[localization][automated][ci skip] update locale files

This commit is contained in:
Embedded Bot 2022-12-12 19:40:39 +00:00
Родитель 02abc6628c
Коммит aaab1f5fca
13 изменённых файлов: 130 добавлений и 0 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -193,6 +193,7 @@
"ComparingUtf8Decoders": "Porovnání kodérů Utf8Decoder s různými původy; toto je vždy chyba",
"CompressFolderFailed": "Nepovedlo se zkomprimovat složku „{path}“:",
"ComputingInstallPlan": "Počítá se plán instalace…",
"ConfigurationErrorRegistriesWithoutBaseline": "The configuration defined in {path} is invalid.\n\nUsing registries requires that a baseline is set for the default registry or that the default registry is null.\n\nSee {url} for more details.",
"ConflictingFiles": "Následující soubory jsou už nainstalované v {path} a jsou v konfliktu s {spec}.",
"ConflictingValuesForOption": "byly zadány konfliktní hodnoty pro --{option}.",
"ConstraintViolation": "Bylo nalezeno porušení omezení:",
@ -245,6 +246,11 @@
"DownloadingVcpkgStandaloneBundleLatest": "Stahuje se nejnovější samostatná sada.",
"DuplicateCommandOption": "Možnost --{option} se dá předat jenom jednou.",
"DuplicateOptions": "Hodnota --{value} byla zadána vícekrát.",
"DuplicatePackagePattern": "Package \"{package_name}\" is duplicated.",
"DuplicatePackagePatternFirstOcurrence": "First declared in:",
"DuplicatePackagePatternIgnoredLocations": "The following redeclarations will be ignored:",
"DuplicatePackagePatternLocation": "location: {path}",
"DuplicatePackagePatternRegistry": "registry: {url}",
"DuplicatedKeyInObj": "Duplicitní klíč „{value}“ v objektu",
"ElapsedForPackage": "Uplynulý čas zpracování {spec}: {elapsed}",
"ElapsedInstallTime": "Celkový uplynulý čas: {count}",
@ -592,6 +598,9 @@
"ParseControlErrorInfoTypesEntry": "Očekávalo se, že hodnota {value} bude {expected}.",
"ParseControlErrorInfoWhileLoading": "při načítání {path}:",
"ParseControlErrorInfoWrongTypeFields": "Následující pole měla chybné typy:",
"ParseIdentifierError": "\"{value}\" is not a valid identifier. Identifiers must be lowercase alphanumeric+hypens and not reserved (see {url} for more information)",
"ParsePackageNameError": "\"{package_name}\" is not a valid package name. Package names must be lowercase alphanumeric+hypens and not reserved (see {url} for more information)",
"ParsePackagePatternError": "\"{package_name}\" is not a valid package pattern. Package patterns must use only one wildcard character (*) and it must be the last character in the pattern (see {url} for more information)",
"PathMustBeAbsolute": "Hodnota proměnné prostředí X_VCPKG_REGISTRIES_CACHE není absolutní: {path}",
"PerformingPostBuildValidation": "-- Provádí se ověření po sestavení.",
"PortBugAllowRestrictedHeaders": "Za výjimečných okolností se tyto zásady dají zakázat přes {env_var}.",
@ -776,6 +785,7 @@
"VersionTableHeader": "Verze",
"WaitingForChildrenToExit": "Čeká se na ukončení podřízených procesů…",
"WaitingToTakeFilesystemLock": "čeká se na uzamčení systému souborů na {path}…",
"WarnOnParseConfig": "Found the following warnings in configuration {path}:",
"WarningMessage": "upozornění: ",
"WarningMessageMustUsePrintWarning": "Zpráva s názvem {value} začíná upozorněním: místo toho je třeba ji v kódu změnit tak, aby místo ní byla předřazená WarningMessage.",
"WarningsTreatedAsErrors": "předchozí upozornění jsou interpretována jako chyby",

Просмотреть файл

@ -193,6 +193,7 @@
"ComparingUtf8Decoders": "Utf8Decoders mit unterschiedlicher Herkunft vergleichen; dies ist immer ein Fehler.",
"CompressFolderFailed": "Fehler beim Komprimieren des Ordners \"{path}\":",
"ComputingInstallPlan": "Installationsplan wird berechnet...",
"ConfigurationErrorRegistriesWithoutBaseline": "The configuration defined in {path} is invalid.\n\nUsing registries requires that a baseline is set for the default registry or that the default registry is null.\n\nSee {url} for more details.",
"ConflictingFiles": "Die folgenden Dateien sind bereits in {path} installiert und stehen in Konflikt mit {spec}",
"ConflictingValuesForOption": "Für „--{option}“ wurden widersprüchliche Werte angegeben.",
"ConstraintViolation": "Es wurde eine Einschränkungsverletzung gefunden:",
@ -245,6 +246,11 @@
"DownloadingVcpkgStandaloneBundleLatest": "Das neueste eigenständige Paket wird heruntergeladen.",
"DuplicateCommandOption": "Die Option \"--{option}\" kann nur einmal übergeben werden.",
"DuplicateOptions": "'--{value}' wurde mehrere Male angegeben.",
"DuplicatePackagePattern": "Package \"{package_name}\" is duplicated.",
"DuplicatePackagePatternFirstOcurrence": "First declared in:",
"DuplicatePackagePatternIgnoredLocations": "The following redeclarations will be ignored:",
"DuplicatePackagePatternLocation": "location: {path}",
"DuplicatePackagePatternRegistry": "registry: {url}",
"DuplicatedKeyInObj": "Doppelter Schlüssel \"{value}\" in einem Objekt",
"ElapsedForPackage": "Verstrichene Zeit für die Bearbeitung von {spec}: {elapsed}",
"ElapsedInstallTime": "Insgesamt verstrichene Zeit: {count}",
@ -592,6 +598,9 @@
"ParseControlErrorInfoTypesEntry": "{value} wurde als {expected} erwartet",
"ParseControlErrorInfoWhileLoading": "beim Laden von {path}:",
"ParseControlErrorInfoWrongTypeFields": "Die folgenden Felder wiesen die falschen Typen auf:",
"ParseIdentifierError": "\"{value}\" is not a valid identifier. Identifiers must be lowercase alphanumeric+hypens and not reserved (see {url} for more information)",
"ParsePackageNameError": "\"{package_name}\" is not a valid package name. Package names must be lowercase alphanumeric+hypens and not reserved (see {url} for more information)",
"ParsePackagePatternError": "\"{package_name}\" is not a valid package pattern. Package patterns must use only one wildcard character (*) and it must be the last character in the pattern (see {url} for more information)",
"PathMustBeAbsolute": "Value of environment variable X_VCPKG_REGISTRIES_CACHE is not absolute: {path}",
"PerformingPostBuildValidation": "-- Durchführen der Validierung nach dem Build",
"PortBugAllowRestrictedHeaders": "In Ausnahmefällen kann diese Richtlinie über {env_var} deaktiviert werden.",
@ -776,6 +785,7 @@
"VersionTableHeader": "Version",
"WaitingForChildrenToExit": "Es wird auf das Beenden untergeordneter Prozesse gewartet...",
"WaitingToTakeFilesystemLock": "Es wird auf die Sperre des Dateisystems für „{path}“ gewartet...",
"WarnOnParseConfig": "Found the following warnings in configuration {path}:",
"WarningMessage": "Warnung: ",
"WarningMessageMustUsePrintWarning": "Die Nachricht mit dem Namen {value} beginnt mit „warning“: Sie muss so geändert werden, dass „WarningMessage“ stattdessen im Code vorangestellt wird.",
"WarningsTreatedAsErrors": "vorherige Warnungen werden als Fehler interpretiert",

