Remove old doc markdown and direct users to the official docs
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# CMake Tools Documentation
If you are an end user that has come looking for the CMake Tools documentation, you probably want to take a look at it in rendered HTML form:
[Click here to go to the official end-user CMake Tools Documentation](
@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
# Build Variants
Some build systems support build variants as a way to represent a commonly used
set of build settings and ways to mix and match them. ``cmake-variants.json``
(or a YAML variant, ``cmake-variants.yaml``) provides a way to encode a set of
project build settings to users in a way that is convenient, descriptive, and
easy to use. CMake Tools 0.6.0 features full support for working with variants
in this manner.
## ``cmake-variants.json``
The most important part of the system is ``cmake-variants.json``, which encodes
available build settings in such a way that they can be parsed and analyzed by
automated tooling, as well as human users. Here is the default variants
configuration used by CMake Tools when one is not present in a project directory:
"buildType": {
"default$": "debug",
"description$": "the build type to use",
"debug": {
"oneWordSummary$": "Debug",
"description$": "Emit debug information without performing optimizations",
"buildType": "Debug"
"release": {
"oneWordSummary$": "Release",
"description$": "Enable optimizations, omit debug info",
"buildType": "Release"
"minsize": {
"oneWordSummary$": "MinSizeRel",
"description$": "Optimize for smallest binary size",
"buildType": "MinSizeRel"
"reldeb": {
"oneWordSummary$": "RelWithDebInfo",
"description$": "Perform optimizations AND include debugging information",
"buildType": "RelWithDebInfo"
This variants file simply exposes the four default CMake build type settings
In Code, CMake Tools generates the following simple quick-pick when we ask to
change the build variant:
![List of build types](../images/buildtypes.png)
In short, the variants file specifies a set of _options_ and the corresponding
_values_ that they can assume. In the above example, there is one _option_
called ``buildType``. The inner keys describe the option and the values it can
assume. Special keys are suffixed by the ``$`` symbol, and are not valid
values for variant option. The special ``default$`` key specifies what the
default value for that option will be. The ``description$`` property will
describe what aspects of the build that the option controls.
All other properties are values available for that key. In the above example,
the values available for the ``buildType`` settings are ``debug``, ``release``,
``minsize``, and ``reldeb``. The values within this keys specify the effects of
choosing that specific value for the option. There are some pre-defined keys
that are valid in this location, specified below.
### Multiple Dimensions
Variants create a multi-dimensional array of possible build configurations. The
rank of the array will be the number of options available to be set. The size
of each dimension corresponds to the number of values that are available for
the corresponding option. The available variants are the cartesian product of
the options and their values. For example, we can add a ``linkage`` setting to
the above ``cmake-variants.json`` file:
"buildType": {
/* ... */
"linkage": {
"default$": "static",
"description$": "The link usage of build libraries",
"static": {
"oneWordSummary$": "Static",
"description$": "Emit Static Libraries",
"linkage": "static"
"shared": {
"oneWordSummary$": "Shared",
"description$": "Emit shared libraries/DLLs",
"linkage": "shared"
This creates a more complex quick-pick, containing each combination of build
type and link mode:
![Build types and link modes](../images/more_variants.png)
Automated tools can use this information to configure, build and analyze
projects in an exhaustive and thorough manner. Humans can read the file and get
a pretty good idea of what options are available to them.
## Available settings
Each value of a variant option can specify arbitrary build settings (meaning
that two values within an option don't need to be symmetrically or mutually
exclusive). When a set of options and corresponding valus are selected by a user
or tool, the resulting settings correspond to the result of merging the
settings specified in each chosen value. Here is a short listing of the settings
which can be provided:
- ``oneWordSummary$`` is a one-word summary of the value. This should be short and
on-point. This is displayed to the user when a variant is given a name. Good
examples might be "Debug", "Optimized", "DebugAssertions", "UseSuperAwefulHack",
"UseExtremelySuperAwefulHack". *Bad* values might be "Emit debug symbols",
"Link with shared libraries". Those should go in ``description$``.
- ``description$`` is a lengthier description about what a setting does. Users can
inspect this value for more information about why they may or may not want
to use the given value.
- ``buildType`` specifies what build type to use. This is the value passed for
``CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE`` and the ``--config`` option when invoking
``cmake --build``. **Note** that this should be preferred to setting
``CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE`` manually in the ``settings`` property (described below).
- ``linkage`` specifies what should be passed to CMake for
[the BUILD_SHARED_LIBS option](,
which *should be preferred* as the option to use for library projects which
can be built as either static or shared/dynamic libraries.
- ``settings`` is the most expressive option: It specifies the exact values that
are passed to CMake using the ``-D`` option. It should simply be a mapping of
variable names and values that will be passed to CMake at configure time.
*Note* that ``buildType``, ``linkage``, and other similar top-level options
should be preferred to specifying their corresponding CMake options here.
A quick example:
"settings": {
This can be used to specify strings, numbers, boolean values, or string arrays.
- ``generator`` specifies what ``-G`` generator to use for configuring. Note
that it is **not yet supported by CMake Tools**.
- ``toolset`` specifies what toolset to use with the ``-T`` option. Note that
this option is **not yet supported by CMake Tools**.
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
# CMake Cache Editor
CMake Tools has an experimental GUI for editing your CMake Cache content. It is
based on the Qt GUI that comes with the default CMake installation.
![The CMake Cache Editor](../images/cache_editor.png)
String cache enties will appear as text edit fields, while boolean cache entries
appear as checkboxes. Changes are committed once "Configure" or "Build" is
pressed within the cache editor.
## List Editting
For strings which contain semicolons `;`, the cache editor will split them
into several text fields and stack them on top of eachother in the list
ordering. To add a new item to the list, simply use a semicolon in one of the
fields, and the cache editor will move it to it's own field after "Configure"
is pressed. To remove an entry from a list, simply clear the content from the
field that you wish to remove.
## Missing Features
The cache editor is still new, and the following features are yet-to-be added,
but should be supported in the future:
- Support for the `STRINGS` property of cache entries (which would make a cache
entry a drop-down menu rather than a free text field).
- Support for file/path selection/validation.
- Adding arbitrary new cache entries.
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
# CMake Tools and CMake Server
## What is `cmake-server`?
Version 3.7.0 of CMake introduced `cmake-server`, a mode in which CMake is able
to be used as a service such that it can integrate with other tools that wish to
obtain information about a CMake project. This is specifically aimed towards
development environments and code editors that wish to integrate well with
CMake-based projects.
## CMake Server in Visual Studio Code
CMake Tools now has support for CMake Server. For the time being, this doesn't
have a large effect on the user experience, but it does have a few notable
- `CMakeToolsHelpers` is no longer necessary for target debugging! Now CMake
Tools is able to query CMake directly for information on the project.
- More reliable target discovery. Instead of trying to parse the `help` target
listing, CMake Tools has 100% accuracy on the list of available targets.
- More accurate reconfigure checking. This means that CMake Tools will know with
certainty when it must run a reconfigure. No more false positives when
## How to Enable CMake Server Support
To use CMake Server in Visual Studio Code with CMake Tools, the following
requirements must be met:
1. You must be using CMake 3.7.2 or newer. Older 3.7 releases have bugs that
severely harm the user experience. Versions prior to CMake 3.7 do not have
CMake Server support.
2. The configuration setting `cmake.useCMakeServer` must be set to
`true` (the default).
3. After enabling, Visual Studio Code must be restarted for the changes to take
Once these things have been done, CMake Tools will use CMake Server to manage
your project configuration.
# Remember!
CMake Server is still very new and experimental. If you find issues when using
CMake Tools with CMake Server, please open a GitHub issue, including relevant
information such as CMake version, operating system, and Visual Studio Code
If a bug is inhibitting your workflow, `cmake.useCMakeServer` can
be reset back to `false` to disable the CMake Server backend.
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
# Configuration
CMake tools has a good set of defaults for its configuration options. Here is a
quick summary of options that can be tweaked, should you wish to do so:
- ``cmake.configureSettings`` sets additional options to be passed to the CMake
command line when configuring the project. This should just be a mapping between
keys and values. Each entry will correspond to a ``-D`` argument to CMake. Arrays
will automatically be joined as semicolon-serperated strings.
- ``cmake.buildDirectory`` allows you to specify where CMake should generate its
metadata and build files. The default, ``${workspaceRoot}/build`` tells CMake
Tools to configure into the ``build`` subdirectory of your projet. Use
``${buildType}`` to set the build directory based on the CMake build type. For
example, ``${workspaceroot}/build/${buildType}`` will create subdirectories
``build/Debug``, ``build/Release``, etc. when you configure using those build
- ``cmake.installPrefix`` tells CMake Tools what to set for your
``CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX`` when you configure. This also supports variable
substitutions. By default, CMake Tools will not specify a
- ``cmake.parallelJobs`` tells CMake Tools how many jobs to pass to the command
line of build tools and CTest. The default, zero, tells CMake Tools to automatically
pick a good number based on the hardware parallelism available on the machine.
- ``cmake.ctest.parallelJobs`` allows you to override the parallelism _just_ for
running CTest. The default, zero, tells CMake Tools to use the same value as
- ``cmake.parseBuildDiagnostics`` enables/disables the parsing of build diagnostics
from the compiler. Default is enabled. You may want to disable this if another
tool provides live diagnostics.
- ``cmake.sourceDirectory`` tells CMake Tools where the root ``CMakeLists.txt``
file is. The default is ``${workspaceRoot}``.
- ``cmake.saveBeforeBuild`` tells CMake Tools to save all open text documents
after the build command is invoked, but before performing the build. This
defaults to being _enabled_.
- ``cmake.buildBeforeRun`` Always build the target before running.
- ``cmake.preferredGenerator`` tells CMake Tools what CMake genertors to prefer.
The first supported generator in this list is used when configuring a project
for the first time. If a project is already configured, the generator will not
be overriden by CMake Tools unless a _Clean rebuild/reconfigure_ is invoked.
- ``cmake.generator`` tells CMake to skip the
``preferredGenerator`` logic and forcibly use the named generator.
- ``cmake.{configure,build,buildTool}Args`` allows passing of arbitrary strings
as command line arguments to the respective configure/build step. *Please* do
not use this option if another one of CMake Tools' options is sufficient.
CMake Tools is better able to integrate with your build system when it can
easily understand your project and its settings.
- ``cmake.toolset`` tells CMake to set the toolset
argument when configuring the first time. (Not to be confused with *toolchain* files!)
- ``cmake.platform`` tells CMake to set the platform argument when configuring.
- ``cmake.clearOutputBeforeBuild`` clears the _CMake/Build_ output channel before
running the CMake build command. Default is _enabled_
- ``cmake.cmakePath`` allows you to specify a different CMake executable to use,
rather than the default system one.
- ``cmake.experimental.enableTargetDebugging`` enables the experimental
[Target Debugging](
- ``cmake.debugConfig`` allows tweaking the options for debugging when using
the Target Debugging feature.
- ``cmake.environment`` sets environment variables to be passed to cmake/build
processes invoked by CMake Tools. These can be further refined:
- ``cmake.configureEnvironment`` sets environment for CMake configure
- ``cmake.buildEnvironment`` sets environment for build execution
- ``cmake.testEnvironment`` sets environment variables when running CTest
- ``cmake.mingwSearchDirs`` is a list of directories where CMake Tools will
search for an installed MinGW environment. A search directory will match if it
contains the `bin/`, `include/`, etc. directories with the MinGW binaries,
headers, and libraries. There is currently one default search directory,
`C:\MinGW`. If more than one directory in this list matches, each matching
directory will be an available MinGW environment.
@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
# Target Debugging
Most C and C++ development environments offer some integration with project
configuration that requires awareness of the build system, including the
presence of targets and build artifacts. The experimental Target Debugging
feature offers some such integration with Visual Studio Code for CMake projects
that produce executable targets (including executables used just for testing).
The Target Debugging is meant to make it far simpler for CMake-based projects to
manage their debugging setup within VS Code. There is no need to write a
``launch.json`` file for Target Debugging, and no need to manually specify
the path/architecture/debugger for an executable. All this is determined
automatically by CMake Tools when a target-based debug is invoked.
**NOTE:** CMake Tools extension has enhanced support for using
``ms-vscode.cpptools`` is used for debugging C/C++ programs. If you would like
to use a different debugger extension, you may use integration with
`launch.json` as described below.
## Selecting a Debug Target
Once your project is configured and generated, CMake Tools will automatically
discover the project's executables and the paths to which they are written.
As executable targets are added to the project, CMake Tools will discover them
each time you re-configure the project.
CMake Tools will automatically (re)build an executables target before it
launches the debugger, so there is no need to worry about ensuring the target
is built before debugging.
There are multiple ways of selecting launch target.
### Using status bar
Once a CMake project is opened, the following new entries will appear on the
status bar:
![Target Debugging](../images/target_debugging_marked.png)
The left-hand button will launch the selected executable target in the debugger.
Initially, the text entry may read ``[No target selected for debugging]``. In
this case, the project may need to be configured again to generate the metadata.
Clicking right-hand button will launch a quick-pick to select a launch target.
### Using command palette
Another option is to bring up the Command Palette (``Ctrl+Shift+P`` or `F1`) and
select use ``Select a Target to Debug``:
![Select a Target to Debug](../images/target_debugging_palette.png)
Once target is selected you may also use commands to start it with
or without debugging:
* ``Debug Target``
* ``Execute the current target without a debugger``
## Advanced usage
### Configuring the debugger
CMake Tools generates a debugging configuration object on-the-fly when
debugging is requested. To set some additional parameters to this debug
configuration, use the ``cmake.debugConfig``. Under the hood, CMake Tools
delegates to Microsoft's C and C++ extension to do debugging, so all options
listed [here](
are available. CMake Tools will fill all required options for you, so you don't
need to specify any of the required options outlined in the help document.
### Running program from ``launch.json``
In some cases debugging support provided by CMake Tools may be limited or incorrect.
It is possible to use CMake Tools from ``launch.json`` to fill in information
about executables and their paths.
Basic ``launch.json`` configuration may look like this:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Launch CMake-built program",
"type": "cppdbg",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${command:cmake.launchTargetProgramPath}",
"stopAtEntry": true,
"cwd": "${workspaceRoot}"
This uses the `${command:...}` syntax to tell VSCode that it should call the
named extension command to fill in the respective value.
In the above example, `program` will be filled out to the path of the active
launch target, similar to using the debugging command from CMake Tools.
A few notes:
* Use ``"type": "cppvsdbg"`` if you use Visual Studio compiler.
* Use ``"program": "${command:cmake.selectLaunchTarget}"`` to pick a new
target each time you wish to debug.
Please refer to VS Code documentation for more information about debugging and
**NOTE:** If using `launch.json`: due to current limitations of VS Code it is
not possible to specify a ``preLaunchTask`` which invokes build via CMake Tools
commands, so you must build the desired target before debugging.
# Enabling Target Debugging for CMake versions < 3.7.2
Modern CMake versions provide support for querying information about a project
being configured without any modifications to the project itself.
To achieve this for older versions, CMake Tools will emit a CMake module which
can be easily included in any CMake project by adding the following line at the
top of the ``CMakeLists.txt`` file, before calling any
``add_library`` or ``add_executable``:
include(CMakeToolsHelpers OPTIONAL)
The keyword ``OPTIONAL`` here means that CMake won't complain if it fails to
find the module. This is very useful, as the script itself isn't important to
the build system. As such, this line can be committed to the project and no
users will ever have to care about its presence.
## Troubleshooting
### Q: CMake isn't finding the `CMakeToolsHelpers` script! Why is this?
**A:** There are a few primary reasons why CMake might not find it. CMake Tools
sets `CMAKE_MODULE_PATH` such that CMake will be able to find the generated
helper module. This means that A) CMake will only find this module if it was
invoked using CMake Tools within Visual Studio Code and B) destructive
modifications of `CMAKE_MODULE_PATH` before the `include` line can cause CMake
to not find the module. In the **B** case: *instead* of writing:
write this:
This will append a directory to the module path instead of wiping it out
### Q: When I `include(CMakeToolsHelpers)`, `add_executable` makes CMake crash!
**A:** If you run into this issue, you probably know exactly why this happens.
This is a known issue with the way CMake provides command hook functionality.
Unfortunately, there's no good way to work around it without upgrading to
CMake 3.7.2 or newer.
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