"azureFunctions.deploySubpath":"The default subpath of a workspace folder to use when deploying. If set, you will not be prompted for the folder path when deploying.",
"azureFunctions.description":"An Azure Functions extension for Visual Studio Code.",
"azureFunctions.enableJavaRemoteDebugging":"Enable remote debugging for Java Functions Apps running on Windows. (experimental)",
"azureFunctions.enableOutputTimestamps":"Prepends each line displayed in the output channel with a timestamp.",
"azureFunctions.enableRemoteDebugging":"Enable remote debugging for Node.js Function Apps running on Linux App Service plans. Consumption plans are not supported. (experimental)",
"azureFunctions.funcCliPath":"The path to the 'func' executable to use for debug and deploy tasks. For example, set it to 'node_modules/.bin/func' if using the func cli installed as a local npm package.",
"azureFunctions.pickProcessTimeout":"The timeout (in seconds) to be used when searching for the Azure Functions host process. Since a build is required every time you F5, you may need to adjust this based on how long your build takes.",
"azureFunctions.projectOpenBehavior":"The behavior to use after creating a new project. The options are \"AddToWorkspace\", \"OpenInNewWindow\", or \"OpenInCurrentWindow\".",
"azureFunctions.projectSubpath":"The default subpath of a workspace folder to use for project operations. This is only necessary if you have multiple projects in one workspace. See https://aka.ms/AA4nmfy for more information.",
"azureFunctions.projectTemplateKey":"A key used to identify which templates to use for this project. In most cases, this will be automatically detected and should not need to be set.",
"azureFunctions.pythonVenv":"The name of the Python virtual environment used for your project. A virtual environment is required to debug and deploy Python functions.",
"azureFunctions.show64BitWarning":"Show a warning to install a 64-bit version of the Azure Functions Core Tools when you create a .NET Framework project.",
"azureFunctions.showCoreToolsWarning":"Show a warning if your installed version of Azure Functions Core Tools is out-of-date.",
"azureFunctions.showDeployConfirmation":"Ask for confirmation before deploying to a Function App in Azure (deploying will overwrite any previous deployment and cannot be undone).",
"azureFunctions.showDeprecatedStacks":"Show deprecated runtime stacks when creating a Function App in Azure. WARNING: These stacks may be removed at any time and may not be available in all regions.",
"azureFunctions.showExtensionsCsprojWarning":"Show a warning when an Azure Functions project was detected that has mismatched \"extensions.csproj\" configuration.",
"%azureFunctions.showFlexEventGridWarning%":"Show a warning when deploying a Azure Blob Storage Trigger (using Event Grid) to a Flex Consumption Function App.",
"azureFunctions.showHiddenStacks":"Show hidden runtime stacks when creating a Function App in Azure. WARNING: These stacks may be in preview or may not be available in all regions.",
"azureFunctions.suppressProject":"Set to true if this should not be recognized as an Azure Functions project and you want to hide related functionality.",
"azureFunctions.templateFilter":"Specify the templates to display when creating a new function. The supported values are 'Verified', 'Core', and 'All'. The 'Verified' category is a subset of 'Core' that has been verified to work with the latest VS Code extension.",
"azureFunctions.templateVersion":"A runtime release version (any runtime) that species which templates will be used rather than the latest templates. This version will be used for ALL runtimes. (Requires a restart of VS Code to take effect)",
"azureFunctions.walkthrough.functionsStart.create.description":"If you're just getting started, you will need to create an Azure Functions project. Follow along with the [Visual Studio Code developer guide](https://aka.ms/functions-getstarted-vscode) for step-by-step instructions.\n[Create New Project](command:azureFunctions.createNewProject)",
"azureFunctions.walkthrough.functionsStart.initialize.description":"If you created a project using Azure Functions Core Tools, then you will need to initialize your project for use in VS Code. This command adds the required Visual Studio Code project files to an existing Functions project.\n[Initialize Project for Use with VS Code](command:azureFunctions.initProjectForVSCode)",
"azureFunctions.walkthrough.functionsStart.initialize.title":"Initialize an existing project",
"azureFunctions.walkthrough.functionsStart.scenarios.description":"Learn how you can use Azure Functions to build event-driven systems.\n\nIf you're just getting started with Azure Functions, you can [learn about the anatomy of an Azure Functions application](https://aka.ms/functions-getstarted-devguide).",
"azureFunctions.walkthrough.functionsStart.scenarios.title":"Explore common scenarios",
"azureFunctions.walkthrough.functionsStart.title":"Get Started with Azure Functions"