Просмотреть файл

@ -193,6 +193,7 @@
"ComparingUtf8Decoders": "Comparación de Utf8Decoders con otra proveniencia; esto siempre es un error",
"CompressFolderFailed": "No se pudo comprimir la carpeta \"{path}\":",
"ComputingInstallPlan": "Calculando plan de instalación...",
"ConfigurationErrorRegistriesWithoutBaseline": "The configuration defined in {path} is invalid.\n\nUsing registries requires that a baseline is set for the default registry or that the default registry is null.\n\nSee {url} for more details.",
"ConflictingFiles": "Los siguientes archivos ya están instalados en {path} y están en conflicto con {spec}",
"ConflictingValuesForOption": "valores en conflicto especificados para '--{option}'.",
"ConstraintViolation": "Se ha encontrado una infracción de restricción:",
@ -245,6 +246,11 @@
"DownloadingVcpkgStandaloneBundleLatest": "Descargando el paquete independiente más reciente.",
"DuplicateCommandOption": "La opción --{option} solo se puede pasar una vez.",
"DuplicateOptions": "'--{value}' se especificó varias veces.",
"DuplicatePackagePattern": "Package \"{package_name}\" is duplicated.",
"DuplicatePackagePatternFirstOcurrence": "First declared in:",
"DuplicatePackagePatternIgnoredLocations": "The following redeclarations will be ignored:",
"DuplicatePackagePatternLocation": "location: {path}",
"DuplicatePackagePatternRegistry": "registry: {url}",
"DuplicatedKeyInObj": "Clave duplicada \"{value}\" en un objeto",
"ElapsedForPackage": "Tiempo transcurrido para controlar {spec}: {elapsed}",
"ElapsedInstallTime": "Tiempo total transcurrido: {count}",
@ -592,6 +598,9 @@
"ParseControlErrorInfoTypesEntry": "Se esperaba que {value} fuera {expected}",
"ParseControlErrorInfoWhileLoading": "al cargar {path}:",
"ParseControlErrorInfoWrongTypeFields": "Los siguientes campos tenían los tipos incorrectos:",
"ParseIdentifierError": "\"{value}\" is not a valid identifier. Identifiers must be lowercase alphanumeric+hypens and not reserved (see {url} for more information)",
"ParsePackageNameError": "\"{package_name}\" is not a valid package name. Package names must be lowercase alphanumeric+hypens and not reserved (see {url} for more information)",
"ParsePackagePatternError": "\"{package_name}\" is not a valid package pattern. Package patterns must use only one wildcard character (*) and it must be the last character in the pattern (see {url} for more information)",
"PathMustBeAbsolute": "Value of environment variable X_VCPKG_REGISTRIES_CACHE is not absolute: {path}",
"PerformingPostBuildValidation": "-- Realizando validación posterior a la compilación",
"PortBugAllowRestrictedHeaders": "En circunstancias excepcionales, esta directiva se puede deshabilitar mediante {env_var}",
@ -776,6 +785,7 @@
"VersionTableHeader": "Versión",
"WaitingForChildrenToExit": "Esperando a que se cierren los procesos secundarios...",
"WaitingToTakeFilesystemLock": "esperando para realizar el bloqueo del sistema de archivos en {path}...",
"WarnOnParseConfig": "Found the following warnings in configuration {path}:",
"WarningMessage": "advertencia: ",
"WarningMessageMustUsePrintWarning": "El mensaje denominado {value} empieza por warning:, debe cambiarse para anteponer WarningMessage en el código en su lugar.",
"WarningsTreatedAsErrors": "advertencias anteriores interpretadas como errores",

