
39 строки
1.8 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import { gulp_webpack } from '@microsoft/vscode-azext-dev';
import * as fse from 'fs-extra';
import * as gulp from 'gulp';
import * as path from 'path';
declare let exports: { [key: string]: unknown };
async function prepareForWebpack(): Promise<void> {
const mainJsPath: string = path.join(__dirname, 'main.js');
let contents: string = (await fse.readFile(mainJsPath)).toString();
contents = contents
.replace('out/src/extension', 'dist/extension.bundle')
.replace(', true /* ignoreBundle */', '');
await fse.writeFile(mainJsPath, contents);
async function cleanReadme(): Promise<void> {
const readmePath: string = path.join(__dirname, 'README.md');
let data: string = (await fse.readFile(readmePath)).toString();
data = data.replace(/<!-- region exclude-from-marketplace -->.*?<!-- endregion exclude-from-marketplace -->/gis, '');
await fse.writeFile(readmePath, data);
async function preTest(): Promise<void> {
const fromPath: string = path.join(__dirname, 'test', 'ingress', 'dockerfileSamples');
const toPath: string = path.join(__dirname, 'dist', 'test', 'ingress', 'dockerfileSamples');
fse.copySync(fromPath, toPath);
exports['webpack-dev'] = gulp.series(prepareForWebpack, () => gulp_webpack('development'));
exports['webpack-prod'] = gulp.series(prepareForWebpack, () => gulp_webpack('production'));
exports.cleanReadme = cleanReadme;
exports.preTest = preTest;