There are a couple of ways you can contribute to this repo:
- **Ideas, feature requests and bugs**: We are open to all ideas and we want to get rid of bugs! Use the Issues section to either report a new issue, provide your ideas or contribute to existing threads.
- **Documentation**: Found a typo or strangely worded sentences? Submit a PR!
- **Code**: Contribute bug fixes, features or design changes:
- Clone the repository locally and open in VS Code.
- Open the terminal (press `CTRL+`\`) and run `npm install`.
- To build, press `F1` and type in `Tasks: Run Build Task`.
- Debug: press `F5` to start debugging the extension.
## Legal
Before we can accept your pull request you will need to sign a **Contribution License Agreement**. All you need to do is to submit a pull request, then the PR will get appropriately labelled (e.g. `cla-required`, `cla-norequired`, `cla-signed`, `cla-already-signed`). If you already signed the agreement we will continue with reviewing the PR, otherwise system will tell you how you can sign the CLA. Once you sign the CLA all future PR's will be labeled as `cla-signed`.
## Code of Conduct
This project has adopted the [Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct]( For more information see the [Code of Conduct FAQ]( or contact []( with any additional questions or comments.
This extension collects telemetry data to help us build a better experience with Cosmos DB and VS Code. The extension respects the `telemetry.enableTelemetry` setting which you can learn more about in our [FAQ](