Просмотреть файл

@ -193,6 +193,7 @@
"ComparingUtf8Decoders": "Comparaison des Utf8Decoders avec une provenance différente ; il sagit toujours dune erreur",
"CompressFolderFailed": "Échec de la compression du dossier « {path} » :",
"ComputingInstallPlan": "Calcul du plan dinstallation...",
"ConfigurationErrorRegistriesWithoutBaseline": "The configuration defined in {path} is invalid.\n\nUsing registries requires that a baseline is set for the default registry or that the default registry is null.\n\nSee {url} for more details.",
"ConflictingFiles": "Les fichiers suivants sont déjà installés dans {path} et sont en conflit avec {spec}",
"ConflictingValuesForOption": "valeurs en conflit spécifiées pour '--{option}'.",
"ConstraintViolation": "Une violation de contrainte a été trouvée :",
@ -245,6 +246,11 @@
"DownloadingVcpkgStandaloneBundleLatest": "Téléchargement de la dernière offre groupée autonome.",
"DuplicateCommandOption": "Loption --{option} ne peut être passée quune seule fois.",
"DuplicateOptions": "'--{value}' spécifié plusieurs fois.",
"DuplicatePackagePattern": "Package \"{package_name}\" is duplicated.",
"DuplicatePackagePatternFirstOcurrence": "First declared in:",
"DuplicatePackagePatternIgnoredLocations": "The following redeclarations will be ignored:",
"DuplicatePackagePatternLocation": "location: {path}",
"DuplicatePackagePatternRegistry": "registry: {url}",
"DuplicatedKeyInObj": "Clé « {value} » dupliquée dans un objet",
"ElapsedForPackage": "Temps écoulé pour gérer {spec}: {elapsed}",
"ElapsedInstallTime": "Temps total écoulé : {count}",
@ -592,6 +598,9 @@
"ParseControlErrorInfoTypesEntry": "{value} était censé être {expected}.",
"ParseControlErrorInfoWhileLoading": "lors du chargement {path} :",
"ParseControlErrorInfoWrongTypeFields": "Les types des champs suivants sont incorrects :",
"ParseIdentifierError": "\"{value}\" is not a valid identifier. Identifiers must be lowercase alphanumeric+hypens and not reserved (see {url} for more information)",
"ParsePackageNameError": "\"{package_name}\" is not a valid package name. Package names must be lowercase alphanumeric+hypens and not reserved (see {url} for more information)",
"ParsePackagePatternError": "\"{package_name}\" is not a valid package pattern. Package patterns must use only one wildcard character (*) and it must be the last character in the pattern (see {url} for more information)",
"PathMustBeAbsolute": "La valeur de la variable denvironnement X_VCPKG_REGISTRIES_CACHE nest pas absolue : {path}",
"PerformingPostBuildValidation": "-- Exécution de la validation post-build",
"PortBugAllowRestrictedHeaders": "Dans des circonstances exceptionnelles, cette stratégie peut être désactivée via {env_var}.",
@ -776,6 +785,7 @@
"VersionTableHeader": "Version",
"WaitingForChildrenToExit": "En attente de la fermeture des processus enfants...",
"WaitingToTakeFilesystemLock": "en attente du verrouillage du système de fichiers sur {path}...",
"WarnOnParseConfig": "Found the following warnings in configuration {path}:",
"WarningMessage": "avertissement : ",
"WarningMessageMustUsePrintWarning": "Le message nommé {value} commence par avertissement : il doit être remplacé par le préfixe WarningMessage dans le code.",
"WarningsTreatedAsErrors": "avertissements précédents interprétés comme des erreurs",

Просмотреть файл

@ -193,6 +193,7 @@
"ComparingUtf8Decoders": "Confronto di Utf8Decoder con provenienza diversa; si tratta sempre di un errore",
"CompressFolderFailed": "Impossibile comprimere la cartella “{path}”:",
"ComputingInstallPlan": "Elaborazione del piano di installazione in corso...",
"ConfigurationErrorRegistriesWithoutBaseline": "The configuration defined in {path} is invalid.\n\nUsing registries requires that a baseline is set for the default registry or that the default registry is null.\n\nSee {url} for more details.",
"ConflictingFiles": "I file seguenti sono già installati in {path} e sono in conflitto con {spec}",
"ConflictingValuesForOption": "valori in conflitto specificati per '--{option}'.",
"ConstraintViolation": "È stata trovata una violazione di vincolo:",
@ -245,6 +246,11 @@
"DownloadingVcpkgStandaloneBundleLatest": "Download del bundle autonomo più recente.",
"DuplicateCommandOption": "L'opzione --{option} può essere passata una sola volta.",
"DuplicateOptions": "'--{value}' è stato specificato più volte.",
"DuplicatePackagePattern": "Package \"{package_name}\" is duplicated.",
"DuplicatePackagePatternFirstOcurrence": "First declared in:",
"DuplicatePackagePatternIgnoredLocations": "The following redeclarations will be ignored:",
"DuplicatePackagePatternLocation": "location: {path}",
"DuplicatePackagePatternRegistry": "registry: {url}",
"DuplicatedKeyInObj": "Chiave duplicata \"{value}\" in un oggetto",
"ElapsedForPackage": "Tempo trascorso per la gestione di {spec}: {elapsed}",
"ElapsedInstallTime": "Tempo totale trascorso: {count}",
@ -592,6 +598,9 @@
"ParseControlErrorInfoTypesEntry": "{value} previsto {expected}",
"ParseControlErrorInfoWhileLoading": "durante il caricamento {path}:",
"ParseControlErrorInfoWrongTypeFields": "I campi seguenti hanno tipi errati:",
"ParseIdentifierError": "\"{value}\" is not a valid identifier. Identifiers must be lowercase alphanumeric+hypens and not reserved (see {url} for more information)",
"ParsePackageNameError": "\"{package_name}\" is not a valid package name. Package names must be lowercase alphanumeric+hypens and not reserved (see {url} for more information)",
"ParsePackagePatternError": "\"{package_name}\" is not a valid package pattern. Package patterns must use only one wildcard character (*) and it must be the last character in the pattern (see {url} for more information)",
"PathMustBeAbsolute": "Value of environment variable X_VCPKG_REGISTRIES_CACHE is not absolute: {path}",
"PerformingPostBuildValidation": "-- Esecuzione della convalida post-compilazione",
"PortBugAllowRestrictedHeaders": "In circostanze eccezionali, questo criterio può essere disabilitato tramite {env_var}",
@ -776,6 +785,7 @@
"VersionTableHeader": "Versione",
"WaitingForChildrenToExit": "In attesa della chiusura dei processi figlio...",
"WaitingToTakeFilesystemLock": "in attesa del blocco del file system su {path}...",
"WarnOnParseConfig": "Found the following warnings in configuration {path}:",
"WarningMessage": "avviso: ",
"WarningMessageMustUsePrintWarning": "Il messaggio denominato {value} inizia con Avviso:, deve essere modificato in WarningMessage anteponendolo al codice.",
"WarningsTreatedAsErrors": "avvisi precedenti interpretati come errori",

