Localization - Translated Strings (#5863)
Co-authored-by: DevDiv Build Lab - Dev14 <dlab14@microsoft.com> Co-authored-by: Sean McManus <seanmcm@microsoft.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,6 +22,64 @@
"c_cpp.command.rescanWorkspace.title": "重新扫描工作区",
"c_cpp.command.vcpkgClipboardInstallSuggested.title": "将 vcpkg 安装命令复制到剪贴板",
"c_cpp.command.vcpkgOnlineHelpSuggested.title": "访问 vcpkg 帮助页",
"c_cpp.configuration.formatting.description": " Choose a formatting engine: clangFormat engables the clangFormat engine, vcFormat enables the vcFormat Engine, Default enables the clangFormat engine and Disabled will turn off code formatting features",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.braces.description": "Braces are indented by the amound specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.multiLineRelativeTo.description": "When a new line is typed, it is indented relatively to the outermost open parenthesis, innermost open parenthesis or to the beginning of the current statement",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preserveIndentationWithinParentheses.description": "When a new line is typed, it is aligned under the opening parenthesis or it is indented by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseLabels.description": "Labels are indented relative to switch statements by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseContents.description": "Code inside case is indented relative to its label by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseContentsWhenBlock.description": "Braces are indented relative to case statements by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.lambdaBracesWhenParameter.description": "Braces are indented relative to the start of the statement by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.gotoLabels.description": "Moves labels to the leftmost edge of the code, to the left of the current code indentation, by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting, or leaves labels at the current code indentation",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preprocessor.description": "Moves preprocessor directives to the leftmost edge of the code, moves preprocessor directives to the left of the current code indentation, by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting or leaves preprocessor directives at the current code indentation",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.accessSpecifiers.description": "Access specifiers are indented relative to class or struct definition by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.namespaceContents.description": "Code is indented relative to its enclosing namespace by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preserveComment.description": "Indentation of comments is not changed during formatting operations",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.namespace.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.type.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.function.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.block.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.scopeBracesOnSeparateLines.description": "Moves opening and closing braces on separate lines",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.lambda.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.closeBraceSameLine.emptyType.description": "For empty types, move closing braces to the same line as opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.closeBraceSameLine.emptyFunction.description": "For empty function bodies, move closing braces to the same line as opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeCatch.description": "Place 'catch' and similar keywords on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeElse.description": "Place 'else' on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeWhileInDoWhile.description": "Place 'while' in a do-while loop on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeFunctionOpenParenthesis.description": "A space is added before the opening parenthesis of a function, spaces before opening parenthesis of a function are removed or spaces are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinParameterListParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyParameterListParentheses.description": "When a list is empty, a space is inserted between its parentheses",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements.description": "A space is added before the opening parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinControlFlowStatementParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeLambdaOpenParenthesis.description": "A space is added between every lambda introducer and the argument list",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinCastParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterCastCloseParenthesis.description": "A space is added after the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinExpressionParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeBlockOpenBrace.description": "A space is added before the opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyBraces.description": "When braces are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeInitializerListOpenBrace.description": "A space is added before the opening brace",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinInitializerListBraces.description": "A space is added after the opening brace and also before the closing brace",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.preserveInInitializerList.description": "Spaces around commas are preserved",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeOpenSquareBracket.description": "A space is added before opening square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinSquareBrackets.description": "A space is added after the opening square bracket and also before the closing square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeEmptySquareBrackets.description": "When square brackets are empty, a space is added before the opening bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptySquareBrackets.description": "When square brackets are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.groupSquareBrackets.description": "For multi-dimensional arrays, all space between brackets is removed. Other settings that control space are overridden",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinLambdaBrackets.description": "A space is added after the opening square bracket and also before the closing square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyLambdaBrackets.description": " When square brackets are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeComma.description": "A space is added before every comma",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterComma.description": "A space is added after every comma",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeAroundMemberOperators.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in type declarations. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeInheritanceColon.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in constructors. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeConstructorColon.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in constructors. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeBeforeSemicolon.description": "Spaces are removed before every semicolon",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.insertAfterSemicolon.description": "Spaces are inserted after every semicolon",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeAroundUnaryOperator.description": "Spaces between unary operators and operands are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundBinaryOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundAssignmentOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.pointerReferenceAlignment.description": "Pointers and references are aligned to the left, center, right or left unchanged",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundTernaryOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.description": "Wrapping options for blocks",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.description": "clang-format 可执行文件的完整路径。如果未指定,并且 Clang 格式在环境路径中可用,则使用 Clang 格式。如果在环境路径中找不到 Clang 格式,则将使用与该扩展绑定的 clang-format 的副本。",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_style.description": "编码样式,当前支持: Visual Studio、LLVM、Google、Chromium、Mozilla、WebKit。使用 \"file\" 从当前目录或父目录中的 .clang 格式文件中加载样式。使用 {键: 值, ...} 设置特定参数。例如,\"Visual Studio\" 样式类似于: { BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All }",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_fallbackStyle.description": "如果使用样式 \"file\" 调用 clang 格式但是找不到 .clang-format 文件,则使用预定义的样式的名称作为回退。可能的值为 Visual Studio、LLVM、Google、Chromium、Mozilla、WebKit、none,或使用 {键: 值, ...} 设置特定参数。例如,\"Visual Studio\" 样式类似于: { BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4 }",
@ -34,13 +92,13 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionOpacity.description": "控制非活动预处理程序块的不透明度。介于 0.1 和 1.0 之间。此设置仅在启用了非活动区域变暗时适用。",
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionForegroundColor.description": "控制非活动预处理程序块的字体颜色。输入的格式为十六进制颜色代码或有效的主题颜色。如果未设置,则默认为编辑器的语法颜色方案。此设置仅在启用非活动区域变暗时适用。",
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionBackgroundColor.description": "控制非活动预处理程序块的背景颜色。输入的格式为十六进制颜色代码或有效的主题颜色。如果未设置,则默认为透明。此设置仅在启用了非活动区域变暗时适用。",
"c_cpp.configuration.formatting.description": "“默认”启用代码格式设置。“已禁用”禁用代码格式设置。",
"c_cpp.configuration.loggingLevel.description": "输出面板中日志记录的详细程度。从最低详细程度到最高详细程度的顺序为: None < Error < Warning < Information < Debug.",
"c_cpp.configuration.autoAddFileAssociations.description": "控制当文件是来自 C/C++ 文件的导航操作的目标时,是否将文件自动添加到 files.associations。",
"c_cpp.configuration.workspaceParsingPriority.description": "控制在分析非活动工作区文件时是否使用休眠以避免 CPU 使用率达到 100%。最高/高/中等/低的值约对应于 100/75/50/25% 的 CPU 使用率。",
"c_cpp.configuration.workspaceSymbols.description": "调用“转到工作区中的符号”时要包含在查询结果中的符号",
"c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.description": "在遍历 \"browse.path\" 数组中的路径并确定应将哪些文件添加到代码导航数据库中时,指示扩展何时使用 \"files.exclude\" 设置。\"checkFolders\" 表示仅为每个文件夹评估一次排除筛选器(不检查单个文件)。\"checkFilesAndFolders\" 表示将对遇到的每个文件和文件夹评估排除筛选器。如果 \"files.exclude\" 设置仅包含文件夹,则 \"checkFolders\" 是最佳选择,可提高扩展对代码导航数据库执行初始化的速度。",
"c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.description": "要作为 #include 自动完成结果的路径分隔符使用的字符。",
"c_cpp.configuration.simplifyStructuredComments.description": "If true, tooltips of hover and auto-complete will only display certain labels of structured comments. Otherwise, all comments are displayed.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.string.description": "开启一个多行或单行注释块的模式。多行注释块的延续模式默认为 \"*\",单行注释块的延续模式默认为此字符串。",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.object.begin.description": "开启一个多行或单行注释块的模式。",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.object.continue.description": "在多行或单行注释块内按下 Enter 键时要插入到下一行的文本。",
@ -48,7 +106,7 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.configurationWarnings.description": "确定在配置提供程序扩展无法提供源文件配置时是否显示弹出通知。",
"c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseCachePath.description": "为 IntelliSense 使用的缓存预编译标头定义文件夹路径。Windows 上的默认缓存路径为 \"%LocalAppData%/Microsoft/vscode-cpptools\",Linux 上为 \"$XDG_CACHE_HOME/vscode-cpptools/\" (若未定义 XDG_CACHE_HOME,则为 \"$HOME/.cache/vscode-cpptools/\"),Mac 上为 \"$HOME/Library/Caches/vscode-cpptools/\"。如果未指定路径或指定的路径无效,则使用默认路径。",
"c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseCacheSize.description": "缓存的预编译标头的每个工作区硬盘驱动器空间的最大大小(MB);实际使用量可能在此值上下波动。默认大小为 5120 MB。当大小为 0 时,预编译的标头缓存将被禁用。",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.includePath.description": "未指定 \"includePath\" 时要在配置中使用的值,或 \"includePath\" 中存在 \"${default}\" 时要插入的值。",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.includePath.description": "The value to use in a configuration if \"includePath\" is not specified in c_cpp_properties.json. If \"includePath\" is specified, add \"${default}\" to the array to insert the values from this setting.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.defines.description": "未指定 \"defines\" 时要在配置中使用的值,或 \"defines\" 中存在 \"${default}\" 时要插入的值。",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.macFrameworkPath.description": "未指定 \"macFrameworkPath\" 时要在配置中使用的值,或 \"macFrameworkPath\" 中存在 \"${default}\" 时要插入的值。",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.windowsSdkVersion.description": "要在 Windows 上使用的 Windows SDK 包含路径的版本,例如 \"10.0.17134.0\"。",
@ -69,7 +127,7 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.updateChannel.description": "设置为“预览体验”以自动下载并安装扩展的最新预览体验版本,其中包括即将推出的功能和 bug 修复。",
"c_cpp.configuration.experimentalFeatures.description": "控制“实验性”功能是否可用。",
"c_cpp.configuration.suggestSnippets.description": "如果为 true,则由语言服务器提供片段。",
"c_cpp.configuration.enhancedColorization.description": "如果启用了 IntelliSense,则基于 IntelliSense 对代码进行着色。如果禁用了 IntelliSense 或使用默认高对比度主题,则此设置不起任何作用。",
"c_cpp.configuration.enhancedColorization.description": "If enabled, code is colorized based on IntelliSense. This setting only applies if intelliSenseEngine is set to \"Default\".",
"c_cpp.configuration.codeFolding.description": "如果启用,则由语言服务器提供代码折叠范围。",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcpkg.enabled.markdownDescription": "为 [vcpkg 依赖关系管理器] 启用集成服务(https://aka.ms/vcpkg/)。",
"c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.description": "如果为 true,则“重命名符号”将需要有效的 C/C++ 标识符。",
@ -34,5 +34,6 @@
"yes.button": "是",
"no.button": "否",
"configurations.received": "已收到自定义配置:",
"browse.configuration.received": "已收到自定义浏览配置: {0}"
"browse.configuration.received": "已收到自定义浏览配置: {0}",
"browse.configuration": "Custom browse configuration: {0}"
@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
"apline.containers.not.supported": "Alpine 容器不受支持。",
"native.binaries.not.supported": "扩展的此 {0} 版本与你的 OS 不兼容。请下载并安装扩展的“{1}”版本。",
"download.button": "转到下载页",
"extension.installation.failed": "The C/C++ extension failed to install successfully. You will need to repair or reinstall the extension for C/C++ language features to function properly.",
"remove.extension": "Attempt to Repair",
"jason.files.missing": "The C/C++ extension failed to install successfully. You will need to reinstall the extension for C/C++ language features to function properly.",
"initialization.failed": "C/C++ 扩展安装失败。有关详细信息,请查看输出窗口。",
"updating.dependencies": "正在更新 C/C++ 依赖项...",
"rename.failed.delete.manually": "错误: fs.rename 失败,原因为“{0}”。请手动删除 {1} 以启用调试。",
@ -175,5 +175,6 @@
"parameters_label": "参数:",
"returns_label": "返回:",
"deprecated_label": "已弃用:",
"exceptions_label": "异常:"
"exceptions_label": "异常:",
"template_parameters_label": "Template Parameters:"
@ -22,6 +22,64 @@
"c_cpp.command.rescanWorkspace.title": "重新掃描工作區",
"c_cpp.command.vcpkgClipboardInstallSuggested.title": "將 vcpkg 安裝命令複製到剪貼簿",
"c_cpp.command.vcpkgOnlineHelpSuggested.title": "瀏覽 vcpkg 說明頁面",
"c_cpp.configuration.formatting.description": " Choose a formatting engine: clangFormat engables the clangFormat engine, vcFormat enables the vcFormat Engine, Default enables the clangFormat engine and Disabled will turn off code formatting features",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.braces.description": "Braces are indented by the amound specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.multiLineRelativeTo.description": "When a new line is typed, it is indented relatively to the outermost open parenthesis, innermost open parenthesis or to the beginning of the current statement",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preserveIndentationWithinParentheses.description": "When a new line is typed, it is aligned under the opening parenthesis or it is indented by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseLabels.description": "Labels are indented relative to switch statements by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseContents.description": "Code inside case is indented relative to its label by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseContentsWhenBlock.description": "Braces are indented relative to case statements by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.lambdaBracesWhenParameter.description": "Braces are indented relative to the start of the statement by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.gotoLabels.description": "Moves labels to the leftmost edge of the code, to the left of the current code indentation, by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting, or leaves labels at the current code indentation",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preprocessor.description": "Moves preprocessor directives to the leftmost edge of the code, moves preprocessor directives to the left of the current code indentation, by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting or leaves preprocessor directives at the current code indentation",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.accessSpecifiers.description": "Access specifiers are indented relative to class or struct definition by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.namespaceContents.description": "Code is indented relative to its enclosing namespace by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preserveComment.description": "Indentation of comments is not changed during formatting operations",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.namespace.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.type.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.function.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.block.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.scopeBracesOnSeparateLines.description": "Moves opening and closing braces on separate lines",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.lambda.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.closeBraceSameLine.emptyType.description": "For empty types, move closing braces to the same line as opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.closeBraceSameLine.emptyFunction.description": "For empty function bodies, move closing braces to the same line as opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeCatch.description": "Place 'catch' and similar keywords on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeElse.description": "Place 'else' on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeWhileInDoWhile.description": "Place 'while' in a do-while loop on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeFunctionOpenParenthesis.description": "A space is added before the opening parenthesis of a function, spaces before opening parenthesis of a function are removed or spaces are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinParameterListParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyParameterListParentheses.description": "When a list is empty, a space is inserted between its parentheses",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements.description": "A space is added before the opening parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinControlFlowStatementParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeLambdaOpenParenthesis.description": "A space is added between every lambda introducer and the argument list",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinCastParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterCastCloseParenthesis.description": "A space is added after the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinExpressionParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeBlockOpenBrace.description": "A space is added before the opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyBraces.description": "When braces are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeInitializerListOpenBrace.description": "A space is added before the opening brace",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinInitializerListBraces.description": "A space is added after the opening brace and also before the closing brace",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.preserveInInitializerList.description": "Spaces around commas are preserved",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeOpenSquareBracket.description": "A space is added before opening square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinSquareBrackets.description": "A space is added after the opening square bracket and also before the closing square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeEmptySquareBrackets.description": "When square brackets are empty, a space is added before the opening bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptySquareBrackets.description": "When square brackets are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.groupSquareBrackets.description": "For multi-dimensional arrays, all space between brackets is removed. Other settings that control space are overridden",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinLambdaBrackets.description": "A space is added after the opening square bracket and also before the closing square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyLambdaBrackets.description": " When square brackets are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeComma.description": "A space is added before every comma",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterComma.description": "A space is added after every comma",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeAroundMemberOperators.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in type declarations. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeInheritanceColon.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in constructors. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeConstructorColon.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in constructors. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeBeforeSemicolon.description": "Spaces are removed before every semicolon",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.insertAfterSemicolon.description": "Spaces are inserted after every semicolon",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeAroundUnaryOperator.description": "Spaces between unary operators and operands are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundBinaryOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundAssignmentOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.pointerReferenceAlignment.description": "Pointers and references are aligned to the left, center, right or left unchanged",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundTernaryOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.description": "Wrapping options for blocks",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.description": "此為 clang-format 可執行檔的完整路徑。如果未指定,且在環境路徑中可用 clang-format,即會使用該格式。如果在環境路徑中找不到,則會使用延伸模組所配備的 clang-format 複本。",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_style.description": "編碼樣式,目前支援: Visual Studio、LLVM、Google、Chromium、Mozilla、WebKit。使用「檔案」可從目前目錄或父目錄的 .clang-format 檔案載入樣式。使用 {鍵: 值, ...} 可設定特定參數。例如,\"Visual Studio\" 樣式類似於: { BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All }",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_fallbackStyle.description": "當已使用樣式 \"file\" 叫用 clang-format,但找不到 .clang-format 檔案時,用作後援的預先定義樣式名稱。可能的值包括 Visual Studio、LLVM、Google、Chromium、Mozilla、WebKit、none 或使用 {鍵: 值, ...} 來設定特定參數。例如,\"Visual Studio\" 樣式類似於: { BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4 }",
@ -34,13 +92,13 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionOpacity.description": "控制非作用中前置處理器區塊的不透明度。在 0.1 與 1.0 之間縮放。只有在啟用非作用中區域變暗時,才會套用此設定。",
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionForegroundColor.description": "控制非作用中前置處理器區塊的前景色彩。輸入的格式為十六進位色彩代碼或有效的佈景主題色彩。若未設定,會預設為編輯器的語法著色配置。只有在啟用非作用中區域變暗時,才會套用此設定。",
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionBackgroundColor.description": "控制非作用中前置處理器區塊的背景色彩。輸入的格式為十六進位色彩代碼或有效的佈景主題色彩。若未設定,會預設為透明。只有在啟用非作用中區域變暗時,才會套用此設定。",
"c_cpp.configuration.formatting.description": "\"Default\" 會啟用程式碼格式設定。\"Disabled\" 會停用程式碼格式設定。",
"c_cpp.configuration.loggingLevel.description": "輸出面板中記錄的詳細程度。從最不詳細到最詳細的層級順序為: None < Error < Warning < Information < Debug.",
"c_cpp.configuration.autoAddFileAssociations.description": "控制是否會在檔案為 C/C++ 檔案的瀏覽作業目標時,自動將檔案新增至 files.associations。",
"c_cpp.configuration.workspaceParsingPriority.description": "控制非作用中工作區檔案的剖析是否會使用睡眠來避免使用 100% 的 CPU。值 highest/high/medium/low 會約略對應至 100/75/50/25% CPU 使用率。",
"c_cpp.configuration.workspaceSymbols.description": "叫用 'Go to Symbol in Workspace' 時,要包含在查詢結果中的符號",
"c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.description": "指示延伸模組在周遊穿過 \"browse.path\" 陣列,為決定應新增至程式碼瀏覽資料庫的檔案而使用 \"files.exclude\" 設定的時機。\"checkFolders\" 代表每個資料夾 (不會檢查個別檔案) 只會評估一次排除篩選。\"checkFilesAndFolders\" 表示將對遇到的所有檔案和資料夾評估排除篩選。如果您的 \"files.exclude\" 設定只包含資料夾,則 \"checkFolders\" 為最佳選擇,且會增加延伸模組可將程式碼瀏覽資料庫初始化的速度。",
"c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.description": "用作 #include 自動完成結果路徑分隔符號的字元。",
"c_cpp.configuration.simplifyStructuredComments.description": "If true, tooltips of hover and auto-complete will only display certain labels of structured comments. Otherwise, all comments are displayed.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.string.description": "開始多行或單行註解區塊的模式。對於多行註解區塊,接續模式預設為 ' * ',或此字串表示單行註解區塊。",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.object.begin.description": "開始多行或單行註解區塊的模式。",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.object.continue.description": "在多行或單行註解區塊中按下 ENTER 時,將在下一行插入的文字。",
@ -48,7 +106,7 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.configurationWarnings.description": "決定當組態提供者延伸模組無法提供來源檔案的組態時,是否會顯示快顯通知。",
"c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseCachePath.description": "定義 IntelliSense 使用之快取先行編譯標頭檔的資料夾路徑。預設快取路徑在 Windows 上為 \"%LocalAppData%/Microsoft/vscode-cpptools\",在 Linux 上為 \"$XDG_CACHE_HOME/vscode-cpptools/\" (若未定義 XDG_CACHE_HOME,則為 \"$HOME/.cache/vscode-cpptools/\"),在 Mac 上則為 \"$HOME/Library/Caches/vscode-cpptools/\"。如果未指定路徑或指定的路徑無效,就會使用預設路徑。",
"c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseCacheSize.description": "快取先行編譯標頭檔的每個工作區硬碟空間大小上限 (mb); 實際使用量可能會在此值周圍波動。預設大小為 5120 MB。當大小為 0 時,會停用先行編譯的標頭快取。",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.includePath.description": "當 \"includePath\" 未指定時,要在設定中使用的值,或 \"includePath\" 中有 \"${default}\" 時要插入的值。",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.includePath.description": "The value to use in a configuration if \"includePath\" is not specified in c_cpp_properties.json. If \"includePath\" is specified, add \"${default}\" to the array to insert the values from this setting.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.defines.description": "當 \"defines\" 未指定時,要在設定中使用的值,或 \"defines\" 中有 \"${default}\" 時要插入的值。",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.macFrameworkPath.description": "當 \"macFrameworkPath\" 未指定時,要在設定中使用的值,或 \"macFrameworkPath\" 中有 \"${default}\" 時要插入的值。",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.windowsSdkVersion.description": "要在 Windows 上使用的 Windows SDK 包含路徑版本,例如 '10.0.17134.0'。",
@ -69,7 +127,7 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.updateChannel.description": "設定為「測試人員」以自動下載並安裝最新的延伸模組測試人員組建 (包括即將推出的功能和更新)。",
"c_cpp.configuration.experimentalFeatures.description": "控制「實驗性」功能是否可用。",
"c_cpp.configuration.suggestSnippets.description": "若為 true,則由語言伺服器提供程式碼片段。",
"c_cpp.configuration.enhancedColorization.description": "若已啟用,將會根據 IntelliSense 將程式碼著色。如果已停用 IntelliSense 或使用預設高對比主題,此設定就沒有效果。",
"c_cpp.configuration.enhancedColorization.description": "If enabled, code is colorized based on IntelliSense. This setting only applies if intelliSenseEngine is set to \"Default\".",
"c_cpp.configuration.codeFolding.description": "若啟用,則由語言伺服器提供程式碼摺疊功能範圍。",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcpkg.enabled.markdownDescription": "啟用 [vcpkg 相依性管理員](https://aka.ms/vcpkg/)的整合服務。",
"c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.description": "若為 true,則「重新命名符號」需要有效的 C/C++ 識別碼。",
@ -34,5 +34,6 @@
"yes.button": "是",
"no.button": "否",
"configurations.received": "收到的自訂組態:",
"browse.configuration.received": "收到的自訂瀏覽組態: {0}"
"browse.configuration.received": "收到的自訂瀏覽組態: {0}",
"browse.configuration": "Custom browse configuration: {0}"
@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
"apline.containers.not.supported": "不支援 Alpine 容器。",
"native.binaries.not.supported": "此 {0} 版延伸模組與您的 OS 不相容。請下載並安裝 \"{1}\" 版本的延伸模組。",
"download.button": "前往 [下載\ 頁面",
"extension.installation.failed": "The C/C++ extension failed to install successfully. You will need to repair or reinstall the extension for C/C++ language features to function properly.",
"remove.extension": "Attempt to Repair",
"jason.files.missing": "The C/C++ extension failed to install successfully. You will need to reinstall the extension for C/C++ language features to function properly.",
