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js-debug migration (#673) * Prepare for migration to js-debug (#614) * Restore simulate scenarios functionality (#618) * Fix multiroot projects processing (#625) * Improve extension stability (#627) * Implement CDP proxy logger (#635) * Enhance js-debug debugging configuration (#636) * Add CDP message handler to proxy (#640) * Implement Safari CDP message handler (#641) * Improve async functions control (#647) * Implement Cordova Debug Config Provider (#648) * Implement cordova webviews recognition (#649) * Migrate unit tests from vscode to vscode-test package (#650) * Migrate unit tests from vscode to vscode-test package (#645) * Add tools for vscode-nls package support (#651) * Add extension bundling with Webpack (#653) * Add i18n for common and debugger folders (#654) * Add i18n to extension and utils folders (#655) * Externalized package.json strings for further localization (#656) * Add cordova simulate localization according to VS Code language (#657) * Fix minor i18n export issue (#658) * Fix localization import errors (#660) * Commit first version of localized json files (#661) * Ignore i18n file while packaging the extension (#662) * Change parent session stop command (#663) * Fix simulator viewport handling (#664) * Fix breakpoints activation for Cordova on Windows (#665) * ESLint migration (#666) * Add integration tests for Cordova CDP Proxy (#668) * Add unit tests (#669) * Fix iOS 14 debugging (#671) * Add 'livereloadDelay' parameter to attach args (#672) Co-authored-by: Yuri Skorokhodov <v-yuskor@microsoft.com> Co-authored-by: Daniel Ye <danyeh@microsoft.com> Co-authored-by: Mikhail Suendukov <43934531+JiglioNero@users.noreply.github.com>
2020-10-09 17:36:39 +03:00
"cordova.description": "Apache Cordova (PhoneGap) 的程式碼提示、偵錯和整合指令,增加了對 Ionic 框架的支援。",
"cordova.license": "請參閱 LICENSE.txt 中的許可證",
"cordova.workspaceTrust.description": "在此工作區中偵錯程式碼和執行命令面板命令需要信任。",
"cordova.build": "Cordova構建",
"cordova.restart": "重新啟動 Cordova 調試",
"cordova.run": "Cordova執行",
"cordova.prepare": "Cordova準備",
"cordova.requirements": "Cordova: 要求",
"cordova.simulate.android": "Cordova在瀏覽器中模擬 Android",
"cordova.simulate.ios": "Cordova在瀏覽器中模擬 iOS",
"cordova.telemetry": "Cordova: 遙測",
"cordova.ionic.build": "Ionic構建",
"cordova.ionic.run": "Ionic運行",
"cordova.ionic.prepare": "Ionic準備",
"cordova.snippets.androidRunOnDevice": "在 Android 裝置上運行和調試 Cordova 應用程式",
"cordova.snippets.androidRunOnEmulator": "在 Android 模擬器上運行和調試 Cordova 應用程式",
"cordova.snippets.iOSRunOnDevice": "在 iOS 裝置上運行和調試 Cordova 應用程式",
"cordova.snippets.iOSRunOnSimulator": "在 iOS 模擬器上運行和調試 Cordova 應用程式",
"cordova.snippets.androidAttachOnDevice": "附加到 Android 裝置上正在運行的 Cordova 應用程式",
"cordova.snippets.androidAttachOnEmulator": "附加到 Android 模擬器上運行的 Cordova 應用程序",
"cordova.snippets.iOSAttachOnDevice": "連接到 iOS 裝置上正在運行的 Cordova 應用程式",
"cordova.snippets.iOSAttachOnSimulator": "附加到 iOS 模擬器上運行的 Cordova 應用程序",
"cordova.snippets.ionicServe": "提供給瀏覽器(目前僅支援 Ionic",