Просмотреть файл

@ -193,6 +193,7 @@
"ComparingUtf8Decoders": "Utf8Decoders と異なる来歴との比較では、常にエラーが発生します",
"CompressFolderFailed": "フォルダー \"{path}\":を圧縮できませんでした:",
"ComputingInstallPlan": "インストール プランを計算しています...",
"ConfigurationErrorRegistriesWithoutBaseline": "The configuration defined in {path} is invalid.\n\nUsing registries requires that a baseline is set for the default registry or that the default registry is null.\n\nSee {url} for more details.",
"ConflictingFiles": "次のファイルはすでに {path} にインストールされており、{spec} と競合しています",
"ConflictingValuesForOption": "'--{option}' に指定された値が競合しています。",
"ConstraintViolation": "以下の制約違反が見つかりました。",
@ -245,6 +246,11 @@
"DownloadingVcpkgStandaloneBundleLatest": "最新のスタンドアロン バンドルをダウンロードしています。",
"DuplicateCommandOption": "オプション --{option} は 1 回のみ渡すことができます。",
"DuplicateOptions": "'--{value}' が複数回指定されました。",
"DuplicatePackagePattern": "Package \"{package_name}\" is duplicated.",
"DuplicatePackagePatternFirstOcurrence": "First declared in:",
"DuplicatePackagePatternIgnoredLocations": "The following redeclarations will be ignored:",
"DuplicatePackagePatternLocation": "location: {path}",
"DuplicatePackagePatternRegistry": "registry: {url}",
"DuplicatedKeyInObj": "オブジェクト内の重複するキー \"{value}\"",
"ElapsedForPackage": "{spec} の処理の経過時間: {elapsed}",
"ElapsedInstallTime": "経過した総時間: {count}",
@ -592,6 +598,9 @@
"ParseControlErrorInfoTypesEntry": "{value}は{expected}である必要があります",
"ParseControlErrorInfoWhileLoading": "{path}の読み込み中:",
"ParseControlErrorInfoWrongTypeFields": "次のフィールドの型が正しくありません:",
"ParseIdentifierError": "\"{value}\" is not a valid identifier. Identifiers must be lowercase alphanumeric+hypens and not reserved (see {url} for more information)",
"ParsePackageNameError": "\"{package_name}\" is not a valid package name. Package names must be lowercase alphanumeric+hypens and not reserved (see {url} for more information)",
"ParsePackagePatternError": "\"{package_name}\" is not a valid package pattern. Package patterns must use only one wildcard character (*) and it must be the last character in the pattern (see {url} for more information)",
"PathMustBeAbsolute": "環境変数 X_VCPKG_REGISTRIES_CACHE の値が絶対ではありません: {path}",
"PerformingPostBuildValidation": "-- ビルド後の検証の実行",
"PortBugAllowRestrictedHeaders": "例外的な状況では、このポリシーは {env_var} 経由で無効にすることができます",
@ -776,6 +785,7 @@
"VersionTableHeader": "バージョン",
"WaitingForChildrenToExit": "子プロセスの終了を待機しています...",
"WaitingToTakeFilesystemLock": "{path} でファイルシステムのロックを取得するのを待機しています...",
"WarnOnParseConfig": "Found the following warnings in configuration {path}:",
"WarningMessage": "警告: ",
"WarningMessageMustUsePrintWarning": "{value}という名前のメッセージは「warning:」で始まります。代わりに、コードの先頭に「WarningMessage」を追加するように変更する必要があります。",
"WarningsTreatedAsErrors": "以前の警告がエラーとして解釈される",