"initialization.failed": "C/C + + 延伸模組安裝失敗。如需詳細資訊,請查看 [輸出] 視窗。",
"updating.dependencies": "正在更新 C/C + + 相依性...",
"rename.failed.delete.manually": "錯誤: fs.rename 失敗,\"{0}\"。請手動刪除 {1} 以啟用偵錯。",
@ -175,5 +175,6 @@
"parameters_label": "參數:",
"returns_label": "傳回:",
"deprecated_label": "已淘汰:",
"exceptions_label": "例外狀況:"
"exceptions_label": "例外狀況:",
"template_parameters_label": "Template Parameters:"
@ -22,6 +22,64 @@
"c_cpp.command.rescanWorkspace.title": "Znovu prohledat pracovní prostor",
"c_cpp.command.vcpkgClipboardInstallSuggested.title": "Zkopírovat příkaz pro instalaci vcpkg do schránky",
"c_cpp.command.vcpkgOnlineHelpSuggested.title": "Navštívit stránku nápovědy k vcpkg",
"c_cpp.configuration.formatting.description": " Choose a formatting engine: clangFormat engables the clangFormat engine, vcFormat enables the vcFormat Engine, Default enables the clangFormat engine and Disabled will turn off code formatting features",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.braces.description": "Braces are indented by the amound specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.multiLineRelativeTo.description": "When a new line is typed, it is indented relatively to the outermost open parenthesis, innermost open parenthesis or to the beginning of the current statement",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preserveIndentationWithinParentheses.description": "When a new line is typed, it is aligned under the opening parenthesis or it is indented by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseLabels.description": "Labels are indented relative to switch statements by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseContents.description": "Code inside case is indented relative to its label by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseContentsWhenBlock.description": "Braces are indented relative to case statements by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.lambdaBracesWhenParameter.description": "Braces are indented relative to the start of the statement by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.gotoLabels.description": "Moves labels to the leftmost edge of the code, to the left of the current code indentation, by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting, or leaves labels at the current code indentation",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preprocessor.description": "Moves preprocessor directives to the leftmost edge of the code, moves preprocessor directives to the left of the current code indentation, by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting or leaves preprocessor directives at the current code indentation",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.accessSpecifiers.description": "Access specifiers are indented relative to class or struct definition by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.namespaceContents.description": "Code is indented relative to its enclosing namespace by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preserveComment.description": "Indentation of comments is not changed during formatting operations",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.namespace.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.type.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.function.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.block.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.scopeBracesOnSeparateLines.description": "Moves opening and closing braces on separate lines",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.lambda.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.closeBraceSameLine.emptyType.description": "For empty types, move closing braces to the same line as opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.closeBraceSameLine.emptyFunction.description": "For empty function bodies, move closing braces to the same line as opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeCatch.description": "Place 'catch' and similar keywords on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeElse.description": "Place 'else' on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeWhileInDoWhile.description": "Place 'while' in a do-while loop on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeFunctionOpenParenthesis.description": "A space is added before the opening parenthesis of a function, spaces before opening parenthesis of a function are removed or spaces are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinParameterListParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyParameterListParentheses.description": "When a list is empty, a space is inserted between its parentheses",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements.description": "A space is added before the opening parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinControlFlowStatementParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeLambdaOpenParenthesis.description": "A space is added between every lambda introducer and the argument list",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinCastParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterCastCloseParenthesis.description": "A space is added after the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinExpressionParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeBlockOpenBrace.description": "A space is added before the opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyBraces.description": "When braces are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeInitializerListOpenBrace.description": "A space is added before the opening brace",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinInitializerListBraces.description": "A space is added after the opening brace and also before the closing brace",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.preserveInInitializerList.description": "Spaces around commas are preserved",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeOpenSquareBracket.description": "A space is added before opening square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinSquareBrackets.description": "A space is added after the opening square bracket and also before the closing square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeEmptySquareBrackets.description": "When square brackets are empty, a space is added before the opening bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptySquareBrackets.description": "When square brackets are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.groupSquareBrackets.description": "For multi-dimensional arrays, all space between brackets is removed. Other settings that control space are overridden",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinLambdaBrackets.description": "A space is added after the opening square bracket and also before the closing square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyLambdaBrackets.description": " When square brackets are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeComma.description": "A space is added before every comma",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterComma.description": "A space is added after every comma",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeAroundMemberOperators.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in type declarations. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeInheritanceColon.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in constructors. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeConstructorColon.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in constructors. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeBeforeSemicolon.description": "Spaces are removed before every semicolon",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.insertAfterSemicolon.description": "Spaces are inserted after every semicolon",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeAroundUnaryOperator.description": "Spaces between unary operators and operands are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundBinaryOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundAssignmentOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.pointerReferenceAlignment.description": "Pointers and references are aligned to the left, center, right or left unchanged",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundTernaryOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.description": "Wrapping options for blocks",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.description": "Úplná cesta ke spustitelnému souboru clang-format. Pokud se nezadá, clang-format je k dispozici na cestě prostředí a ta se použije. Pokud se na cestě prostředí nenajde, použije se kopie clang-format, která se dodává spolu s rozšířením.",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_style.description": "Styl kódování, v současné době se podporuje: Visual Studio, LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit. Pokud chcete načíst styl ze souboru .clang-format v aktuálním nebo nadřazeném adresáři, použijte možnost file. Pokud chcete zadat konkrétní parametry, použijte {klíč: hodnota, ...}. Například styl Visual Studio je podobný tomuto: { BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All }",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_fallbackStyle.description": "Název předdefinovaného stylu, který se použije jako záloha v případě, že se vyvolá clang-format se stylem file, ale nenajde se soubor .clang-format. Možné hodnoty k nastavení konkrétních parametrů jsou Visual Studio, LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit, none, případně můžete použít {klíč: hodnota, ...}. Například styl Visual Studio je podobný tomuto: { BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4 }",
@ -34,13 +92,13 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionOpacity.description": "Určuje neprůhlednost neaktivních bloků preprocesoru. Hodnoty spadají do rozsahu od 0,1 do 1,0. Toto nastavení platí jen v případě, že je povolené ztmavování neaktivních oblastí.",
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionForegroundColor.description": "Určuje barvení písma neaktivních bloků preprocesoru. Vstup má tvar šestnáctkového kódu barvy nebo platné barvy motivu. Pokud se nenastaví, výchozí nastavení je schéma barvení syntaxe v editoru. Toto nastavení platí jen v případě, že je povolené ztmavování neaktivních oblastí.",
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionBackgroundColor.description": "Určuje barvení pozadí neaktivních bloků preprocesoru. Vstup má tvar šestnáctkového kódu barvy nebo platné barvy motivu. Pokud se nenastaví, výchozí nastavení je průhledné pozadí. Toto nastavení platí jen v případě, že je povolené ztmavování neaktivních oblastí.",
"c_cpp.configuration.formatting.description": "Možnost Default povolí formátování kódu. Možnost Disabled ho zakáže.",
"c_cpp.configuration.loggingLevel.description": "Úroveň podrobností protokolování panelu výstupu. Pořadí úrovní od nejméně podrobné po nejpodrobnější je toto: None < Error < Warning < Information < Debug.",
"c_cpp.configuration.autoAddFileAssociations.description": "Určuje, jestli se soubory automaticky přidají do files.associations, když budou cílem operace navigace ze souboru C/C++.",
"c_cpp.configuration.workspaceParsingPriority.description": "Určuje, jestli parsování neaktivních souborů pracovního prostoru použije operace čekání, aby se procesor nevyužíval na 100 %. Hodnoty highest/high/medium/low odpovídají přibližně 100/75/50/25 % využití procesoru.",
"c_cpp.configuration.workspaceSymbols.description": "Symboly, které se mají zahrnout do výsledků dotazů, když se zavolá operace Přejít na symbol v pracovním prostoru",
"c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.description": "Dává rozšíření pokyn, kdy se při určování, které soubory se mají přidat do databáze navigace v kódu při průchodu cestami v poli browse.path, má používat nastavení files.exclude. checkFolders znamená, že filtry vyloučení se budou vyhodnocovat pro každou složku jen jednou (nekontrolují se jednotlivé soubory). checkFilesAndFolders znamená, že filtry vyloučení se budou vyhodnocovat pro každý nalezený soubor a složku. Pokud vaše nastavení files.exclude obsahuje jen složky, checkFolders je nejlepší volbou, která zvýší rychlost, jakou rozšíření může inicializovat databázi navigace v kódu.",
"c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.description": "Znak, který se použije jako oddělovač cest pro výsledky automatického dokončení direktiv #include",
"c_cpp.configuration.simplifyStructuredComments.description": "If true, tooltips of hover and auto-complete will only display certain labels of structured comments. Otherwise, all comments are displayed.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.string.description": "Vzor, který zahájí víceřádkový nebo jednořádkový blok komentáře. Výchozí vzor pro pokračování je pro víceřádkové bloky komentářů *, nebo tento řetězec pro jednořádkové bloky.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.object.begin.description": "Vzor, který zahájí víceřádkový nebo jednořádkový blok komentáře",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.object.continue.description": "Text, který se vloží na další řádek, když se ve víceřádkovém nebo jednořádkovém bloku komentáře stiskne klávesa Enter.",
@ -48,7 +106,7 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.configurationWarnings.description": "Určuje, jestli se budou zobrazovat automaticky otevíraná oznámení, když rozšíření poskytovatele konfigurací nebude moct poskytnout konfiguraci pro určitý zdrojový soubor.",
"c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseCachePath.description": "Definuje cestu ke složce pro předkompilované hlavičky uložené do mezipaměti, které používá IntelliSense. Výchozí cesta k mezipaměti je %LocalAppData%/Microsoft/vscode-cpptools ve Windows, $XDG_CACHE_HOME/vscode-cpptools/ v Linuxu (případně $HOME/.cache/vscode-cpptools/, pokud se nedefinovalo XDG_CACHE_HOME) a $HOME/Library/Caches/vscode-cpptools/ na Macu. Výchozí cesta se použije, když se nezadá žádná cesta nebo když zadaná cesta nebude platná.",
"c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseCacheSize.description": "Maximální velikost místa na pevném disku pro předkompilované hlavičky uložené do mezipaměti na jeden pracovní prostor v megabajtech. Skutečné využití se může pohybovat kolem této hodnoty. Výchozí velikost je 5120 MB. Když se velikost nastaví na 0, ukládání předkompilovaných hlaviček do mezipaměti se zakáže.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.includePath.description": "Hodnota, která se použije v konfiguraci, pokud se nezadá includePath, nebo hodnoty, které se mají vložit, pokud se ve includePath nachází ${default}",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.includePath.description": "The value to use in a configuration if \"includePath\" is not specified in c_cpp_properties.json. If \"includePath\" is specified, add \"${default}\" to the array to insert the values from this setting.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.defines.description": "Hodnota, která se použije v konfiguraci, pokud se nezadá defines, nebo hodnoty, které se mají vložit, pokud se v defines nachází ${default}",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.macFrameworkPath.description": "Hodnota, která se použije v konfiguraci, pokud se nezadá macFrameworkPath, nebo hodnoty, které se mají vložit, pokud se ve macFrameworkPath nachází ${default}",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.windowsSdkVersion.description": "Verze cesty pro vložené soubory sady Windows SDK, která se má použít ve Windows, např. 10.0.17134.0",
@ -69,7 +127,7 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.updateChannel.description": "Pokud chcete automaticky stahovat a instalovat nejnovější sestavení rozšíření v programu Insider, která zahrnují připravované funkce a opravy chyb, nastavte možnost Účastníci programu Insider.",
"c_cpp.configuration.experimentalFeatures.description": "Určuje, jestli je možné použít experimentální funkce.",
"c_cpp.configuration.suggestSnippets.description": "Pokud se nastaví na true, jazykový server poskytne fragmenty kódu.",
"c_cpp.configuration.enhancedColorization.description": "Pokud se tato možnost povolí, kód se bude barvit podle IntelliSense. Toto nastavení nemá žádný vliv, pokud se zakáže IntelliSense nebo pokud se použije výchozí motiv Vysoký kontrast.",
"c_cpp.configuration.enhancedColorization.description": "If enabled, code is colorized based on IntelliSense. This setting only applies if intelliSenseEngine is set to \"Default\".",
"c_cpp.configuration.codeFolding.description": "Když se tato možnost povolí, rozsahy sbalování kódu bude poskytovat jazykový server.",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcpkg.enabled.markdownDescription": "Povolte integrační služby pro [správce závislostí vcpkg](https://aka.ms/vcpkg/).",
"c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.description": "Když se tato hodnota nastaví na true, operace Přejmenovat symbol bude vyžadovat platný identifikátor C/C++.",
@ -34,5 +34,6 @@
"yes.button": "Ano",
"no.button": "Ne",
"configurations.received": "Přijaly se vlastní konfigurace:",
"browse.configuration.received": "Přijala se vlastní konfigurace procházení: {0}"
"browse.configuration.received": "Přijala se vlastní konfigurace procházení: {0}",
"browse.configuration": "Custom browse configuration: {0}"
@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
"apline.containers.not.supported": "Kontejnery Alpine se nepodporují.",
"native.binaries.not.supported": "Tato verze rozšíření pro {0} není kompatibilní s vaším operačním systémem. Stáhněte a nainstalujte si prosím verzi rozšíření {1}.",
"download.button": "Přejít na stránku stahování",
"extension.installation.failed": "The C/C++ extension failed to install successfully. You will need to repair or reinstall the extension for C/C++ language features to function properly.",
"remove.extension": "Attempt to Repair",
"jason.files.missing": "The C/C++ extension failed to install successfully. You will need to reinstall the extension for C/C++ language features to function properly.",
"initialization.failed": "Nepovedlo se nainstalovat rozšíření C/C++. Další informace najdete v okně výstupu.",
"updating.dependencies": "Aktualizují se závislosti C/C++...",
"rename.failed.delete.manually": "CHYBA: Operace fs.rename neproběhla úspěšně s chybou {0}. Pokud chcete povolit ladění, odstraňte {1} ručně.",
@ -175,5 +175,6 @@
"parameters_label": "Parametry:",
"returns_label": "Vrací:",
"deprecated_label": "Zastaralé:",
"exceptions_label": "Výjimky:"
"exceptions_label": "Výjimky:",
"template_parameters_label": "Template Parameters:"
@ -22,6 +22,64 @@
"c_cpp.command.rescanWorkspace.title": "Arbeitsbereich erneut überprüfen",
"c_cpp.command.vcpkgClipboardInstallSuggested.title": "vcpkg-Installationsbefehl in Zwischenablage kopieren",
"c_cpp.command.vcpkgOnlineHelpSuggested.title": "vcpkg-Hilfeseite aufrufen",
"c_cpp.configuration.formatting.description": " Choose a formatting engine: clangFormat engables the clangFormat engine, vcFormat enables the vcFormat Engine, Default enables the clangFormat engine and Disabled will turn off code formatting features",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.braces.description": "Braces are indented by the amound specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.multiLineRelativeTo.description": "When a new line is typed, it is indented relatively to the outermost open parenthesis, innermost open parenthesis or to the beginning of the current statement",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preserveIndentationWithinParentheses.description": "When a new line is typed, it is aligned under the opening parenthesis or it is indented by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseLabels.description": "Labels are indented relative to switch statements by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseContents.description": "Code inside case is indented relative to its label by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseContentsWhenBlock.description": "Braces are indented relative to case statements by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.lambdaBracesWhenParameter.description": "Braces are indented relative to the start of the statement by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.gotoLabels.description": "Moves labels to the leftmost edge of the code, to the left of the current code indentation, by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting, or leaves labels at the current code indentation",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preprocessor.description": "Moves preprocessor directives to the leftmost edge of the code, moves preprocessor directives to the left of the current code indentation, by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting or leaves preprocessor directives at the current code indentation",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.accessSpecifiers.description": "Access specifiers are indented relative to class or struct definition by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.namespaceContents.description": "Code is indented relative to its enclosing namespace by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preserveComment.description": "Indentation of comments is not changed during formatting operations",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.namespace.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.type.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.function.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.block.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.scopeBracesOnSeparateLines.description": "Moves opening and closing braces on separate lines",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.lambda.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.closeBraceSameLine.emptyType.description": "For empty types, move closing braces to the same line as opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.closeBraceSameLine.emptyFunction.description": "For empty function bodies, move closing braces to the same line as opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeCatch.description": "Place 'catch' and similar keywords on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeElse.description": "Place 'else' on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeWhileInDoWhile.description": "Place 'while' in a do-while loop on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeFunctionOpenParenthesis.description": "A space is added before the opening parenthesis of a function, spaces before opening parenthesis of a function are removed or spaces are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinParameterListParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyParameterListParentheses.description": "When a list is empty, a space is inserted between its parentheses",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements.description": "A space is added before the opening parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinControlFlowStatementParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeLambdaOpenParenthesis.description": "A space is added between every lambda introducer and the argument list",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinCastParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterCastCloseParenthesis.description": "A space is added after the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinExpressionParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeBlockOpenBrace.description": "A space is added before the opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyBraces.description": "When braces are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeInitializerListOpenBrace.description": "A space is added before the opening brace",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinInitializerListBraces.description": "A space is added after the opening brace and also before the closing brace",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.preserveInInitializerList.description": "Spaces around commas are preserved",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeOpenSquareBracket.description": "A space is added before opening square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinSquareBrackets.description": "A space is added after the opening square bracket and also before the closing square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeEmptySquareBrackets.description": "When square brackets are empty, a space is added before the opening bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptySquareBrackets.description": "When square brackets are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.groupSquareBrackets.description": "For multi-dimensional arrays, all space between brackets is removed. Other settings that control space are overridden",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinLambdaBrackets.description": "A space is added after the opening square bracket and also before the closing square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyLambdaBrackets.description": " When square brackets are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeComma.description": "A space is added before every comma",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterComma.description": "A space is added after every comma",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeAroundMemberOperators.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in type declarations. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeInheritanceColon.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in constructors. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeConstructorColon.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in constructors. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeBeforeSemicolon.description": "Spaces are removed before every semicolon",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.insertAfterSemicolon.description": "Spaces are inserted after every semicolon",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeAroundUnaryOperator.description": "Spaces between unary operators and operands are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundBinaryOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundAssignmentOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.pointerReferenceAlignment.description": "Pointers and references are aligned to the left, center, right or left unchanged",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundTernaryOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.description": "Wrapping options for blocks",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.description": "Der vollständige Pfad der ausführbaren clang-format-Datei. Wenn dieser nicht angegeben wird und clang-format im Umgebungspfad verfügbar ist, wird die Datei im Umgebungspfad verwendet. Ist sie nicht im Umgebungspfad verfügbar, wird eine im Erweiterungspaket enthaltene Kopie von clang-format verwendet.",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_style.description": "Formatvorlage für Code. Unterstützt derzeit Folgendes: Visual Studio, LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit. Verwenden Sie \"file\", um die Formatvorlage aus einer .clang-format-Datei im aktuellen oder übergeordneten Verzeichnis zu laden. Verwenden Sie {Schlüssel: Wert, ...}, um bestimmte Parameter festzulegen. Die Formatvorlage \"Visual Studio\" etwa sieht folgendermaßen aus: { BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All }",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_fallbackStyle.description": "Name des vordefinierten Stils, der als Fallback verwendet wird, falls clang-format mit der Formatvorlage \"file\" aufgerufen wird, aber die .clang-format-Datei nicht gefunden wird. Mögliche Werte sind \"Visual Studio\", \"LLVM\", \"Google\", \"Chromium\", \"Mozilla\", \"WebKit\" oder \"none\", oder Sie verwenden {Schlüssel: Wert, ...}, um bestimmte Parameter festzulegen. Die Formatvorlage \"Visual Studio\" etwa sieht folgendermaßen aus: { BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4 }",
@ -34,13 +92,13 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionOpacity.description": "Hiermit wird die Deckkraft von inaktiven Präprozessorblöcken gesteuert. Mögliche Werte liegen zwischen 0,1 und 1,0. Diese Einstellung gilt nur, wenn das Abblenden inaktiver Regionen aktiviert ist.",
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionForegroundColor.description": "Hiermit wird die Schriftfarbe von inaktiven Präprozessorblöcken gesteuert. Die Eingabe erfolgt in Form eines hexadezimalen Farbcodes oder einer gültigen Designfarbe. Wenn diese Option nicht festgelegt ist, wird standardmäßig das Syntaxfarbschema des Editors verwendet. Diese Einstellung gilt nur, wenn das Abblenden inaktiver Regionen aktiviert ist.",
