"cmake-tools.configuration.cmake.preferredGenerators.description":"The preferred CMake generator(s) to use when configuring (tried in order of listing).",
"cmake-tools.configuration.cmake.generator.description":"The CMake generator to use.",
"cmake-tools.configuration.cmake.toolset.description":"The CMake toolset to use when configuring.",
"cmake-tools.configuration.cmake.platform.description":"The CMake platform to use when configuring.",
"cmake-tools.configuration.cmake.configureArgs.description":"Additional arguments to pass to CMake when configuring.",
"cmake-tools.configuration.cmake.buildArgs.description":"Additional arguments to pass to CMake when building.",
"cmake-tools.configuration.cmake.buildToolArgs.description":"Additional arguments to pass to the underlying build tool when building.",
"cmake-tools.configuration.cmake.parallelJobs.description":"The number of parallel build jobs. Use zero to automatically detect the number of CPUs. Setting this to 1 will disable build parallelism.",
"cmake-tools.configuration.cmake.ctestPath.description":"Path to CTest executable. If null, will be inferred from cmake.cmakePath (recommended to leave null).",
"cmake-tools.configuration.cmake.ctest.parallelJobs.description":"The number of parallel test jobs. Use zero to use the value of cmake.parallelJobs.",
"cmake-tools.configuration.cmake.parseBuildDiagnostics.description":"Parse compiler output for warnings and errors.",
"message":"Output parsers to use. Supported parsers `cmake`, `gcc`, `gnuld` for GNULD-style linker output, `msvc` for Microsoft Visual C++, `ghs` for the Green Hills compiler with --no_wrap_diagnostics --brief_diagnostics, and `diab` for the Wind River Diab compiler.",
"Markdown text between `` should not be translated or localized (they represent literal text) and the capitalization, spacing, and punctuation (including the ``) should not be altered."
"message":"Where to launch the debug target. Defaults to `internalConsole` if not defined.",
"Markdown text between `` should not be translated or localized (they represent literal text) and the capitalization, spacing, and punctuation (including the ``) should not be altered."
"message":"Output to the VS Code Debug Console. This doesn't support reading console input (ex:`std::cin` or `scanf`).",
"Markdown text between `` should not be translated or localized (they represent literal text) and the capitalization, spacing, and punctuation (including the ``) should not be altered."
"cmake-tools.configuration.cmake.debugConfig.console.externalTerminal.description":"Console applications will be launched in an external terminal window. The window will be reused in relaunch scenarios and will not automatically disappear when the application exits.",
"cmake-tools.configuration.cmake.debugConfig.console.newExternalWindow.description":"Console applications will be launched in their own external console window which will end when the application stops. Non-console applications will run without a terminal, and stdout/stderr will be ignored.",
"cmake-tools.configuration.cmake.mergedCompileCommands.description":"Recursively collect and merge all compile_commands.json found in the cmake.buildDirectory.",
"cmake-tools.configuration.cmake.configureOnEdit.description":"Automatically configure CMake project directories when cmake.sourceDirectory or CMakeLists.txt content are saved.",
"message":"Configures how the extension displays the buttons in the status bar. Only applies when `#cmake.useProjectStatusView#` is set to `false`.",
"Markdown text between `` should not be translated or localized (they represent literal text) and the capitalization, spacing, and punctuation (including the ``) should not be altered."
"cmake-tools.configuration.cmake.statusbar.advanced.description":"Configures the settings for individual status bar buttons. These settings overwrite the more general 'cmake.statusbar.visibility' setting.",
"message":"Configures the settings for individual status bar buttons. These settings overwrite the more general `#cmake.statusbar.visibility` setting. Only applies when `#cmake.useProjectStatusView#` is set to `false`.",
"Markdown text between `` should not be translated or localized (they represent literal text) and the capitalization, spacing, and punctuation (including the ``) should not be altered."
"cmake-tools.configuration.cmake.useProjectStatusView.description":"Enables the Project Status view in the CMake side panel and hides the status bar buttons.",
"cmake-tools.configuration.cmake.useCMakePresets.description":"Use CMakePresets.json to configure drive CMake configure, build, and test. When using CMakePresets.json, kits, variants, and some settings in settings.json will be ignored.",
"cmake-tools.configuration.cmake.allowCommentsInPresetsFile.description":"Allow the use of JSON extensions such as comments in CMakePresets.json. Please note that your CMakePresets.json file may be considered invalid by other IDEs or on the command line if you use non-standard JSON.",
"cmake-tools.configuration.cmake.allowUnsupportedPresetsVersions.description":"Enables the use of presets files that are using features from the versions that CMake Tools extension doesn't currently support. Unknown properties and macros will be ignored.",
"message":"If `true`, the extension will not ask the user to select a CMakeLists.txt file for configuration when one is found in the workspace but not in the root folder.",
"Markdown text between `` should not be translated or localized (they represent literal text) and the capitalization, spacing, and punctuation (including the ``) should not be altered."
"cmake-tools.configuration.cmake.automaticReconfigure.description":"Automatically configure CMake project directories when the kit or the configuration preset is changed.",
"cmake-tools.taskDefinitions.properties.preset.description":"CMake preset name. This is a configuration, build or test preset, based on the CMake command",
"cmake-tools.taskDefinitions.properties.options.cwd.description":"The current working directory of the executed program or script. If omitted Code's current workspace root is used.",
"message":"Environment variables in the format of \"name\": \"value\".",
"\"name\": \"value\" should not be translated or localized (they represent literal text) and the capitalization, spacing, and punctuation should not be altered."
"cmake-tools.configuration.cmake.launchBehavior.reuseTerminal.markdownDescriptions":"The launch terminal instance is reused and the target will launch as soon as the terminal is idle.",
"message":"The launch terminal instance is reused and a `break` command is sent to terminate any active foreground process before launching the target.",
"Markdown text between `` should not be translated or localized (they represent literal text) and the capitalization, spacing, and punctuation (including the ``) should not be altered."
"cmake-tools.configuration.cmake.launchBehavior.newTerminal.markdownDescriptions":"A new terminal instance is created and the target is launched in it. Existing terminals are not automatically cleaned up.",
"cmake-tools.configuration.cmake.loadCompileCommands.description":"Controls whether the extension reads compile_commands.json to enable single file compilation.",
"cmake-tools.command.cmake.projectStatus.update.title":"Refresh the project status",
"cmake-tools.command.cmake.projectStatus.selectTestPreset.title":"Set test target"