Просмотреть файл

@ -193,6 +193,7 @@
"ComparingUtf8Decoders": "출처가 다른 Utf8Decoder 비교 중; 항상 오류입니다",
"CompressFolderFailed": "폴더 \"{path}\"을(를) 압축하지 못했습니다.",
"ComputingInstallPlan": "설치 계획을 계산하는 중...",
"ConfigurationErrorRegistriesWithoutBaseline": "The configuration defined in {path} is invalid.\n\nUsing registries requires that a baseline is set for the default registry or that the default registry is null.\n\nSee {url} for more details.",
"ConflictingFiles": "다음 파일은 {path}에 이미 설치되어 있으며 {spec}과(와) 충돌합니다.",
"ConflictingValuesForOption": "'--{option}'에 충돌하는 값이 지정되었습니다.",
"ConstraintViolation": "제약 조건 위반 발견:",
@ -245,6 +246,11 @@
"DownloadingVcpkgStandaloneBundleLatest": "최신 독립 실행형 번들을 다운로드하는 중입니다.",
"DuplicateCommandOption": "--{option} 옵션은 한 번만 전달할 수 있습니다.",
"DuplicateOptions": "'--{value}'이(가) 여러 번 지정되었습니다.",
"DuplicatePackagePattern": "Package \"{package_name}\" is duplicated.",
"DuplicatePackagePatternFirstOcurrence": "First declared in:",
"DuplicatePackagePatternIgnoredLocations": "The following redeclarations will be ignored:",
"DuplicatePackagePatternLocation": "location: {path}",
"DuplicatePackagePatternRegistry": "registry: {url}",
"DuplicatedKeyInObj": "개체에 중복 키 \"{value}\"이(가) 있습니다.",
"ElapsedForPackage": "{spec} 처리 경과 시간: {elapsed}",
"ElapsedInstallTime": "총 경과 시간: {count}.",
@ -592,6 +598,9 @@
"ParseControlErrorInfoTypesEntry": "{value}은(는) {expected}로 예상되었습니다.",
"ParseControlErrorInfoWhileLoading": "{path}을(를) 로드하는 동안:",
"ParseControlErrorInfoWrongTypeFields": "다음 필드의 유형이 잘못되었습니다.",
"ParseIdentifierError": "\"{value}\" is not a valid identifier. Identifiers must be lowercase alphanumeric+hypens and not reserved (see {url} for more information)",
"ParsePackageNameError": "\"{package_name}\" is not a valid package name. Package names must be lowercase alphanumeric+hypens and not reserved (see {url} for more information)",
"ParsePackagePatternError": "\"{package_name}\" is not a valid package pattern. Package patterns must use only one wildcard character (*) and it must be the last character in the pattern (see {url} for more information)",
"PathMustBeAbsolute": "환경 변수 X_VCPKG_REGISTRIES_CACHE 값이 절댓값이 아닙니다. {path}",
"PerformingPostBuildValidation": "-- 빌드 후 유효성 검사를 수행하는 중",
"PortBugAllowRestrictedHeaders": "예외적인 상황에서는 {env_var}을(를) 통해 이 정책을 사용하지 않도록 설정할 수 있습니다.",
@ -776,6 +785,7 @@
"VersionTableHeader": "버전",
"WaitingForChildrenToExit": "자식 프로세스가 종료되기를 기다리는 중...",
"WaitingToTakeFilesystemLock": "{path}에 대한 파일 시스템 잠금을 기다리는 중...",
"WarnOnParseConfig": "Found the following warnings in configuration {path}:",
"WarningMessage": "경고: ",
"WarningMessageMustUsePrintWarning": "{value}라는 메시지는 warning:으로 시작하며 대신 코드에서 WarningMessage를 앞에 추가하도록 변경해야 합니다.",
"WarningsTreatedAsErrors": "오류로 해석되는 이전 경고",

Просмотреть файл

@ -193,6 +193,7 @@
"ComparingUtf8Decoders": "Porównywanie Utf8Decoders z różnymi pochodzeniami; zawsze jest to błąd",
"CompressFolderFailed": "Nie można skompresować folderu „{path}”:",
"ComputingInstallPlan": "Trwa obliczanie planu instalacji...",
"ConfigurationErrorRegistriesWithoutBaseline": "The configuration defined in {path} is invalid.\n\nUsing registries requires that a baseline is set for the default registry or that the default registry is null.\n\nSee {url} for more details.",
"ConflictingFiles": "Następujące pliki są już zainstalowane w ścieżce {path} i są w konflikcie z {spec}",
"ConflictingValuesForOption": "określono wartości powodujące konflikt dla opcji „--{option}”.",
"ConstraintViolation": "Znaleziono naruszenie ograniczenia:",
@ -245,6 +246,11 @@
"DownloadingVcpkgStandaloneBundleLatest": "Pobieranie najnowszego pakietu autonomicznego.",
"DuplicateCommandOption": "Opcję --{option} można przekazać tylko raz.",
"DuplicateOptions": "„--{value}” określono wiele razy.",
"DuplicatePackagePattern": "Package \"{package_name}\" is duplicated.",
"DuplicatePackagePatternFirstOcurrence": "First declared in:",
"DuplicatePackagePatternIgnoredLocations": "The following redeclarations will be ignored:",
"DuplicatePackagePatternLocation": "location: {path}",
"DuplicatePackagePatternRegistry": "registry: {url}",
"DuplicatedKeyInObj": "Zduplikowany klucz „{value}” w obiekcie",
"ElapsedForPackage": "Czas, który upłynął, aby obsłużyć {spec}: {upłynął}",
"ElapsedInstallTime": "Łączny czas, który upłynął: {count}.",
@ -592,6 +598,9 @@
"ParseControlErrorInfoTypesEntry": "Dla {value} oczekiwano wartości {expected}",
"ParseControlErrorInfoWhileLoading": "podczas ładowania ścieżki {path}:",
"ParseControlErrorInfoWrongTypeFields": "Następujące pola miały nieprawidłowe typy:",
"ParseIdentifierError": "\"{value}\" is not a valid identifier. Identifiers must be lowercase alphanumeric+hypens and not reserved (see {url} for more information)",
"ParsePackageNameError": "\"{package_name}\" is not a valid package name. Package names must be lowercase alphanumeric+hypens and not reserved (see {url} for more information)",
"ParsePackagePatternError": "\"{package_name}\" is not a valid package pattern. Package patterns must use only one wildcard character (*) and it must be the last character in the pattern (see {url} for more information)",
"PathMustBeAbsolute": "Wartość zmiennej środowiskowej X_VCPKG_REGISTRIES_CACHE nie jest bezwzględna: {path}",
"PerformingPostBuildValidation": "-- Przeprowadzanie weryfikacji po kompilacji",
"PortBugAllowRestrictedHeaders": "W wyjątkowych okolicznościach te zasady można wyłączyć za pośrednictwem {env_var}",
@ -776,6 +785,7 @@
"VersionTableHeader": "Wersja",
"WaitingForChildrenToExit": "Trwa oczekiwanie na zakończenie procesów podrzędnych...",
"WaitingToTakeFilesystemLock": "trwa oczekiwanie na zablokowanie systemu plików na ścieżce {path}...",
"WarnOnParseConfig": "Found the following warnings in configuration {path}:",
"WarningMessage": "ostrzeżenie: ",
"WarningMessageMustUsePrintWarning": "Komunikat o nazwie {value} rozpoczyna się od ostrzeżenia. Zamiast tego należy zmienić go w kodzie tak, aby poprzedzał komunikat WarningMessage.",
"WarningsTreatedAsErrors": "poprzednie ostrzeżenia interpretowane jako błędy",