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionBackgroundColor.description": "Hiermit wird die Hintergrundfarbe von inaktiven Präprozessorblöcken gesteuert. Die Eingabe erfolgt in Form eines hexadezimalen Farbcodes oder einer gültigen Designfarbe. Wenn diese Option nicht festgelegt ist, ist die Anzeige standardmäßig transparent. Diese Einstellung gilt nur, wenn das Abblenden inaktiver Regionen aktiviert ist.",
"c_cpp.configuration.formatting.description": "\"Default\" aktiviert die Codeformatierung. \"Disabled\" deaktiviert die Codeformatierung.",
"c_cpp.configuration.loggingLevel.description": "Die Ausführlichkeit der Protokollierung im Ausgabebereich. Die Reihenfolge der Stufen von \"am wenigsten ausführlich\" bis \"am ausführlichsten\" lautet: None < Error < Warning < Information < Debug.",
"c_cpp.configuration.autoAddFileAssociations.description": "Hiermit wird gesteuert, ob Dateien automatisch zu \"files.associations\" hinzugefügt werden, wenn sie das Ziel eines Navigationsvorgangs aus einer C/C++-Datei sind.",
"c_cpp.configuration.workspaceParsingPriority.description": "Hiermit wird gesteuert, ob beim Analysieren der nicht aktiven Arbeitsbereichsdateien Standbyfunktionen verwendet werden, um eine 100-prozentige Auslastung der CPU zu vermeiden. Die Werte \"highest\", \"high\", \"medium\" und \"low\" entsprechen jeweils etwa 100, 75, 50 und 25 % CPU-Auslastung.",
"c_cpp.configuration.workspaceSymbols.description": "Die Symbole, die in die Abfrageergebnisse einbezogen werden sollen, wenn \"Zu Symbol im Arbeitsbereich wechseln\" aufgerufen wird",
"c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.description": "Weist die Erweiterung an, wann die Einstellung \"files.exclude\" verwendet werden soll, wenn ermittelt wird, welche Dateien beim Durchlaufen der Pfade im Array \"browse.path\" der Codenavigationsdatenbank hinzugefügt werden sollen. \"checkFolders\" bedeutet, dass die Ausschlussfilter nur einmal pro Ordner ausgewertet werden (einzelne Dateien sind nicht aktiviert). \"checkFilesAndFolders\" bedeutet, dass die Ausschlussfilter für jede gefundene Datei und jeden gefundenen Ordner ausgewertet werden. Wenn die Einstellung \"files.exclude\" nur Ordner enthält, ist \"checkFolders\" die beste Wahl und erhöht die Geschwindigkeit, mit der die Erweiterung die Codenavigationsdatenbank initialisieren kann.",
"c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.description": "Das Zeichen, das als Pfadtrennzeichen für #include-Ergebnisse der automatischen Vervollständigung verwendet wird.",
"c_cpp.configuration.simplifyStructuredComments.description": "If true, tooltips of hover and auto-complete will only display certain labels of structured comments. Otherwise, all comments are displayed.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.string.description": "Das Muster, mit dem ein mehrzeiliger oder einzeiliger Kommentarblock beginnt. Das Fortsetzungsmuster wird standardmäßig auf \"*\" für mehrzeilige Kommentarblöcke oder auf diese Zeichenfolge für einzeilige Kommentarblöcke festgelegt.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.object.begin.description": "Das Muster, mit dem ein mehrzeiliger oder einzeiliger Kommentarblock beginnt.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.object.continue.description": "Der Text, der in der nächsten Zeile eingefügt wird, wenn in einem mehrzeiligen oder einzeiligen Kommentarblock die EINGABETASTE gedrückt wird.",
@ -48,7 +106,7 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.configurationWarnings.description": "Bestimmt, ob Popupbenachrichtigungen angezeigt werden, wenn eine Konfigurationsanbietererweiterung keine Konfiguration für eine Quelldatei bereitstellen kann.",
"c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseCachePath.description": "Hiermit wird der Ordnerpfad für zwischengespeicherte vorkompilierte Header definiert, die von IntelliSense verwendet werden. Der Standardcachepfad lautet unter Windows \"%LocalAppData%/Microsoft/vscode-cpptools\", unter Linux \"$XDG_CACHE_HOME/vscode-cpptools/\" (bzw. \"$HOME/.cache/vscode-cpptools/\", wenn XDG_CACHE_HOME nicht definiert ist) und auf dem Mac \"$HOME/Library/Caches/vscode-cpptools/\". Der Standardpfad wird verwendet, wenn kein Pfad angegeben wurde oder ein angegebener Pfad ungültig ist.",
"c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseCacheSize.description": "Maximale Größe des Festplattenspeichers pro Arbeitsbereich in MB für zwischengespeicherte vorkompilierte Header; die tatsächliche Nutzung schwankt möglicherweise um diesen Wert. Die Standardgröße beträgt 5120 MB. Das Zwischenspeichern vorkompilierter Header ist deaktiviert, wenn die Größe 0 ist.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.includePath.description": "Der Wert, der in einer Konfiguration verwendet werden soll, wenn \"includePath\" nicht angegeben ist, oder die einzufügenden Werte, wenn \"${default}\" in \"includePath\" vorhanden ist.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.includePath.description": "The value to use in a configuration if \"includePath\" is not specified in c_cpp_properties.json. If \"includePath\" is specified, add \"${default}\" to the array to insert the values from this setting.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.defines.description": "Der Wert, der in einer Konfiguration verwendet werden soll, wenn \"defines\" nicht angegeben ist, oder die einzufügenden Werte, wenn \"${default}\" in \"defines\" vorhanden ist.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.macFrameworkPath.description": "Der Wert, der in einer Konfiguration verwendet werden soll, wenn \"macFrameworkPath\" nicht angegeben ist, oder die einzufügenden Werte, wenn \"${default}\" in \"macFrameworkPath\" vorhanden ist.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.windowsSdkVersion.description": "Die Version des Windows SDK-Includepfads zur Verwendung unter Windows, z. B. \"10.0.17134.0\".",
@ -69,7 +127,7 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.updateChannel.description": "Legen Sie den Wert auf \"Insiders\" fest, um die neuesten Insiders-Builds der Erweiterung, die neue Features und Bugfixes enthalten, automatisch herunterzuladen und zu installieren.",
"c_cpp.configuration.experimentalFeatures.description": "Hiermit wird gesteuert, ob experimentelle Features verwendet werden können.",
"c_cpp.configuration.suggestSnippets.description": "Wenn dieser Wert auf TRUE festgelegt ist, werden Codeausschnitte vom Sprachserver bereitgestellt.",
"c_cpp.configuration.enhancedColorization.description": "Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, wird der Code basierend auf IntelliSense eingefärbt. Diese Einstellung hat keine Auswirkungen, wenn IntelliSense deaktiviert ist oder wenn das standardmäßige Design mit hohem Kontrast verwendet wird.",
"c_cpp.configuration.enhancedColorization.description": "If enabled, code is colorized based on IntelliSense. This setting only applies if intelliSenseEngine is set to \"Default\".",
"c_cpp.configuration.codeFolding.description": "Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, werden Codefaltbereiche vom Sprachserver bereitgestellt.",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcpkg.enabled.markdownDescription": "Hiermit aktivieren Sie Integrationsdienste für den [vcpkg-Abhängigkeits-Manager](https://aka.ms/vcpkg/).",
"c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.description": "Bei TRUE ist für \"Symbol umbenennen\" ein gültiger C-/C++-Bezeichner erforderlich.",
@ -34,5 +34,6 @@
"yes.button": "Ja",
"no.button": "Nein",
"configurations.received": "Benutzerdefinierte Konfigurationen empfangen:",
"browse.configuration.received": "Benutzerdefinierte Suchkonfiguration empfangen: {0}"
"browse.configuration.received": "Benutzerdefinierte Suchkonfiguration empfangen: {0}",
"browse.configuration": "Custom browse configuration: {0}"
@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
"apline.containers.not.supported": "Alpine-Container werden nicht unterstützt.",
"native.binaries.not.supported": "Diese Version für {0} der Erweiterung ist nicht mit Ihrem Betriebssystem kompatibel. Laden Sie Version {1} der Erweiterung herunter, und installieren Sie sie.",
"download.button": "Gehe zu Downloadseite",
"extension.installation.failed": "The C/C++ extension failed to install successfully. You will need to repair or reinstall the extension for C/C++ language features to function properly.",
"remove.extension": "Attempt to Repair",
"jason.files.missing": "The C/C++ extension failed to install successfully. You will need to reinstall the extension for C/C++ language features to function properly.",
"initialization.failed": "Fehler bei der Installation der C/C++-Erweiterung. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Ausgabefenster.",
"updating.dependencies": "C/C++-Abhängigkeiten werden aktualisiert...",
"rename.failed.delete.manually": "FEHLER bei \"fs.rename\": {0}. Löschen Sie \"{1}\" manuell, um das Debugging zu aktivieren.",
@ -175,5 +175,6 @@
"parameters_label": "Parameter:",
"returns_label": "Rückgabe:",
"deprecated_label": "Veraltet:",
"exceptions_label": "Ausnahmen:"
"exceptions_label": "Ausnahmen:",
"template_parameters_label": "Template Parameters:"
@ -22,6 +22,64 @@
"c_cpp.command.rescanWorkspace.title": "Volver a examinar el área de trabajo",
"c_cpp.command.vcpkgClipboardInstallSuggested.title": "Copiar el comando vcpkg install en el Portapapeles",
"c_cpp.command.vcpkgOnlineHelpSuggested.title": "Visitar la página de ayuda de vcpkg",
"c_cpp.configuration.formatting.description": " Choose a formatting engine: clangFormat engables the clangFormat engine, vcFormat enables the vcFormat Engine, Default enables the clangFormat engine and Disabled will turn off code formatting features",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.braces.description": "Braces are indented by the amound specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.multiLineRelativeTo.description": "When a new line is typed, it is indented relatively to the outermost open parenthesis, innermost open parenthesis or to the beginning of the current statement",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preserveIndentationWithinParentheses.description": "When a new line is typed, it is aligned under the opening parenthesis or it is indented by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseLabels.description": "Labels are indented relative to switch statements by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseContents.description": "Code inside case is indented relative to its label by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseContentsWhenBlock.description": "Braces are indented relative to case statements by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.lambdaBracesWhenParameter.description": "Braces are indented relative to the start of the statement by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.gotoLabels.description": "Moves labels to the leftmost edge of the code, to the left of the current code indentation, by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting, or leaves labels at the current code indentation",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preprocessor.description": "Moves preprocessor directives to the leftmost edge of the code, moves preprocessor directives to the left of the current code indentation, by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting or leaves preprocessor directives at the current code indentation",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.accessSpecifiers.description": "Access specifiers are indented relative to class or struct definition by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.namespaceContents.description": "Code is indented relative to its enclosing namespace by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preserveComment.description": "Indentation of comments is not changed during formatting operations",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.namespace.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.type.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.function.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.block.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.scopeBracesOnSeparateLines.description": "Moves opening and closing braces on separate lines",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.lambda.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.closeBraceSameLine.emptyType.description": "For empty types, move closing braces to the same line as opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.closeBraceSameLine.emptyFunction.description": "For empty function bodies, move closing braces to the same line as opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeCatch.description": "Place 'catch' and similar keywords on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeElse.description": "Place 'else' on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeWhileInDoWhile.description": "Place 'while' in a do-while loop on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeFunctionOpenParenthesis.description": "A space is added before the opening parenthesis of a function, spaces before opening parenthesis of a function are removed or spaces are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinParameterListParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyParameterListParentheses.description": "When a list is empty, a space is inserted between its parentheses",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements.description": "A space is added before the opening parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinControlFlowStatementParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeLambdaOpenParenthesis.description": "A space is added between every lambda introducer and the argument list",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinCastParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterCastCloseParenthesis.description": "A space is added after the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinExpressionParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeBlockOpenBrace.description": "A space is added before the opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyBraces.description": "When braces are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeInitializerListOpenBrace.description": "A space is added before the opening brace",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinInitializerListBraces.description": "A space is added after the opening brace and also before the closing brace",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.preserveInInitializerList.description": "Spaces around commas are preserved",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeOpenSquareBracket.description": "A space is added before opening square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinSquareBrackets.description": "A space is added after the opening square bracket and also before the closing square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeEmptySquareBrackets.description": "When square brackets are empty, a space is added before the opening bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptySquareBrackets.description": "When square brackets are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.groupSquareBrackets.description": "For multi-dimensional arrays, all space between brackets is removed. Other settings that control space are overridden",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinLambdaBrackets.description": "A space is added after the opening square bracket and also before the closing square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyLambdaBrackets.description": " When square brackets are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeComma.description": "A space is added before every comma",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterComma.description": "A space is added after every comma",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeAroundMemberOperators.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in type declarations. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeInheritanceColon.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in constructors. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeConstructorColon.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in constructors. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeBeforeSemicolon.description": "Spaces are removed before every semicolon",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.insertAfterSemicolon.description": "Spaces are inserted after every semicolon",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeAroundUnaryOperator.description": "Spaces between unary operators and operands are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundBinaryOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundAssignmentOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.pointerReferenceAlignment.description": "Pointers and references are aligned to the left, center, right or left unchanged",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundTernaryOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.description": "Wrapping options for blocks",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.description": "Ruta de acceso completa del archivo ejecutable clang-format. Si no se especifica y clang-format está disponible en la ruta de acceso del entorno, se usa este. Si no se encuentra en la ruta de acceso del entorno, se usará una copia de clang-format incluida con la extensión.",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_style.description": "Estilo de codificación. Actualmente, admite: Visual Studio, LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit. Use \"file\" para cargar el estilo de un archivo .clang-format en el directorio actual o primario. Use {clave: valor,...} para establecer parámetros específicos. Por ejemplo, el estilo de \"Visual Studio\" es similar a: { BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All }",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_fallbackStyle.description": "Nombre del estilo predefinido que se usa como elemento Fallback en el caso de que se invoque a clang-format con el estilo \"file\" y no se encuentre el archivo .clang-format. Los valores posibles son Visual Studio, LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit, ninguno o usar {clave: valor,...} para establecer parámetros específicos. Por ejemplo, el estilo \"Visual Studio\" es similar a: { BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4 }",
@ -34,13 +92,13 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionOpacity.description": "Controla la opacidad de los bloques de preprocesador inactivos. Escala el valor entre 0,1 y 1,0. Esta configuración solo se aplica cuando está habilitada la atenuación de regiones inactivas.",
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionForegroundColor.description": "Controla el color de la fuente en los bloques de preprocesador inactivos. La entrada se realiza en forma de código de color hexadecimal o de un color para temas válido. Si no se establece, se usa como valor predeterminado la combinación de colores de la sintaxis del editor. Esta configuración solo se aplica cuando está habilitada la atenuación de regiones inactivas.",
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionBackgroundColor.description": "Controla el color de fondo de los bloques de preprocesador inactivos. La entrada se realiza en forma de código de color hexadecimal o de un color para temas válido. Si no se establece, el valor predeterminado es transparente. Esta configuración solo se aplica cuando está habilitada la atenuación de regiones inactivas.",
"c_cpp.configuration.formatting.description": "\"Default\" permite dar formato al código. \"Disabled\" no permite dar formato al código.",
"c_cpp.configuration.loggingLevel.description": "Nivel de detalle del registro en el panel de salida. El orden de los niveles de menos detallado a más detallado es: None < Error < Warning < Information < Debug.",
"c_cpp.configuration.autoAddFileAssociations.description": "Controla si los archivos se agregan automáticamente a files.associations cuando son el destino de una operación de navegación desde un archivo de C/C++.",
"c_cpp.configuration.workspaceParsingPriority.description": "Controla si el análisis de los archivos de área de trabajo no activos los pone en suspensión para evitar el uso del 100 % de la CPU. Los valores highest/high/medium/low corresponden a un uso de la CPU aproximado del 100 %, 75 %, 50 % y 25 % respectivamente.",
"c_cpp.configuration.workspaceSymbols.description": "Símbolos que se incluirán en los resultados de la consulta cuando se invoque \"Ir al símbolo en el área de trabajo\"",
"c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.description": "Indica a la extensión cuándo debe usarse la configuración \"files.exclude\" para determinar qué archivos deben agregarse a la base de datos de navegación del código mientras se recorren las rutas de acceso de la matriz \"browse.path\". \"checkFolders\" indica que los filtros de exclusión solo se evaluarán una vez por carpeta (no se comprueban los archivos individuales). \"checkFilesAndFolders\" indica que los filtros de exclusión se evaluarán en todas las carpetas y los archivos encontrados. Si \"files.exclude\" solo contiene carpetas, entonces \"checkFolders\" es la mejor opción y aumentará la velocidad con la que la extensión puede inicializar la base de datos de navegación del código.",
"c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.description": "Carácter usado como separador de ruta de acceso para los resultados de finalización automática de instrucciones #include.",
"c_cpp.configuration.simplifyStructuredComments.description": "If true, tooltips of hover and auto-complete will only display certain labels of structured comments. Otherwise, all comments are displayed.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.string.description": "Patrón que comienza un bloque de comentario de una o varias líneas. El valor predeterminado del patrón de continuación es \"*\" para los bloques de comentario multilínea o esta cadena para los bloques de comentario de una línea.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.object.begin.description": "Patrón que comienza un bloque de comentario de una o varias líneas.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.object.continue.description": "Texto que se insertará en la línea siguiente cuando se presione Entrar dentro de un bloque de comentario de una o varias líneas.",
@ -48,7 +106,7 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.configurationWarnings.description": "Determina si se muestran notificaciones emergentes cuando una extensión del proveedor de configuración no puede proporcionar una configuración para un archivo de código fuente.",
"c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseCachePath.description": "Define la ruta de acceso de la carpeta para los encabezados precompilados almacenados en caché que usa IntelliSense. La ruta de acceso de caché predeterminada es \"%LocalAppData%/Microsoft/vscode-cpptools\" en Windows, \"$XDG_CACHE_HOME/vscode-cpptools/\" en Linux (o \"$HOME/.cache/vscode-cpptools\" si XDG_CACHE_HOME no se ha definido) y \"$HOME/Library/Caches/vscode-cpptools/\" en Mac. La ruta de acceso predeterminada se utiliza si no se especifica ninguna ruta de acceso o se especifica una que no es válida.",
"c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseCacheSize.description": "Tamaño máximo del espacio del disco duro por área de trabajo en megabytes para los encabezados precompilados almacenados en caché. El uso real puede fluctuar en torno a este valor. El tamaño predeterminado es 5120 MB. El almacenamiento en caché de encabezados precompilados está deshabilitado cuando el tamaño es 0.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.includePath.description": "Valor que debe usarse en una configuración si no se especifica \"includePath\", o bien los valores que deben insertarse si se especifica \"${default}\" en \"includePath\".",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.includePath.description": "The value to use in a configuration if \"includePath\" is not specified in c_cpp_properties.json. If \"includePath\" is specified, add \"${default}\" to the array to insert the values from this setting.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.defines.description": "Valor que debe usarse en una configuración si no se especifica \"defines\", o bien los valores que se deben insertar si se especifica \"${default}\" en \"defines\".",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.macFrameworkPath.description": "Valor que debe usarse en una configuración si no se especifica \"macFrameworkPath\", o bien los valores que deben insertarse si se especifica \"${default}\" en \"macFrameworkPath\".",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.windowsSdkVersion.description": "Versión de la ruta de acceso de inclusión del SDK de Windows que debe usarse en Windows; por ejemplo, \"10.0.17134.0\".",
@ -69,7 +127,7 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.updateChannel.description": "Establezca esta opción en \"Insiders\" para descargar e instalar automáticamente las compilaciones más recientes de Insiders para la extensión, que incluyen nuevas características y correcciones de errores.",
"c_cpp.configuration.experimentalFeatures.description": "Controla si se pueden usar las características \"experimentales\".",
"c_cpp.configuration.suggestSnippets.description": "Si se establece en true, el servidor de lenguaje proporciona los fragmentos de código.",
"c_cpp.configuration.enhancedColorization.description": "Si se habilita esta opción, el código se colorea de acuerdo con IntelliSense. Esta configuración no tiene efecto si IntelliSense está deshabilitado o si se utiliza el tema de contraste alto predeterminado.",
"c_cpp.configuration.enhancedColorization.description": "If enabled, code is colorized based on IntelliSense. This setting only applies if intelliSenseEngine is set to \"Default\".",
"c_cpp.configuration.codeFolding.description": "Si está habilitada, el servidor de lenguaje proporciona intervalos de plegado de código.",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcpkg.enabled.markdownDescription": "Habilita los servicios de integración para el [administrador de dependencias de vcpkg] (https://aka.ms/vcpkg/).",
"c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.description": "Si es true, \"Cambiar el nombre del símbolo\" requerirá un identificador de C/C++ válido.",
@ -34,5 +34,6 @@
"yes.button": "Sí",
"no.button": "No",
"configurations.received": "Configuraciones personalizadas recibidas:",
"browse.configuration.received": "Configuración de exploración personalizada recibida: {0}"
"browse.configuration.received": "Configuración de exploración personalizada recibida: {0}",
"browse.configuration": "Custom browse configuration: {0}"
@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
"apline.containers.not.supported": "Los contenedores de Alpine no se admiten.",
"native.binaries.not.supported": "La versión para {0} de la extensión no es compatible con el sistema operativo. Descargue la versión \"{1}\" de la extensión e instálela.",
"download.button": "Ir a la página de descarga",
"extension.installation.failed": "The C/C++ extension failed to install successfully. You will need to repair or reinstall the extension for C/C++ language features to function properly.",
"remove.extension": "Attempt to Repair",
"jason.files.missing": "The C/C++ extension failed to install successfully. You will need to reinstall the extension for C/C++ language features to function properly.",
"initialization.failed": "No se pudo instalar la extensión de C/C++. Para obtener más información, consulte la ventana de salida.",
"updating.dependencies": "Actualizando las dependencias de C/C++...",
"rename.failed.delete.manually": "ERROR: No se puedo ejecutar fs.rename con \"{0}\". Elimine {1} manualmente para habilitar la depuración.",
@ -175,5 +175,6 @@
"parameters_label": "Parámetros:",
"returns_label": "Devuelve:",
"deprecated_label": "En desuso:",
"exceptions_label": "Excepciones:"
"exceptions_label": "Excepciones:",
"template_parameters_label": "Template Parameters:"
@ -22,6 +22,64 @@
"c_cpp.command.rescanWorkspace.title": "Réanalyser l'espace de travail",
"c_cpp.command.vcpkgClipboardInstallSuggested.title": "Copier la commande vcpkg install dans le Presse-papiers",
"c_cpp.command.vcpkgOnlineHelpSuggested.title": "Visiter la page d'aide de vcpkg",
