"azFunc.templateFilterDescription":"Specify the templates to display when creating a new function. The supported values are 'Verified', 'Core', and 'All'. The 'Verified' category is a subset of 'Core' that has been verified to work with the latest VS Code extension.",
"azFunc.projectRuntimeDescription":"The default runtime to use when performing operations in the Azure Functions extension (e.g. \"Create New Function\"). \"~1\" is currently the latest version approved for production use.",
"azFunc.projectLanguageDescription":"The default language to use when performing operations in the Azure Functions extension (e.g. \"Create New Function\"). \"F#\", and \"JavaScript\" are currently the only languages approved for production use with runtime \"~1\". \"JavaScript\", \"C#\", and \"Java\" are the only languages that currently support debugging in VS Code.",
"azFunc.show64BitWarningDescription":"Show a warning to install a 64-bit version of the Azure Functions Core Tools when you create a .NET Framework project.",