokenTriviaLengthMatchesStartMinusFullStart($filename, $tokensArray) {
$fileContents = file_get_contents($filename);
foreach ($tokensArray as $token) {
$token->start - $token->fullStart,
"Invariant: a token's Trivia length is equivalent to (Start - FullStart)"
* @dataProvider tokensArrayProvider
public function testEOFTokenTextHasZeroLength($filename, $tokensArray) {
$tokenText = $tokensArray[count($tokensArray) - 1]->getTextForToken($filename);
0, strlen($tokenText),
"Invariant: End-of-file token text should have zero length"
* @dataProvider tokensArrayProvider
public function testTokensArrayEndsWithEOFToken($filename, $tokensArray) {
$tokensArray[count($tokensArray) - 1]->kind, TokenKind::EndOfFileToken,
"Invariant: Tokens array should always end with end of file token"
* @dataProvider tokensArrayProvider
public function testTokensArrayOnlyContainsExactlyOneEOFToken ($filename, $tokensArray) {
$eofTokenCount = 0;
foreach ($tokensArray as $index => $token) {
if ($token->kind == TokenKind::EndOfFileToken) {
1, $eofTokenCount,
"Invariant: Tokens array should contain exactly one EOF token"
1, $eofTokenCount,
"Invariant: Tokens array should contain exactly one EOF token"
public function testTokenFullStartBeginsImmediatelyAfterPreviousToken () {
foreach ($this->fileToTokensArrayMap as $filename=>$tokensArray) {
foreach ($tokensArray as $index => $token) {
if ($index === 0) {
$prevToken = $token;
$prevToken->fullStart + $prevToken->length, $token->fullStart,
"Invariant: Token FullStart should begin immediately after previous token end"
* @dataProvider tokensArrayProvider
public function testTokenFullStartBeginsImmediatelyAfterPreviousToken ($filename, $tokensArray) {
foreach ($tokensArray as $index => $token) {
if ($index === 0) {
$prevToken = $token;
$prevToken->fullStart + $prevToken->length, $token->fullStart,
"Invariant: Token FullStart should begin immediately after previous token end"
$prevToken = $token;
public function testWithDifferentEncodings() {
* @dataProvider tokensArrayProvider
public function testWithDifferentEncodings($filename, $tokensArray) {
// TODO test with different encodings
'This test has not been implemented yet.'
@ -10,155 +10,159 @@ use PhpParser\TokenKind;
use PhpParser\Node;
class ParserInvariantsTest extends LexerInvariantsTest {
// TODO test w/ multiple files
const FILENAMES = array (
__dir__ . "/cases/parserPocFile.php",
__dir__ . "/cases/parserPocFile2.php"
private $parser;
public function setUp() {
$this->parser = new \PhpParser\Parser();
public static function sourceFileNodeProvider() {
$testFiles = array();
$parser = new \PhpParser\Parser();
foreach (self::FILENAMES as $filename) {
$sourceFileNode = $this->parser->parseSourceFile($filename);
$testFiles[basename($filename)] = [$filename, $parser->parseSourceFile($filename)];
return $testFiles;
public static function tokensArrayProvider() {
$testFiles = array();
$parser = new \PhpParser\Parser();
foreach (self::FILENAMES as $filename) {
$sourceFileNode = $parser->parseSourceFile($filename);
$tokensArray = array();
foreach ($sourceFileNode->getAllChildren() as $child) {
if ($child instanceof \PhpParser\Token) {
array_push($tokensArray, $child);
$this->fileToTokensArrayMap[$filename] = $tokensArray;
$testFiles[basename($filename)] = [$filename, $tokensArray];
return $testFiles;
public function testSourceFileNodeLengthEqualsDocumentLength() {
foreach (self::FILENAMES as $filename) {
$sourceFileNode = $this->parser->parseSourceFile($filename);
filesize($filename), $sourceFileNode->getLength(),
"Invariant: The tree length exactly matches the file length.");
* @dataProvider sourceFileNodeProvider
public function testSourceFileNodeLengthEqualsDocumentLength($filename, $sourceFileNode) {
filesize($filename), $sourceFileNode->getLength(),
"Invariant: The tree length exactly matches the file length.");
public function testNodesAllHaveAtLeastOneChild() {
foreach (self::FILENAMES as $filename) {
$sourceFileNode = $this->parser->parseSourceFile($filename);
* @dataProvider sourceFileNodeProvider
public function testNodesAllHaveAtLeastOneChild($filename, $sourceFileNode) {
foreach ($sourceFileNode->getAllChildren() as $child) {
if ($child instanceof Node) {
1, count($child->children),
"Invariant: All Nodes have at least one child."
foreach ($sourceFileNode->getAllChildren() as $child) {
if ($child instanceof Node) {
1, count($child->children),
"Invariant: All Nodes have at least one child."