"c_cpp.configuration.formatting.description": " Choose a formatting engine: clangFormat engables the clangFormat engine, vcFormat enables the vcFormat Engine, Default enables the clangFormat engine and Disabled will turn off code formatting features",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.braces.description": "Braces are indented by the amound specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.multiLineRelativeTo.description": "When a new line is typed, it is indented relatively to the outermost open parenthesis, innermost open parenthesis or to the beginning of the current statement",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preserveIndentationWithinParentheses.description": "When a new line is typed, it is aligned under the opening parenthesis or it is indented by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseLabels.description": "Labels are indented relative to switch statements by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseContents.description": "Code inside case is indented relative to its label by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseContentsWhenBlock.description": "Braces are indented relative to case statements by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.lambdaBracesWhenParameter.description": "Braces are indented relative to the start of the statement by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.gotoLabels.description": "Moves labels to the leftmost edge of the code, to the left of the current code indentation, by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting, or leaves labels at the current code indentation",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preprocessor.description": "Moves preprocessor directives to the leftmost edge of the code, moves preprocessor directives to the left of the current code indentation, by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting or leaves preprocessor directives at the current code indentation",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.accessSpecifiers.description": "Access specifiers are indented relative to class or struct definition by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.namespaceContents.description": "Code is indented relative to its enclosing namespace by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preserveComment.description": "Indentation of comments is not changed during formatting operations",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.namespace.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.type.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.function.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.block.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.scopeBracesOnSeparateLines.description": "Moves opening and closing braces on separate lines",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.lambda.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.closeBraceSameLine.emptyType.description": "For empty types, move closing braces to the same line as opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.closeBraceSameLine.emptyFunction.description": "For empty function bodies, move closing braces to the same line as opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeCatch.description": "Place 'catch' and similar keywords on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeElse.description": "Place 'else' on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeWhileInDoWhile.description": "Place 'while' in a do-while loop on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeFunctionOpenParenthesis.description": "A space is added before the opening parenthesis of a function, spaces before opening parenthesis of a function are removed or spaces are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinParameterListParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyParameterListParentheses.description": "When a list is empty, a space is inserted between its parentheses",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements.description": "A space is added before the opening parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinControlFlowStatementParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeLambdaOpenParenthesis.description": "A space is added between every lambda introducer and the argument list",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinCastParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterCastCloseParenthesis.description": "A space is added after the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinExpressionParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeBlockOpenBrace.description": "A space is added before the opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyBraces.description": "When braces are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeInitializerListOpenBrace.description": "A space is added before the opening brace",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinInitializerListBraces.description": "A space is added after the opening brace and also before the closing brace",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.preserveInInitializerList.description": "Spaces around commas are preserved",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeOpenSquareBracket.description": "A space is added before opening square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinSquareBrackets.description": "A space is added after the opening square bracket and also before the closing square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeEmptySquareBrackets.description": "When square brackets are empty, a space is added before the opening bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptySquareBrackets.description": "When square brackets are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.groupSquareBrackets.description": "For multi-dimensional arrays, all space between brackets is removed. Other settings that control space are overridden",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinLambdaBrackets.description": "A space is added after the opening square bracket and also before the closing square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyLambdaBrackets.description": " When square brackets are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeComma.description": "A space is added before every comma",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterComma.description": "A space is added after every comma",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeAroundMemberOperators.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in type declarations. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeInheritanceColon.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in constructors. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeConstructorColon.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in constructors. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeBeforeSemicolon.description": "Spaces are removed before every semicolon",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.insertAfterSemicolon.description": "Spaces are inserted after every semicolon",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeAroundUnaryOperator.description": "Spaces between unary operators and operands are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundBinaryOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundAssignmentOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.pointerReferenceAlignment.description": "Pointers and references are aligned to the left, center, right or left unchanged",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundTernaryOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.description": "Wrapping options for blocks",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.description": "Chemin complet de l'exécutable clang-format. Si rien n'est spécifié, et si clang-format est disponible dans la variable d'environnement PATH, la valeur de cette dernière est utilisée. En l'absence de valeur dans la variable d'environnement PATH, une copie de clang-format groupée en bundle avec l'extension est utilisée.",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_style.description": "Style de codage, prend actuellement en charge : Visual Studio, LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit. Utilisez \"file\" pour charger le style à partir d'un fichier .clang-format dans le répertoire actuel ou parent. Utilisez {clé: valeur, ...} pour définir des paramètres spécifiques. Par exemple, le style \"Visual Studio\" est similaire à : { BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All }",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_fallbackStyle.description": "Nom du style prédéfini utilisé par défaut quand le clang-format est appelé avec le style \"file\", mais que le fichier .clang-format est introuvable. Les valeurs possibles sont Visual Studio, LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit, aucune ou utilisez {clé: valeur, ...} pour définir des paramètres spécifiques. Par exemple, le style \"Visual Studio\" est similaire à : { BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4 }",
@ -34,13 +92,13 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionOpacity.description": "Contrôle l'opacité des blocs de préprocesseur inactifs. Varie entre 0,1 et 1,0. Ce paramètre s'applique uniquement quand l'estompage des régions inactives est activé.",
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionForegroundColor.description": "Contrôle la coloration de la police des blocs de préprocesseur inactifs. L'entrée se présente sous la forme d'un code de couleur hexadécimal ou d'une couleur de thème valide. Si ce paramètre n'est pas défini, la valeur par défaut est le schéma de coloration de syntaxe de l'éditeur. Ce paramètre s'applique uniquement quand l'estompage des régions inactives est activé.",
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionBackgroundColor.description": "Contrôle la coloration d'arrière-plan des blocs de préprocesseur inactifs. L'entrée se présente sous la forme d'un code de couleur hexadécimal ou d'une couleur de thème valide. Si ce paramètre n'est pas défini, la valeur par défaut est Transparent. Ce paramètre s'applique uniquement quand l'estompage des régions inactives est activé.",
"c_cpp.configuration.formatting.description": "\"Default\" permet d'activer la mise en forme du code. \"Disabled\" permet de désactiver la mise en forme du code.",
"c_cpp.configuration.loggingLevel.description": "Verbosité de la journalisation dans le panneau Sortie. L'ordre des niveaux du moins détaillé au plus détaillé est : None < Error < Warning < Information < Debug.",
"c_cpp.configuration.autoAddFileAssociations.description": "Contrôle si les fichiers sont automatiquement ajoutés à files.associations quand ils sont la cible d'une opération de navigation à partir d'un fichier C/C++.",
"c_cpp.configuration.workspaceParsingPriority.description": "Contrôle si l'analyse des fichiers d'espace de travail non actifs utilise les périodes de veille pour éviter d'utiliser 100 % du processeur. Les valeurs les plus élevées/hautes/moyennes/basses correspondent approximativement à 100/75/50/25 % de l'utilisation du processeur.",
"c_cpp.configuration.workspaceSymbols.description": "Symboles à ajouter aux résultats de la requête quand 'Accéder au symbole dans l'espace de travail' est appelé",
"c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.description": "Indique à l'extension quand utiliser le paramètre \"files.exclude\" pendant la détermination des fichiers à ajouter à la base de données de navigation du code quand vous parcourez les chemins du tableau \"browse.path\". \"checkFolders\" signifie que les filtres d'exclusion sont évalués une seule fois par dossier (les fichiers individuels ne sont pas vérifiés). \"checkFilesAndFolders\" signifie que les filtres d'exclusion sont évalués sur chaque fichier et dossier rencontrés. Si votre paramètre \"files.exclude\" contient uniquement des dossiers, \"checkFolders\" est le meilleur choix, car il augmente la vitesse à laquelle l'extension peut initialiser la base de données de navigation du code.",
"c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.description": "Caractère utilisé comme séparateur de chemin dans les résultats d'autocomplétion de #include.",
"c_cpp.configuration.simplifyStructuredComments.description": "If true, tooltips of hover and auto-complete will only display certain labels of structured comments. Otherwise, all comments are displayed.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.string.description": "Modèle qui commence un bloc de commentaires multiligne ou monoligne. Le modèle consécutif a la valeur par défaut '*' pour les blocs de commentaires multilignes ou cette chaîne pour les blocs de commentaires monolignes.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.object.begin.description": "Modèle qui commence un bloc de commentaires multiligne ou monoligne.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.object.continue.description": "Texte à insérer sur la ligne suivante quand vous appuyez sur la touche Entrée dans un bloc de commentaires multiligne ou monoligne.",
@ -48,7 +106,7 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.configurationWarnings.description": "Détermine si des notifications de fenêtre contextuelle s'affichent quand une extension de fournisseur de configuration ne peut pas fournir la configuration d'un fichier source.",
"c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseCachePath.description": "Définit le chemin de dossier des en-têtes précompilés mis en cache utilisés par IntelliSense. Le chemin du cache par défaut est \"%LocalAppData%/Microsoft/vscode-cpptools\" sur Windows, \"$XDG_CACHE_HOME/vscode-cpptools/\" sur Linux (ou \"$HOME/.cache/vscode-cpptools/\" si XDG_CACHE_HOME n'est pas défini) et \"$HOME/Library/Caches/vscode-cpptools/\" sur Mac. Le chemin par défaut est utilisé si aucun chemin n'est spécifié ou si le chemin spécifié n'est pas valide.",
"c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseCacheSize.description": "Taille maximale de l'espace du disque dur par espace de travail en mégaoctets pour les en-têtes précompilés mis en cache. L'utilisation réelle peut varier autour de cette valeur. La taille par défaut est 5 120 Mo. La mise en cache des en-têtes précompilés est désactivée quand la taille est égale à 0.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.includePath.description": "Valeur à utiliser dans une configuration si \"includePath\" n'est pas spécifié ou valeurs à insérer si \"${default}\" est présent dans \"includePath\".",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.includePath.description": "The value to use in a configuration if \"includePath\" is not specified in c_cpp_properties.json. If \"includePath\" is specified, add \"${default}\" to the array to insert the values from this setting.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.defines.description": "Valeur à utiliser dans une configuration si \"defines\" n'est pas spécifié ou valeurs à insérer si \"${default}\" est présent dans \"defines\".",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.macFrameworkPath.description": "Valeur à utiliser dans une configuration si \"macFrameworkPath\" n'est pas spécifié ou valeurs à insérer si \"${default}\" est présent dans \"macFrameworkPath\".",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.windowsSdkVersion.description": "Version du chemin d'inclusion du SDK Windows à utiliser sur Windows, par ex., '10.0.17134.0'.",
@ -69,7 +127,7 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.updateChannel.description": "Définissez \"Insiders\" pour télécharger et installer automatiquement les dernières builds Insiders de l'extension, qui comprend les fonctionnalités à venir et des résolutions de bogues.",
"c_cpp.configuration.experimentalFeatures.description": "Contrôle si les fonctionnalités \"expérimentales\" sont utilisables.",
"c_cpp.configuration.suggestSnippets.description": "Si la valeur est true, des extraits de code sont fournis par le serveur de langage.",
"c_cpp.configuration.enhancedColorization.description": "Si cette option est activée, la couleur du code est déterminée par IntelliSense. Ce paramètre n'a pas d'effet si IntelliSense est désactivé ou utilise le thème Contraste élevé par défaut.",
"c_cpp.configuration.enhancedColorization.description": "If enabled, code is colorized based on IntelliSense. This setting only applies if intelliSenseEngine is set to \"Default\".",
"c_cpp.configuration.codeFolding.description": "Si cette fonctionnalité est activée, les plages de pliage de code sont fournies par le serveur de langage.",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcpkg.enabled.markdownDescription": "Activez les services d'intégration pour le [gestionnaire de dépendances vcpkg] (https://aka.ms/vcpkg/).",
"c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.description": "Si la valeur est true, l'opération Renommer le symbole nécessite un identificateur C/C++ valide.",
@ -34,5 +34,6 @@
"yes.button": "Oui",
"no.button": "Non",
"configurations.received": "Configurations personnalisées reçues :",
"browse.configuration.received": "Configuration de navigation personnalisée reçue : {0}"
"browse.configuration.received": "Configuration de navigation personnalisée reçue : {0}",
"browse.configuration": "Custom browse configuration: {0}"
@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
"apline.containers.not.supported": "Les conteneurs Alpine ne sont pas pris en charge.",
"native.binaries.not.supported": "Cette version {0} de l'extension est incompatible avec votre système d'exploitation. Téléchargez et installez la version \"{1}\" de l'extension.",
"download.button": "Accéder à la page de téléchargement",
"extension.installation.failed": "The C/C++ extension failed to install successfully. You will need to repair or reinstall the extension for C/C++ language features to function properly.",
"remove.extension": "Attempt to Repair",
"jason.files.missing": "The C/C++ extension failed to install successfully. You will need to reinstall the extension for C/C++ language features to function properly.",
"initialization.failed": "L'installation de l'extension C/C++ a échoué. Pour plus d'informations, consultez la fenêtre Sortie.",
"updating.dependencies": "Mise à jour des dépendances C/C++...",
"rename.failed.delete.manually": "ERREUR : fs.rename a échoué avec \"{0}\". Supprimez {1} manuellement pour activer le débogage.",
@ -175,5 +175,6 @@
"parameters_label": "Paramètres :",
"returns_label": "Retourne :",
"deprecated_label": "Déprécié :",
"exceptions_label": "Exceptions :"
"exceptions_label": "Exceptions :",
"template_parameters_label": "Template Parameters:"
@ -22,6 +22,64 @@
"c_cpp.command.rescanWorkspace.title": "Ripeti analisi dell'area di lavoro",
"c_cpp.command.vcpkgClipboardInstallSuggested.title": "Copia il comando di installazione di vcpkg negli Appunti",
"c_cpp.command.vcpkgOnlineHelpSuggested.title": "Visitare la pagina della Guida di vcpkg",
"c_cpp.configuration.formatting.description": " Choose a formatting engine: clangFormat engables the clangFormat engine, vcFormat enables the vcFormat Engine, Default enables the clangFormat engine and Disabled will turn off code formatting features",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.braces.description": "Braces are indented by the amound specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.multiLineRelativeTo.description": "When a new line is typed, it is indented relatively to the outermost open parenthesis, innermost open parenthesis or to the beginning of the current statement",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preserveIndentationWithinParentheses.description": "When a new line is typed, it is aligned under the opening parenthesis or it is indented by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseLabels.description": "Labels are indented relative to switch statements by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseContents.description": "Code inside case is indented relative to its label by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseContentsWhenBlock.description": "Braces are indented relative to case statements by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.lambdaBracesWhenParameter.description": "Braces are indented relative to the start of the statement by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.gotoLabels.description": "Moves labels to the leftmost edge of the code, to the left of the current code indentation, by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting, or leaves labels at the current code indentation",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preprocessor.description": "Moves preprocessor directives to the leftmost edge of the code, moves preprocessor directives to the left of the current code indentation, by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting or leaves preprocessor directives at the current code indentation",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.accessSpecifiers.description": "Access specifiers are indented relative to class or struct definition by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.namespaceContents.description": "Code is indented relative to its enclosing namespace by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preserveComment.description": "Indentation of comments is not changed during formatting operations",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.namespace.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.type.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.function.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.block.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.scopeBracesOnSeparateLines.description": "Moves opening and closing braces on separate lines",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.lambda.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.closeBraceSameLine.emptyType.description": "For empty types, move closing braces to the same line as opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.closeBraceSameLine.emptyFunction.description": "For empty function bodies, move closing braces to the same line as opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeCatch.description": "Place 'catch' and similar keywords on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeElse.description": "Place 'else' on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeWhileInDoWhile.description": "Place 'while' in a do-while loop on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeFunctionOpenParenthesis.description": "A space is added before the opening parenthesis of a function, spaces before opening parenthesis of a function are removed or spaces are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinParameterListParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyParameterListParentheses.description": "When a list is empty, a space is inserted between its parentheses",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements.description": "A space is added before the opening parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinControlFlowStatementParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeLambdaOpenParenthesis.description": "A space is added between every lambda introducer and the argument list",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinCastParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterCastCloseParenthesis.description": "A space is added after the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinExpressionParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeBlockOpenBrace.description": "A space is added before the opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyBraces.description": "When braces are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeInitializerListOpenBrace.description": "A space is added before the opening brace",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinInitializerListBraces.description": "A space is added after the opening brace and also before the closing brace",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.preserveInInitializerList.description": "Spaces around commas are preserved",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeOpenSquareBracket.description": "A space is added before opening square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinSquareBrackets.description": "A space is added after the opening square bracket and also before the closing square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeEmptySquareBrackets.description": "When square brackets are empty, a space is added before the opening bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptySquareBrackets.description": "When square brackets are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.groupSquareBrackets.description": "For multi-dimensional arrays, all space between brackets is removed. Other settings that control space are overridden",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinLambdaBrackets.description": "A space is added after the opening square bracket and also before the closing square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyLambdaBrackets.description": " When square brackets are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeComma.description": "A space is added before every comma",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterComma.description": "A space is added after every comma",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeAroundMemberOperators.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in type declarations. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeInheritanceColon.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in constructors. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeConstructorColon.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in constructors. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeBeforeSemicolon.description": "Spaces are removed before every semicolon",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.insertAfterSemicolon.description": "Spaces are inserted after every semicolon",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeAroundUnaryOperator.description": "Spaces between unary operators and operands are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundBinaryOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundAssignmentOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.pointerReferenceAlignment.description": "Pointers and references are aligned to the left, center, right or left unchanged",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundTernaryOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.description": "Wrapping options for blocks",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.description": "Percorso completo del file eseguibile clang-format. Se non è specificato, verrà usato lo strumento clang-format disponibile nel percorso dell'ambiente. Se clang-format non viene trovato nel percorso dell'ambiente, ne verrà usata una copia fornita in bundle con l'estensione.",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_style.description": "Stile di codifica. Attualmente supporta: Visual Studio, LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit. Usare \"file\" per caricare lo stile da un file con estensione .clang-format presente nella directory corrente o padre. Usare {chiave: valore, ...} per impostare parametri specifici. Ad esempio, lo stile \"Visual Studio\" è simile a: { BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All }",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_fallbackStyle.description": "Nome dello stile predefinito usato come fallback nel caso in cui clang-format venga richiamato con lo stile \"file\", ma il file con estensione .clang-format non viene trovato. I valori possibili sono Visual Studio, LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit, nessuno. In alternativa, usare {chiave: valore, ...} per impostare parametri specifici. Ad esempio, lo stile \"Visual Studio\" è simile a: { BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4 }",
@ -34,13 +92,13 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionOpacity.description": "Controlla l'opacità dei blocchi del preprocessore inattivi. Può essere impostata su un valore compreso tra 0,1 e 1,0. Questa impostazione viene applicata solo se è abilitata l'attenuazione delle aree inattive.",
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionForegroundColor.description": "Controlla la colorazione dei caratteri dei blocchi del preprocessore inattivi. L'input è costituito da codice a colori esadecimale o da un colore del tema valido. Se non è impostata, per impostazione predefinita viene usato lo schema di colorazione della sintassi dell'editor. Questa impostazione viene applicata solo se è abilitata l'attenuazione delle aree inattive.",
