66 строки
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66 строки
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<phpunit bootstrap="src/bootstrap.php"
<testsuite name="invariants">
Tests that token/tree production is "structurally" sound.
* INPUT: All PHP files in `tests/cases/**/`
* OUTPUT: TODO - output failing tests
<testsuite name="grammar">
Tests that we are properly implementing the grammar.
* INPUT: All files in `tests/cases/**/`
* OUTPUT: TODO - output failing tests
<testsuite name="validation">
Validates against real-world scenarios.
* INPUT: All files in `validation/frameworks/<framework-name>/*`
* OUTPUT: Failing tests are output to `tests/output/<framework-name>`
<testsuite name="api">
<testsuite name="performance">
<!-- TODO: Validates that there are no performance regressions. -->
<!-- Code coverage whitelist. -->
<whitelist processUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist="true">
<directory suffix=".php">/src/Node</directory>
TODO: see if we can remove this in the future. It may be indicative of not passing things
by reference properly in the API.
<ini name="memory_limit" value="500M"/>
<ini name="assert.exception" value="1"/>