[build-system] requires = [ "setuptools>=42", "wheel", ] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" [tool.black] target-version = ["py36", "py37", "py38", "py39"] color = true exclude = ''' /( # TorchGeo | data | logo | logs | output # Spack | \.spack-env # Python | build | dist | \.cache | \.mypy_cache | \.pytest_cache | __pycache__ | .*\.egg-info # Git | \.git | \.github )/ ''' [tool.isort] profile = "black" known_first_party = ["docs", "tests", "torchgeo"] extend_skip = [".spack-env/", "data", "logs", "output"] skip_gitignore = true color_output = true [tool.mypy] ignore_missing_imports = true show_error_codes = true exclude = "(build|data|dist|logo|logs|output)/" # Strict warn_unused_configs = true disallow_any_generics = true disallow_subclassing_any = true disallow_untyped_calls = true disallow_untyped_defs = true disallow_incomplete_defs = true check_untyped_defs = true disallow_untyped_decorators = true no_implicit_optional = true warn_redundant_casts = true warn_unused_ignores = true warn_return_any = true no_implicit_reexport = true strict_equality = true [tool.pydocstyle] convention = "google" match_dir = "(datasets|samplers|torchgeo|trainers|transforms)" [tool.pytest.ini_options] # Skip slow tests by default addopts = "-m 'not slow'" filterwarnings = [ "ignore:.*Create unlinked descriptors is going to go away.*:DeprecationWarning", # https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorboard/pull/5138 "ignore:.*is a deprecated alias for the builtin.*:DeprecationWarning", ] markers = [ "slow: marks tests as slow", ] norecursedirs = [ ".ipynb_checkpoints", "data", "__pycache__", ] testpaths = [ "tests", "docs/tutorials", ]