Localization - Translated Strings
This commit is contained in:
@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
"scan.for.kits.button": "扫描工具包",
"cancel.button": "取消",
"rescanning.for.kits": "重新扫描工具包",
"found.duplicate.kits": "找到了带有旧ID的Visual Studio套件,并将其保存在cmake-tools-kits.json中。",
"delete.duplicate.kits": "您是否要从cmake-tools-kits.json中删除重复的Visual Studio套件?",
"found.duplicate.kits": "已找到在 cmake-tools-kits.json 中保存了旧 ID 的 Visual Studio 工具包。",
"delete.duplicate.kits": "是否要从 cmake-tools-kits.json 删除重复的 Visual Studio 工具包?",
"no.button": "否",
"saving.kits.to": "正在将工具包保存到 {0}",
"saving.new.kits.to": "正在将新工具包保存到 {0}",
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"cmake.finished.returned.unserializable": "{0} 已完成(已返回不可序列化的值)",
"loading.extension.commands": "正在加载扩展命令",
"register.command": "注册 CMakeTools 扩展命令 {0}",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "请卸载任何较旧版本的CMake Tools扩展。它现在由Microsoft从版本1.2.0开始发布。",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Please uninstall any older versions of the CMake Tools extension. It is now published by Microsoft starting with version 1.2.0.",
"cmake.tools.initializing": "CMake 工具正在初始化...",
"deactivate.cmaketools": "停用 CMakeTools"
@ -36,9 +36,9 @@
"scan.for.kits.button": "掃描套件",
"cancel.button": "取消",
"rescanning.for.kits": "正在重新掃描套件",
"found.duplicate.kits": "找到了帶有舊ID的Visual Studio套件,並將其保存在cmake-tools-kits.json中。",
"delete.duplicate.kits": "您是否要從cmake-tools-kits.json中刪除重複的Visual Studio套件?",
"no.button": "否",
"found.duplicate.kits": "Found Visual Studio kits with the old ids saved in the cmake-tools-kits.json.",
"delete.duplicate.kits": "Would you like to delete the duplicate Visual Studio kits from cmake-tools-kits.json?",
"no.button": "否",
"saving.kits.to": "正在將套件儲存至 {0}",
"saving.new.kits.to": "正在將新套件儲存至 {0}",
"retry.button": "重試",
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"cmake.finished.returned.unserializable": "{0} 已完成 (傳回無法序列化的值)",
"loading.extension.commands": "正在載入延伸模組命令",
"register.command": "註冊 CMakeTools 延伸模組命令 {0}",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "請卸載任何較舊版本的CMake Tools擴展。它現在由Microsoft發布,版本為1.2.0。",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Please uninstall any older versions of the CMake Tools extension. It is now published by Microsoft starting with version 1.2.0.",
"cmake.tools.initializing": "CMake 工具正在初始化...",
"deactivate.cmaketools": "停用 CMakeTools"
@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
"scan.for.kits.button": "Vyhledat sady",
"cancel.button": "Storno",
"rescanning.for.kits": "Probíhá opětovné hledání sad.",
"found.duplicate.kits": "Nalezené sady Visual Studio se starými idy uloženými v souboru cmake-tools-kits.json.",
"delete.duplicate.kits": "Chcete odstranit duplicitní sady Visual Studio z cmake-tools-kits.json?",
"found.duplicate.kits": "V souboru cmake-tools-kits.json se našly sady Visual Studio se starými ID.",
"delete.duplicate.kits": "Chcete odstranit duplicitní sady Visual Studio ze souboru cmake-tools-kits.json?",
"no.button": "Ne",
"saving.kits.to": "Ukládají se sady do {0}.",
"saving.new.kits.to": "Ukládají se nové sady do {0}.",
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"cmake.finished.returned.unserializable": "Dokončeno: {0} (vrácena neserializovatelná hodnota)",
"loading.extension.commands": "Načítání příkazů rozšíření",
"register.command": "Zaregistrujte příkaz rozšíření CMakeTools {0}.",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Odinstalujte prosím všechny starší verze rozšíření CMake Tools. Nyní je publikován společností Microsoft počínaje verzí 1.2.0.",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Please uninstall any older versions of the CMake Tools extension. It is now published by Microsoft starting with version 1.2.0.",
