[Azure IoT Edge extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=vsciot-vscode.azure-iot-edge) <sup>Preview</sup> makes it easy to code, build, deploy, and debug your [IoT Edge](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-iot-edge-works) solutions in Visual Studio Code, by providing a rich set of functionalities:
- It's also recommended to install [Docker Support for Visual Studio Code](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=PeterJausovec.vscode-docker) to manage your IoT Edge Docker images, containers and registries.
For C# developers, you can develop, debug and deploy [C# modules](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/tutorial-csharp-module) and [C# Functions on IoT Edge](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/tutorial-deploy-function)
- **Azure IoT Edge: Add IoT Edge Module**: The context menu of deployment.template.json file in VS Code file explorer. A new module will be added to the **modules** folder.
- **Azure IoT Edge: Build IoT Edge Solution**: The context menu of deployment.template.json file in VS Code file explorer.
- **Azure IoT Edge: Generate IoT Edge Deployment Manifest**: The context menu of deployment.template.json file in VS Code file explorer. The deployment manifest (deployment.json) will be expanded from deployment.template.json.
- **Azure IoT Edge: Build IoT Edge Module Image**: The context menu of the module.json file in VS Code file explorer. With the input platform from user, it will build the image with the target Dockerfile.
- **Azure IoT Edge: Build and Push IoT Edge Module Image**: The context menu of the module.json file in VS Code file explorer. With the input platform from user, it will build and push image with the target Dockerfile.
- **Azure IoT Edge: Create deployment for Edge device**: The context menu of an IoT Edge device in device list. Create a deployment for target IoT Edge device with deployment manifest file you select.
- **Azure IoT Edge: Get module twin**: The context menu of a deployed module. Fetch target module twin.
The extension might work on other Linux distros as some users have reported, but be aware that Microsoft provides no guarantee or support for such installations
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