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionBackgroundColor.description": "Controlla la colorazione di sfondo dei blocchi del preprocessore inattivi. L'input è costituito da codice a colori esadecimale o da un colore del tema valido. Se non è impostata, l'impostazione predefinita è trasparente. Questa impostazione viene applicata solo se è abilitata l'attenuazione delle aree inattive.",
"c_cpp.configuration.formatting.description": "Con \"Default\" viene abilitata la formattazione del codice. Con \"Disabled\" viene disabilitata la formattazione del codice.",
"c_cpp.configuration.loggingLevel.description": "Livello di dettaglio della registrazione nel pannello di output. L'ordine dei livelli da meno dettagliato a più dettagliato è: None < Error < Warning < Information < Debug.",
"c_cpp.configuration.autoAddFileAssociations.description": "Controlla se i file vengono aggiunti automaticamente a files.associations quando sono la destinazione di un'operazione di spostamento da un file C/C++.",
"c_cpp.configuration.workspaceParsingPriority.description": "Controlla se durante l'analisi dei file di area di lavoro non attivi vengono usate le sospensioni per evitare l'uso di tutta la CPU. I valori highest/high/medium/low corrispondono all'incirca al 100/75/50/25% di utilizzo della CPU.",
"c_cpp.configuration.workspaceSymbols.description": "Simboli da includere nei risultati della query quando viene richiamato 'Vai al simbolo nell'area di lavoro'",
"c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.description": "Indica all'estensione quando usare l'opzione \"file.exclude\" per determinare i file da aggiungere al database di esplorazione del codice durante l'attraversamento dei percorsi nella matrice \"browse.path\". \"checkFolders\" indica che i filtri di esclusione verranno valutati una sola volta per ogni cartella (i singoli file non verranno controllati). \"checkFilesAndFolders\" indica che i filtri di esclusione verranno valutati per ogni file e cartella rilevata. Se l'opzione \"files.exclude\" contiene solo cartelle, \"checkFolders\" è la scelta migliore e consentirà di velocizzare l'inizializzazione del database di esplorazione del codice nell'estensione.",
"c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.description": "Carattere usato come separatore di percorso per i risultati di completamento automatico di #include.",
"c_cpp.configuration.simplifyStructuredComments.description": "If true, tooltips of hover and auto-complete will only display certain labels of structured comments. Otherwise, all comments are displayed.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.string.description": "Criterio con cui inizia un blocco di commento su più righe o su una sola riga. Il criterio di continuazione è impostato su ' * ' per i blocchi di commento su più righe o su questa stringa per i blocchi di commento su una sola riga.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.object.begin.description": "Criterio con cui inizia un blocco di commento su più righe o su una sola riga.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.object.continue.description": "Testo che verrà inserito alla riga successiva quando si preme INVIO all'interno di un blocco di commento su più righe o su una sola riga.",
@ -48,7 +106,7 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.configurationWarnings.description": "Determina se verranno visualizzate le notifiche popup quando un'estensione del provider di configurazione non riesce a fornire una configurazione per un file di origine.",
"c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseCachePath.description": "Definisce il percorso della cartella per le intestazioni precompilate memorizzate nella cache usate da IntelliSense. Il percorso predefinito della cache è \"%LocalAppData%/Microsoft/vscode-cpptools\" in Windows, \"$XDG_CACHE_HOME/vscode-cpptools/\" in Linux (o \"$HOME/.cache/vscode-cpptools/\" se XDG_CACHE_HOME non è definito) e \"$HOME/Library/Caches/vscode-cpptools/\" in Mac. Verrà usato il percorso predefinito se non ne viene specificato nessuno o se ne viene specificato uno non valido.",
"c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseCacheSize.description": "Dimensioni massime dello spazio su disco rigido per area di lavoro in MB per le intestazioni precompilate memorizzate nella cache. L'utilizzo effettivo potrebbe aggirarsi intorno a questo valore. Le dimensioni predefinite sono pari a 5120 MB. La memorizzazione nella cache dell'intestazione precompilata è disabilitata quando le dimensioni sono pari a 0.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.includePath.description": "Valore da usare in una configurazione se \"includePath\" non è specificato oppure valori da inserire se \"${default}\" è presente in \"includePath\".",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.includePath.description": "The value to use in a configuration if \"includePath\" is not specified in c_cpp_properties.json. If \"includePath\" is specified, add \"${default}\" to the array to insert the values from this setting.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.defines.description": "Valore da usare in una configurazione se \"defines\" non è specificato oppure valori da inserire se \"${default}\" è presente in \"defines\".",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.macFrameworkPath.description": "Valore da usare in una configurazione se \"macFrameworkPath\" non è specificato oppure valori da inserire se \"${default}\" è presente in \"macFrameworkPath\".",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.windowsSdkVersion.description": "Versione del percorso di inclusione di Windows SDK da usare in Windows, ad esempio '10.0.17134.0'.",
@ -69,7 +127,7 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.updateChannel.description": "Impostare su \"Insider\" per scaricare e installare automaticamente le build Insider più recenti dell'estensione, che includono funzionalità in arrivo e correzioni di bug.",
"c_cpp.configuration.experimentalFeatures.description": "Controlla se le funzionalità \"sperimentali\" sono utilizzabili.",
"c_cpp.configuration.suggestSnippets.description": "Se è true, i frammenti vengono forniti dal server di linguaggio.",
"c_cpp.configuration.enhancedColorization.description": "Se questa opzione è abilitata, il codice viene colorato in base a IntelliSense. Questa impostazione non ha alcun effetto se IntelliSense è disabilitato o se si usa il tema Contrasto elevato predefinito.",
"c_cpp.configuration.enhancedColorization.description": "If enabled, code is colorized based on IntelliSense. This setting only applies if intelliSenseEngine is set to \"Default\".",
"c_cpp.configuration.codeFolding.description": "Se è abilitata, gli intervalli di riduzione del codice vengono fornite dal server di linguaggio.",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcpkg.enabled.markdownDescription": "Abilita i servizi di integrazione per l'[utilità di gestione dipendenze di vcpkg] (https://aka.ms/vcpkg/).",
"c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.description": "Se è true, con 'Rinomina simbolo' sarà richiesto un identificatore C/C++ valido.",
@ -34,5 +34,6 @@
"yes.button": "Sì",
"no.button": "No",
"configurations.received": "Configurazioni personalizzate ricevute:",
"browse.configuration.received": "La configurazione di esplorazione personalizzata è stata ricevuta: {0}"
"browse.configuration.received": "La configurazione di esplorazione personalizzata è stata ricevuta: {0}",
"browse.configuration": "Custom browse configuration: {0}"
@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
"apline.containers.not.supported": "I contenitori Alpine non sono supportati.",
"native.binaries.not.supported": "La versione {0} dell'estensione non è compatibile con il sistema operativo. Scaricare e installare la versione \"{1}\" dell'estensione.",
"download.button": "Vai alla pagina di download",
"extension.installation.failed": "The C/C++ extension failed to install successfully. You will need to repair or reinstall the extension for C/C++ language features to function properly.",
"remove.extension": "Attempt to Repair",
"jason.files.missing": "The C/C++ extension failed to install successfully. You will need to reinstall the extension for C/C++ language features to function properly.",
"initialization.failed": "L'installazione dell'estensione C/C++ non è riuscita. Per altre informazioni, vedere la finestra di output.",
"updating.dependencies": "Aggiornamento delle dipendenze di C/C++...",
"rename.failed.delete.manually": "ERRORE: fs.rename non riuscito con \"{0}\". Per abilitare il debug, eliminare manualmente {1}.",
@ -175,5 +175,6 @@
"parameters_label": "Parametri:",
"returns_label": "Restituisce:",
"deprecated_label": "Deprecato:",
"exceptions_label": "Eccezioni:"
"exceptions_label": "Eccezioni:",
"template_parameters_label": "Template Parameters:"
@ -22,6 +22,64 @@
"c_cpp.command.rescanWorkspace.title": "ワークスペースの再スキャン",
"c_cpp.command.vcpkgClipboardInstallSuggested.title": "vcpkg インストール コマンドをクリップボードにコピーする",
"c_cpp.command.vcpkgOnlineHelpSuggested.title": "vcpkg のヘルプ ページへのアクセス",
"c_cpp.configuration.formatting.description": " Choose a formatting engine: clangFormat engables the clangFormat engine, vcFormat enables the vcFormat Engine, Default enables the clangFormat engine and Disabled will turn off code formatting features",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.braces.description": "Braces are indented by the amound specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.multiLineRelativeTo.description": "When a new line is typed, it is indented relatively to the outermost open parenthesis, innermost open parenthesis or to the beginning of the current statement",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preserveIndentationWithinParentheses.description": "When a new line is typed, it is aligned under the opening parenthesis or it is indented by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseLabels.description": "Labels are indented relative to switch statements by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseContents.description": "Code inside case is indented relative to its label by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseContentsWhenBlock.description": "Braces are indented relative to case statements by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.lambdaBracesWhenParameter.description": "Braces are indented relative to the start of the statement by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.gotoLabels.description": "Moves labels to the leftmost edge of the code, to the left of the current code indentation, by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting, or leaves labels at the current code indentation",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preprocessor.description": "Moves preprocessor directives to the leftmost edge of the code, moves preprocessor directives to the left of the current code indentation, by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting or leaves preprocessor directives at the current code indentation",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.accessSpecifiers.description": "Access specifiers are indented relative to class or struct definition by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.namespaceContents.description": "Code is indented relative to its enclosing namespace by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preserveComment.description": "Indentation of comments is not changed during formatting operations",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.namespace.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.type.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.function.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.block.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.scopeBracesOnSeparateLines.description": "Moves opening and closing braces on separate lines",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.lambda.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.closeBraceSameLine.emptyType.description": "For empty types, move closing braces to the same line as opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.closeBraceSameLine.emptyFunction.description": "For empty function bodies, move closing braces to the same line as opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeCatch.description": "Place 'catch' and similar keywords on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeElse.description": "Place 'else' on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeWhileInDoWhile.description": "Place 'while' in a do-while loop on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeFunctionOpenParenthesis.description": "A space is added before the opening parenthesis of a function, spaces before opening parenthesis of a function are removed or spaces are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinParameterListParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyParameterListParentheses.description": "When a list is empty, a space is inserted between its parentheses",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements.description": "A space is added before the opening parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinControlFlowStatementParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeLambdaOpenParenthesis.description": "A space is added between every lambda introducer and the argument list",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinCastParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterCastCloseParenthesis.description": "A space is added after the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinExpressionParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeBlockOpenBrace.description": "A space is added before the opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyBraces.description": "When braces are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeInitializerListOpenBrace.description": "A space is added before the opening brace",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinInitializerListBraces.description": "A space is added after the opening brace and also before the closing brace",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.preserveInInitializerList.description": "Spaces around commas are preserved",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeOpenSquareBracket.description": "A space is added before opening square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinSquareBrackets.description": "A space is added after the opening square bracket and also before the closing square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeEmptySquareBrackets.description": "When square brackets are empty, a space is added before the opening bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptySquareBrackets.description": "When square brackets are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.groupSquareBrackets.description": "For multi-dimensional arrays, all space between brackets is removed. Other settings that control space are overridden",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinLambdaBrackets.description": "A space is added after the opening square bracket and also before the closing square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyLambdaBrackets.description": " When square brackets are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeComma.description": "A space is added before every comma",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterComma.description": "A space is added after every comma",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeAroundMemberOperators.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in type declarations. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeInheritanceColon.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in constructors. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeConstructorColon.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in constructors. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeBeforeSemicolon.description": "Spaces are removed before every semicolon",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.insertAfterSemicolon.description": "Spaces are inserted after every semicolon",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeAroundUnaryOperator.description": "Spaces between unary operators and operands are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundBinaryOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundAssignmentOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.pointerReferenceAlignment.description": "Pointers and references are aligned to the left, center, right or left unchanged",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundTernaryOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.description": "Wrapping options for blocks",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.description": "clang-format の実行可能ファイルの完全なパスです。指定されておらず、clang-format が環境パスに置かれている場合は、それが使用されます。環境パスに見つからない場合は、拡張機能にバンドルされている clang-format のコピーが使用されます。",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_style.description": "次のコーディング スタイルが現在サポートされています: Visual Studio、LLVM、Google、Chromium、Mozilla、WebKit。\"file\" を使用して、現在のディレクトリまたは親ディレクトリにある .clang-format ファイルからスタイルを読み込みます。特定のパラメーターを設定するには、{キー: 値, ...} を使用します。たとえば、\"Visual Studio\" のスタイルは次のようになります: { BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All }",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_fallbackStyle.description": "clang-format が \"file\" スタイルで呼び出されたものの .clang-format ファイルが見つからない場合に、フォールバックとして使用される定義済みスタイルの名前。使用可能な値は、Visual Studio、LLVM、Google、Chromium、Mozilla、WebKit、none です。または、{キー: 値, ...} を使用して特定のパラメーターを設定することもできます。たとえば、\"Visual Studio\" スタイルは次のようになります: { BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4 }",
@ -34,13 +92,13 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionOpacity.description": "アクティブではないプリプロセッサ ブロックの不透明度を制御します。0.1 から 1.0 の範囲でスケーリングします。この設定は、アクティブでない領域の暗転が有効な場合にのみ適用されます。",
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionForegroundColor.description": "アクティブでないプリプロセッサ ブロックのフォントの色を制御します。入力の形式は 16 進数の色コードまたは有効なテーマの色です。設定しない場合、既定ではエディターの構文カラー スキームになります。この設定は、アクティブでない領域の暗転が有効な場合にのみ適用されます。",
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionBackgroundColor.description": "アクティブでないプリプロセッサ ブロックの背景色を制御します。入力の形式は 16 進数の色コードまたは有効なテーマの色です。設定しない場合、既定では透明になります。この設定は、アクティブでない領域の暗転が有効な場合にのみ適用されます。",
"c_cpp.configuration.formatting.description": "\"Default\" の場合、コードの書式設定が有効になります。\"Disabled\" の場合、コードの書式設定が無効になります。",
"c_cpp.configuration.loggingLevel.description": "出力パネルでのログの詳細度。詳細度のレベルは、低いものから順に次のとおりです: None < Error < Warning < Information < Debug.",
"c_cpp.configuration.autoAddFileAssociations.description": "ファイルが C/C++ ファイルからのナビゲーション操作の対象である場合に、files.associations に自動的に追加されるかどうかを制御します。",
"c_cpp.configuration.workspaceParsingPriority.description": "アクティブではないワークスペース ファイルの解析にスリープを使用して、CPU の使用率が 100% になるのを回避するかどうかを制御します。highest/high/medium/low の値は、おおよそ CPU の使用率 100/75/50/25% に対応します。",
"c_cpp.configuration.workspaceSymbols.description": "[ワークスペース内のシンボルへ移動] が呼び出されたときにクエリ結果に含めるシンボル",
"c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.description": "\"browse.path\" 配列内のパスを走査する際、コード ナビゲーションのデータベースに追加しなければならないファイルを決定するときに、いつ \"files.exclude\" 設定を使用するかを拡張機能に指示します。\"checkFolders\" は、除外フィルターがフォルダーごとに 1 度だけ評価されることを意味します (個々のファイルはチェックされません)。\"checkFilesAndFolders\" は、除外フィルターが、見つかるファイルおよびフォルダーすべてに対して評価されることを意味します。\"files.exclude\" 設定にフォルダーのみが含まれる場合は \"checkFolders\" が最適で、拡張機能がコード ナビゲーションのデータベースを初期化する速度が向上します。",
"c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.description": "#include のオートコンプリート結果でパス区切り記号として使用される文字です。",
"c_cpp.configuration.simplifyStructuredComments.description": "If true, tooltips of hover and auto-complete will only display certain labels of structured comments. Otherwise, all comments are displayed.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.string.description": "複数行または単一行のコメント ブロックの先頭に置くパターン。継続のパターンの既定値は、複数行コメント ブロックの場合は ' * '、単一行コメント ブロックの場合はこの文字列です。",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.object.begin.description": "複数行または単一行のコメント ブロックの先頭に置くパターン。",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.object.continue.description": "複数行または単一行のコメント ブロック内で Enter を押したときに、次の行に挿入されるテキストです。",
@ -48,7 +106,7 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.configurationWarnings.description": "構成プロバイダー拡張機能でソース ファイルの構成を提供できない場合に、ポップアップ通知を表示するかどうかを指定します。",
"c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseCachePath.description": "IntelliSense が使用する、キャッシュされたプリコンパイル済みヘッダーのフォルダー パスを定義します。既定のキャッシュ パスは、Windows では \"%LocalAppData%/Microsoft/vscode-cpptools\"、Linux では \"$XDG_CACHE_HOME/vscode-cpptools/\" (XDG_CACHE_HOME が定義されていない場合は、\"$HOME/.cache/vscode-cpptools/\" )、Mac では \"$HOME/Library/Caches/vscode-cpptools/\" です。パスが指定されていない場合、または指定したパスが無効な場合は、既定のパスが使用されます。",
"c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseCacheSize.description": "キャッシュされたプリコンパイル済みヘッダーの、ワークスペースごとのハード ドライブ領域の最大サイズ (MB 単位)。実際の使用量には多少の誤差があります。既定のサイズは 5120 MB です。サイズが 0 の場合、プリコンパイル済みヘッダーのキャッシュは無効になります。",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.includePath.description": "\"includePath\" が指定されていない場合に構成で使用される値、または \"includePath\" 内に \"${default}\" が存在する場合に挿入される値です。",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.includePath.description": "The value to use in a configuration if \"includePath\" is not specified in c_cpp_properties.json. If \"includePath\" is specified, add \"${default}\" to the array to insert the values from this setting.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.defines.description": "\"defines\" が指定されていない場合に構成で使用される値、または \"defines\" 内に \"${default}\" が存在する場合に挿入される値です。",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.macFrameworkPath.description": "\"macFrameworkPath\" が指定されていない場合に構成で使用される値、または \"macFrameworkPath\" 内に \"${default}\" が存在する場合に挿入される値です。",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.windowsSdkVersion.description": "Windows で使用する Windows SDK インクルード パスのバージョン (例: '10.0.17134.0')。",
@ -69,7 +127,7 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.updateChannel.description": "\"Insider\" に設定すると、拡張機能の最新の Insider ビルドが自動的にダウンロードされてインストールされます。これには、次期バージョンの機能とバグ修正が含まれています。",
"c_cpp.configuration.experimentalFeatures.description": "\"experimental\" の機能を使用できるかどうかを制御します。",
"c_cpp.configuration.suggestSnippets.description": "true の場合、スニペットは言語サーバーによって提供されます。",
"c_cpp.configuration.enhancedColorization.description": "有効にすると、IntelliSense に基づいてコードが色分けされます。この設定は、IntelliSense が無効になっている場合、または既定のハイ コントラスト テーマを使用している場合は効果がありません。",
"c_cpp.configuration.enhancedColorization.description": "If enabled, code is colorized based on IntelliSense. This setting only applies if intelliSenseEngine is set to \"Default\".",
"c_cpp.configuration.codeFolding.description": "有効にした場合、コードの折りたたみの範囲は言語サーバーによって指定されます。",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcpkg.enabled.markdownDescription": "[vcpkg 依存関係マネージャー](https://aka.ms/vcpkg/) の統合サービスを有効にします。",
"c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.description": "true の場合、'シンボルの名前変更' には有効な C/C++ 識別子が必要です。",
@ -34,5 +34,6 @@
"yes.button": "はい",
"no.button": "いいえ",
"configurations.received": "カスタム構成を受信しました:",
"browse.configuration.received": "カスタムの参照構成を受信しました: {0}"
"browse.configuration.received": "カスタムの参照構成を受信しました: {0}",
"browse.configuration": "Custom browse configuration: {0}"
@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
"apline.containers.not.supported": "Alpine コンテナーはサポートされていません。",
"native.binaries.not.supported": "この {0} バージョンの拡張機能は、お使いの OS と互換性がありません。拡張機能の \"{1}\" バージョンをダウンロードしてインストールしてください。",
"download.button": "ダウンロード ページへ移動",
"extension.installation.failed": "The C/C++ extension failed to install successfully. You will need to repair or reinstall the extension for C/C++ language features to function properly.",
"remove.extension": "Attempt to Repair",
"jason.files.missing": "The C/C++ extension failed to install successfully. You will need to reinstall the extension for C/C++ language features to function properly.",
"initialization.failed": "C/C++ 拡張機能のインストールに失敗しました。詳細については、出力ウィンドウをご覧ください。",
"updating.dependencies": "C/C++ の依存関係を更新しています...",
"rename.failed.delete.manually": "エラー: fs.rename が、\"{0}\" により失敗しました。{1} を手動で削除し、デバッグを有効にしてください。",
@ -175,5 +175,6 @@
"parameters_label": "パラメーター:",
"returns_label": "戻り値:",
"deprecated_label": "非推奨:",
"exceptions_label": "例外:"
"exceptions_label": "例外:",
"template_parameters_label": "Template Parameters:"
@ -22,6 +22,64 @@
"c_cpp.command.rescanWorkspace.title": "작업 영역 다시 검사",
"c_cpp.command.vcpkgClipboardInstallSuggested.title": "vcpkg install 명령을 클립보드에 복사",
"c_cpp.command.vcpkgOnlineHelpSuggested.title": "vcpkg 도움말 페이지 방문",