"cmake.tools.initializing": "Inicializují se nástroje CMake Tools...",
"deactivate.cmaketools": "Deaktivovat CMakeTools"
@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
"scan.for.kits.button": "Nach Kits suchen",
"cancel.button": "Abbrechen",
"rescanning.for.kits": "Es wird erneut nach Kits gesucht.",
"found.duplicate.kits": "Es wurden Visual Studio-Kits mit den alten IDs gefunden, die in der Datei cmake-tools-kits.json gespeichert sind.",
"delete.duplicate.kits": "Möchten Sie die duplizierten Visual Studio-Kits aus cmake-tools-kits.json löschen?",
"found.duplicate.kits": "Found Visual Studio kits with the old ids saved in the cmake-tools-kits.json.",
"delete.duplicate.kits": "Would you like to delete the duplicate Visual Studio kits from cmake-tools-kits.json?",
"no.button": "Nein",
"saving.kits.to": "Kits werden in \"{0}\" gespeichert.",
"saving.new.kits.to": "Neue Kits werden in \"{0}\" gespeichert.",
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"cmake.finished.returned.unserializable": "{0} abgeschlossen (nicht serialisierbarer Wert zurückgegeben)",
"loading.extension.commands": "Erweiterungsbefehle werden geladen.",
"register.command": "CMakeTools-Erweiterungsbefehl \"{0}\" registrieren",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Bitte deinstallieren Sie alle älteren Versionen der CMake Tools-Erweiterung. Es wird jetzt von Microsoft ab Version 1.2.0 veröffentlicht.",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Please uninstall any older versions of the CMake Tools extension. It is now published by Microsoft starting with version 1.2.0.",
"cmake.tools.initializing": "CMake Tools wird initialisiert...",
"deactivate.cmaketools": "CMakeTools deaktivieren"
@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
"scan.for.kits.button": "Buscar para kits",
"cancel.button": "Cancelar",
"rescanning.for.kits": "Volver a examinar los kits",
"found.duplicate.kits": "Encontrados kits do Visual Studio com os IDs antigos salvos no cmake-tools-kits.json.",
"delete.duplicate.kits": "Deseja excluir os kits duplicados do Visual Studio do cmake-tools-kits.json?",
"found.duplicate.kits": "Se han encontrado kits de Visual Studio con los identificadores antiguos guardados en cmake-tools-kits.json.",
"delete.duplicate.kits": "¿Quiere eliminar los kits de Visual Studio duplicados de cmake-tools-kits.json?",
"no.button": "No",
"saving.kits.to": "Guardando los kits en {0}",
"saving.new.kits.to": "Guardando los kits nuevos en {0}",
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"cmake.finished.returned.unserializable": "Finalizó {0} (se devolvió un valor no serializable)",
"loading.extension.commands": "Cargando los comandos de la extensión",
"register.command": "Registrar el comando de la extensión CMakeTools {0}",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Desinstale cualquier versión anterior de la extensión CMake Tools. Ahora lo publica Microsoft a partir de la versión 1.2.0.",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Please uninstall any older versions of the CMake Tools extension. It is now published by Microsoft starting with version 1.2.0.",
"cmake.tools.initializing": "Inicializando las Herramientas de CMake...",
"deactivate.cmaketools": "Desactivar CMakeTools"
@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
"scan.for.kits.button": "Rechercher des kits",
"cancel.button": "Annuler",
"rescanning.for.kits": "Nouvelle recherche des kits",
"found.duplicate.kits": "Kits Visual Studio trouvés contenant les anciens identifiants enregistrés dans le fichier cmake-tools-kits.json.",
"delete.duplicate.kits": "Souhaitez-vous supprimer les kits Visual Studio dupliqués de cmake-tools-kits.json?",
"found.duplicate.kits": "Détection de kits Visual Studio avec d'anciens ID enregistrés dans cmake-tools-kits.json.",
