2018-08-17 03:17:28 +03:00
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.md in the project root for license information.
2016-10-20 07:25:54 +03:00
import vscode = require('vscode');
2018-09-01 04:57:32 +03:00
import { IActionContext } from 'vscode-azureextensionui';
2018-09-01 02:19:53 +03:00
import { configurationKeys } from '../constants';
2018-09-04 21:29:37 +03:00
import { ImageNode } from '../explorer/models/imageNode';
import { RootNode } from '../explorer/models/rootNode';
2018-09-05 09:23:07 +03:00
import { delay } from '../explorer/utils/utils';
2018-09-01 02:19:53 +03:00
import { ext } from '../extensionVariables';
2018-09-18 21:32:34 +03:00
import { extractRegExGroups } from '../helpers/extractRegExGroups';
2018-07-18 02:42:00 +03:00
import { docker } from './utils/docker-endpoint';
import { ImageItem, quickPickImage } from './utils/quick-pick-image';
2017-09-15 04:25:19 +03:00
2018-09-04 21:29:37 +03:00
export async function tagImage(actionContext: IActionContext, context: ImageNode | RootNode | IHasImageDescriptorAndLabel | undefined): Promise<string> {
// If a RootNode or no node is passed in, we ask the user to pick an image
2018-09-05 02:06:04 +03:00
let [imageToTag, currentName] = await getOrAskForImageAndTag(actionContext, context instanceof RootNode ? undefined : context);
2016-10-20 07:25:54 +03:00
2018-09-01 02:19:53 +03:00
if (imageToTag) {
2018-09-01 04:57:32 +03:00
addImageTaggingTelemetry(actionContext, currentName, '.before');
let newTaggedName: string = await getTagFromUserInput(currentName, true);
addImageTaggingTelemetry(actionContext, newTaggedName, '.after');
2018-09-01 02:19:53 +03:00
2018-09-01 04:57:32 +03:00
let repo: string = newTaggedName;
2018-09-01 02:19:53 +03:00
let tag: string = 'latest';
2018-09-01 04:57:32 +03:00
if (newTaggedName.lastIndexOf(':') > 0) {
repo = newTaggedName.slice(0, newTaggedName.lastIndexOf(':'));
tag = newTaggedName.slice(newTaggedName.lastIndexOf(':') + 1);
2017-08-11 09:17:33 +03:00
2016-10-20 07:25:54 +03:00
2018-09-01 02:19:53 +03:00
const image: Docker.Image = docker.getImage(imageToTag.Id);
2018-09-08 00:46:30 +03:00
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-function-expression no-any // Grandfathered in
image.tag({ repo: repo, tag: tag }, function (err: { message?: string }, _data: any): void {
2018-09-01 02:19:53 +03:00
if (err) {
// TODO: use parseError, proper error handling
vscode.window.showErrorMessage('Docker Tag error: ' + err.message);
2018-09-01 04:57:32 +03:00
return newTaggedName;
2017-08-11 09:17:33 +03:00
2018-09-01 02:19:53 +03:00
2016-10-25 02:40:34 +03:00
2018-09-05 02:06:04 +03:00
export async function getTagFromUserInput(imageName: string, addDefaultRegistry: boolean): Promise<string> {
2018-09-01 02:19:53 +03:00
const configOptions: vscode.WorkspaceConfiguration = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('docker');
const defaultRegistryPath = configOptions.get(configurationKeys.defaultRegistryPath, '');
2016-10-25 02:40:34 +03:00
2018-09-01 02:19:53 +03:00
let opt: vscode.InputBoxOptions = {
ignoreFocusOut: true,
prompt: 'Tag image as...',
2018-09-05 02:06:04 +03:00
if (addDefaultRegistry) {
2018-09-01 04:36:39 +03:00
let registryLength: number = imageName.indexOf('/');
if (defaultRegistryPath.length > 0 && registryLength < 0) {
imageName = defaultRegistryPath + '/' + imageName;
registryLength = defaultRegistryPath.length;
2018-09-05 02:06:04 +03:00
opt.valueSelection = registryLength < 0 ? undefined : [0, registryLength + 1]; //include the '/'