"c_cpp.configuration.formatting.description": " Choose a formatting engine: clangFormat engables the clangFormat engine, vcFormat enables the vcFormat Engine, Default enables the clangFormat engine and Disabled will turn off code formatting features",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.braces.description": "Braces are indented by the amound specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.multiLineRelativeTo.description": "When a new line is typed, it is indented relatively to the outermost open parenthesis, innermost open parenthesis or to the beginning of the current statement",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preserveIndentationWithinParentheses.description": "When a new line is typed, it is aligned under the opening parenthesis or it is indented by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseLabels.description": "Labels are indented relative to switch statements by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseContents.description": "Code inside case is indented relative to its label by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseContentsWhenBlock.description": "Braces are indented relative to case statements by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.lambdaBracesWhenParameter.description": "Braces are indented relative to the start of the statement by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.gotoLabels.description": "Moves labels to the leftmost edge of the code, to the left of the current code indentation, by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting, or leaves labels at the current code indentation",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preprocessor.description": "Moves preprocessor directives to the leftmost edge of the code, moves preprocessor directives to the left of the current code indentation, by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting or leaves preprocessor directives at the current code indentation",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.accessSpecifiers.description": "Access specifiers are indented relative to class or struct definition by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.namespaceContents.description": "Code is indented relative to its enclosing namespace by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preserveComment.description": "Indentation of comments is not changed during formatting operations",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.namespace.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.type.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.function.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.block.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.scopeBracesOnSeparateLines.description": "Moves opening and closing braces on separate lines",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.lambda.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.closeBraceSameLine.emptyType.description": "For empty types, move closing braces to the same line as opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.closeBraceSameLine.emptyFunction.description": "For empty function bodies, move closing braces to the same line as opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeCatch.description": "Place 'catch' and similar keywords on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeElse.description": "Place 'else' on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeWhileInDoWhile.description": "Place 'while' in a do-while loop on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeFunctionOpenParenthesis.description": "A space is added before the opening parenthesis of a function, spaces before opening parenthesis of a function are removed or spaces are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinParameterListParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyParameterListParentheses.description": "When a list is empty, a space is inserted between its parentheses",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements.description": "A space is added before the opening parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinControlFlowStatementParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeLambdaOpenParenthesis.description": "A space is added between every lambda introducer and the argument list",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinCastParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterCastCloseParenthesis.description": "A space is added after the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinExpressionParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeBlockOpenBrace.description": "A space is added before the opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyBraces.description": "When braces are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeInitializerListOpenBrace.description": "A space is added before the opening brace",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinInitializerListBraces.description": "A space is added after the opening brace and also before the closing brace",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.preserveInInitializerList.description": "Spaces around commas are preserved",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeOpenSquareBracket.description": "A space is added before opening square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinSquareBrackets.description": "A space is added after the opening square bracket and also before the closing square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeEmptySquareBrackets.description": "When square brackets are empty, a space is added before the opening bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptySquareBrackets.description": "When square brackets are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.groupSquareBrackets.description": "For multi-dimensional arrays, all space between brackets is removed. Other settings that control space are overridden",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinLambdaBrackets.description": "A space is added after the opening square bracket and also before the closing square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyLambdaBrackets.description": " When square brackets are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeComma.description": "A space is added before every comma",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterComma.description": "A space is added after every comma",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeAroundMemberOperators.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in type declarations. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeInheritanceColon.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in constructors. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeConstructorColon.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in constructors. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeBeforeSemicolon.description": "Spaces are removed before every semicolon",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.insertAfterSemicolon.description": "Spaces are inserted after every semicolon",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeAroundUnaryOperator.description": "Spaces between unary operators and operands are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundBinaryOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundAssignmentOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.pointerReferenceAlignment.description": "Pointers and references are aligned to the left, center, right or left unchanged",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundTernaryOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.description": "Wrapping options for blocks",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.description": "clang-format 실행 파일의 전체 경로입니다. 지정하지 않은 경우 clang-format을 환경 경로에서 사용할 수 있으면 해당 실행 파일이 사용됩니다. 환경 경로에 clang-format이 없는 경우에는 확장과 함께 제공된 clang-format의 복사본이 사용됩니다.",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_style.description": "코딩 스타일은 현재 Visual Studio, LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit을 지원합니다. \"file\"을 사용하여 현재 또는 부모 디렉터리의 .clang-format 파일에서 스타일을 로드합니다. {키: 값, ...}을 사용하여 특정 매개 변수를 설정합니다. 예를 들어 \"Visual Studio\" 스타일은 { BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All }와 비슷합니다.",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_fallbackStyle.description": "clang-format이 \"file\" 스타일을 사용하여 호출되지만 .clang-format 파일을 찾을 수 없는 경우 대체로 사용되는 미리 정의된 스타일의 이름입니다. 가능한 값은 Visual Studio, LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit, 없음이거나 {key: value, ...}를 사용하여 특정 매개 변수를 설정합니다. 예를 들어 \"Visual Studio\" 스타일은 { BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4 }와 비슷합니다.",
@ -34,13 +92,13 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionOpacity.description": "비활성 전처리기 블록의 불투명도를 제어합니다. 0.1~1.0 사이에서 크기를 조정합니다. 이 설정은 비활성 영역 흐리게 표시가 사용하도록 설정된 경우에만 적용됩니다.",
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionForegroundColor.description": "비활성 전처리기 블록의 글꼴 색 지정을 제어합니다. 입력은 16진수 색 코드 또는 유효한 테마 색의 형식입니다. 설정하지 않으면 기본적으로 편집기의 구문 색 구성표로 설정됩니다. 이 설정은 비활성 영역 흐리게 표시가 사용하도록 설정된 경우에만 적용됩니다.",
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionBackgroundColor.description": "비활성 전처리기 블록의 배경색 지정을 제어합니다. 입력은 16진수 색 코드 또는 유효한 테마 색의 형식입니다. 설정하지 않으면 기본적으로 투명으로 설정됩니다. 이 설정은 비활성 영역 흐리게 표시가 사용하도록 설정된 경우에만 적용됩니다.",
"c_cpp.configuration.formatting.description": "\"Default\"를 선택하면 코드 서식을 지정할 수 있습니다. \"Disabled\"를 선택하면 코드 서식을 지정할 수 없습니다.",
"c_cpp.configuration.loggingLevel.description": "출력 패널에서 로깅의 세부 정보 표시 수준입니다. 가장 낮은 표시 수준에서 가장 높은 표시 수준의 순서는 None < Error < Warning < Information < Debug입니다.",
"c_cpp.configuration.autoAddFileAssociations.description": "파일이 C/C++ 파일의 탐색 작업에 대한 대상인 경우 files.associations에 자동으로 추가되는지 여부를 제어합니다.",
"c_cpp.configuration.workspaceParsingPriority.description": "비활성 작업 영역 파일의 구문 분석에서 100%의 CPU 사용률을 피하기 위해 일시 정지 모드를 사용하는지 여부를 제어합니다. highest/high/medium/low 값은 대략 100/75/50/25%의 CPU 사용률에 해당합니다.",
"c_cpp.configuration.workspaceSymbols.description": "'작업 영역에서 기호로 이동'이 호출될 때 쿼리 결과에 포함할 기호입니다.",
"c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.description": "\"browse.path\" 배열의 경로를 트래버스하는 동안 코드 탐색 데이터베이스에 추가할 파일을 결정할 때 \"files.exclude\" 설정을 사용할 시기를 확장에 지시합니다. \"checkFolders\"는 제외 필터가 폴더당 한 번만 평가된다는 것을 의미합니다(개별 파일은 확인되지 않음). \"checkFilesAndFolders\"는 제외된 필터가 발견된 각 파일 및 폴더를 기준으로 평가된다는 것을 의미합니다. \"files.exclude\" 설정에 폴더만 포함된 경우 \"checkFolders\"는 가장 좋은 선택이며 확장이 코드 탐색 데이터베이스를 초기화할 수 있는 속도를 높입니다.",
"c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.description": "#include 자동 완성 결과의 경로 구분 기호로 사용되는 문자입니다.",
"c_cpp.configuration.simplifyStructuredComments.description": "If true, tooltips of hover and auto-complete will only display certain labels of structured comments. Otherwise, all comments are displayed.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.string.description": "여러 줄 또는 한 줄 주석 블록을 시작하는 패턴입니다. 기본적으로 여러 줄 주석 블록의 계속 패턴은 '*'로 설정되고, 한 줄 주석 블록의 경우 이 문자열로 설정됩니다.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.object.begin.description": "여러 줄 또는 한 줄 주석 블록을 시작하는 패턴입니다.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.object.continue.description": "여러 줄 또는 한 줄 주석 블록 내부에서 <Enter> 키를 누를 때 다음 줄에 삽입할 텍스트입니다.",
@ -48,7 +106,7 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.configurationWarnings.description": "구성 공급자 확장이 소스 파일의 구성을 제공할 수 없는 경우 팝업 알림을 표시할지 여부를 결정합니다.",
"c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseCachePath.description": "IntelliSense에서 사용하는 캐시되고 미리 컴파일된 헤더의 폴더 경로를 정의합니다. 기본 캐시 경로는 Windows의 \"%LocalAppData%/Microsoft/vscode-cpptools\", Linux의 \"$XDG_CACHE_HOME/vscode-cpptools/\"(또는 XDG_CACHE_HOME이 정의되지 않은 경우 \"$HOME/.cache/vscode-cpptools/\"), Mac의 \"$HOME/Library/Caches/vscode-cpptools/\"입니다. 경로를 지정하지 않거나 지정한 경로가 잘못된 경우 기본 경로를 사용합니다.",
"c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseCacheSize.description": "캐시된 미리 컴파일된 헤더에 대한 작업 영역당 하드 드라이브 공간의 최대 크기(MB)입니다. 실제 사용량은 이 값을 기준으로 변동될 수 있습니다. 기본 크기는 5120MB입니다. 크기가 0이면 미리 컴파일된 헤더 캐싱이 사용하지 않도록 설정됩니다.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.includePath.description": "\"includePath\"가 지정되지 않은 경우 구성에서 사용할 값 또는 \"${default}\"가 \"includePath\"에 있는 경우 삽입할 값입니다.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.includePath.description": "The value to use in a configuration if \"includePath\" is not specified in c_cpp_properties.json. If \"includePath\" is specified, add \"${default}\" to the array to insert the values from this setting.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.defines.description": "\"defines\"가 지정되지 않은 경우 구성에서 사용할 값 또는 \"${default}\"가 \"defines\"에 있는 경우 삽입할 값입니다.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.macFrameworkPath.description": "\"macFrameworkPath\"가 지정되지 않은 경우 구성에서 사용할 값 또는 \"${default}\"가 \"macFrameworkPath\"에 있는 경우 삽입할 값입니다.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.windowsSdkVersion.description": "Windows에서 사용할 Windows SDK 포함 경로의 버전입니다(예: '10.0.17134.0').",
@ -69,7 +127,7 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.updateChannel.description": "예정된 기능과 버그 수정을 포함하는 확장의 최신 참가자 빌드를 자동으로 다운로드하여 설치하려면 \"참가자\"로 설정합니다.",
"c_cpp.configuration.experimentalFeatures.description": "\"실험적\" 기능을 사용할 수 있는지 여부를 제어합니다.",
"c_cpp.configuration.suggestSnippets.description": "True이면 언어 서버에서 코드 조각을 제공합니다.",
"c_cpp.configuration.enhancedColorization.description": "사용하도록 설정된 경우 IntelliSense를 기반으로 코드 색이 지정됩니다. 이 설정은 기본 고대비 테마를 사용하거나 IntelliSense가 사용하지 않도록 설정된 경우 아무런 영향을 주지 않습니다.",
"c_cpp.configuration.enhancedColorization.description": "If enabled, code is colorized based on IntelliSense. This setting only applies if intelliSenseEngine is set to \"Default\".",
"c_cpp.configuration.codeFolding.description": "사용하도록 설정하면 언어 서버에서 코드 접기 범위를 제공합니다.",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcpkg.enabled.markdownDescription": "[vcpkg 종속성 관리자](https://aka.ms/vcpkg/)에 통합 서비스를 사용하도록 설정합니다.",
"c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.description": "true이면 '기호 이름 바꾸기'에 유효한 C/C++ 식별자가 필요합니다.",
@ -34,5 +34,6 @@
"yes.button": "예",
"no.button": "아니요",
"configurations.received": "사용자 지정 구성이 수신됨:",
"browse.configuration.received": "사용자 지정 찾아보기 구성이 수신됨: {0}"
"browse.configuration.received": "사용자 지정 찾아보기 구성이 수신됨: {0}",
"browse.configuration": "Custom browse configuration: {0}"
@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
"apline.containers.not.supported": "Alpine 컨테이너는 지원되지 않습니다.",
"native.binaries.not.supported": "이 확장의 {0} 버전은 OS와 호환되지 않습니다. 확장의 \"{1}\" 버전을 다운로드하여 설치하세요.",
"download.button": "다운로드 페이지로 이동",
"extension.installation.failed": "The C/C++ extension failed to install successfully. You will need to repair or reinstall the extension for C/C++ language features to function properly.",
"remove.extension": "Attempt to Repair",
"jason.files.missing": "The C/C++ extension failed to install successfully. You will need to reinstall the extension for C/C++ language features to function properly.",
"initialization.failed": "C/C++ 확장을 설치하지 못했습니다. 자세한 내용은 출력 창을 참조하세요.",
"updating.dependencies": "C/C++ 종속성을 업데이트하는 중...",
"rename.failed.delete.manually": "오류: fs.rename이 \"{0}\"과(와) 함께 실패했습니다. {1}을(를) 수동으로 삭제하여 디버깅을 사용하도록 설정합니다.",
@ -175,5 +175,6 @@
"parameters_label": "매개 변수:",
"returns_label": "반환 값:",
"deprecated_label": "사용되지 않음:",
"exceptions_label": "예외:"
"exceptions_label": "예외:",
"template_parameters_label": "Template Parameters:"
@ -22,6 +22,64 @@
"c_cpp.command.rescanWorkspace.title": "Ponowne skanowanie obszaru roboczego",
"c_cpp.command.vcpkgClipboardInstallSuggested.title": "Kopiowanie polecenia instalowania menedżera vcpkg do schowka",
"c_cpp.command.vcpkgOnlineHelpSuggested.title": "Odwiedź stronę pomocy menedżera vcpkg",
"c_cpp.configuration.formatting.description": " Choose a formatting engine: clangFormat engables the clangFormat engine, vcFormat enables the vcFormat Engine, Default enables the clangFormat engine and Disabled will turn off code formatting features",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.braces.description": "Braces are indented by the amound specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.multiLineRelativeTo.description": "When a new line is typed, it is indented relatively to the outermost open parenthesis, innermost open parenthesis or to the beginning of the current statement",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preserveIndentationWithinParentheses.description": "When a new line is typed, it is aligned under the opening parenthesis or it is indented by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseLabels.description": "Labels are indented relative to switch statements by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseContents.description": "Code inside case is indented relative to its label by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseContentsWhenBlock.description": "Braces are indented relative to case statements by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.lambdaBracesWhenParameter.description": "Braces are indented relative to the start of the statement by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.gotoLabels.description": "Moves labels to the leftmost edge of the code, to the left of the current code indentation, by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting, or leaves labels at the current code indentation",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preprocessor.description": "Moves preprocessor directives to the leftmost edge of the code, moves preprocessor directives to the left of the current code indentation, by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting or leaves preprocessor directives at the current code indentation",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.accessSpecifiers.description": "Access specifiers are indented relative to class or struct definition by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.namespaceContents.description": "Code is indented relative to its enclosing namespace by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preserveComment.description": "Indentation of comments is not changed during formatting operations",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.namespace.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.type.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.function.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.block.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.scopeBracesOnSeparateLines.description": "Moves opening and closing braces on separate lines",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.lambda.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.closeBraceSameLine.emptyType.description": "For empty types, move closing braces to the same line as opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.closeBraceSameLine.emptyFunction.description": "For empty function bodies, move closing braces to the same line as opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeCatch.description": "Place 'catch' and similar keywords on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeElse.description": "Place 'else' on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeWhileInDoWhile.description": "Place 'while' in a do-while loop on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeFunctionOpenParenthesis.description": "A space is added before the opening parenthesis of a function, spaces before opening parenthesis of a function are removed or spaces are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinParameterListParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyParameterListParentheses.description": "When a list is empty, a space is inserted between its parentheses",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements.description": "A space is added before the opening parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinControlFlowStatementParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeLambdaOpenParenthesis.description": "A space is added between every lambda introducer and the argument list",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinCastParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterCastCloseParenthesis.description": "A space is added after the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinExpressionParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeBlockOpenBrace.description": "A space is added before the opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyBraces.description": "When braces are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeInitializerListOpenBrace.description": "A space is added before the opening brace",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinInitializerListBraces.description": "A space is added after the opening brace and also before the closing brace",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.preserveInInitializerList.description": "Spaces around commas are preserved",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeOpenSquareBracket.description": "A space is added before opening square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinSquareBrackets.description": "A space is added after the opening square bracket and also before the closing square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeEmptySquareBrackets.description": "When square brackets are empty, a space is added before the opening bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptySquareBrackets.description": "When square brackets are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.groupSquareBrackets.description": "For multi-dimensional arrays, all space between brackets is removed. Other settings that control space are overridden",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinLambdaBrackets.description": "A space is added after the opening square bracket and also before the closing square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyLambdaBrackets.description": " When square brackets are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeComma.description": "A space is added before every comma",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterComma.description": "A space is added after every comma",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeAroundMemberOperators.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in type declarations. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeInheritanceColon.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in constructors. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeConstructorColon.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in constructors. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeBeforeSemicolon.description": "Spaces are removed before every semicolon",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.insertAfterSemicolon.description": "Spaces are inserted after every semicolon",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeAroundUnaryOperator.description": "Spaces between unary operators and operands are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundBinaryOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundAssignmentOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.pointerReferenceAlignment.description": "Pointers and references are aligned to the left, center, right or left unchanged",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundTernaryOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.description": "Wrapping options for blocks",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.description": "Pełna ścieżka do pliku wykonywalnego narzędzia clang-format. Jeśli nie zostanie określona, a narzędzie clang-format będzie dostępne w ścieżce środowiska, to zostanie użyte. Jeśli narzędzie clang-format nie zostanie znalezione w ścieżce środowiska, zostanie użyta jego kopia dołączona do rozszerzenia.",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_style.description": "Styl kodowania. Obecnie obsługiwane: Visual Studio, LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit. Użyj elementu „file”, aby załadować styl z pliku .clang-format znajdującego się w bieżącym lub nadrzędnym katalogu. Użyj ciągu {klucz: wartość,...}, aby ustawić określone parametry. Na przykład styl „Visual Studio” jest podobny do następującego: { BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All }",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_fallbackStyle.description": "Nazwa wstępnie zdefiniowanego stylu używana jako alternatywa w przypadku, gdy plik clang-format zostanie wywołany przy użyciu stylu „file”, ale plik ten nie zostanie odnaleziony. Możliwe wartości to Visual Studio, LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit; można również użyć pustej wartość lub użyć ciągu {klucz: wartość, ...}, aby określić konkretne parametry. Na przykład styl „Visual Studio” jest podobny do następującego: { BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4 }",
@ -34,13 +92,13 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionOpacity.description": "Określa przezroczystość nieaktywnych bloków preprocesora. Przyjmuje wartości od 0,1 do 1,0. To ustawienie ma zastosowanie tylko wtedy, gdy włączono funkcję przygaszania nieaktywnego regionu.",
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionForegroundColor.description": "Określa kolor czcionki nieaktywnych bloków preprocesora. Dane wejściowe są w postaci szesnastkowego kodu koloru lub prawidłowego koloru motywu. Jeśli nie zostanie ustawione, to wartością domyślną będzie schemat kolorowania składni edytora. To ustawienie ma zastosowanie tylko wtedy, gdy włączono funkcję przygaszania nieaktywnego regionu.",
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionBackgroundColor.description": "Określa kolor tła nieaktywnych bloków preprocesora. Dane wejściowe są w postaci szesnastkowego kodu koloru lub prawidłowego koloru motywu. Jeśli nie zostanie ustawione, to domyślny kolor tła będzie przezroczysty. To ustawienie ma zastosowanie tylko wtedy, gdy włączono funkcję przygaszania nieaktywnego regionu.",
"c_cpp.configuration.formatting.description": "Wartość „Default” włącza formatowanie kodu. Wartość „Disabled” wyłącza formatowanie kodu.",
"c_cpp.configuration.loggingLevel.description": "Szczegółowość rejestrowania w panelu danych wyjściowych. Kolejność poziomów od najmniej szczegółowego do najbardziej szczegółowego jest następująca: None < Error < Warning < Information < Debug.",
"c_cpp.configuration.autoAddFileAssociations.description": "Określa, czy pliki są automatycznie dodawane do elementu files.associations, gdy są one elementem docelowym operacji nawigacji z pliku C/C++.",
"c_cpp.configuration.workspaceParsingPriority.description": "Określa, czy analizowanie nieaktywnych plików obszaru roboczego używa trybu uśpienia, aby uniknąć używania 100% procesora CPU. Wartości highest/high/medium/low odpowiadają odpowiednio około 100/75/50/25 procentom użycia procesora CPU.",
"c_cpp.configuration.workspaceSymbols.description": "Symbole do uwzględnienia w wynikach zapytania, gdy zostanie wywołane polecenie „Przejdź do symbolu w obszarze roboczym”",
"c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.description": "Określa, kiedy przez rozszerzenie ma być używane ustawienie „files.exclude” podczas ustalania plików, które powinny zostać dodane do bazy danych nawigacji kodu w trakcie przechodzenia przez ścieżki w tablicy „browse.path”. Ustawienie „checkFolders” oznacza, że filtry wykluczeń będą oceniane tylko raz dla danego folderu (pojedyncze pliki nie są sprawdzane). Ustawienie „checkFilesAndFolders” oznacza, że filtry wykluczeń będą oceniane względem każdego napotkanego pliku i folderu. Jeśli ustawienie „files.exclude” zawiera tylko foldery, ustawienie „checkFolders” jest najlepszym wyborem, który zwiększy szybkość inicjowania bazy danych nawigacji kodu przez rozszerzenie.",
"c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.description": "Znak używany jako separator ścieżki na potrzeby wyników automatycznego uzupełniania dyrektywy #include.",
"c_cpp.configuration.simplifyStructuredComments.description": "If true, tooltips of hover and auto-complete will only display certain labels of structured comments. Otherwise, all comments are displayed.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.string.description": "Wzorzec, który rozpoczyna wielowierszowy lub jednowierszowy blok komentarza. Wartość domyślna wzorca kontynuacji to „*” dla wielowierszowych bloków komentarzy lub ten ciąg dla jednowierszowych bloków komentarza.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.object.begin.description": "Wzorzec, który rozpoczyna wielowierszowy lub jednowierszowy blok komentarza.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.object.continue.description": "Tekst, który będzie wstawiany w następnym wierszu po naciśnięciu klawisza Enter w wielowierszowym lub jednowierszowym bloku komentarza.",
@ -48,7 +106,7 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.configurationWarnings.description": "Określa, czy powiadomienia wyskakujące mają być wyświetlane, gdy rozszerzenie dostawcy konfiguracji nie może udostępnić konfiguracji dla pliku źródłowego.",
"c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseCachePath.description": "Definiuje ścieżkę folderu dla wstępnie skompilowanych nagłówków zapisanych w pamięci podręcznej używanych przez funkcję IntelliSense. Domyślna ścieżka pamięci podręcznej to „%LocalAppData%/Microsoft/vscode-cpptools” w systemie Windows, „$XDG_CACHE_HOME/vscode-cpptools/” w systemie Linux (lub „$HOME/.cache/vscode-cpptools/”, jeśli wartość XDG_CACHE_HOME nie jest zdefiniowana) i „~/Library/Caches/vscode-cpptools/” na komputerach Mac. Ścieżka domyślna zostanie użyta, jeśli nie zostanie określona żadna ścieżka lub określona ścieżka będzie nieprawidłowa.",
"c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseCacheSize.description": "Maksymalny rozmiar miejsca na dysku twardym na obszar roboczy w megabajtach dla prekompilowanych nagłówków zapisanych w pamięci podręcznej; rzeczywiste użycie może oscylować wokół tej wartości. Rozmiar domyślny to 5120 MB. Buforowanie wstępnie skompilowane nagłówków jest wyłączone, gdy rozmiar ma wartość 0.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.includePath.description": "Wartość do użycia w konfiguracji, jeśli element „includePath” nie został określony, lub wartości do wstawienia, jeśli element „${default}” istnieje w ramach elementu „includePath”.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.includePath.description": "The value to use in a configuration if \"includePath\" is not specified in c_cpp_properties.json. If \"includePath\" is specified, add \"${default}\" to the array to insert the values from this setting.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.defines.description": "Wartość do użycia w konfiguracji, jeśli element „defines” nie został określony, lub wartości do wstawienia, jeśli element „${default}” istnieje w ramach elementu „defines”.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.macFrameworkPath.description": "Wartość do użycia w konfiguracji, jeśli element „macFrameworkPath” nie został określony, lub wartości do wstawienia, jeśli element „${default}” istnieje w ramach elementu „macFrameworkPath”.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.windowsSdkVersion.description": "Wersja ścieżki dołączania zestawu Windows SDK do użycia w systemie Windows, na przykład „10.0.17134.0”.",
@ -69,7 +127,7 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.updateChannel.description": "Ustaw na wartość „Insiders”, aby automatycznie pobrać i zainstalować najnowsze kompilacje niejawnych testerów rozszerzenia, które zawierają nadchodzące funkcje i poprawki błędów.",
"c_cpp.configuration.experimentalFeatures.description": "Określa, czy można używać funkcji „eksperymentalnych”.",
"c_cpp.configuration.suggestSnippets.description": "Jeśli wartość to true, fragmenty kodu są udostępniane przez serwer języka.",
"c_cpp.configuration.enhancedColorization.description": "Jeśli to ustawienie jest włączone, kod jest kolorowany na podstawie funkcji IntelliSense. To ustawienie nie ma żadnego efektu, jeśli funkcja IntelliSense jest wyłączona lub jest używana domyślna kompozycja z dużym kontrastem.",
"c_cpp.configuration.enhancedColorization.description": "If enabled, code is colorized based on IntelliSense. This setting only applies if intelliSenseEngine is set to \"Default\".",
"c_cpp.configuration.codeFolding.description": "Jeśli ta opcja jest włączona, zakresy składania kodu są dostarczane przez serwer języka.",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcpkg.enabled.markdownDescription": "Włącz usługi integracji dla elementu [vcpkg dependency manager](https://aka.ms/vcpkg/).",
"c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.description": "Jeśli ma wartość true, operacja „Zmień nazwę symbolu” będzie wymagać prawidłowego identyfikatora C/C++.",
@ -34,5 +34,6 @@
"yes.button": "Tak",
"no.button": "Nie",
"configurations.received": "Odebrano konfiguracje niestandardowe:",
"browse.configuration.received": "Odebrano niestandardową konfigurację przeglądania: {0}"