"delete.duplicate.kits": "Voulez-vous supprimer les kits Visual Studio dupliqués de cmake-tools-kits.json ?",
"no.button": "Non",
"saving.kits.to": "Enregistrement des kits dans {0}",
"saving.new.kits.to": "Enregistrement des nouveaux kits dans {0}",
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"cmake.finished.returned.unserializable": "{0} a pris fin (valeur non sérialisable retournée)",
"loading.extension.commands": "Chargement des commandes d'extension",
"register.command": "Inscrire la commande d'extension CMakeTools {0}",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Veuillez désinstaller toute ancienne version de CMake Tools. Il est maintenant publié par Microsoft à partir de la version 1.2.0.",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Please uninstall any older versions of the CMake Tools extension. It is now published by Microsoft starting with version 1.2.0.",
"cmake.tools.initializing": "Initialisation de CMake Tools...",
"deactivate.cmaketools": "Désactiver CMakeTools"
@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
"scan.for.kits.button": "Cerca kit",
"cancel.button": "Annulla",
"rescanning.for.kits": "Rianalisi dei kit",
"found.duplicate.kits": "Nahita kitapo Visual Studio miaraka amin'ireo ids taloha voatahiry ao amin'ny cmake-fitaovana-kits.json.",
"delete.duplicate.kits": "Te-hanaisotra ireo kitapo Visual Studio ve ianao amin'ny kitapo-fitaovana-kits.json?",
"found.duplicate.kits": "Found Visual Studio kits with the old ids saved in the cmake-tools-kits.json.",
"delete.duplicate.kits": "Would you like to delete the duplicate Visual Studio kits from cmake-tools-kits.json?",
"no.button": "No",
"saving.kits.to": "Salvataggio dei kit in {0}",
"saving.new.kits.to": "Salvataggio dei nuovi kit in {0}",
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"cmake.finished.returned.unserializable": "{0} terminato (ha restituito un valore non serializzabile)",
"loading.extension.commands": "Caricamento dei comandi dell'estensione",
"register.command": "Registra il comando {0} dell'estensione CMakeTools",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Disinstallare eventuali versioni precedenti dell'estensione CMake Tools. Ora è pubblicato da Microsoft a partire dalla versione 1.2.0.",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Please uninstall any older versions of the CMake Tools extension. It is now published by Microsoft starting with version 1.2.0.",
"cmake.tools.initializing": "Inizializzazione di CMake Tools...",
"deactivate.cmaketools": "Disattiva CMakeTools"
@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
"scan.for.kits.button": "キットのスキャン",
"cancel.button": "キャンセル",
"rescanning.for.kits": "キットを再スキャンしています",
"found.duplicate.kits": "cmake-tools-kits.jsonに保存された古いIDを持つVisual Studioキットを見つけました。",
"delete.duplicate.kits": "重複したVisual Studioキットをcmake-tools-kits.jsonから削除しますか?",
"found.duplicate.kits": "Found Visual Studio kits with the old ids saved in the cmake-tools-kits.json.",
"delete.duplicate.kits": "Would you like to delete the duplicate Visual Studio kits from cmake-tools-kits.json?",
"no.button": "いいえ",
"saving.kits.to": "キットを {0} に保存しています",
"saving.new.kits.to": "新しいキットを {0} に保存しています",
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"cmake.finished.returned.unserializable": "{0} が完了しました (シリアル化可能でない値が返されました)",
"loading.extension.commands": "拡張コマンドを読み込んでいます",
"register.command": "CMakeTools 拡張コマンド {0} の登録",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "CMakeツール拡張機能の古いバージョンをアンインストールしてください。現在、バージョン1.2.0からMicrosoftによって公開されています。",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Please uninstall any older versions of the CMake Tools extension. It is now published by Microsoft starting with version 1.2.0.",
