"chrome.port.description":"Port to use for Chrome remote debugging.",
"chrome.address.description":"TCP/IP address of debug port",
"chrome.file.description":"A local html file to open in the browser",
"chrome.url.description":"Will search for a tab with this EXACT url and attach to it, if found",
"chrome.webRoot.description":"This specifies the workspace absolute path to the webserver root. Used to resolve paths like `/app.js` to files on disk. Shorthand for a pathMapping for \"/\"",
"chrome.pathMapping.description":"A mapping of URLs/paths to local folders, to resolve scripts in Chrome to scripts on disk",
"chrome.runtimeExecutable.description":"Workspace absolute path to the runtime executable to be used. If not specified, Chrome will be used from the default install location.",
"chrome.runtimeArgs.description":"Optional arguments passed to the runtime executable.",
"chrome.env.description":"Optional dictionary of environment key/value pairs.",
"chrome.cwd.description":"Optional working directory for the runtime executable.",
"chrome.sourceMaps.description":"Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).",
"chrome.diagnosticLogging.description":"When true, the adapter logs its own diagnostic info to the console in a human readable format",
"chrome.verboseDiagnosticLogging.description":"When true, the adapter logs all traffic with the client and target (as well as the info logged by 'diagnosticLogging')",
"chrome.trace.description":"When 'true', the debugger will log tracing info to a file. When 'verbose', it will also show logs in the console.",
"chrome.userDataDir.description":"By default, Chrome is launched with a separate user profile in a temp folder. Use this option to override it. Set to false to launch with your default user profile.",
"chrome.sourceMapPathOverrides.description":"A set of mappings for rewriting the locations of source files from what the sourcemap says, to their locations on disk. See README for details.",
"chrome.smartStep.description":"Automatically step through unmapped lines in sourcemapped files. For example, code that TypeScript produces automatically when downcompiling async/await or other features.",
"chrome.breakOnLoad.description":"Experimental feature - If true, the debug adapter will attempt to set breakpoints in scripts before they are loaded, so it can hit breakpoints at the beginnings of those scripts. Has a perf impact.",
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.description":"The strategy to use for breakOnLoad.",
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.instrument.description":"Tell Chrome to pause as each script is loaded, resolving sourcemaps and setting breakpoints",
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.regex.description":"Sets breakpoints optimistically in files with the same name as the file in which the breakpoint is set."