"browse.configuration.received": "Odebrano niestandardową konfigurację przeglądania: {0}",
"browse.configuration": "Custom browse configuration: {0}"
@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
"apline.containers.not.supported": "Kontenery Alpine nie są obsługiwane.",
"native.binaries.not.supported": "Ta wersja {0} rozszerzenia jest niezgodna z systemem operacyjnym. Pobierz i zainstaluj wersję rozszerzenia „{1}”.",
"download.button": "Przejdź do strony pobierania",
"extension.installation.failed": "The C/C++ extension failed to install successfully. You will need to repair or reinstall the extension for C/C++ language features to function properly.",
"remove.extension": "Attempt to Repair",
"jason.files.missing": "The C/C++ extension failed to install successfully. You will need to reinstall the extension for C/C++ language features to function properly.",
"initialization.failed": "Instalacja rozszerzenia języka C/C++ nie powiodła się. Zobacz okno danych wyjściowych, aby uzyskać więcej informacji.",
"updating.dependencies": "Trwa aktualizowanie zależności języka C/C++...",
"rename.failed.delete.manually": "BŁĄD: wystąpił błąd funkcji fs.rename: „{0}”. Usuń element {1} ręcznie, aby włączyć debugowanie.",
@ -175,5 +175,6 @@
"parameters_label": "Parametry:",
"returns_label": "Zwraca:",
"deprecated_label": "Przestarzałe:",
"exceptions_label": "Wyjątki:"
"exceptions_label": "Wyjątki:",
"template_parameters_label": "Template Parameters:"
@ -22,6 +22,64 @@
"c_cpp.command.rescanWorkspace.title": "Examinar Novamente o Workspace",
"c_cpp.command.vcpkgClipboardInstallSuggested.title": "Copiar o comando de instalação vcpkg para a área de transferência",
"c_cpp.command.vcpkgOnlineHelpSuggested.title": "Visite a página de ajuda do vcpkg",
"c_cpp.configuration.formatting.description": " Choose a formatting engine: clangFormat engables the clangFormat engine, vcFormat enables the vcFormat Engine, Default enables the clangFormat engine and Disabled will turn off code formatting features",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.braces.description": "Braces are indented by the amound specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.multiLineRelativeTo.description": "When a new line is typed, it is indented relatively to the outermost open parenthesis, innermost open parenthesis or to the beginning of the current statement",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preserveIndentationWithinParentheses.description": "When a new line is typed, it is aligned under the opening parenthesis or it is indented by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseLabels.description": "Labels are indented relative to switch statements by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseContents.description": "Code inside case is indented relative to its label by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseContentsWhenBlock.description": "Braces are indented relative to case statements by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.lambdaBracesWhenParameter.description": "Braces are indented relative to the start of the statement by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.gotoLabels.description": "Moves labels to the leftmost edge of the code, to the left of the current code indentation, by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting, or leaves labels at the current code indentation",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preprocessor.description": "Moves preprocessor directives to the leftmost edge of the code, moves preprocessor directives to the left of the current code indentation, by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting or leaves preprocessor directives at the current code indentation",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.accessSpecifiers.description": "Access specifiers are indented relative to class or struct definition by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.namespaceContents.description": "Code is indented relative to its enclosing namespace by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preserveComment.description": "Indentation of comments is not changed during formatting operations",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.namespace.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.type.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.function.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.block.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.scopeBracesOnSeparateLines.description": "Moves opening and closing braces on separate lines",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.lambda.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.closeBraceSameLine.emptyType.description": "For empty types, move closing braces to the same line as opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.closeBraceSameLine.emptyFunction.description": "For empty function bodies, move closing braces to the same line as opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeCatch.description": "Place 'catch' and similar keywords on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeElse.description": "Place 'else' on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeWhileInDoWhile.description": "Place 'while' in a do-while loop on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeFunctionOpenParenthesis.description": "A space is added before the opening parenthesis of a function, spaces before opening parenthesis of a function are removed or spaces are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinParameterListParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyParameterListParentheses.description": "When a list is empty, a space is inserted between its parentheses",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements.description": "A space is added before the opening parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinControlFlowStatementParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeLambdaOpenParenthesis.description": "A space is added between every lambda introducer and the argument list",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinCastParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterCastCloseParenthesis.description": "A space is added after the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinExpressionParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeBlockOpenBrace.description": "A space is added before the opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyBraces.description": "When braces are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeInitializerListOpenBrace.description": "A space is added before the opening brace",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinInitializerListBraces.description": "A space is added after the opening brace and also before the closing brace",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.preserveInInitializerList.description": "Spaces around commas are preserved",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeOpenSquareBracket.description": "A space is added before opening square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinSquareBrackets.description": "A space is added after the opening square bracket and also before the closing square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeEmptySquareBrackets.description": "When square brackets are empty, a space is added before the opening bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptySquareBrackets.description": "When square brackets are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.groupSquareBrackets.description": "For multi-dimensional arrays, all space between brackets is removed. Other settings that control space are overridden",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinLambdaBrackets.description": "A space is added after the opening square bracket and also before the closing square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyLambdaBrackets.description": " When square brackets are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeComma.description": "A space is added before every comma",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterComma.description": "A space is added after every comma",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeAroundMemberOperators.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in type declarations. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeInheritanceColon.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in constructors. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeConstructorColon.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in constructors. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeBeforeSemicolon.description": "Spaces are removed before every semicolon",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.insertAfterSemicolon.description": "Spaces are inserted after every semicolon",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeAroundUnaryOperator.description": "Spaces between unary operators and operands are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundBinaryOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundAssignmentOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.pointerReferenceAlignment.description": "Pointers and references are aligned to the left, center, right or left unchanged",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundTernaryOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.description": "Wrapping options for blocks",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.description": "O caminho completo do executável no clang-format. Se ele não for especificado e o clang-format estiver disponível no caminho do ambiente, ele será usado. Se ele não for encontrado no caminho do ambiente, será usada uma cópia no clang-format empacotada com a extensão.",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_style.description": "O estilo de codificação atualmente dá suporte a: Visual Studio, LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit. Use \"file\" para carregar o estilo de um arquivo .clang-format no diretório atual ou pai. Use {chave: valor, ...} para definir parâmetros específicos. Por exemplo, o estilo \"Visual Studio\" é semelhante a: { BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All }",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_fallbackStyle.description": "O nome do estilo predefinido usado como fallback no caso clang-format foi invocado com o estilo \"file\", mas o arquivo .clang-format não foi encontrado. Os valores possíveis são Visual Studio, LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit, nenhum ou use {chave: valor,...} para definir parâmetros específicos. Por exemplo, o estilo \"Visual Studio\" é semelhante a: { BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4 }",
@ -34,13 +92,13 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionOpacity.description": "Controla a opacidade dos blocos de pré-processador inativos. Escala entre 0,1 e 1,0. Esta configuração é aplicável somente quando o esmaecimento da região inativa está habilitado.",
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionForegroundColor.description": "Controla a cor da fonte dos blocos de pré-processador inativos. A entrada está no formato de um código de cor hexadecimal ou de uma Cor de Tema válida. Se não estiver definido, o esquema de cores de sintaxe do editor será usado como padrão. Esta configuração é aplicável somente quando o esmaecimento da região inativa está habilitado.",
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionBackgroundColor.description": "Controla a cor da tela de fundo dos blocos de pré-processador inativos. A entrada está no formato de um código de cor hexadecimal ou de uma Cor de Tema válida. Se não estiver definido, transparente será usado como padrão. Esta configuração é aplicável somente quando o esmaecimento da região inativa está habilitado.",
"c_cpp.configuration.formatting.description": "\"Padrão\" habilita a formatação de código. \"Desabilitado\" desabilita a formatação de código.",
"c_cpp.configuration.loggingLevel.description": "O detalhamento do log no Painel de Saída. A ordem dos níveis de menos detalhado para mais detalhado é: None < Error < Warning < Information < Debug.",
"c_cpp.configuration.autoAddFileAssociations.description": "Controla se os arquivos são automaticamente adicionados a files.associations quando eles são o destino de uma operação de navegação de um arquivo C/C++.",
"c_cpp.configuration.workspaceParsingPriority.description": "Controla se a análise dos arquivos de workspace não ativos usa a suspensão para evitar o uso de 100% da CPU. Os valores mais alto, alto, médio e baixo correspondem a aproximadamente 100, 75, 50 e 25% de uso da CPU.",
"c_cpp.configuration.workspaceSymbols.description": "Os símbolos a serem incluídos nos resultados da consulta quando 'Ir para o Símbolo no Workspace' é invocado",
"c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.description": "Instrui a extensão quando usar a configuração \"files.exclude\" ao determinar quais arquivos devem ser adicionados ao banco de dados de navegação de código enquanto atravessa os caminhos na matriz \"browse.path\". \"checkFolders\" significa que os filtros de exclusão só serão avaliados uma vez por pasta (arquivos individuais não são verificados). \"checkFilesAndFolders\" significa que os filtros de exclusão serão avaliados em relação a cada arquivo e pasta encontrados. Se a configuração de \"files.exclude\" contiver somente pastas, \"checkFolders\" será a melhor opção e aumentará a velocidade à qual a extensão pode inicializar o banco de dados de navegação de código.",
"c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.description": "O caractere usado como separador de caminho para resultados de preenchimento automático de #include.",
"c_cpp.configuration.simplifyStructuredComments.description": "If true, tooltips of hover and auto-complete will only display certain labels of structured comments. Otherwise, all comments are displayed.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.string.description": "O padrão que inicia um bloco de comentário de linha única ou de várias linhas. O padrão de continuação usa ' * ' como padrão para blocos de comentário de várias linhas ou esta cadeia de caracteres para blocos de comentário de linha única.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.object.begin.description": "O padrão que inicia um bloco de comentário de linha única ou de várias linhas.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.object.continue.description": "O texto que será inserido na próxima linha quando Enter for pressionado dentro de um bloco de comentário de linha única ou de várias linhas.",
@ -48,7 +106,7 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.configurationWarnings.description": "Determina se as notificações pop-up serão mostradas quando uma extensão do provedor de configuração não puder fornecer uma configuração para um arquivo de origem.",
"c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseCachePath.description": "Define o caminho da pasta para os cabeçalhos pré-compilados armazenados em cache usados pelo IntelliSense. O caminho do cache padrão é \"%LocalAppData%/Microsoft/vscode-cpptools\" no Windows, \"$XDG_CACHE_HOME/vscode-cpptools/\" no Linux (ou \"~/.cache/vscode-cpptools/\", quando XDG_CACHE_HOME não está definido) e \"$HOME/Library/Caches/vscode-cpptools/\" no Mac. O caminho padrão será usado se nenhum outro for especificado ou se o caminho definido for inválido.",
"c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseCacheSize.description": "Tamanho máximo do espaço de disco rígido por workspace, em megabytes, para cabeçalhos pré-compilados armazenados em cache; o uso real pode flutuar ao redor desse valor. O tamanho padrão é de 5120 MB. O cache pré-compilado de cabeçalho é desabilitado quando o tamanho é 0.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.includePath.description": "O valor a ser usado em uma configuração se \"includePath\" não for especificado ou os valores a serem inseridos se \"${default}\" estiver presente em \"includePath\".",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.includePath.description": "The value to use in a configuration if \"includePath\" is not specified in c_cpp_properties.json. If \"includePath\" is specified, add \"${default}\" to the array to insert the values from this setting.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.defines.description": "O valor a ser usado em uma configuração se \"defines\" não for especificado ou os valores a serem inseridos se \"${default}\" estiver presente em \"defines\".",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.macFrameworkPath.description": "O valor a ser usado em uma configuração se \"macFrameworkPath\" não for especificado ou os valores a serem inseridos se \"${default}\" estiver presente em \"macFrameworkPath\".",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.windowsSdkVersion.description": "A versão do caminho de inclusão do SDK do Windows a ser usada no Windows, por exemplo, '10.0.17134.0'.",
@ -69,7 +127,7 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.updateChannel.description": "Defina como \"Insiders\" para baixar e instalar automaticamente os builds mais recentes do Insiders para a extensão, que incluem recursos futuros e correções de bugs.",
"c_cpp.configuration.experimentalFeatures.description": "Controla se os recursos \"experimentais\" podem ser usados.",
"c_cpp.configuration.suggestSnippets.description": "Se for true, os snippets serão fornecidos pelo servidor de idiomas.",
"c_cpp.configuration.enhancedColorization.description": "Se habilitado, o código é colorizado com base no IntelliSense. Essa configuração não terá efeito se o IntelliSense estiver desabilitado ou se você estiver usando o tema de Alto Contraste Padrão.",
"c_cpp.configuration.enhancedColorization.description": "If enabled, code is colorized based on IntelliSense. This setting only applies if intelliSenseEngine is set to \"Default\".",
"c_cpp.configuration.codeFolding.description": "Se habilitado, os intervalos de dobramento de código serão fornecidos pelo servidor de idiomas.",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcpkg.enabled.markdownDescription": "Habilitar os serviços de integração para o [gerenciador de dependências vcpkg](https://aka.ms/vcpkg/).",
"c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.description": "Se for true, 'Renomear Símbolo' exigirá um identificador C/C++ válido.",
@ -34,5 +34,6 @@
"yes.button": "Sim",
"no.button": "Não",
"configurations.received": "Configurações personalizadas recebidas:",
"browse.configuration.received": "Configuração de pesquisa personalizada recebida: {0}"
"browse.configuration.received": "Configuração de pesquisa personalizada recebida: {0}",
"browse.configuration": "Custom browse configuration: {0}"
@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
"apline.containers.not.supported": "Não há suporte para os contêineres do Alpine.",
"native.binaries.not.supported": "Esta versão de {0} da extensão é incompatível com seu sistema operacional. Baixe e instale a versão \"{1}\" da extensão.",
"download.button": "Ir para a Página de Download",
"extension.installation.failed": "The C/C++ extension failed to install successfully. You will need to repair or reinstall the extension for C/C++ language features to function properly.",
"remove.extension": "Attempt to Repair",
"jason.files.missing": "The C/C++ extension failed to install successfully. You will need to reinstall the extension for C/C++ language features to function properly.",
"initialization.failed": "Falha na instalação da extensão C/C++. Para obter mais informações, confira a janela de saída.",
"updating.dependencies": "Atualizando dependências de C/C++...",
"rename.failed.delete.manually": "ERRO: o fs.rename falhou com \"{0}\". Exclua {1} manualmente para habilitar a depuração.",
@ -175,5 +175,6 @@
"parameters_label": "Parâmetros:",
"returns_label": "Retorna:",
"deprecated_label": "Preterido:",
"exceptions_label": "Exceções:"
"exceptions_label": "Exceções:",
"template_parameters_label": "Template Parameters:"
@ -22,6 +22,64 @@
"c_cpp.command.rescanWorkspace.title": "Повторное сканирование рабочей области",
"c_cpp.command.vcpkgClipboardInstallSuggested.title": "Копировать команду vcpkg install в буфер обмена",
"c_cpp.command.vcpkgOnlineHelpSuggested.title": "Посетите страницу справки по vcpkg",
"c_cpp.configuration.formatting.description": " Choose a formatting engine: clangFormat engables the clangFormat engine, vcFormat enables the vcFormat Engine, Default enables the clangFormat engine and Disabled will turn off code formatting features",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.braces.description": "Braces are indented by the amound specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.multiLineRelativeTo.description": "When a new line is typed, it is indented relatively to the outermost open parenthesis, innermost open parenthesis or to the beginning of the current statement",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preserveIndentationWithinParentheses.description": "When a new line is typed, it is aligned under the opening parenthesis or it is indented by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseLabels.description": "Labels are indented relative to switch statements by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseContents.description": "Code inside case is indented relative to its label by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseContentsWhenBlock.description": "Braces are indented relative to case statements by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.lambdaBracesWhenParameter.description": "Braces are indented relative to the start of the statement by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.gotoLabels.description": "Moves labels to the leftmost edge of the code, to the left of the current code indentation, by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting, or leaves labels at the current code indentation",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preprocessor.description": "Moves preprocessor directives to the leftmost edge of the code, moves preprocessor directives to the left of the current code indentation, by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting or leaves preprocessor directives at the current code indentation",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.accessSpecifiers.description": "Access specifiers are indented relative to class or struct definition by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.namespaceContents.description": "Code is indented relative to its enclosing namespace by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preserveComment.description": "Indentation of comments is not changed during formatting operations",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.namespace.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.type.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.function.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.block.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.scopeBracesOnSeparateLines.description": "Moves opening and closing braces on separate lines",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.lambda.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.closeBraceSameLine.emptyType.description": "For empty types, move closing braces to the same line as opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.closeBraceSameLine.emptyFunction.description": "For empty function bodies, move closing braces to the same line as opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeCatch.description": "Place 'catch' and similar keywords on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeElse.description": "Place 'else' on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeWhileInDoWhile.description": "Place 'while' in a do-while loop on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeFunctionOpenParenthesis.description": "A space is added before the opening parenthesis of a function, spaces before opening parenthesis of a function are removed or spaces are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinParameterListParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyParameterListParentheses.description": "When a list is empty, a space is inserted between its parentheses",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements.description": "A space is added before the opening parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinControlFlowStatementParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeLambdaOpenParenthesis.description": "A space is added between every lambda introducer and the argument list",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinCastParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterCastCloseParenthesis.description": "A space is added after the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinExpressionParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeBlockOpenBrace.description": "A space is added before the opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyBraces.description": "When braces are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeInitializerListOpenBrace.description": "A space is added before the opening brace",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinInitializerListBraces.description": "A space is added after the opening brace and also before the closing brace",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.preserveInInitializerList.description": "Spaces around commas are preserved",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeOpenSquareBracket.description": "A space is added before opening square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinSquareBrackets.description": "A space is added after the opening square bracket and also before the closing square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeEmptySquareBrackets.description": "When square brackets are empty, a space is added before the opening bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptySquareBrackets.description": "When square brackets are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.groupSquareBrackets.description": "For multi-dimensional arrays, all space between brackets is removed. Other settings that control space are overridden",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinLambdaBrackets.description": "A space is added after the opening square bracket and also before the closing square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyLambdaBrackets.description": " When square brackets are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeComma.description": "A space is added before every comma",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterComma.description": "A space is added after every comma",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeAroundMemberOperators.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in type declarations. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeInheritanceColon.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in constructors. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeConstructorColon.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in constructors. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeBeforeSemicolon.description": "Spaces are removed before every semicolon",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.insertAfterSemicolon.description": "Spaces are inserted after every semicolon",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeAroundUnaryOperator.description": "Spaces between unary operators and operands are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundBinaryOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundAssignmentOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.pointerReferenceAlignment.description": "Pointers and references are aligned to the left, center, right or left unchanged",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundTernaryOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.description": "Wrapping options for blocks",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.description": "Полный путь к исполняемому файлу clang-format. Если значение не указано, а clang-format доступен в пути среды, то используется clang-format. Если clang-format не найден в пути среды, будет использоваться копия clang-format, поддерживаемая расширением.",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_style.description": "Стиль кода. Сейчас поддерживаются: Visual Studio, LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit. Используйте \"file\", чтобы загрузить стиль из файла .clang-format в текущем или родительском каталоге. Используйте {ключ: значение, ...}, чтобы задать конкретные параметры. Например, стиль \"Visual Studio\" выглядит подобным образом: { BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All }",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_fallbackStyle.description": "Имя предопределенного стиля, используемое в качестве резервного варианта при вызове clang-format со стилем \"file\", однако файл clang-format не найден. Возможные значения: Visual Studio, LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit, none, либо используйте {ключ: значение, ...} для задания конкретных параметров. Например, стиль \"Visual Studio\" похож на следующий: { BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4 }",