"cmake.tools.initializing": "CMake Tools を初期化しています...",
"deactivate.cmaketools": "CMakeTools の非アクティブ化"
@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
"scan.for.kits.button": "키트 검색",
"cancel.button": "취소",
"rescanning.for.kits": "키트를 다시 검색하는 중",
"found.duplicate.kits": "cmake-tools-kits.json에 이전 ID가 저장된 Visual Studio 키트를 찾았습니다.",
"delete.duplicate.kits": "cmake-tools-kits.json에서 중복 된 Visual Studio 키트를 삭제 하시겠습니까?",
"found.duplicate.kits": "cmake-tools-kits.json에 저장된 이전 ID가 있는 Visual Studio 키트를 찾았습니다.",
"delete.duplicate.kits": "cmake-tools-kits.json에서 중복된 Visual Studio 키트를 삭제하시겠습니까?",
"no.button": "아니요",
"saving.kits.to": "{0}에 키트를 저장하는 중",
"saving.new.kits.to": "{0}에 새 키트를 저장하는 중",
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"cmake.finished.returned.unserializable": "{0} 완료(직렬화할 수 없는 값이 반환됨)",
"loading.extension.commands": "확장 명령을 로드하는 중",
"register.command": "CMakeTools 확장 명령 {0} 등록",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "이전 버전의 CMake Tools 확장을 설치 제거하십시오. 이제 버전 1.2.0부터 Microsoft에서 게시합니다.",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Please uninstall any older versions of the CMake Tools extension. It is now published by Microsoft starting with version 1.2.0.",
"cmake.tools.initializing": "CMake 도구를 초기화하는 중...",
"deactivate.cmaketools": "CMakeTools 비활성화"
@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
"scan.for.kits.button": "Skanuj w poszukiwaniu zestawów",
"cancel.button": "Anuluj",
"rescanning.for.kits": "Ponowne skanowanie pod kątem zestawów",
"found.duplicate.kits": "Znaleziono zestawy Visual Studio ze starymi identyfikatorami zapisanymi w cmake-tools-kits.json.",
"delete.duplicate.kits": "Czy chcesz usunąć zduplikowane zestawy Visual Studio z cmake-tools-kits.json?",
"found.duplicate.kits": "Found Visual Studio kits with the old ids saved in the cmake-tools-kits.json.",
"delete.duplicate.kits": "Would you like to delete the duplicate Visual Studio kits from cmake-tools-kits.json?",
"no.button": "Nie",
"saving.kits.to": "Zapisywanie zestawów do lokalizacji {0}",
"saving.new.kits.to": "Zapisywanie nowych zestawów do lokalizacji {0}",
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"cmake.finished.returned.unserializable": "Zakończono {0} (zwrócono wartość, której nie można serializować)",
"loading.extension.commands": "Ładowanie poleceń rozszerzenia",
"register.command": "Zarejestruj polecenie rozszerzenia CMakeTools {0}",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Odinstaluj wszystkie starsze wersje rozszerzenia CMake Tools. Jest teraz publikowany przez Microsoft począwszy od wersji 1.2.0.",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Please uninstall any older versions of the CMake Tools extension. It is now published by Microsoft starting with version 1.2.0.",
"cmake.tools.initializing": "Trwa inicjowanie narzędzi CMake Tools...",
"deactivate.cmaketools": "Dezaktywuj rozszerzenie CMakeTools"
@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
"scan.for.kits.button": "Examinar em busca de kits",
"cancel.button": "Cancelar",
"rescanning.for.kits": "Examinando novamente para kits",
"found.duplicate.kits": "Encontrados kits do Visual Studio com os IDs antigos salvos no cmake-tools-kits.json.",
"delete.duplicate.kits": "Deseja excluir os kits duplicados do Visual Studio do cmake-tools-kits.json?",
"found.duplicate.kits": "Foram encontrados kits do Visual Studio com as IDs antigas salvos no cmake-tools-kits.json.",
"delete.duplicate.kits": "Deseja excluir os kits do Visual Studio duplicados do cmake-tools-kits.json?",
"no.button": "Não",
"saving.kits.to": "Salvando kits em {0}",
"saving.new.kits.to": "Salvando novos kits em {0}",