2018-09-01 04:36:39 +03:00
opt.value = imageName;
2017-08-11 09:17:33 +03:00
2018-09-01 02:19:53 +03:00
const nameWithTag: string = await ext.ui.showInputBox(opt);
return nameWithTag;
2016-10-20 07:25:54 +03:00
2018-09-01 02:19:53 +03:00
export interface IHasImageDescriptorAndLabel {
imageDesc: Docker.ImageDesc,
label: string
2017-08-11 09:17:33 +03:00
2018-09-05 02:06:04 +03:00
export async function getOrAskForImageAndTag(actionContext: IActionContext, context: IHasImageDescriptorAndLabel | undefined): Promise<[Docker.ImageDesc, string]> {
2018-09-01 02:19:53 +03:00
let name: string;
let description: Docker.ImageDesc;
2017-08-11 09:17:33 +03:00
2018-09-01 02:19:53 +03:00
if (context && context.imageDesc) {
description = context.imageDesc;
name = context.label;
} else {
2018-09-05 02:06:04 +03:00
const selectedItem: ImageItem = await quickPickImage(actionContext, false);
2018-09-01 02:19:53 +03:00
if (selectedItem) {
description = selectedItem.imageDesc
name = selectedItem.label;
2017-08-11 09:17:33 +03:00
2018-09-01 02:19:53 +03:00
2018-09-05 09:23:07 +03:00
// Temporary work-around for vscode bug where valueSelection can be messed up if a quick pick is followed by a showInputBox
await delay(500);
2018-07-14 00:16:56 +03:00
2018-09-01 02:19:53 +03:00
return [description, name];
2018-07-07 02:49:46 +03:00
2018-09-01 04:57:32 +03:00
const KnownRegistries: { type: string, regex: RegExp }[] = [
2018-09-05 03:16:37 +03:00
// Like username/path
{ type: 'dockerhub-namespace', regex: /^[^.:]+\/[^.:]+\/$/ },
2018-09-01 04:57:32 +03:00
{ type: 'dockerhub-dockerio', regex: /^docker.io.*\// },
{ type: 'gitlab', regex: /gitlab.*\// },
{ type: 'ACR', regex: /azurecr\.io.*\// },
{ type: 'GCR', regex: /gcr\.io.*\// },
{ type: 'ECR', regex: /\.ecr\..*\// },
{ type: 'localhost', regex: /localhost:.*\// },
// Has a port, probably a private registry
{ type: 'privateWithPort', regex: /:[0-9]+\// },
// Match anything remaining
{ type: 'other', regex: /\// }, // has a slash
{ type: 'none', regex: /./ } // no slash
export function addImageTaggingTelemetry(actionContext: IActionContext, fullImageName: string, propertyPostfix: '.before' | '.after' | ''): void {
try {
let defaultRegistryPath: string = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('docker').get('defaultRegistryPath', '');
let properties: {
numSlashes?: string;
hasTag?: string;
isDefaultRegistryPathSet?: string; // docker.defaultRegistryPath has a value
isDefaultRegistryPathInName?: string; // image name starts with defaultRegistryPath
safeTag?: string;
registryType?: string;
} = {};
let [repository, tag] = extractRegExGroups(fullImageName, /^(.*):(.*)$/, [fullImageName, '']);
if (!!tag.match(/^[0-9.-]*(|alpha|beta|latest|edge|v|version)?[0-9.-]*$/)) {
properties.safeTag = tag
properties.hasTag = String(!!tag);
properties.numSlashes = String(numberMatches(repository.match(/\//g)));
properties.isDefaultRegistryPathInName = String(repository.startsWith(`${defaultRegistryPath}/`));
properties.isDefaultRegistryPathSet = String(!!defaultRegistryPath);
let knownRegistry = KnownRegistries.find(kr => !!repository.match(kr.regex));
properties.registryType = knownRegistry.type;
for (let propertyName of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(properties)) {
2018-09-07 21:27:11 +03:00
actionContext.properties[propertyName + propertyPostfix] = <string>properties[propertyName];
2018-09-01 04:57:32 +03:00
} catch (error) {
function numberMatches(matches: RegExpMatchArray | null): number {
return matches ? matches.length : 0;