
290 строки
9.1 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
namespace PhpParser;
class Token implements \JsonSerializable {
// TODO optimize memory - ideally this would be a struct of 4 ints
public $kind;
public $fullStart;
public $start;
public $length;
public function __construct($kind, $fullStart, $start, $length) {
$this->kind = $kind;
$this->fullStart = $fullStart;
$this->start = $start;
$this->length = $length;
public function getTriviaForToken(string $document) : string {
return substr($document, $this->fullStart, $this->start - $this->fullStart);
public function getTextForToken(string $document) : string {
return substr($document, $this->start, $this->length - ($this->start - $this->fullStart));
public function getFullTextForToken(string $document) : string {
return substr($document, $this->fullStart, $this->length);
public function getEnd() {
return $this->fullStart + $this->length;
function jsonSerialize() {
$kindName = $this->getTokenKindNameFromValue($this->kind);
return [
"kind" => $kindName,
"textLength" => $this->length - ($this->start - $this->fullStart)
} else {
return [
"kind" => $kindName,
"fullStart" => $this->fullStart,
"start" => $this->start,
"length" => $this->length
public static function getTokenKindNameFromValue($kindName) {
$constants = (new \ReflectionClass("PhpParser\\TokenKind"))->getConstants();
foreach ($constants as $name => $val) {
if ($val == $kindName) {
$kindName = $name;
return $kindName;
class MissingToken extends Token {
public function __construct(int $kind, int $fullStart) {
parent::__construct($kind, $fullStart, $fullStart, 0);
function jsonSerialize() {
return array_merge(
["error" => $this->getTokenKindNameFromValue(TokenKind::MissingToken)],
class SkippedToken extends Token {
public function __construct(Token $token) {
parent::__construct($token->kind, $token->fullStart, $token->start, $token->length);
function jsonSerialize() {
return array_merge(
["error" => $this->getTokenKindNameFromValue(TokenKind::SkippedToken)],
// TODO enum equivalent?
class TokenKind {
const Unknown = 0;
const EndOfFileToken = 1;
const Name = 2;
const VariableName = 3;
const SkippedToken = 4;
const MissingToken = 5;
const QualifiedName = 6;
const AbstractKeyword = 101;
const AndKeyword = 102;
const ArrayKeyword = 103;
const AsKeyword = 104;
const BreakKeyword = 105;
const CallableKeyword = 106;
const CaseKeyword = 107;
const CatchKeyword = 108;
const ClassKeyword = 109;
const CloneKeyword = 110;
const ConstKeyword = 111;
const ContinueKeyword = 112;
const DeclareKeyword = 113;
const DefaultKeyword = 114;
const DieKeyword = 115;
const DoKeyword = 116;
const EchoKeyword = 117;
const ElseKeyword = 118;
const ElseIfKeyword = 119;
const EmptyKeyword = 120;
const EndDeclareKeyword = 121;
const EndForKeyword = 122;
const EndForEachKeyword = 123;
const EndIfKeyword = 124;
const EndSwitchKeyword = 125;
const EndWhileKeyword = 126;
const EvalKeyword = 127;
const ExitKeyword = 128;
const ExtendsKeyword = 129;
const FinalKeyword = 130;
const FinallyKeyword = 131;
const ForKeyword = 132;
const ForeachKeyword = 133;
const FunctionKeyword = 134;
const GlobalKeyword = 135;
const GotoKeyword = 136;
const IfKeyword = 137;
const ImplementsKeyword = 138;
const IncludeKeyword = 139;
const IncludeOnceKeyword = 140;
const InstanceOfKeyword = 141;
const InsteadOfKeyword = 142;
const InterfaceKeyword = 143;
const IsSetKeyword = 144;
const ListKeyword = 145;
const NamespaceKeyword = 146;
const NewKeyword = 147;
const OrKeyword = 148;
const PrintKeyword = 149;
const PrivateKeyword = 150;
const ProtectedKeyword = 151;
const PublicKeyword = 152;
const RequireKeyword = 153;