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"cmake.finished.returned.unserializable": "{0} concluído (retornou um valor não serializável)",
"loading.extension.commands": "Carregando comandos de extensão",
"register.command": "Registrar o comando de extensão de CMakeTools {0}",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Desinstale todas as versões anteriores da extensão CMake Tools. Agora é publicado pela Microsoft, começando com a versão 1.2.0.",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Please uninstall any older versions of the CMake Tools extension. It is now published by Microsoft starting with version 1.2.0.",
"cmake.tools.initializing": "Ferramentas CMake inicializando...",
"deactivate.cmaketools": "Desativar CMakeTools"
@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
"scan.for.kits.button": "Поиск наборов",
"cancel.button": "Отмена",
"rescanning.for.kits": "Повторное сканирование наборов.",
"found.duplicate.kits": "Найдены наборы Visual Studio со старыми идентификаторами, сохраненными в cmake-tools-kits.json.",
"delete.duplicate.kits": "Вы хотите удалить дубликаты Visual Studio из cmake-tools-kits.json?",
"found.duplicate.kits": "Found Visual Studio kits with the old ids saved in the cmake-tools-kits.json.",
"delete.duplicate.kits": "Would you like to delete the duplicate Visual Studio kits from cmake-tools-kits.json?",
"no.button": "Нет",
"saving.kits.to": "Сохранение наборов в {0}.",
"saving.new.kits.to": "Сохранение новых наборов в {0}.",
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"cmake.finished.returned.unserializable": "{0} завершено (возвращено несериализуемое значение).",
"loading.extension.commands": "Загрузка команд расширения.",
"register.command": "Регистрация команды расширения CMakeTools {0}",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Пожалуйста, удалите все старые версии расширения CMake Tools. Сейчас он публикуется Microsoft, начиная с версии 1.2.0.",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Please uninstall any older versions of the CMake Tools extension. It is now published by Microsoft starting with version 1.2.0.",
"cmake.tools.initializing": "Инициализация Средств CMake…",
"deactivate.cmaketools": "Деактивировать CMakeTools"
@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
"scan.for.kits.button": "Setler için tara",
"cancel.button": "İptal",
"rescanning.for.kits": "Setler için yeniden taranıyor",
"found.duplicate.kits": "Cmake-tools-kits.json dosyasına kaydedilen eski kimlikleri olan Visual Studio kitleri bulundu.",
"delete.duplicate.kits": "Yinelenen Visual Studio kitlerini cmake-tools-kits.json'dan silmek ister misiniz?",
"found.duplicate.kits": "Found Visual Studio kits with the old ids saved in the cmake-tools-kits.json.",
"delete.duplicate.kits": "Would you like to delete the duplicate Visual Studio kits from cmake-tools-kits.json?",
"no.button": "Hayır",
"saving.kits.to": "Setler {0} konumuna kaydediliyor",
"saving.new.kits.to": "Yeni setler {0} konumuna kaydediliyor",
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"cmake.finished.returned.unserializable": "{0} tamamlandı (seri hale getirilemeyen bir değer döndürüldü)",
"loading.extension.commands": "Uzantı komutları yükleniyor",
"register.command": "{0} CMake Araçları uzantısını komutunu kaydet",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Lütfen CMake Tools eklentisinin daha eski sürümlerini kaldırın. Şimdi 1.2.0 ile başlayan Microsoft tarafından yayımlandı.",
"uninstall.old.cmaketools": "Please uninstall any older versions of the CMake Tools extension. It is now published by Microsoft starting with version 1.2.0.",
"cmake.tools.initializing": "CMake Araçları başlatılıyor...",
"deactivate.cmaketools": "CMake Araçları'nı devre dışı bırak"
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