
80 строки
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"extension.description": "An Azure Functions extension for Visual Studio Code.",
"azFunc.refresh": "Refresh",
"azFunc.loadMore": "Load More",
"azFunc.createNewProject": "Create New Project...",
"azFunc.initProjectForVSCode": "Initialize Project for Use with VS Code...",
"azFunc.createFunction": "Create Function...",
"azFunc.createFunctionApp": "Create Function App in Azure...",
"azFunc.createFunctionAppAdvanced": "Create Function App in Azure... (Advanced)",
"azFunc.openInPortal": "Open in Portal",
"azFunc.startFunctionApp": "Start",
"azFunc.stopFunctionApp": "Stop",
"azFunc.restartFunctionApp": "Restart",
"azFunc.deleteFunctionApp": "Delete Function App...",
"azFunc.copyFunctionUrl": "Copy Function Url",
"azFunc.executeFunction": "Execute Function Now",
"azFunc.viewProperties": "View Properties",
"azFunc.deleteFunction": "Delete Function...",
"azFunc.showExplorerDescription": "Show or hide the Azure Functions Explorer",
"azFunc.templateFilterDescription": "Specify the templates to display when creating a new function. The supported values are 'Verified', 'Core', and 'All'. The 'Verified' category is a subset of 'Core' that has been verified to work with the latest VS Code extension.",
"azFunc.projectRuntimeDescription": "The default runtime to use when performing operations in the Azure Functions extension (e.g. \"Create New Function\").",
"azFunc.projectLanguageDescription": "The default language to use when performing operations in the Azure Functions extension (e.g. \"Create New Function\").",
"azFunc.deploy": "Deploy to Function App...",
"azFunc.configureDeploymentSource": "Configure Deployment Source...",
"azFunc.startRemoteDebug": "Start Remote Debugging",
"azFunc.startJavaRemoteDebug": "Attach Debugger",
"azFunc.appSettings.add": "Add New Setting...",
"azFunc.appSettings.download": "Download Remote Settings...",
"azFunc.appSettings.upload": "Upload Local Settings...",
"azFunc.appSettings.edit": "Edit Setting...",
"azFunc.appSettings.rename": "Rename Setting...",
"azFunc.appSettings.delete": "Delete Setting...",
"azFunc.appSettings.decrypt": "Decrypt Settings",
"azFunc.appSettings.encrypt": "Encrypt Settings",
"azFunc.appSettings.toggleSlotSetting": "Toggle as Slot Setting",
"azFunc.pickProcess": "Pick Process",
"azFunc.deploySubpathDescription": "The default subpath of a workspace folder to use when deploying. If set, you will not be prompted for the folder path when deploying.",
"azFunc.projectSubpathDescription": "The default subpath of a workspace folder to use for project operations. This is only necessary if you have multiple projects in one workspace. See https://aka.ms/AA4nmfy for more information.",
"azFunc.showCoreToolsWarningDescription": "Show a warning if your installed version of Azure Functions Core Tools is out-of-date.",
"azFunc.showMultiCoreToolsWarningDescription": "Show a warning if multiple installs of Azure Functions Core Tools are detected.",
"azFunc.show64BitWarningDescription": "Show a warning to install a 64-bit version of the Azure Functions Core Tools when you create a .NET Framework project.",
"azFunc.showProjectWarningDescription": "Show a warning when an Azure Functions project was detected that has not been initialized for use in VS Code.",
"azFunc.showDebugConfigWarningDescription": "Show a warning when an Azure Functions project was detected that has an out-of-date debug configuration.",
"azFunc.showJavaDeployConfigWarningDescription": "Show a warning when an Azure Functions Java project was detected that has an out-of-date deploy configuration.",
"azFunc.showPythonVenvWarningDescription": "Show a warning when an Azure Functions Python project was detected that does not have a virtual environment.",
"azFunc.showTargetFrameworkWarningDescription": "Show a warning when an Azure Functions .NET project was detected that has mismatched target frameworks.",
"azFunc.showDeploySubpathWarningDescription": "Show a warning when the \"deploySubpath\" setting does not match the selected folder for deploying.",
"azFunc.startStreamingLogs": "Start Streaming Logs",
"azFunc.stopStreamingLogs": "Stop Streaming Logs",
"azFunc.enableRemoteDebugging": "Enable remote debugging for Node.js Function Apps running on Linux App Service plans. Consumption plans are not supported. (experimental)",
"azFunc.enableJavaRemoteDebugging": "Enable remote debugging for Java Functions Apps running on Windows. (experimental)",
"azFunc.deleteProxy": "Delete Proxy...",
"azFunc.pickProcessTimeoutDescription": "The timeout (in seconds) to be used when searching for the Azure Functions host process. Since a build is required every time you F5, you may need to adjust this based on how long your build takes.",
"azFunc.templateVersion": "A runtime release version (any runtime) that species which templates will be used rather than the latest templates. This version will be used for ALL runtimes. (Requires a restart of VS Code to take effect)",
"azFunc.projectOpenBehaviorDescription": "The behavior to use after creating a new project. The options are \"AddToWorkspace\", \"OpenInNewWindow\", or \"OpenInCurrentWindow\".",
"azFunc.uninstallFuncCoreTools": "Uninstall Azure Functions Core Tools",
"azFunc.installOrUpdateFuncCoreTools": "Install or Update Azure Functions Core Tools",
"azFunc.preDeployTaskDescription": "The name of the task to run before zip deployments.",
"azFunc.problemMatchers.funcWatch.label": "Azure Functions problems (watch mode)",
"azFunc.projectRuntime.v1Description": "Azure Functions v1 (.NET Framework)",
"azFunc.projectRuntime.v2Description": "Azure Functions v2 (.NET Standard)",
"azFunc.projectRuntime.betaDescription": "DEPRECATED Use \"~2\" instead.",
"azFunc.projectLanguage.previewDescription": "(Preview)",
"azFunc.pythonVenvDescription": "The name of the Python virtual environment used for your project. A virtual environment is required to debug and deploy Python functions.",
"azFunc.createPythonVenv": "Create a virtual environment when creating a new Python project.",
"azFunc.enableSlotsDescription": "Enable preview support for slots.",
"azFunc.redeploy": "Redeploy",
"azFunc.viewDeploymentLogs": "View Deployment Logs",
"azFunc.viewCommitInGitHub": "View Commit in GitHub",
"azFunc.ConnectToGitHub": "Connect to GitHub Repository...",
"azFunc.disconnectRepo": "Disconnect from Repo...",
"azFunc.createSlot": "Create Slot...",
"azFunc.swapSlot": "Swap Slot...",
"azFunc.toggleAppSettingVisibility": "Toggle App Setting Visibility.",
"azFunc.addBinding": "Add binding...",
"azFunc.setAzureWebJobsStorage": "Set AzureWebJobsStorage...",
"azFunc.scmDoBuildDuringDeploymentDescription": "Set to true to build your project on the server. Currently only applicable for Linux Function Apps.",
"azFunc.enableOutputTimestamps": "Prepends each line displayed in the output channel with a timestamp."