Просмотреть файл

@ -193,6 +193,7 @@
"ComparingUtf8Decoders": "Comparação de Utf8Decoders com diferentes proveniências; isso é sempre um erro",
"CompressFolderFailed": "Falha ao compactar a pasta \"{path}\":",
"ComputingInstallPlan": "Plano de instalação de computação...",
"ConfigurationErrorRegistriesWithoutBaseline": "The configuration defined in {path} is invalid.\n\nUsing registries requires that a baseline is set for the default registry or that the default registry is null.\n\nSee {url} for more details.",
"ConflictingFiles": "Os seguintes arquivos já estão instalados em {path} e estão em conflito com {spec}",
"ConflictingValuesForOption": "valores conflitantes especificados para '--{option}'.",
"ConstraintViolation": "Encontrou uma violação de restrição:",
@ -245,6 +246,11 @@
"DownloadingVcpkgStandaloneBundleLatest": "Baixando o pacote autônomo mais recente.",
"DuplicateCommandOption": "A opção --{option} só pode ser passada uma vez.",
"DuplicateOptions": "'--{value}' especificado várias vezes.",
"DuplicatePackagePattern": "Package \"{package_name}\" is duplicated.",
"DuplicatePackagePatternFirstOcurrence": "First declared in:",
"DuplicatePackagePatternIgnoredLocations": "The following redeclarations will be ignored:",
"DuplicatePackagePatternLocation": "location: {path}",
"DuplicatePackagePatternRegistry": "registry: {url}",
"DuplicatedKeyInObj": "Chave duplicada \"{value}\" em um objeto",
"ElapsedForPackage": "Tempo decorrido para lidar {spec}: {elapsed}",
"ElapsedInstallTime": "Tempo total decorrido: {count}",
@ -592,6 +598,9 @@
"ParseControlErrorInfoTypesEntry": "Esperava-se que {value} fosse {expected}",
"ParseControlErrorInfoWhileLoading": "ao carregar {path}:",
"ParseControlErrorInfoWrongTypeFields": "Os campos a seguir tinham os tipos errados:",
"ParseIdentifierError": "\"{value}\" is not a valid identifier. Identifiers must be lowercase alphanumeric+hypens and not reserved (see {url} for more information)",
"ParsePackageNameError": "\"{package_name}\" is not a valid package name. Package names must be lowercase alphanumeric+hypens and not reserved (see {url} for more information)",
"ParsePackagePatternError": "\"{package_name}\" is not a valid package pattern. Package patterns must use only one wildcard character (*) and it must be the last character in the pattern (see {url} for more information)",
"PathMustBeAbsolute": "O valor de variável de ambiente X_VCPKG_REGISTRIES_CACHE não é absoluto: {path}",
"PerformingPostBuildValidation": "-- Executando a validação pós-compilação",
"PortBugAllowRestrictedHeaders": "Em circunstâncias excepcionais, essa política pode ser desabilitada via {env_var}",
@ -776,6 +785,7 @@
"VersionTableHeader": "Versão",
"WaitingForChildrenToExit": "Aguardando a saída dos processos filhos...",
"WaitingToTakeFilesystemLock": "esperando para ativar o bloqueio do sistema de arquivos {path}...",
"WarnOnParseConfig": "Found the following warnings in configuration {path}:",
"WarningMessage": "aviso: ",
"WarningMessageMustUsePrintWarning": "A mensagem chamada {value} começa com o aviso:, ela deve ser alterada para preceder WarningMessage no código.",
"WarningsTreatedAsErrors": "avisos anteriores sendo interpretados como erros",

Просмотреть файл

@ -193,6 +193,7 @@
"ComparingUtf8Decoders": "Сравнение Utf8Decoders с разным происхождением — это всегда ошибка",
"CompressFolderFailed": "Сбой сжатия папки \"{path}\":",
"ComputingInstallPlan": "Вычисление плана установки...",
"ConfigurationErrorRegistriesWithoutBaseline": "The configuration defined in {path} is invalid.\n\nUsing registries requires that a baseline is set for the default registry or that the default registry is null.\n\nSee {url} for more details.",
"ConflictingFiles": "Следующие файлы уже установлены в {path} и конфликтуют с {spec}",
"ConflictingValuesForOption": "Для \"--{option}\" указаны конфликтующие щначения.",
"ConstraintViolation": "Обнаружено нарушение ограничения:",
@ -245,6 +246,11 @@
"DownloadingVcpkgStandaloneBundleLatest": "Скачивание новейшего изолированного пакета.",
"DuplicateCommandOption": "Параметр --{option} можно передать только один раз.",
"DuplicateOptions": "'--{value}' указано несколько раз.",
"DuplicatePackagePattern": "Package \"{package_name}\" is duplicated.",
"DuplicatePackagePatternFirstOcurrence": "First declared in:",
"DuplicatePackagePatternIgnoredLocations": "The following redeclarations will be ignored:",
"DuplicatePackagePatternLocation": "location: {path}",
"DuplicatePackagePatternRegistry": "registry: {url}",
"DuplicatedKeyInObj": "Дублированный ключ \"{value}\" в объекте",
"ElapsedForPackage": "Затраченное время на обработку {spec}: {elapsed}",
"ElapsedInstallTime": "Общее затраченное время: {count}",
@ -592,6 +598,9 @@
"ParseControlErrorInfoTypesEntry": "{value} ожидалось {expected}",
"ParseControlErrorInfoWhileLoading": "при загрузке {path}:",
"ParseControlErrorInfoWrongTypeFields": "Следующие поля имели неправильные типы:",
"ParseIdentifierError": "\"{value}\" is not a valid identifier. Identifiers must be lowercase alphanumeric+hypens and not reserved (see {url} for more information)",
"ParsePackageNameError": "\"{package_name}\" is not a valid package name. Package names must be lowercase alphanumeric+hypens and not reserved (see {url} for more information)",
"ParsePackagePatternError": "\"{package_name}\" is not a valid package pattern. Package patterns must use only one wildcard character (*) and it must be the last character in the pattern (see {url} for more information)",
"PathMustBeAbsolute": "Значение переменной среды X_VCPKG_REGISTRIES_CACHE не является абсолютным: {path}",
"PerformingPostBuildValidation": "-- Выполнение проверки после сборки",
"PortBugAllowRestrictedHeaders": "В исключительных случаях эту политику можно отключить с помощью {env_var}",
@ -776,6 +785,7 @@
"VersionTableHeader": "Версия",
"WaitingForChildrenToExit": "Ожидание завершения дочерних процессов...",
"WaitingToTakeFilesystemLock": "ожидание блокировки файловой системы в {path}...",
"WarnOnParseConfig": "Found the following warnings in configuration {path}:",
"WarningMessage": "Предупреждение: ",
"WarningMessageMustUsePrintWarning": "Сообщение с именем {value} начинается с предупреждения: вместо этого его необходимо изменить на prepend WarningMessage в коде.",
"WarningsTreatedAsErrors": "предыдущие предупреждения, интерпретируемые как ошибки",