@ -34,13 +92,13 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionOpacity.description": "Управляет непрозрачностью неактивных блоков препроцессора. Масштабируется в диапазоне от 0,1 до 1,0. Этот параметр применяется только при включенном затенении неактивной области.",
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionForegroundColor.description": "Управляет цветом шрифта для неактивных блоков препроцессора. Входные данные имеют форму шестнадцатеричного кода цвета или допустимого цвета темы. Если значение не задано, по умолчанию используется схема раскраски синтаксических конструкций из редактора. Этот параметр применяется только при включенном затенении неактивной области.",
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionBackgroundColor.description": "Управляет цветом фона для неактивных блоков препроцессора. Входные данные имеют форму шестнадцатеричного кода цвета или допустимого цвета темы. Если значение не задано, по умолчанию используется прозрачное отображение. Этот параметр применяется только при включенном затенении неактивной области.",
"c_cpp.configuration.formatting.description": "Значение Default (По умолчанию) включает форматирование кода, а значение Disabled (Отключено) отключает его.",
"c_cpp.configuration.loggingLevel.description": "Уровень детализации для журнала на панели вывода. Порядок уровней от наименее подробных к наиболее подробным: None < Error < Warning < Information < Debug.",
"c_cpp.configuration.autoAddFileAssociations.description": "Определяет, будут ли файлы автоматически добавляться в files.associations, если они являются целью операции навигации из файла C/C++.",
"c_cpp.configuration.workspaceParsingPriority.description": "Определяет, используется ли спящий режим при анализе неактивных файлов рабочей области, чтобы избежать 100-процентной загрузки ЦП. Значения \"highest/high/medium/low\" соответствуют приблизительно 100/75/50/25-процентной загрузке ЦП.",
"c_cpp.configuration.workspaceSymbols.description": "Символы, включаемые в результаты запроса при вызове функции \"Перейти к символу в рабочей области\"",
"c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.description": "Предписывает расширению использовать параметр \"files.exclude\" при определении того, какие файлы нужно добавить в базу данных навигации по коду при обходе путей в массиве \"browse.path\". \"checkFolders\" означает, что фильтры исключения будут вычисляться только один раз для папки (отдельные файлы не проверяются). \"checkFilesAndFolders\" означает, что фильтры исключения будут вычисляться для отдельных найденных файлов и папок. Если параметр \"files.exclude\" содержит только папки, то вариант \"checkFolders\" подходит лучше всего и увеличивает скорость, с которой расширение может инициализировать базу данных навигации по коду.",
"c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.description": "Символ, используемый в качестве разделителя пути для результатов автозавершения #include.",
"c_cpp.configuration.simplifyStructuredComments.description": "If true, tooltips of hover and auto-complete will only display certain labels of structured comments. Otherwise, all comments are displayed.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.string.description": "Шаблон, который начинается с многострочного или однострочного примечания. Шаблон продолжения по умолчанию имеет значение \" * \" для многострочных примечаний или соответствует этой строке для однострочных примечаний.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.object.begin.description": "Шаблон, который начинается с многострочного или однострочного примечания.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.object.continue.description": "Текст, который будет вставлен в следующую строку при нажатии клавиши ВВОД в многострочном или однострочном примечании.",
@ -48,7 +106,7 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.configurationWarnings.description": "Определяет, будут ли отображаться всплывающие уведомления, если расширение поставщика конфигурации не может предоставить конфигурацию для исходного файла.",
"c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseCachePath.description": "Определяет путь к папке для кэшированных предварительно скомпилированных заголовков, используемых IntelliSense. Путь к кэшу по умолчанию: \"%LocalAppData%/Microsoft/vscode-cpptools\" в Windows, \"$XDG_CACHE_HOME/vscode-cpptools/\" в Linux (или \"$HOME/.cache/vscode-cpptools/\", если переменная среды XDG_CACHE_HOME не определена) и \"$HOME/Library/Caches/vscode-cpptools/\" в Mac. Если путь не указан или не является допустимым, используется путь по умолчанию.",
"c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseCacheSize.description": "Максимальный размер (в мегабайтах) пространства на жестком диске для каждой рабочей области, предназначенный для кэшированных предкомпилированных заголовков; фактическое использование может колебаться в районе этого значения. Размер по умолчанию — 5120 МБ. Кэширование предкомпилированных заголовков отключено, если размер равен 0.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.includePath.description": "Значение, используемое в конфигурации, если параметр \"includePath\" не указан, или вставляемые значения, если в \"includePath\" присутствует значение \"${default}\".",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.includePath.description": "The value to use in a configuration if \"includePath\" is not specified in c_cpp_properties.json. If \"includePath\" is specified, add \"${default}\" to the array to insert the values from this setting.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.defines.description": "Значение, используемое в конфигурации, если параметр \"defines\" не указан, или вставляемые значения, если в \"defines\" присутствует значение \"${default}\".",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.macFrameworkPath.description": "Значение, используемое в конфигурации, если параметр \"macFrameworkPath\" не указан, или вставляемые значения, если в \"macFrameworkPath\" присутствует значение \"${default}\".",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.windowsSdkVersion.description": "Версия пути включения Windows SDK для использования в Windows, например \"10.0.17134.0\".",
@ -69,7 +127,7 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.updateChannel.description": "Укажите значение \"Участники программы предварительной оценки\", чтобы автоматически скачать и установить последние сборки программы предварительной оценки, включающие в себя запланированные функции и исправления ошибок.",
"c_cpp.configuration.experimentalFeatures.description": "Определяет, можно ли использовать \"экспериментальные\" функции.",
"c_cpp.configuration.suggestSnippets.description": "Если задано значение true, фрагменты кода предоставляются языковым сервером.",
"c_cpp.configuration.enhancedColorization.description": "Если этот параметр включен, код выделяется цветом на основе IntelliSense. Этот параметр не работает, если функция IntelliSense отключена или используется тема с высокой контрастностью по умолчанию.",
"c_cpp.configuration.enhancedColorization.description": "If enabled, code is colorized based on IntelliSense. This setting only applies if intelliSenseEngine is set to \"Default\".",
"c_cpp.configuration.codeFolding.description": "Если этот параметр включен, то диапазоны свертывания кода предоставляются языковым сервером.",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcpkg.enabled.markdownDescription": "Включите службы интеграции для [диспетчера зависимостей vcpkg](https://aka.ms/vcpkg/).",
"c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.description": "Если этот параметр имеет значение true, для операции \"Переименование символов\" потребуется указать допустимый идентификатор C/C++.",
@ -34,5 +34,6 @@
"yes.button": "Да",
"no.button": "Нет",
"configurations.received": "Получены пользовательские конфигурации:",
"browse.configuration.received": "Получена настраиваемая конфигурация просмотра: {0}"
"browse.configuration.received": "Получена настраиваемая конфигурация просмотра: {0}",
"browse.configuration": "Custom browse configuration: {0}"
@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
"apline.containers.not.supported": "Контейнеры Alpine не поддерживаются.",
"native.binaries.not.supported": "Версия расширения для {0} не совместима с вашей ОС. Скачайте и установите версию расширения \"{1}\".",
"download.button": "Перейти к странице скачивания",
"extension.installation.failed": "The C/C++ extension failed to install successfully. You will need to repair or reinstall the extension for C/C++ language features to function properly.",
"remove.extension": "Attempt to Repair",
"jason.files.missing": "The C/C++ extension failed to install successfully. You will need to reinstall the extension for C/C++ language features to function properly.",
"initialization.failed": "Не удалось установить расширение C/C++. Дополнительные сведения см. в окне вывода.",
"updating.dependencies": "Обновление зависимостей C/C++...",
"rename.failed.delete.manually": "Ошибка: сбой fs.rename с \"{0}\". Удалите {1} вручную, чтобы включить отладку.",
@ -175,5 +175,6 @@
"parameters_label": "Параметры:",
"returns_label": "Возвращает:",
"deprecated_label": "Нерекомендуемый:",
"exceptions_label": "Исключения:"
"exceptions_label": "Исключения:",
"template_parameters_label": "Template Parameters:"
@ -22,6 +22,64 @@
"c_cpp.command.rescanWorkspace.title": "Çalışma Alanını Yeniden Tara",
"c_cpp.command.vcpkgClipboardInstallSuggested.title": "vcpkg yükleme komutunu panoya kopyalayın",
"c_cpp.command.vcpkgOnlineHelpSuggested.title": "vcpkg yardım sayfasını ziyaret edin",
"c_cpp.configuration.formatting.description": " Choose a formatting engine: clangFormat engables the clangFormat engine, vcFormat enables the vcFormat Engine, Default enables the clangFormat engine and Disabled will turn off code formatting features",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.braces.description": "Braces are indented by the amound specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.multiLineRelativeTo.description": "When a new line is typed, it is indented relatively to the outermost open parenthesis, innermost open parenthesis or to the beginning of the current statement",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preserveIndentationWithinParentheses.description": "When a new line is typed, it is aligned under the opening parenthesis or it is indented by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseLabels.description": "Labels are indented relative to switch statements by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseContents.description": "Code inside case is indented relative to its label by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.caseContentsWhenBlock.description": "Braces are indented relative to case statements by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.lambdaBracesWhenParameter.description": "Braces are indented relative to the start of the statement by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.gotoLabels.description": "Moves labels to the leftmost edge of the code, to the left of the current code indentation, by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting, or leaves labels at the current code indentation",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preprocessor.description": "Moves preprocessor directives to the leftmost edge of the code, moves preprocessor directives to the left of the current code indentation, by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting or leaves preprocessor directives at the current code indentation",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.accessSpecifiers.description": "Access specifiers are indented relative to class or struct definition by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.namespaceContents.description": "Code is indented relative to its enclosing namespace by the amount specified in the Editor: Tab Size setting",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.indent.preserveComment.description": "Indentation of comments is not changed during formatting operations",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.namespace.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.type.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.function.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.block.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.scopeBracesOnSeparateLines.description": "Moves opening and closing braces on separate lines",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeOpenBrace.lambda.description": "Opening braces are moved to a new line, kept on the same line and a space is added before each or leaves open braces where entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.closeBraceSameLine.emptyType.description": "For empty types, move closing braces to the same line as opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.closeBraceSameLine.emptyFunction.description": "For empty function bodies, move closing braces to the same line as opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeCatch.description": "Place 'catch' and similar keywords on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeElse.description": "Place 'else' on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.newLine.beforeWhileInDoWhile.description": "Place 'while' in a do-while loop on a new line",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeFunctionOpenParenthesis.description": "A space is added before the opening parenthesis of a function, spaces before opening parenthesis of a function are removed or spaces are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinParameterListParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyParameterListParentheses.description": "When a list is empty, a space is inserted between its parentheses",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements.description": "A space is added before the opening parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinControlFlowStatementParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeLambdaOpenParenthesis.description": "A space is added between every lambda introducer and the argument list",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinCastParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterCastCloseParenthesis.description": "A space is added after the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinExpressionParentheses.description": "A space is added after the opening parenthesis and also before the closing parenthesis",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeBlockOpenBrace.description": "A space is added before the opening braces",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyBraces.description": "When braces are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeInitializerListOpenBrace.description": "A space is added before the opening brace",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinInitializerListBraces.description": "A space is added after the opening brace and also before the closing brace",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.preserveInInitializerList.description": "Spaces around commas are preserved",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeOpenSquareBracket.description": "A space is added before opening square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinSquareBrackets.description": "A space is added after the opening square bracket and also before the closing square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeEmptySquareBrackets.description": "When square brackets are empty, a space is added before the opening bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptySquareBrackets.description": "When square brackets are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.groupSquareBrackets.description": "For multi-dimensional arrays, all space between brackets is removed. Other settings that control space are overridden",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.withinLambdaBrackets.description": "A space is added after the opening square bracket and also before the closing square bracket",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.betweenEmptyLambdaBrackets.description": " When square brackets are empty, a space is inserted between them",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeComma.description": "A space is added before every comma",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.afterComma.description": "A space is added after every comma",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeAroundMemberOperators.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in type declarations. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeInheritanceColon.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in constructors. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.beforeConstructorColon.description": "If checked, a space is added before the colon in constructors. If unchecked, spaces are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeBeforeSemicolon.description": "Spaces are removed before every semicolon",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.insertAfterSemicolon.description": "Spaces are inserted after every semicolon",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.removeAroundUnaryOperator.description": "Spaces between unary operators and operands are removed",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundBinaryOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundAssignmentOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.pointerReferenceAlignment.description": "Pointers and references are aligned to the left, center, right or left unchanged",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.space.aroundTernaryOperator.description": "Spaces before and after the operator are removed, added before the operator and also after it or are left as entered",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.description": "Wrapping options for blocks",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.description": "clang-format yürütülebilir dosyasının tam yolu. Belirtilmezse ve ortam yolunda clang-format kullanılabiliyorsa, bu kullanılır. Ortam yolunda bulunmazsa, uzantı ile paketlenmiş bir clang-format kopyası kullanılır.",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_style.description": "Kodlama stili şu anda şunları destekliyor: Visual Studio, LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit. Geçerli veya üst dizindeki .clang-format dosyasından stili yüklemek için \"file\" kullanın. Belirli parametreleri ayarlamak için {anahtar: değer, ...} kullanın. Örneğin, \"Visual Studio\" stili şuna benzer: { BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All }",
"c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_fallbackStyle.description": "clang-format, \"file\" stiliyle çağrıldığında geri dönüş olarak kullanılan önceden tanımlı stilin adı, ancak .clang-format dosyası bulunamadı. Olası değerler: Visual Studio, LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit, none veya belirli parametreleri ayarlamak için {anahtar: değer, ...} kullanın. Örneğin, \"Visual Studio\" stili şuna benzer: { BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4 }",
@ -34,13 +92,13 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionOpacity.description": "Etkin olmayan ön işlemci bloklarının opaklığını denetler. 0,1 ile 1,0 arasında ölçeklendirir. Bu ayar yalnızca etkin olmayan bölge karartma etkinleştirildiğinde uygulanır.",
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionForegroundColor.description": "Etkin olmayan ön işlemci bloklarının yazı tipi renklendirmesini denetler. Giriş, onaltılık bir renk kodu şeklinde veya geçerli bir Tema Rengidir. Ayarlanmamışsa, bu ayar varsayılan olarak düzenleyicinin söz dizimi renklendirme düzeninde olur. Bu ayar yalnızca etkin olmayan bölge karartma etkinleştirildiğinde uygulanır.",
"c_cpp.configuration.inactiveRegionBackgroundColor.description": "Etkin olmayan ön işlemci bloklarının arka plan renklendirmesini denetler. Giriş, onaltılık bir renk kodu şeklinde veya geçerli bir Tema Rengidir. Ayarlanmamışsa, bu ayar varsayılan olarak saydamdır. Bu ayar yalnızca etkin olmayan bölge karartma etkinleştirildiğinde uygulanır.",
"c_cpp.configuration.formatting.description": "\"Varsayılan\", kod biçimlendirmesini etkinleştirir. \"Devre dışı\", kod biçimlendirmesini devre dışı bırakır.",
"c_cpp.configuration.loggingLevel.description": "Çıkış Panelinde günlük kaydı ayrıntı düzeyi. En az ayrıntılıdan en çok ayrıntılıya düzey sırası: None < Error < Warning < Information < Debug.",
"c_cpp.configuration.autoAddFileAssociations.description": "Dosyaların, bir C/C++ dosyasındaki gezinme işleminin hedefi olduklarında otomatik olarak files.associations öğesine eklenip eklenmeyeceğini denetler.",
"c_cpp.configuration.workspaceParsingPriority.description": "Etkin olmayan çalışma alanı dosyalarını ayrıştırma işleminin, CPU'nun %100'ünü kullanmaktan kaçınmak için uyku modunu kullanıp kullanmadığını denetler. En yüksek/yüksek/orta/düşük değerleri, yaklaşık olarak %100/75/50/25 CPU kullanımına karşılık gelir.",
"c_cpp.configuration.workspaceSymbols.description": "'Çalışma Alanındaki Sembole Git' çağrıldığında sorgu sonuçlarına eklenecek semboller",
"c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.description": "\"browse.path\" dizisindeki yollarda dolaşırken, kod gezinti veritabanına hangi dosyaların ekleneceği belirlendiği sırada uzantıya \"files.exclude\" ayarının ne zaman kullanılacağını söyler. \"checkFolders\", dışlama filtrelerinin klasör başına yalnızca bir kez değerlendirileceği anlamına gelir (dosyalar tek tek denetlenmez). \"checkFilesAndFolders\", dışlama filtrelerinin karşılaşılan her dosya ve klasöre göre değerlendirileceği anlamına gelir. \"files.exclude\" ayarınız yalnızca klasörler içeriyorsa, \"checkFolders\" en iyi seçimdir ve uzantının kod gezinti veritabanını başlatabilme hızını artırır.",
"c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.description": "#include otomatik tamamlama sonuçları için yol ayırıcısı olarak kullanılan karakter.",
"c_cpp.configuration.simplifyStructuredComments.description": "If true, tooltips of hover and auto-complete will only display certain labels of structured comments. Otherwise, all comments are displayed.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.string.description": "Çok satırlı veya tek satırlı açıklama bloğu başlatan desen. Devam deseni, çok satırlı açıklama blokları için varsayılan olarak ' * ' değerini veya tek satırlı açıklama blokları için bu dize değerini alır.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.object.begin.description": "Çok satırlı veya tek satırlı açıklama bloğu başlatan desen.",
"c_cpp.configuration.commentContinuationPatterns.items.anyof.object.continue.description": "Çok satırlı veya tek satırlı açıklama bloğu içinde ENTER tuşuna basıldığında sonraki satıra eklenecek metin.",
@ -48,7 +106,7 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.configurationWarnings.description": "Bir yapılandırma sağlayıcı uzantısı kaynak dosya için yapılandırma sağlayamadığında açılır pencere bildirimlerinin gösterilip gösterilmeyeceğini belirler.",
"c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseCachePath.description": "IntelliSense tarafından kullanılan, önbelleğe alınan önceden derlenmiş üst bilgilerin klasör yolunu tanımlar. Varsayılan önbellek yolu Windows üzerinde \"%LocalAppData%/Microsoft/vscode-cpptools\", Linux üzerinde \"$XDG_CACHE_HOME/vscode-cpptools/\" (veya XDG_CACHE_HOME tanımlanmamışsa \"$HOME/.cache/vscode-cpptools/\") ve Mac üzerinde \"$HOME/Library/Caches/vscode-cpptools/\" şeklindedir. Yol belirtilmezse veya belirtilen yol geçersizse varsayılan yol kullanılır.",
"c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseCacheSize.description": "Önbelleğe alınan önceden derlenmiş üst bilgiler için çalışma alanı başına sabit sürücü alanının megabayt cinsinden boyut üst sınırı. Gerçek kullanım bu değere yakın seyredebilir. Varsayılan boyut 5120 MB'tır. Boyut 0 olduğunda önceden derlenmiş üst bilgiyi önbelleğe alma özelliği devre dışı bırakılır.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.includePath.description": "\"includePath\" belirtilmemişse bir yapılandırmada kullanılacak değer veya \"includePath\" içinde \"${default}\" varsa eklenecek değerler.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.includePath.description": "The value to use in a configuration if \"includePath\" is not specified in c_cpp_properties.json. If \"includePath\" is specified, add \"${default}\" to the array to insert the values from this setting.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.defines.description": "\"defines\" belirtilmemişse bir yapılandırmada kullanılacak değer veya \"defines\" içinde \"${default}\" varsa eklenecek değerler.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.macFrameworkPath.description": "\"macFrameworkPath\" belirtilmemişse bir yapılandırmada kullanılacak değer veya \"macFrameworkPath\" içinde \"${default}\" varsa eklenecek değerler.",
"c_cpp.configuration.default.windowsSdkVersion.description": "Windows üzerinde kullanılacak Windows SDK ekleme yolu sürümü, ör. '10.0.17134.0'.",
@ -69,7 +127,7 @@
"c_cpp.configuration.updateChannel.description": "Uzantının, gelecek özellikleri ve hata düzeltmelerini de içeren en son Insider üyeleri derlemelerini otomatik olarak indirip yüklemek için \"Insider üyeleri\" olarak ayarlayın.",
"c_cpp.configuration.experimentalFeatures.description": "\"Deneysel\" özelliklerin kullanılabilir olup olmadığını denetler.",
"c_cpp.configuration.suggestSnippets.description": "Değer true ise, kod parçacıkları dil sunucusu tarafından sağlanır.",
"c_cpp.configuration.enhancedColorization.description": "Etkinleştirilirse, kod IntelliSense'e göre renklendirilir. IntelliSense devre dışı bırakılmışsa veya Varsayılan Yüksek Karşıtlık teması kullanılıyorsa bu ayarın bir etkisi olmaz.",
"c_cpp.configuration.enhancedColorization.description": "If enabled, code is colorized based on IntelliSense. This setting only applies if intelliSenseEngine is set to \"Default\".",
"c_cpp.configuration.codeFolding.description": "Etkinleştirilirse, kod katlama aralıkları dil sunucusu tarafından sağlanır.",
"c_cpp.configuration.vcpkg.enabled.markdownDescription": "[vcpkg bağımlılık yöneticisi](https://aka.ms/vcpkg/) için tümleştirme hizmetlerini etkinleştirin.",
"c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.description": "True ise, 'Sembolü Yeniden Adlandır' işlemi için geçerli bir C/C++ tanımlayıcısı gerekir.",
@ -34,5 +34,6 @@
"yes.button": "Evet",
"no.button": "Hayır",
"configurations.received": "Alınan özel yapılandırmalar:",
"browse.configuration.received": "Özel gözatma yapılandırması alındı: {0}"
"browse.configuration.received": "Özel gözatma yapılandırması alındı: {0}",
"browse.configuration": "Custom browse configuration: {0}"
@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
"apline.containers.not.supported": "Alpine kapsayıcıları desteklenmiyor.",
"native.binaries.not.supported": "Uzantının bu {0} sürümü, işletim sisteminizle uyumsuz. Lütfen uzantının \"{1}\" sürümünü indirip yükleyin.",
"download.button": "İndirmeler Sayfasına Git",
"extension.installation.failed": "The C/C++ extension failed to install successfully. You will need to repair or reinstall the extension for C/C++ language features to function properly.",
"remove.extension": "Attempt to Repair",
"jason.files.missing": "The C/C++ extension failed to install successfully. You will need to reinstall the extension for C/C++ language features to function properly.",
"initialization.failed": "C/C++ uzantısının yüklenmesi başarısız oldu. Daha fazla bilgi için lütfen çıkış penceresine bakın.",
"updating.dependencies": "C/C++ bağımlılıkları güncelleştiriliyor...",
"rename.failed.delete.manually": "HATA: fs.rename, \"{0}\" ile başarısız oldu. Hata ayıklamayı etkinleştirmek için {1} dosyasını kendiniz silin.",
@ -175,5 +175,6 @@
"parameters_label": "Parametreler:",
"returns_label": "Şunu döndürür:",
"deprecated_label": "Kullanım dışı:",
"exceptions_label": "Özel durumlar:"
"exceptions_label": "Özel durumlar:",
"template_parameters_label": "Template Parameters:"
Ссылка в новой задаче