js-debug migration (#673) * Prepare for migration to js-debug (#614) * Restore simulate scenarios functionality (#618) * Fix multiroot projects processing (#625) * Improve extension stability (#627) * Implement CDP proxy logger (#635) * Enhance js-debug debugging configuration (#636) * Add CDP message handler to proxy (#640) * Implement Safari CDP message handler (#641) * Improve async functions control (#647) * Implement Cordova Debug Config Provider (#648) * Implement cordova webviews recognition (#649) * Migrate unit tests from vscode to vscode-test package (#650) * Migrate unit tests from vscode to vscode-test package (#645) * Add tools for vscode-nls package support (#651) * Add extension bundling with Webpack (#653) * Add i18n for common and debugger folders (#654) * Add i18n to extension and utils folders (#655) * Externalized package.json strings for further localization (#656) * Add cordova simulate localization according to VS Code language (#657) * Fix minor i18n export issue (#658) * Fix localization import errors (#660) * Commit first version of localized json files (#661) * Ignore i18n file while packaging the extension (#662) * Change parent session stop command (#663) * Fix simulator viewport handling (#664) * Fix breakpoints activation for Cordova on Windows (#665) * ESLint migration (#666) * Add integration tests for Cordova CDP Proxy (#668) * Add unit tests (#669) * Fix iOS 14 debugging (#671) * Add 'livereloadDelay' parameter to attach args (#672) Co-authored-by: Yuri Skorokhodov <v-yuskor@microsoft.com> Co-authored-by: Daniel Ye <danyeh@microsoft.com> Co-authored-by: Mikhail Suendukov <43934531+JiglioNero@users.noreply.github.com>
2020-10-09 17:36:39 +03:00
"cordova.snippets.simulateAndroid": "在瀏覽器中模擬 Cordova Android 應用程式",
"cordova.snippets.simulateiOS": "在瀏覽器中模擬 Cordova iOS 應用程序",
"cordova.snippets.simulateBrowser": "在瀏覽器中運行和調試 Cordova 應用程式",
"cordova.snippets.simulateElectron": "運行和調試 Electron 應用程式",
"cordova.properties.launch.platform": "要運行的目標平台“ios”或“android”目前不支援其他平台",
"cordova.properties.launch.cwd": "專案的根",
"cordova.properties.launch.target": "“設備”、“模擬器”或特定設備/模擬器的標識符要在瀏覽器中進行模擬可以使用“chrome”或“chromium”",
"cordova.properties.launch.sourceMaps": "使用 JavaScript 來源映射(如果存在)",
"cordova.properties.launch.trace": "Trace 可以設定為「true」以將擴充功能的診斷日誌列印到控制台並將 Javascript 偵錯器的診斷日誌寫入磁碟",
"cordova.properties.launch.port": "用於轉發到目標進行調試的端口",
"cordova.properties.launch.webkitRangeMin": "用於選擇 iOS 裝置的連接埠範圍的開始",
"cordova.properties.launch.webkitRangeMax": "用於 iOS 裝置選擇的連接埠範圍結束",
"cordova.properties.launch.attachAttempts": "連接 iOS 應用程式時嘗試的次數",
"cordova.properties.launch.attachDelay": "嘗試附加到 iOS 應用程式之間等待的時間(以毫秒為單位)",
"cordova.properties.launch.attachTimeout": "偵錯器附加到偵錯會話之前等待的時間(以毫秒為單位)",
"cordova.properties.launch.iosDebugProxyPort": "啟動應用程式時用於連接到 iOS 本機調試器的端口",
"cordova.properties.launch.ionicLiveReload": "是否啟動 Ionic 即時重新載入會話",
"cordova.properties.launch.devServerPort": "Ionic 的即時重新載入伺服器應偵聽的端口",
"cordova.properties.launch.devServerAddress": "Ionic 應該用於即時重新載入伺服器的 IP 位址",
"cordova.properties.launch.devServerTimeout": "為瀏覽器提供服務或在啟用 Ionic 即時重新載入的情況下執行時啟動 Ionic 開發伺服器的逾時(以毫秒為單位)",
"cordova.properties.launch.simulatePort": "用於連接到本機 Cordova Simulate 伺服器的連接埠",
"cordova.properties.launch.livereload": "在瀏覽器中模擬時,確定是否啟用即時重新載入",
"cordova.properties.launch.livereloadDelay": "在瀏覽器中進行模擬時,設定會儲存修改檔案和重新載入應用程式頁面之間的延遲(以毫秒為單位)",
"cordova.properties.launch.forcePrepare": "在瀏覽器中進行模擬時,確定檔案變更是否會在即時重新載入之前觸發 cordova 準備",
"cordova.properties.launch.simulateTempDir": "託管臨時瀏覽器模擬檔的目錄",
"cordova.properties.launch.corsProxy": "在瀏覽器中進行模擬時,確定 XHR 請求是否經過代理,看起來好像它們源自與目標相同的網域",
"cordova.properties.launch.runArguments": "運行要傳遞給“cordova run/build”的參數 <platform>' 或 'ionicserve' 指令(覆蓋所有其他設定參數)",