Просмотреть файл

@ -193,6 +193,7 @@
"ComparingUtf8Decoders": "Farklı kökene sahip Utf8Decoder'ların karşılaştırılması; bu her zaman bir hatadır",
"CompressFolderFailed": "\"{path}\" klasörü sıkıştırılamadı:",
"ComputingInstallPlan": "Yükleme planı işleniyor...",
"ConfigurationErrorRegistriesWithoutBaseline": "The configuration defined in {path} is invalid.\n\nUsing registries requires that a baseline is set for the default registry or that the default registry is null.\n\nSee {url} for more details.",
"ConflictingFiles": "Aşağıdaki dosyalar zaten {path} yolunda yüklü ve {spec} ile çakışıyor",
"ConflictingValuesForOption": "'--{option}' için belirtilen çakışan değerler.",
"ConstraintViolation": "Bir kısıtlama ihlali bulundu:",
@ -245,6 +246,11 @@
"DownloadingVcpkgStandaloneBundleLatest": "En son tek başına paket indiriliyor.",
"DuplicateCommandOption": "--{option} seçeneği yalnızca bir kez geçirilebilir.",
"DuplicateOptions": "'--{value}' birden çok kez belirtildi.",
"DuplicatePackagePattern": "Package \"{package_name}\" is duplicated.",
"DuplicatePackagePatternFirstOcurrence": "First declared in:",
"DuplicatePackagePatternIgnoredLocations": "The following redeclarations will be ignored:",
"DuplicatePackagePatternLocation": "location: {path}",
"DuplicatePackagePatternRegistry": "registry: {url}",
"DuplicatedKeyInObj": "Bir nesnede yinelenen anahtar \"{value}\"",
"ElapsedForPackage": "{spec} işlenmesi için geçen süre: {elapsed}",
"ElapsedInstallTime": "Geçen toplam süre: {count}.",
@ -592,6 +598,9 @@
"ParseControlErrorInfoTypesEntry": "{value} {expected} olması bekleniyordu",
"ParseControlErrorInfoWhileLoading": "{path} yüklenirken:",
"ParseControlErrorInfoWrongTypeFields": "Aşağıdaki alanlar yanlış türlere sahipti:",
"ParseIdentifierError": "\"{value}\" is not a valid identifier. Identifiers must be lowercase alphanumeric+hypens and not reserved (see {url} for more information)",
"ParsePackageNameError": "\"{package_name}\" is not a valid package name. Package names must be lowercase alphanumeric+hypens and not reserved (see {url} for more information)",
"ParsePackagePatternError": "\"{package_name}\" is not a valid package pattern. Package patterns must use only one wildcard character (*) and it must be the last character in the pattern (see {url} for more information)",
"PathMustBeAbsolute": "X_VCPKG_REGISTRIES_CACHE ortam değişkeninin değeri mutlak değil: {path}",
"PerformingPostBuildValidation": "-- Derleme sonrası doğrulama gerçekleştiriyor",
"PortBugAllowRestrictedHeaders": "Bu ilke, olağanüstü durumlarda {env_var} yoluyla devre dışı bırakılabilir",
@ -776,6 +785,7 @@
"VersionTableHeader": "Sürüm",
"WaitingForChildrenToExit": "Alt işlemlerin çıkışı bekleniyor...",
"WaitingToTakeFilesystemLock": "{path} yolunda dosya sistemi kilidi almak için bekleniyor...",
"WarnOnParseConfig": "Found the following warnings in configuration {path}:",
"WarningMessage": "uyarı: ",
"WarningMessageMustUsePrintWarning": "{value} adlı ileti warning: ile başlıyor, bunun yerine kodun başına WarningMessage eklenecek şekilde değiştirilmesi gerekiyor.",
"WarningsTreatedAsErrors": "önceki uyarılar hata olarak yorumlanıyor",

