448 строки
17 KiB
448 строки
17 KiB
Before running train, you need to run prepare.py with the respective task.
Example (in the command line):
> cd to root dir
> conda activate nlp
> python code/prepare.py --do_format --task 1
import os
import spacy
import pandas as pd
import string
import re
import argparse
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedShuffleSplit
# Custom functions
import sys
import helper as he
import data as dt
import custom as cu
logger = he.get_logger(location=__name__)
class Clean():
"""Text preprocessing and cleaning steps
- EN
- DE
- IT
- XX (multi - NER only)
- Remove Noise
Remove formatting and other noise that may be contained in emails or
other document types.
- Get Placeholders
Placeholders for common items such as dates, times, urls but also
custom customer IDs.
- Remove Stopwords
Stopwords can be added by adding a language specific stopword file
to /assets. Format: "assets/stopwords_<language>.txt".
- Lemmatize
def __init__(self, task,
self.task = task
self.language = cu.params.get('language')
# Load data class
self.dt = dt.Data(task=self.task, inference=inference)
# Download data, if needed #TODO: move all downloads to data
if download_source and not os.path.isfile(self.dt.fn_lookup.get('fn_source')):
self.dt.download(dataset_name = self.dt.n_source, source = 'datastore') #TODO: still downloading?
if download_train:
self.dt.download(step = 'extra', source = 'datastore')
self.dt.download(task = task, step = 'train', source = 'datastore')
# if inference:
# self.dt.download(step = 'extra', source = 'datastore') #TODO: not working in deployed
# Load spacy model
self.nlp = he.load_spacy_model(language=self.language, disable=['ner','parser','tagger'])
# Create stopword list
stopwords_active = []
## Load names
names = self.dt.load('fn_names', file_type='list')
stopwords_active = stopwords_active + names
except FileNotFoundError as e:
logger.warning(f'[WARNING] No names list loaded: {e}')
## Load stopwords
stopwords = self.dt.load('fn_stopwords', file_type='list')
stopwords_active = stopwords_active + stopwords
except FileNotFoundError as e:
logger.warning(f'[WARNING] No stopwords list loaded: {e}')
## Add to Spacy stopword list
logger.warning(f'[INFO] Active stopwords list lenght: {len(stopwords_active)}')
for w in stopwords_active:
self.nlp.vocab[w.replace('\n','')].is_stop = True
def remove(self, line,
"""Remove content from text"""
# Customer Remove
line = cu.remove(line)
if rm_email_formatting:
line = re.sub(r'<[^>]+>', ' ', line) # Remove HTML tags
line = re.sub(r'^(.*\.eml)', ' ', line) # remove header for system generated emails
if rm_email_header:
if self.language == 'en' or self.language == 'de':
line = re.sub(r'\b(AW|RE|VON|WG|FWD|FW)(\:| )', '', line, flags=re.I)
if self.language == 'de':
line = re.sub(r'(Sehr geehrte( Damen und Herren.)?.)|hallo.|guten( tag)?.', '', line, flags=re.I)
if rm_email_footer:
if self.language == 'en':
line = re.sub(r'\bkind regards.*', '', line, flags=re.I)
if self.language == 'de':
line = re.sub(r'\b(mit )?(beste|viele|liebe|freundlich\w+)? (gr[u,ü][ß,ss].*)', '', line, flags=re.I)
line = re.sub(r'\b(besten|herzlichen|lieben) dank.*', '', line, flags=re.I)
line = re.sub(r'\bvielen dank für ihr verständnis.*', '', line, flags=re.I)
line = re.sub(r'\bvielen dank im voraus.*', '', line, flags=re.I)
line = re.sub(r'\b(mfg|m\.f\.g) .*','', line, flags=re.I)
line = re.sub(r'\b(lg) .*','',line, flags=re.I)
line = re.sub(r'\b(meinem iPhone gesendet) .*','',line, flags=re.I)
line = re.sub(r'\b(Gesendet mit der (WEB|GMX)) .*','',line, flags=re.I)
line = re.sub(r'\b(Diese E-Mail wurde von Avast) .*','',line, flags=re.I)
# Remove remaining characters
##NOTE: may break other regex