js-debug migration (#673) * Prepare for migration to js-debug (#614) * Restore simulate scenarios functionality (#618) * Fix multiroot projects processing (#625) * Improve extension stability (#627) * Implement CDP proxy logger (#635) * Enhance js-debug debugging configuration (#636) * Add CDP message handler to proxy (#640) * Implement Safari CDP message handler (#641) * Improve async functions control (#647) * Implement Cordova Debug Config Provider (#648) * Implement cordova webviews recognition (#649) * Migrate unit tests from vscode to vscode-test package (#650) * Migrate unit tests from vscode to vscode-test package (#645) * Add tools for vscode-nls package support (#651) * Add extension bundling with Webpack (#653) * Add i18n for common and debugger folders (#654) * Add i18n to extension and utils folders (#655) * Externalized package.json strings for further localization (#656) * Add cordova simulate localization according to VS Code language (#657) * Fix minor i18n export issue (#658) * Fix localization import errors (#660) * Commit first version of localized json files (#661) * Ignore i18n file while packaging the extension (#662) * Change parent session stop command (#663) * Fix simulator viewport handling (#664) * Fix breakpoints activation for Cordova on Windows (#665) * ESLint migration (#666) * Add integration tests for Cordova CDP Proxy (#668) * Add unit tests (#669) * Fix iOS 14 debugging (#671) * Add 'livereloadDelay' parameter to attach args (#672) Co-authored-by: Yuri Skorokhodov <v-yuskor@microsoft.com> Co-authored-by: Daniel Ye <danyeh@microsoft.com> Co-authored-by: Mikhail Suendukov <43934531+JiglioNero@users.noreply.github.com>
2020-10-09 17:36:39 +03:00
"cordova.properties.launch.cordovaExecutable": "本機 Cordova/Ionic 可執行檔的路徑",
"cordova.properties.launch.env": "傳遞給程式的環境變數",
"cordova.properties.launch.envFile": "包含環境變數定義的檔案的絕對路徑",
"cordova.properties.launch.skipFiles": "調試時要跳過的檔案或資料夾名稱或路徑全域數組",
"cordova.properties.launch.pathMapping": "URL/路徑到本機資料夾的映射,用於將應用程式 webroot 中的腳本解析為磁碟上的腳本",
"cordova.properties.launch.sourceMapPathOverrides": "一組映射,用於將來源檔案的位置從來源映射的內容重寫到它們在磁碟上的位置",
"cordova.properties.launch.spaUrlRewrites": " 在瀏覽器中進行模擬時,確定是否在單頁應用程式中由路由器引起的 URL 重寫時啟用特殊的頁面刷新處理程序預設為「false」。",
"cordova.properties.launch.hostname": "向瀏覽器提供服務或啟用 Ionic 即時重新載入的情況下執行時所使用的主機名",
"cordova.properties.launch.electronPort": "調試 Electron 應用程式時使用的端口",
"cordova.properties.attach.platform": "運作的平台",
"cordova.properties.attach.cwd": "專案的根",
"cordova.properties.attach.target": "“設備”、“模擬器”或特定設備或模擬器的識別符",
"cordova.properties.attach.sourceMaps": "使用 JavaScript 來源映射(如果存在)",
"cordova.properties.attach.port": "用於遠端調試的端口",
"cordova.properties.attach.trace": "Trace 可以設定為「true」以將擴充功能的診斷日誌列印到控制台並將 Javascript 偵錯器的診斷日誌寫入磁碟",
"cordova.properties.attach.webkitRangeMin": "用於選擇 iOS 裝置的連接埠範圍的開始",
"cordova.properties.attach.webkitRangeMax": "用於 iOS 裝置選擇的連接埠範圍結束",
"cordova.properties.attach.attachAttempts": "連接 iOS 應用程式時嘗試的次數",
"cordova.properties.attach.attachDelay": "嘗試附加到 iOS 應用程式之間等待的時間(以毫秒為單位)",
"cordova.properties.attach.attachTimeout": "偵錯器附加到偵錯會話之前等待的時間(以毫秒為單位)",
"cordova.properties.attach.skipFiles": "調試時要跳過的檔案或資料夾名稱或路徑全域數組",
"cordova.properties.attach.pathMapping": "URL/路徑到本機資料夾的映射,用於將應用程式 webroot 中的腳本解析為磁碟上的腳本",
"cordova.properties.attach.ionicLiveReload": "如果您要附加到使用 --livereload 選項運行的 Ionic 4 應用程序,請將此設為 true",
"cordova.properties.launch.runtimeVersion": "如果使用「nvm」或「nvm-windows」或「nvs」來管理 Node.js 版本,則此屬性可用於選擇特定的 Node.js 版本。",
"cordova.properties.attach.sourceMapPathOverrides": "一組映射,用於將來源檔案的位置從來源映射的內容重寫到它們在磁碟上的位置",
"cordova.configuration.properties.cordova.runArguments": "運行要傳遞給“cordova run/build”的參數 <platform>' 或 'ionicserve' 指令",
