
111 строки
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#!/usr/bin/env node
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
import { spawn } from 'child_process';
import { argv } from 'process';
import { CommandLine } from './cli/command-line';
import { AcquireCommand } from './cli/commands/acquire';
import { AcquireProjectCommand } from './cli/commands/acquire-project';
import { ActivateCommand } from './cli/commands/activate';
import { AddCommand } from './cli/commands/add';
import { CacheCommand } from './cli/commands/cache';
import { CleanCommand } from './cli/commands/clean';
import { DeactivateCommand } from './cli/commands/deactivate';
import { DeleteCommand } from './cli/commands/delete';
import { FindCommand } from './cli/commands/find';
import { GenerateMSBuildPropsCommand } from './cli/commands/generate-msbuild-props';
import { ListCommand } from './cli/commands/list';
import { RegenerateCommand } from './cli/commands/regenerate-index';
import { RemoveCommand } from './cli/commands/remove';
import { UpdateCommand } from './cli/commands/update';
import { UseCommand } from './cli/commands/use';
import { error, initStyling, log } from './cli/styling';
import { setLocale } from './i18n';
import { Session } from './session';
// parse the command line
const commandline = new CommandLine(argv.slice(2));
export let session: Session;
async function main() {
// ensure we can execute commands from this process.
// this works around an odd bug in the way that node handles
// executing child processes where the target is a windows store symlink
spawn(process.argv0, ['--version']);
// create our session for this process.
session = new Session(process.cwd(), commandline.context, <any>commandline);
initStyling(commandline, session);
// start up the session and init the channel listeners.
await session.init();
const find = new FindCommand(commandline);
const list = new ListCommand(commandline);
const add = new AddCommand(commandline);
const acquire_project = new AcquireProjectCommand(commandline);
const acquire = new AcquireCommand(commandline);
const use = new UseCommand(commandline);
const remove = new RemoveCommand(commandline);
const del = new DeleteCommand(commandline);
const activate = new ActivateCommand(commandline);
const activate_msbuildprops = new GenerateMSBuildPropsCommand(commandline);
const deactivate = new DeactivateCommand(commandline);
const regenerate = new RegenerateCommand(commandline);
const update = new UpdateCommand(commandline);
const cache = new CacheCommand(commandline);
const clean = new CleanCommand(commandline);
const command = commandline.command;
if (!command) {
// no command recognized.
// did they specify inputs?
if (commandline.inputs.length > 0) {
// unrecognized command
error(`Unrecognized command '${commandline.inputs[0]}'`);
return process.exitCode = 1;
return process.exitCode = 0;
let result = true;
try {
result = await;
} catch (e) {
// in --debug mode we want to see the stack trace(s).
if (commandline.debug && e instanceof Error) {
if (e instanceof AggregateError) {
e.errors.forEach(each => log(each.stack));
await session.writeTelemetry();
return process.exit(1);
} finally {
await session.writeTelemetry();
return process.exit(result ? 0 : 1);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises