
216 строки
8.5 KiB

'use strict'
const fs = require("fs-extra");
const cp = require("child_process");
const Octokit = require('@octokit/rest')
const path = require('path');
const parseGitConfig = require('parse-git-config');
const branchName = 'localization';
const mergeTo = 'main';
const commitComment = 'Localization - Translated Strings';
const pullRequestTitle = '[Auto] Localization - Translated Strings';
let repoOwner = process.argv[2];
let repoName = process.argv[3];
let authUser = process.argv[4];
let authToken = process.argv[5];
let userFullName = process.argv[6];
let userEmail = process.argv[7];
let locRootPath = process.argv[8];
let locSubPath = process.argv[9];
if (!repoOwner || !repoName || !authUser || !authToken || !userFullName || !userEmail || !locRootPath || !locSubPath) {
console.error(`ERROR: Usage: ${path.parse(process.argv[0]).base} ${path.parse(process.argv[1]).base} repo_owner repo_name auth_token user_full_name user_email loc_root_path loc_sub_path`);
console.error(` repo_owner - The owner of the repo on GitHub. i.e. microsoft`);
console.error(` repo_name - The name of the repo on GitHub. i.e. vscode-cpptools`);
console.error(` auth_user - User account wiith permission to post a pull request against the GitHub repo.`);
console.error(` auth_token - A PAT associated with auth_user.`);
console.error(` user_full_name - A full name to associate with a git commit. (This is replaced by the PR account if commit is squashed.)`);
console.error(` user_email - An email to associate with a git commit. (This is replaced by the PR account if commit is squashed.)`);
console.error(` loc_root_path - The path to the folder with language-specific directories (containing localized xlf files).`);
console.error(` loc_sub_path - A sub-path after the language-specific directory, where the xlf to import is located. This should not include the name of the xlf file to import.)`);
function hasBranch(branchName) {
console.log(`Checking for existence of branch "${branchName}" (git branch --list ${branchName})`);
let output = cp.execSync(`git branch --list ${branchName}`);
let lines = output.toString().split("\n");
let found = false;
lines.forEach(line => {
found = found || (line === ` ${branchName}`);
return found;
function hasAnyChanges() {
console.log("Checking if any files have changed (git status --porcelain)");
let output = cp.execSync('git status --porcelain');
let lines = output.toString().split("\n");
let anyChanges = false;
lines.forEach(line => {
if (line != '') {
console.log("Change detected: " + line);
anyChanges = true;
return anyChanges;
// When invoked on build server, we should already be in a repo freshly synced to the mergeTo branch
if (hasAnyChanges()) {
console.log(`Changes already present in this repo! This script is intended to be run against a freshly synced ${mergeTo} branch!`);
function sleep(ms) {
var unixtime_ms = new Date().getTime();
while(new Date().getTime() < unixtime_ms + ms) {}
console.log("This script is potentially DESTRUCTIVE! Cancel now, or it will proceed in 10 seconds.");
let directories = [ "cs", "de", "es", "fr", "it", "ja", "ko", "pl", "pt-BR", "ru", "tr", "zh-Hans", "zh-Hant" ];
directories.forEach(languageId => {
let sourcePath = `${locRootPath}\\${languageId}\\${locSubPath}\\${repoName}.${languageId}.xlf`;
let destinationPath = `./vscode-translations-import/${languageId}/vscode-extensions/${repoName}.xlf`;
console.log(`Copying "${sourcePath}" to "${destinationPath}"`);
fs.copySync(sourcePath, destinationPath);
console.log("Import translations into i18n directory");
cp.execSync("npm run translations-import");
if (!hasAnyChanges()) {
console.log("No changes detected");
console.log("Changes detected");
console.log(`Ensure main ref is up to date locally (git fetch)`);
cp.execSync('git fetch');
// Remove old localization branch, if any
if (hasBranch("localization")) {
console.log(`Remove old localization branch, if any (git branch -D localization)`);
cp.execSync('git branch -D localization');
// Check out local branch
console.log(`Creating local branch for changes (git checkout -b ${branchName})`);
cp.execSync('git checkout -b localization');
// Add changed files.
console.log("Adding changed file (git add .)");
cp.execSync('git add .');
// git add may have resolves CR/LF's and there may not be anything to commit
if (!hasAnyChanges()) {
console.log("No changes detected. The only changes must have been due to CR/LF's, and have been corrected.");
// Set up user and permissions
// Save existing user name and email, in case already set.
var existingUserName;
var existingUserEmail;
var gitConfigPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), './.git/config');
var config = parseGitConfig.sync({ path: gitConfigPath });
if (typeof config === 'object' && config.hasOwnProperty('user')) {
existingUserName = config.user.name;
existingUserEmail = config.user.email;
if (existingUserName === undefined) {
console.log(`Existing user name: undefined`);
} else {
console.log(`Existing user name: "${existingUserName}"`);
cp.execSync(`git config --local --unset user.name`);
if (existingUserEmail === undefined) {
console.log(`Existing user email: undefined`);
} else {
console.log(`Existing user email: "${existingUserEmail}"`);
cp.execSync(`git config --local --unset user.email`);
console.log(`Setting local user name to: "${userFullName}"`);
cp.execSync(`git config --local user.name "${userFullName}"`);
console.log(`Setting local user email to: "${userEmail}"`);
cp.execSync(`git config --local user.email "${userEmail}"`);
console.log(`Configuring git with permission to push and to create pull requests (git remote remove origin && git remote add origin https://${authUser}:${authToken}@github.com/${repoOwner}/${repoName}.git`);
cp.execSync('git remote remove origin');
cp.execSync(`git remote add origin https://${authUser}:${authToken}@github.com/${repoOwner}/${repoName}.git`);
// Commit changed files.
console.log(`Commiting changes (git commit -m "${commitComment}")`);
cp.execSync(`git commit -m "${commitComment}"`);
if (existingUserName === undefined) {
console.log(`Restoring original user name: undefined`);
cp.execSync(`git config --local --unset user.name`);
} else {
console.log(`Restoring original user name: "${existingUserName}"`);
cp.execSync(`git config --local user.name "${existingUserName}"`);
if (existingUserEmail === undefined) {
console.log(`Restoring original user email: undefined`);
cp.execSync(`git config --local --unset user.email`);
} else {
console.log(`Restoring original user email: "${existingUserEmail}"`);
cp.execSync(`git config --local user.email "${existingUserEmail}"`);
console.log(`pushing to remove branch (git push -f origin ${branchName})`);
cp.execSync(`git push -f origin ${branchName}`);
console.log("Checking if there is already a pull request...");
const octokit = new Octokit.Octokit({auth: authToken});
octokit.pulls.list({ owner: repoOwner, repo: repoName }).then(({data}) => {
let alreadyHasPullRequest = false;
if (data) {
data.forEach((pr) => {
alreadyHasPullRequest = alreadyHasPullRequest || (pr.title === pullRequestTitle);
// If not already present, create a PR against our remote branch.
if (!alreadyHasPullRequest) {
console.log("There is not already a pull request. Creating one.");
octokit.pulls.create({ body:"", owner: repoOwner, repo: repoName, title: pullRequestTitle, head: branchName, base: mergeTo });
} else {
console.log("There is already a pull request.");
console.log(`Restoring default git permissions`);
cp.execSync('git remote remove origin');
cp.execSync(`git remote add origin https://github.com/${repoOwner}/${repoName}.git`);
console.log(`Run 'git fetch' against updated remote`);
cp.execSync('git fetch');
console.log(`Switching back to ${mergeTo} (git checkout ${mergeTo})`);
cp.execSync(`git checkout ${mergeTo}`);
console.log(`Remove localization branch (git branch -D localization)`);
cp.execSync('git branch -D localization');