if rm_punctuation:
line = re.sub('['+string.punctuation+']',' ',line)
return line
def get_placeholder(self, line,
'''Replace text with type specfic placeholders'''
# Customer placeholders
line = cu.get_placeholder(line)
# Generic placeholder
if rp_generic:
line = re.sub(r' \+[0-9]+', ' ', line) # remove phone numbers
line = re.sub(r'0x([a-z]|[0-9])+ ',' PER ',line, re.IGNORECASE) # replace
line = re.sub(r'[0-9]{2}[\/.,:][0-9]{2}[\/.,:][0-9]{2,4}', ' PDT ', line) # remove dates and time, replace with placeholder
line = re.sub(r'([0-9]{2,3}[\.]){3}[0-9]{1,3}',' PIP ',line) # replace ip with placeholder
line = re.sub(r'[0-9]{1,2}[\/.,:][0-9]{1,2}', ' PTI ', line) # remove only time, replace with placeholder
line = re.sub(r'[\w\.-]+@[\w\.-]+', ' PEM ', line) # remove emails
line = re.sub(r'http[s]?://(?:[a-z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]))+', ' PUR ', line) # Remove links
line = re.sub(r'€|\$|(USD)|(EURO)', ' PMO ', line)
# Placeholders for numerics
if rp_num:
line = re.sub(r' ([0-9]{4,30}) ',' PNL ', line) # placeholder for long stand alone numbers
line = re.sub(r' [0-9]{2,3} ',' PNS ', line) # placeholder for short stand alone numbers
return line
def tokenize(self, line, lemmatize = False, rm_stopwords = False):
'''Tokenizer for non DL tasks'''
if not isinstance(line, str):
line = str(line)
if lemmatize and rm_stopwords:
line = ' '.join([t.lemma_ for t in self.nlp(line) if not t.is_stop])
elif lemmatize:
line = ' '.join([t.lemma_ for t in self.nlp(line)])
elif rm_stopwords:
line = ' '.join([t.text for t in self.nlp(line) if not t.is_stop])
return line
def transform(self, texts,
to_lower = False,
# Remove
rm_email_formatting = False,
rm_email_header = False,
rm_email_footer = False,
rm_punctuation = False,
# Placeholders
rp_generic = False,
rp_num = False,
# Tokenize
lemmatize = False,
rm_stopwords = False,
return_token = False,
# Whitespace
remove_whitespace = True
"""Main run function for cleaning process"""
if isinstance(texts, str):
texts = [texts]
# Convert to series for improved efficiency
df_texts = pd.Series(texts)
# Avoid loading errors
df_texts = df_texts.replace('\t', ' ', regex=True)
# Remove noise
if any((rm_email_formatting, rm_email_header,
rm_email_footer, rm_punctuation)):
df_texts = df_texts.apply(lambda x: self.remove(x,
rm_email_formatting = rm_email_formatting,
rm_email_header = rm_email_header,
rm_email_footer = rm_email_footer,
rm_punctuation = rm_punctuation))
# Replace placeholders
if any((rp_generic, rp_num)):
df_texts = df_texts.apply(lambda x: self.get_placeholder(x,
rp_generic = rp_generic,
rp_num = rp_num))
# Tokenize text
if any((lemmatize, rm_stopwords, return_token)):
df_texts = df_texts.apply(self.tokenize,
lemmatize = lemmatize,
rm_stopwords = rm_stopwords)
# To lower
if to_lower:
df_texts = df_texts.apply(str.lower)
# Remove spacing
if remove_whitespace:
df_texts = df_texts.apply(lambda x: " ".join(x.split()))
# Return Tokens
if return_token:
return [t.split(' ') for t in df_texts.to_list()]
return df_texts.to_list()
def transform_by_task(self, text):
if cu.tasks.get(str(self.task)).get('type') == 'classification':
return self.transform(text,
rm_email_formatting = True,
rm_email_header = True,
rm_email_footer = True,
rp_generic = True)[0]
elif cu.tasks.get(str(self.task)).get('type') == 'ner':
return text[0]
elif cu.tasks.get(str(self.task)).get('type') == 'qa':
return self.transform(text,
to_lower = True,
# Remove
rm_email_formatting = True,
rm_email_header = True,
rm_email_footer = True,
rm_punctuation = True,
# Placeholders
rp_generic = True,
rp_num = True,
# Tokenize
lemmatize = True,
rm_stopwords = True,
return_token = True
logger.warning('[WARNING] No transform by task found.')
return text[0]
def prepare_classification(task, do_format, train_split, min_cat_occurance,
min_char_length, register_data):
# Get clean object
cl = Clean(task=task, download_source=True)
# Load data
if do_format:
data = cl.dt.process(data_type=cu.params.get('prepare').get('data_type'))
data = cl.dt.load('fn_prep')
logger.warning(f'Data Length : {len(data)}')
# Load text & label field
text_raw = cu.load_text(data)
data['label'] = cu.load_label(data, task)
label_list_raw = data.label.drop_duplicates()
# Clean text
data['text'] = cl.transform(text_raw,
rm_email_formatting = True,
rm_email_header = True,
rm_email_footer = True,
rp_generic = True)
# Filter by length
data = he.remove_short(data, 'text', min_char_length=min_char_length)
logger.warning(f'Data Length : {len(data)}')
# Remove duplicates
data_red = data.drop_duplicates(subset=['text'])
logger.warning(f'Data Length : {len(data_red)}')
# Min class occurance
data_red = data_red[data_red.groupby('label').label.transform('size') > min_cat_occurance]
logger.warning(f'Data Length : {len(data_red)}')
data_red = data_red.reset_index(drop=True).copy()
# Label list
label_list = data_red.label.drop_duplicates()
logger.warning(f'Excluded labels: {list(set(label_list_raw)-set(label_list))}')
# Split data
strf_split = StratifiedShuffleSplit(n_splits = 1, test_size=(1-train_split), random_state=200)
for train_index, test_index in strf_split.split(data_red, data_red['label']):
df_cat_train = data_red.loc[train_index]
df_cat_test = data_red.loc[test_index]
# Save data
cl.dt.save(data_red, fn = 'fn_clean')
cl.dt.save(df_cat_train[['text','label']], fn = 'fn_train')
cl.dt.save(df_cat_test[['text','label']], fn = 'fn_test')
cl.dt.save(label_list, fn = 'fn_label', header=False)
# Upload data
if register_data:
cl.dt.upload('fp_data', task=task, step='train', destination='dataset')
def prepare_ner(task, do_format, register_data):
def prepare_qa(task, do_format, min_char_length, register_data):
# Get clean object
cl = Clean(task=task, download_source=True)
# Load data
if do_format:
data = cl.dt.process(data_type=cu.params.get('prepare').get('data_type'))
data = cl.dt.load('fn_prep')
logger.warning(f'Data Length : {len(data)}')
# Filter relevant question answer pairs
data = cu.filter_qa(data)
logger.warning(f'Data Length : {len(data)}')
# Load question & answer fields
question, answer = cu.load_qa(data)
# Clean text
data['question_clean'] = cl.transform(question,
to_lower = True,
rm_email_formatting = True,
rm_email_header = True,
rm_email_footer = True,
rm_punctuation = True,
rp_generic = True,
rp_num = True,
lemmatize = True,
rm_stopwords = True
data['answer_clean'] = cl.transform(answer,
to_lower = True,
rm_email_formatting = True,
rm_email_header = True,
rm_email_footer = True,
rm_punctuation = True,
rp_generic = True,
rp_num = True,
lemmatize = True,
rm_stopwords = True
# For display
data['answer_text_clean'] = cl.transform(answer,
rm_email_formatting = True,
rm_email_header = True,
rm_email_footer = True
# Filter by length
data = he.remove_short(data, 'question_clean', min_char_length=min_char_length)
logger.warning(f'Data Length : {len(data)}')
# Remove duplicates
data = data.drop_duplicates(subset=['question_clean'])
logger.warning(f'Data Length : {len(data)}')
data = data.reset_index(drop=True).copy()
# Save data
cl.dt.save(data, fn = 'fn_clean')
# Upload data
if register_data:
cl.dt.upload('fp_data', task=task, step='train', destination='dataset')
def main(task=1,
logger.warning(f'Running <PREPARE> for task {task}')
task_type = cu.tasks.get(str(task)).get('type')
if 'classification' == task_type:
prepare_classification(task, do_format, split, min_cat_occurance, min_char_length, register_data)
elif 'ner' == task_type:
prepare_ner(task, do_format, register_data)
elif 'qa' == task_type:
prepare_qa(task, do_format, min_char_length, register_data)
logger.warning('[ERROR] TASK TYPE UNKNOWN. Nothing was processed.')
def run():
"""Run from the command line"""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help="Task where: \
-task 1 : classification subcat \
-task 2 : classification cat \
-task 3 : ner \
-task 4 : qa")
help="Avoid reloading and normalizing data")
help="Train test split. Dev split is taken from train set.")
help="Min occurance required by category.")
args = parser.parse_args()
main(args.task, args.do_format, args.split, min_cat_occurance=args.min_cat_occurance,
min_char_length=args.min_char_length, register_data=args.register_data)
if __name__ == '__main__':
run() |