const RequireOnceKeyword = 154;
const ReturnKeyword = 155;
const StaticKeyword = 156;
const SwitchKeyword = 157;
const ThrowKeyword = 158;
const TraitKeyword = 159;
const TryKeyword = 160;
const UnsetKeyword = 161;
const UseKeyword = 162;
const VarKeyword = 163;
const WhileKeyword = 164;
const XorKeyword = 165;
const YieldKeyword = 166;
const YieldFromKeyword = 167;
const OpenBracketToken = 201;
const CloseBracketToken = 202;
const OpenParenToken = 203;
const CloseParenToken = 204;
const OpenBraceToken = 205;
const CloseBraceToken = 206;
const DotToken = 207;
const ArrowToken = 208;
const PlusPlusToken = 209;
const MinusMinusToken = 210;
const AsteriskAsteriskToken = 211;
const AsteriskToken = 212;
const PlusToken = 213;
const MinusToken = 214;
const TildeToken = 215;
const ExclamationToken = 216;
const DollarToken = 217;
const SlashToken = 218;
const PercentToken = 220;
const LessThanLessThanToken = 221;
const GreaterThanGreaterThanToken = 222;
const LessThanToken = 223;
const GreaterThanToken = 224;
const LessThanEqualsToken = 225;
const GreaterThanEqualsToken = 226;
const EqualsEqualsToken = 227;
const EqualsEqualsEqualsToken = 228;
const ExclamationEqualsToken = 229;
const ExclamationEqualsEqualsToken = 230;
const CaretToken = 231;
const BarToken = 232;
const AmpersandToken = 233;
const AmpersandAmpersandToken = 234;
const BarBarToken = 235;
const ColonToken = 236;
const SemicolonToken = 237;
const EqualsToken = 238;
const AsteriskAsteriskEqualsToken = 239;
const AsteriskEqualsToken = 240;
const SlashEqualsToken = 241;
const PercentEqualsToken = 242;
const PlusEqualsToken = 243;
const MinusEqualsToken = 244;
const DotEqualsToken = 245;
const LessThanLessThanEqualsToken = 246;
const GreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken = 247;
const AmpersandEqualsToken = 248;
const CaretEqualsToken = 249;
const BarEqualsToken = 250;
const CommaToken = 251;
const QuestionQuestionToken = 252;
const LessThanEqualsGreaterThanToken = 253;
const DotDotDotToken = 254;
const BackslashToken = 255;
const ColonColonToken = 256;
const DoubleArrowToken = 257; // TODO missing from spec
const LessThanGreaterThanToken = 258; // TODO missing from spec
const AtSymbolToken = 259;
const BacktickToken = 260;
const QuestionToken = 261;
const DecimalLiteralToken = 301;
const OctalLiteralToken = 302;
const HexadecimalLiteralToken = 303;
const BinaryLiteralToken = 304;
const FloatingLiteralToken = 305;
const InvalidOctalLiteralToken = 306;
const InvalidHexadecimalLiteral = 307;
const InvalidBinaryLiteral = 308;
const StringLiteralToken = 309;
const UnterminatedStringLiteralToken = 310;
const TemplateStringStart = 311;
const TemplateStringMiddle = 312;
const TemplateStringEnd = 313;
const NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral = 314;
const UnterminatedNoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral = 315;
const UnterminatedTemplateStringEnd = 316;
const IntReservedWord = 317;
const FloatReservedWord = 318;
const TrueReservedWord = 319;
const StringReservedWord = 320;
const BoolReservedWord = 321;
const NullReservedWord = 322;
const ScriptSectionStartTag = 323;
const ScriptSectionEndTag = 324;
// TODO how to handle incremental parsing w/ this?
const ScriptSectionPrependedText = 325;
const VoidReservedWord = 326;
const FalseReservedWord = 327;
const MemberName = 328;
const Expression = 329;
const BinaryReservedWord = 330; // TODO better way
const BooleanReservedWord = 331;
const DoubleReservedWord = 332;
const IntegerReservedWord = 333;
const ObjectReservedWord = 334;
const RealReservedWord = 335;
const ReturnType = 336;
const InlineHtml = 337;
// TODO type annotations - PHP7