import glob import os import subprocess import sys import uuid if len(sys.argv) != 3: print("Usage: ") print("Last version generated 14.21.27702") exit() VSFolder = sys.argv[1] VCVersion = sys.argv[2] archs = ["x86", "x64", "arm64"] archProjectMap = { "arm64": "ARM64", "x86": "Win32", "x64": "x64" }; importLibMapping = { "concrt140" : "concrt.lib", "concrt140d" : "concrtd.lib", "msvcp140_1" : "msvcprt.lib", "msvcp140_1d" : "msvcprtd.lib", "msvcp140_2" : "msvcprt.lib", "msvcp140_2d" : "msvcprtd.lib", "msvcp140_atomic_wait" : "msvcprt.lib", "msvcp140d_atomic_wait" : "msvcprtd.lib", "msvcp140" : "msvcprt.lib", "msvcp140d" : "msvcprtd.lib", "vcamp140" : "vcamp.lib", "vcamp140d" : "vcampd.lib", "vccorlib140" : "vccorlib.lib", "vccorlib140d" : "vccorlibd.lib", "vcomp140" : "vcomp.lib", "vcomp140d" : "vcompd.lib", "vcruntime140" : "vcruntime.lib", "vcruntime140d" : "vcruntimed.lib", "vcruntime140_1" : "vcruntime.lib", "vcruntime140_1d" : "vcruntimed.lib", "msvcp140_codecvt_ids" : None, "msvcp140d_codecvt_ids" : None, }; # Some versions of MSVC ship with the libraries and tools in different # directories. Since this tool takes *library* versions, this map will # be used to map those to tool versions. libraryToolsVersionMapping = { "14.34.31931": "14.34.31933" }; def GetToolsVersion(libVersion): return libraryToolsVersionMapping[libVersion] if libVersion in libraryToolsVersionMapping else libVersion def GetModules(arch): modules = [] releaseFolder = os.path.join(VSFolder, r"VC\Redist\MSVC", VCVersion, arch) releaseModules = glob.glob(os.path.join(releaseFolder, r"**\*.dll"), recursive=True) modules += [[module, True] for module in releaseModules] debugFolder = os.path.join(VSFolder, r"VC\Redist\MSVC", VCVersion, r"debug_nonredist", arch) debugModules = glob.glob(os.path.join(debugFolder, r"**\*.dll"), recursive=True) modules += [[module, False] for module in debugModules] # The LLVM modules do not ship _app versions, and we must skip them. modules = [tpl for tpl in modules if ("LLVM" not in tpl[0])] return modules def GetImportLibFolder(arch): return os.path.join(VSFolder, r"VC\Tools\MSVC", GetToolsVersion(VCVersion), "lib", arch) def GetDumpbin(): return os.path.join(VSFolder, r"VC\Tools\MSVC", GetToolsVersion(VCVersion), r"bin\Hostx86\x86\dumpbin.exe") def GenerateSymbolMapping(importLibPath): symbolTable = {} output = subprocess.Popen([GetDumpbin(), "/headers", importLibPath], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for line in iter(output.stdout.readline,b''): strippedLine = line.strip().decode("windows-1251") # ignore all lines other than for symbol entry if "Symbol name" not in strippedLine: continue # skip a few lines to get to the nameType and name field output.stdout.readline() # type nameType = output.stdout.readline().strip().decode("windows-1251") output.stdout.readline() # hint name = output.stdout.readline().strip().decode("windows-1251") # symbol line is in format of Symbol name : [(extra info)] symbol = strippedLine.split(":")[1].strip().split(" ")[0].strip() name = name.split(":")[1].strip() nameType = nameType.split(":")[1].strip() if nameType == "no prefix": finalMapping = symbol elif nameType == "name": finalMapping = name elif nameType == "undecorate": finalMapping = "_" + name elif nameType == "exportas": # exportas is seemingly used for symbol aliases, and can be ignored # since we process this table by enumerating exports, we only # see the names after they've gone through exportas. continue else: raise ValueError(importLibPath, name, nameType) if name in symbolTable and symbolTable[name] != finalMapping: raise ValueError(importLibPath, name, symbolTable[name], finalMapping) symbolTable[name] = finalMapping return symbolTable # Generate the same folder structure as the repo # i.e. 140_debug\vcrt_fwd_x64_debug\concrt140d_app def GetOutputFolder(arch, isRelease, module): folderSuffix = "release" if isRelease else "debug" return