js-debug migration (#673) * Prepare for migration to js-debug (#614) * Restore simulate scenarios functionality (#618) * Fix multiroot projects processing (#625) * Improve extension stability (#627) * Implement CDP proxy logger (#635) * Enhance js-debug debugging configuration (#636) * Add CDP message handler to proxy (#640) * Implement Safari CDP message handler (#641) * Improve async functions control (#647) * Implement Cordova Debug Config Provider (#648) * Implement cordova webviews recognition (#649) * Migrate unit tests from vscode to vscode-test package (#650) * Migrate unit tests from vscode to vscode-test package (#645) * Add tools for vscode-nls package support (#651) * Add extension bundling with Webpack (#653) * Add i18n for common and debugger folders (#654) * Add i18n to extension and utils folders (#655) * Externalized package.json strings for further localization (#656) * Add cordova simulate localization according to VS Code language (#657) * Fix minor i18n export issue (#658) * Fix localization import errors (#660) * Commit first version of localized json files (#661) * Ignore i18n file while packaging the extension (#662) * Change parent session stop command (#663) * Fix simulator viewport handling (#664) * Fix breakpoints activation for Cordova on Windows (#665) * ESLint migration (#666) * Add integration tests for Cordova CDP Proxy (#668) * Add unit tests (#669) * Fix iOS 14 debugging (#671) * Add 'livereloadDelay' parameter to attach args (#672) Co-authored-by: Yuri Skorokhodov <v-yuskor@microsoft.com> Co-authored-by: Daniel Ye <danyeh@microsoft.com> Co-authored-by: Mikhail Suendukov <43934531+JiglioNero@users.noreply.github.com>
2020-10-09 17:36:39 +03:00
"cordova.configuration.properties.cordova.cordovaExecutable": "本機 Cordova/Ionic 可執行檔的路徑",
"cordova.configuration.properties.cordova.env": "傳遞給程式的環境變數",
"cordova.configuration.properties.cordova.envFile": "包含環境變數定義的檔案的絕對路徑"
js-debug migration (#673) * Prepare for migration to js-debug (#614) * Restore simulate scenarios functionality (#618) * Fix multiroot projects processing (#625) * Improve extension stability (#627) * Implement CDP proxy logger (#635) * Enhance js-debug debugging configuration (#636) * Add CDP message handler to proxy (#640) * Implement Safari CDP message handler (#641) * Improve async functions control (#647) * Implement Cordova Debug Config Provider (#648) * Implement cordova webviews recognition (#649) * Migrate unit tests from vscode to vscode-test package (#650) * Migrate unit tests from vscode to vscode-test package (#645) * Add tools for vscode-nls package support (#651) * Add extension bundling with Webpack (#653) * Add i18n for common and debugger folders (#654) * Add i18n to extension and utils folders (#655) * Externalized package.json strings for further localization (#656) * Add cordova simulate localization according to VS Code language (#657) * Fix minor i18n export issue (#658) * Fix localization import errors (#660) * Commit first version of localized json files (#661) * Ignore i18n file while packaging the extension (#662) * Change parent session stop command (#663) * Fix simulator viewport handling (#664) * Fix breakpoints activation for Cordova on Windows (#665) * ESLint migration (#666) * Add integration tests for Cordova CDP Proxy (#668) * Add unit tests (#669) * Fix iOS 14 debugging (#671) * Add 'livereloadDelay' parameter to attach args (#672) Co-authored-by: Yuri Skorokhodov <v-yuskor@microsoft.com> Co-authored-by: Daniel Ye <danyeh@microsoft.com> Co-authored-by: Mikhail Suendukov <43934531+JiglioNero@users.noreply.github.com>
2020-10-09 17:36:39 +03:00