/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.md in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import { getExposeStatements, IPlatformGeneratorInfo, PackageInfo } from './configure'; export let configureNode: IPlatformGeneratorInfo = { genDockerFile, genDockerCompose, genDockerComposeDebug, defaultPort: '3000' }; function genDockerFile(serviceNameAndRelativePath: string, platform: string, os: string | undefined, port: string, { cmd, author, version, artifactName }: Partial): string { let exposeStatements = getExposeStatements(port); return `FROM node:10.13-alpine ENV NODE_ENV production WORKDIR /usr/src/app COPY ["package.json", "package-lock.json*", "npm-shrinkwrap.json*", "./"] RUN npm install --production --silent && mv node_modules ../ COPY . . ${exposeStatements} CMD ${cmd}`; } function genDockerCompose(serviceNameAndRelativePath: string, platform: string, os: string | undefined, port: string): string { return `version: '2.1' services: ${serviceNameAndRelativePath}: image: ${serviceNameAndRelativePath} build: . environment: NODE_ENV: production ports: - ${port}:${port}`; } function genDockerComposeDebug(serviceNameAndRelativePath: string, platform: string, os: string | undefined, port: string, { fullCommand: cmd }: Partial): string { const cmdArray: string[] = cmd.split(' '); if (cmdArray[0].toLowerCase() === 'node') { cmdArray.splice(1, 0, '--inspect='); cmd = `command: ${cmdArray.join(' ')}`; } else { cmd = '## set your startup file here\n command: node --inspect index.js'; } return `version: '2.1' services: ${serviceNameAndRelativePath}: image: ${serviceNameAndRelativePath} build: . environment: NODE_ENV: development ports: - ${port}:${port} - 9229:9229 ${cmd}`; }