var fs = require('fs'); var ncp = require('child_process'); var path = require('path'); var process = require('process'); var shell = require('shelljs'); const { exception } = require('console'); /** * Function to run command line via child_process.execSync * @param {*} cl Command line to run * @param {*} inheritStreams - Inherit/pipe stdio streams * @param {*} noHeader - Don't print command line header * @returns */ var run = function (cl, inheritStreams, noHeader) { if (!noHeader) { console.log(); console.log('> ' + cl); } var options = { stdio: inheritStreams ? 'inherit' : 'pipe' }; var rc = 0; var output; try { output = ncp.execSync(cl, options); } catch (err) { if (!inheritStreams) { console.error(err.output ? err.output.toString() : err.message); } throw new Error(`Command '${cl}' failed`) } return (output || '').toString().trim(); } = run; class CreateReleaseError extends Error { constructor(message) { super(message); = 'CreateReleaseError'; Error.captureStackTrace(this, CreateReleaseError) } } exports.CreateReleaseError = CreateReleaseError; /** * Function to form task changes from PRs * @param {Array} PRs - PRs to get the release notes for * @returns {Object} - Object containing the task changes where key is a task and values - changes for the task */ function getChangesFromPRs(PRs) { const changes = []; PRs.forEach(PR => { const closedDate = PR.pull_request.merged_at; const date = new Date(closedDate).toISOString().split('T')[0]; changes.push(` - ${PR.title} (#${PR.number}) (${date})`); }); return changes; } exports.getChangesFromPRs = getChangesFromPRs; /** * Function to get current version of the package * @param {String} package - Package name * @returns {String} - version of the package **/ function getCurrentPackageVersion() { const packagePath = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'package.json'); if (!fs.existsSync(packagePath)) { throw new CreateReleaseError(`package.json not found.`) } const packageJson = require(packagePath); return packageJson.version; } exports.getCurrentPackageVersion = getCurrentPackageVersion;