Просмотреть файл

@ -193,6 +193,7 @@
"ComparingUtf8Decoders": "比较具有不同来源的 Utf8Decoder这始终是一个错误",
"CompressFolderFailed": "无法压缩文件夹“{path}”:",
"ComputingInstallPlan": "正在计算安装计划...",
"ConfigurationErrorRegistriesWithoutBaseline": "The configuration defined in {path} is invalid.\n\nUsing registries requires that a baseline is set for the default registry or that the default registry is null.\n\nSee {url} for more details.",
"ConflictingFiles": "以下文件已安装在 {path} 中,并与 {spec} 发生冲突",
"ConflictingValuesForOption": "为“--{option}”指定的值冲突。",
"ConstraintViolation": "发现约束冲突:",
@ -245,6 +246,11 @@
"DownloadingVcpkgStandaloneBundleLatest": "正在下载最新的独立捆绑包。",
"DuplicateCommandOption": "选项 --{option} 只能传递一次。",
"DuplicateOptions": "“--{value}”指定了多次。",
"DuplicatePackagePattern": "Package \"{package_name}\" is duplicated.",
"DuplicatePackagePatternFirstOcurrence": "First declared in:",
"DuplicatePackagePatternIgnoredLocations": "The following redeclarations will be ignored:",
"DuplicatePackagePatternLocation": "location: {path}",
"DuplicatePackagePatternRegistry": "registry: {url}",
"DuplicatedKeyInObj": "重复的密钥 \"{value}\" 在对象中",
"ElapsedForPackage": "处理 {spec} 所用时间: {elapsed}",
"ElapsedInstallTime": "总运行时间: {count}",
@ -592,6 +598,9 @@
"ParseControlErrorInfoTypesEntry": "{value} 应为 {expected}",
"ParseControlErrorInfoWhileLoading": "加载 {path} 时:",
"ParseControlErrorInfoWrongTypeFields": "以下字段具有错误的类型:",
"ParseIdentifierError": "\"{value}\" is not a valid identifier. Identifiers must be lowercase alphanumeric+hypens and not reserved (see {url} for more information)",
"ParsePackageNameError": "\"{package_name}\" is not a valid package name. Package names must be lowercase alphanumeric+hypens and not reserved (see {url} for more information)",
"ParsePackagePatternError": "\"{package_name}\" is not a valid package pattern. Package patterns must use only one wildcard character (*) and it must be the last character in the pattern (see {url} for more information)",
"PathMustBeAbsolute": "环境变量 X_VCPKG_REGISTRIES_CACHE 的值不是绝对值: {path}",
"PerformingPostBuildValidation": "-- 执行生成后验证",
"PortBugAllowRestrictedHeaders": "在特殊情况下,可以通过 {env_var} 禁用此策略",
@ -776,6 +785,7 @@
"VersionTableHeader": "版本",
"WaitingForChildrenToExit": "正在等待子进程退出...",
"WaitingToTakeFilesystemLock": "正在等待锁定 {path} 上的文件系统...",
"WarnOnParseConfig": "Found the following warnings in configuration {path}:",
"WarningMessage": "警告:",
"WarningMessageMustUsePrintWarning": "名为 {value} 的消息以警告开头:,必须在代码中将其更改为在前面追加 WarningMessage。",
"WarningsTreatedAsErrors": "以前被解释为错误的警告",

Просмотреть файл

@ -193,6 +193,7 @@
"ComparingUtf8Decoders": "將 Utf8Decoders 與不同起源比較; 這一律會是錯誤",
"CompressFolderFailed": "無法壓縮資料夾 \"{path}\":",
"ComputingInstallPlan": "正在計算安裝計畫...",
"ConfigurationErrorRegistriesWithoutBaseline": "The configuration defined in {path} is invalid.\n\nUsing registries requires that a baseline is set for the default registry or that the default registry is null.\n\nSee {url} for more details.",
"ConflictingFiles": "下列檔案已安裝在 {path} 中,且與 {spec} 衝突",
"ConflictingValuesForOption": "針對 '--{option}'指定的衝突值。",
"ConstraintViolation": "發現強制違規:",
@ -245,6 +246,11 @@
"DownloadingVcpkgStandaloneBundleLatest": "正在下載最新的獨立搭售方案。",
"DuplicateCommandOption": "選項 --{option} 只能傳遞一次。",
"DuplicateOptions": "已指定多次 '--{value}'。",
"DuplicatePackagePattern": "Package \"{package_name}\" is duplicated.",
"DuplicatePackagePatternFirstOcurrence": "First declared in:",
"DuplicatePackagePatternIgnoredLocations": "The following redeclarations will be ignored:",
"DuplicatePackagePatternLocation": "location: {path}",
"DuplicatePackagePatternRegistry": "registry: {url}",
"DuplicatedKeyInObj": "物件中重複的金鑰 \"{value}\"",
"ElapsedForPackage": "處理 {spec} 已耗用時間: {elapsed}",
"ElapsedInstallTime": "已耗用時間總計: {count}",
@ -592,6 +598,9 @@
"ParseControlErrorInfoTypesEntry": "{value} 預期為 {expected}",
"ParseControlErrorInfoWhileLoading": "載入 {path} 時:",
"ParseControlErrorInfoWrongTypeFields": "下列欄位的類型錯誤:",
"ParseIdentifierError": "\"{value}\" is not a valid identifier. Identifiers must be lowercase alphanumeric+hypens and not reserved (see {url} for more information)",
"ParsePackageNameError": "\"{package_name}\" is not a valid package name. Package names must be lowercase alphanumeric+hypens and not reserved (see {url} for more information)",
"ParsePackagePatternError": "\"{package_name}\" is not a valid package pattern. Package patterns must use only one wildcard character (*) and it must be the last character in the pattern (see {url} for more information)",
"PathMustBeAbsolute": "環境變數 X_VCPKG_REGISTRIES_CACHE 的值不是絕對: {path}",
"PerformingPostBuildValidation": "-- 正在執行組建後驗證",
"PortBugAllowRestrictedHeaders": "在例外狀況下,可透過 {env_var} 停用此原則",
@ -776,6 +785,7 @@
"VersionTableHeader": "版本",
"WaitingForChildrenToExit": "正在等待子行程離開...",
"WaitingToTakeFilesystemLock": "正在等候 {path} 上的檔案系統鎖定...",
"WarnOnParseConfig": "Found the following warnings in configuration {path}:",
"WarningMessage": "警告: ",
"WarningMessageMustUsePrintWarning": "名為 {value} 的訊息開頭為警告:,必須變更為在程式碼的 WarningMessage 前置。",
"WarningsTreatedAsErrors": "先前的警告被解譯為錯誤",