str.format(r"140_{0}\vcrt_fwd_{1}_{0}\{2}_app", folderSuffix, arch, module) def WriteVersionInfo(resFile, module): VersionResStyle = VCVersion.replace(".", ",") + ",0" resFile.write(f''' #include VS_VERSION_INFO VERSIONINFO FILEVERSION {VersionResStyle} PRODUCTVERSION {VersionResStyle} FILEFLAGSMASK VS_FFI_FILEFLAGSMASK FILEOS VOS__WINDOWS32 FILETYPE VFT_DLL FILESUBTYPE VFT2_UNKNOWN BEGIN BLOCK "StringFileInfo" BEGIN BLOCK "040904E4" BEGIN VALUE "CompanyName", "Microsoft Corporation" VALUE "FileDescription", "{module} Forwarder" VALUE "FileVersion", "{VCVersion}" VALUE "InternalName", "{module}_app" VALUE "ProductName", "{module} Forwarder" VALUE "ProductVersion", "{VCVersion}" END END BLOCK "VarFileInfo" BEGIN VALUE "Translation", 0x0409, 1252 END END ''') def WriteProjectFile(projectFile, guid, module, arch, isRelease): config = "Debug" if not isRelease else "Release" onInDebug = "true" if not isRelease else "false" offInDebug = "false" if not isRelease else "true" dbgDefine = "_DEBUG" if not isRelease else "NDEBUG" optimization = "Disabled" if not isRelease else "MaxSpeed" arch = archProjectMap[arch] if guid is None: guid = str(uuid.uuid4()).upper() cleanRootNamespace = module.replace("_", "") + "app" projectFile.write(f''' {config} {arch} 15.0 {{{guid}}} Win32Proj {cleanRootNamespace} 10.0.22621.0 DynamicLibrary {onInDebug} v143 {offInDebug} Unicode {onInDebug} NotUsing Level3 {optimization} true {dbgDefine};_WINDOWS;_USRDLL;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) true ProgramDatabase Windows {offInDebug} {offInDebug} true /NOENTRY %(AdditionalOptions) ''') def GetProjectGuid(projectFile): for line in iter(projectFile.readline,b''): strippedLine = line.strip() # ignore all lines other than for symbol entry if "ProjectGuid" not in strippedLine: continue return strippedLine.split("{")[1].split("}")[0] # main logic to go through each module and generate forwarders errors = [] for arch in archs: for item in GetModules(arch): modulePath = item[0] module = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(modulePath))[0] if module in importLibMapping.keys() and None == importLibMapping[module]: # We're skipping this library on purpose. continue symbolMapping = GenerateSymbolMapping(os.path.join(GetImportLibFolder(arch), importLibMapping[module])) outputFolder = GetOutputFolder(arch, item[1], module) if not os.path.exists(outputFolder): os.makedirs(outputFolder) projects = glob.glob(os.path.join(outputFolder, "*.vcxproj")) existingProjectGuid = None if len(projects) == 1: with open(projects[0], "r") as projectFile: existingProjectGuid = GetProjectGuid(projectFile) with open(os.path.join(outputFolder, str.format("{0}_app.vcxproj", module)), "w") as projectFile: WriteProjectFile(projectFile, existingProjectGuid, module, arch, item[1]) with open(os.path.join(outputFolder, "version.rc"), "w") as resFile: WriteVersionInfo(resFile, module) outputFile = open(os.path.join(outputFolder, module + "_app.cpp"), "w") output = subprocess.Popen([GetDumpbin(), "/exports", modulePath], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) headerParsed = False for line in iter(output.stdout.readline,b''): strippedLine = line.strip().decode("windows-1251") if not headerParsed: if ("ordinal" in strippedLine and "hint" in strippedLine): # Skip line after header output.stdout.readline() headerParsed = True continue if strippedLine == "Summary": break if strippedLine == "": continue function = list(filter(None, strippedLine.split(" ")))[3] if function not in symbolMapping: # handle edge case for _EH_PROLOG as for some reason it is not in the symbol table and is only in X86. if function == "_EH_prolog": outputFile.write(str.format("""#pragma comment(linker, "/export:{0}={1}.{2}")\n""", "__EH_prolog", module, function)) else: errors += [[arch, module, function]] else: outputFile.write(str.format("""#pragma comment(linker, "/export:{0}={1}.{2}")\n""", symbolMapping[function], module, function)) outputFile.close() print(errors)