public function testEveryNodeSpanIsSumOfChildSpans() {
foreach (self::FILENAMES as $filename) {
$sourceFileNode = $this->parser->parseSourceFile($filename);
* @dataProvider sourceFileNodeProvider
public function testEveryNodeSpanIsSumOfChildSpans($filename, $sourceFileNode) {
$treeElements = $sourceFileNode->getAllChildren();
array_push($treeElements, $sourceFileNode);
$treeElements = $sourceFileNode->getAllChildren();
array_push($treeElements, $sourceFileNode);
foreach ($treeElements as $element) {
if ($element instanceof Node) {
$expectedLength = 0;
foreach ($element->children as $child) {
if ($child instanceof Node) {
$expectedLength += $child->getLength();
} else if ($child instanceof \PhpParser\Token) {
$expectedLength += $child->length;
$expectedLength, $element->getLength(),
"Invariant: Span of any Node is span of child nodes and tokens."
public function testParentOfNodeHasSameChildNode() {
foreach (self::FILENAMES as $filename) {
$sourceFileNode = $this->parser->parseSourceFile($filename);
foreach ($sourceFileNode->getAllChildren() as $child) {
if ($child instanceof Node) {
$child, $child->parent->children,
"Invariant: Parent of Node contains same child node."
public function testEachChildHasExactlyOneParent() {
foreach (self::FILENAMES as $filename) {
$sourceFileNode = $this->parser->parseSourceFile($filename);
$treeElements = $sourceFileNode->getAllChildren();
array_push($treeElements, $sourceFileNode);
foreach ($sourceFileNode->getAllChildren() as $child) {
$count = 0;
foreach ($treeElements as $element) {
if ($element instanceof Node) {
if (in_array($child, $element->children, true)) {
foreach ($treeElements as $element) {
if ($element instanceof Node) {
$expectedLength = 0;
foreach ($element->children as $child) {
if ($child instanceof Node) {
$expectedLength += $child->getLength();
} else if ($child instanceof \PhpParser\Token) {
$expectedLength += $child->length;
1, $count,
"Invariant: each child has exactly one parent.");
$expectedLength, $element->getLength(),
"Invariant: Span of any Node is span of child nodes and tokens."
public function testRootNodeHasNoParent() {
foreach (self::FILENAMES as $filename) {
$sourceFileNode = $this->parser->parseSourceFile($filename);
* @dataProvider sourceFileNodeProvider
public function testParentOfNodeHasSameChildNode($filename, $sourceFileNode) {
foreach ($sourceFileNode->getAllChildren() as $child) {
if ($child instanceof Node) {
$child, $child->parent->children,
"Invariant: Parent of Node contains same child node."
* @dataProvider sourceFileNodeProvider
public function testEachChildHasExactlyOneParent($filename, $sourceFileNode) {
$treeElements = $sourceFileNode->getAllChildren();
array_push($treeElements, $sourceFileNode);
foreach ($sourceFileNode->getAllChildren() as $child) {
$count = 0;
foreach ($treeElements as $element) {
if ($element instanceof Node) {
if (in_array($child, $element->children, true)) {
null, $sourceFileNode->parent,
"Invariant: Root node of tree has no parent.");
1, $count,
"Invariant: each child has exactly one parent.");
public function testRootNodeIsNeverAChild() {
foreach (self::FILENAMES as $filename) {
$sourceFileNode = $this->parser->parseSourceFile($filename);
* @dataProvider sourceFileNodeProvider
public function testRootNodeHasNoParent($filename, $sourceFileNode) {
null, $sourceFileNode->parent,
"Invariant: Root node of tree has no parent.");
$treeElements = $sourceFileNode->getAllChildren();
array_push($treeElements, $sourceFileNode);
* @dataProvider sourceFileNodeProvider
public function testRootNodeIsNeverAChild($filename, $sourceFileNode) {
$treeElements = $sourceFileNode->getAllChildren();
array_push($treeElements, $sourceFileNode);
foreach($treeElements as $element) {
if ($element instanceof Node) {
$sourceFileNode, $element->children,
"Invariant: root node of tree is never a child.");
foreach($treeElements as $element) {
if ($element instanceof Node) {
$sourceFileNode, $element->children,
"Invariant: root node of tree is never a child.");
public function testEveryNodeHasAKind() {
foreach (self::FILENAMES as $filename) {
$sourceFileNode = $this->parser->parseSourceFile($filename);
* @dataProvider sourceFileNodeProvider
public function testEveryNodeHasAKind($filename, $sourceFileNode) {
$treeElements = $sourceFileNode->getAllChildren();
array_push($treeElements, $sourceFileNode);
$treeElements = $sourceFileNode->getAllChildren();
array_push($treeElements, $sourceFileNode);
foreach($treeElements as $element) {
if ($element instanceof Node) {
"Invariant: Every Node has a Kind");
foreach($treeElements as $element) {
if ($element instanceof Node) {
"Invariant: Every Node has a Kind");
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