# Prevent Git to auto detect text files and perform LF normalization. * -text # The item with `binary` is treated as binary file. # The item with `eol=lf` is converted to LF on checkin, back to LF on checkout. # The item with `eol=crlf` is converted to LF on checkin, back to CRLF on checkout. # To get full extension list in the repo, remove the node_modules folder and run the following PowerShell cmdlet. # PS> Get-ChildItem . -Recurse | Where-Object { -not $_.PSIsContainer } | ForEach-Object { $_.Extension.ToLower() } | Sort-Object | Get-Unique # If new extensions are added, please refresh the repo with the following commands. # Reference: https://git-scm.com/docs/gitattributes # > rm .git/index # Remove the index to force Git to # > git reset # re-scan the working directory # > git status # Show files that will be normalized # > git add -u # > git add .gitattributes # > git commit -m "Apply end-of-line normalization based on updated .gitattributes file" *.aspx text eol=crlf *.bowerrc text eol=lf *.cmd text eol=crlf *.command text eol=lf *.config text eol=crlf *.cs text eol=crlf *.csproj text eol=crlf *.css text eol=crlf *.dll binary *.editorconfig text eol=lf *.eot binary *.example text eol=crlf *.exe binary *.gif binary *.gitattributes text eol=lf *.gitignore text eol=lf *.gitmodules text eol=lf *.html text eol=crlf *.ico binary *.jpg binary *.js text eol=crlf *.json text eol=crlf *.less text eol=crlf *.map text eol=lf *.md text eol=crlf *.npmignore text eol=lf *.png binary *.ps1 text eol=crlf *.rels text eol=crlf *.resx text eol=crlf *.scss text eol=crlf *.sln text eol=crlf *.svg binary *.ts text eol=crlf *.tsx text eol=crlf *.txt text eol=crlf *.ttf binary *.woff binary *.wsp binary *.yaml text eol=crlf *.yml text eol=crlf *.xml text eol=crlf # NPM "bin" scripts MUST have LF, or else the executable fails to run on Mac. # This fnmatch expression only matches files in a "bin" folder and without # a period in the filename. /*/*/bin/+([!.]) -text # Don't allow people to merge changes to these generated files, because the result # may be invalid. You need to run "rush generate" again. shrinkwrap.yaml merge=binary npm-shrinkwrap.json merge=binary